New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Once again...for you REALLY slow people...the shit didn't hit the fan on 9/11 over a disrespectful hit the fan because an Al Queda affiliated terror group attacked our Consulate and we were woefully unprepared to deal with it! Duh? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, woefully unprepared is your boy Bush saying "Well, you've covered your ass" when the CIA told him Bin Laden was going to hit the US.

Woefully unprepared is Bush invading Iraq with 130K men when his Generals told him he'd need 500K to pacify the country.

Woefully unprepared is Bush sitting on the ranch when Katrina was bearing down on a major city.

But Bush was white, and rich. So how dare we talk about those things.

But, man, that shiftless negro not being prepared when a mob attacks an embassy. That's totally worthy of two years of investiagations and scrutinizing who changed a word in an e-mail after the fact.

Once again...for you REALLY slow people...the shit didn't hit the fan on 9/11 over a disrespectful hit the fan because an Al Queda affiliated terror group attacked our Consulate and we were woefully unprepared to deal with it! Duh? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, woefully unprepared is your boy Bush saying "Well, you've covered your ass" when the CIA told him Bin Laden was going to hit the US.

Woefully unprepared is Bush invading Iraq with 130K men when his Generals told him he'd need 500K to pacify the country.

Woefully unprepared is Bush sitting on the ranch when Katrina was bearing down on a major city.

But Bush was white, and rich. So how dare we talk about those things.

But, man, that shiftless negro not being prepared when a mob attacks an embassy. That's totally worthy of two years of investiagations and scrutinizing who changed a word in an e-mail after the fact.
If you can't make the distinction between incompetence and race you are obviously racist in addition to being off your rocker. If you had any insight into your problems you would understand.
More useless and wasteful and costly investigations on this than Congress actually had for the 2001 9/11 tragedy....that's how you know ALL OF THIS is just for political poop....

They don't care about Stevens or the other fine men killed....this is OBVIOUS....this is ONLY about trying to nail the President for something they have imagined and conjured up themselves...

I'm sorry that is exactly as it looks...

I hate the way the right wing is using Stevens and the others killed the way they are...I feel sorry for the dead and their families and think decent humans beings would leave them out of this political circle jerk....but noooooooooo, no such decent people around on the right, not any more...a sad sad sad situation....

Once again...for you REALLY slow people...the shit didn't hit the fan on 9/11 over a disrespectful hit the fan because an Al Queda affiliated terror group attacked our Consulate and we were woefully unprepared to deal with it! Duh? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, woefully unprepared is your boy Bush saying "Well, you've covered your ass" when the CIA told him Bin Laden was going to hit the US.

Woefully unprepared is Bush invading Iraq with 130K men when his Generals told him he'd need 500K to pacify the country.

Woefully unprepared is Bush sitting on the ranch when Katrina was bearing down on a major city.

But Bush was white, and rich. So how dare we talk about those things.

But, man, that shiftless negro not being prepared when a mob attacks an embassy. That's totally worthy of two years of investiagations and scrutinizing who changed a word in an e-mail after the fact.


9-11 was planned under Clintons watch. Hell. One of his FBI agents, John O'Neil, was screaming bloody murder. He couldn't get anyone to listen to him.

Bush was in office for eight months when before 9-11 and you can bet your sweet ass that Clintons on his knees every night thanking God those dirtbags waited that eight months.

As for Katrina, you might want to throw the blame right where it belongs at the State and local level.

BTW Katrina, Iraq and 9-11 have nothing to do with Barry's adminstration, Hilbat and their total incompetency and the deaths at Benghazi. Hell. Barry had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser the next day. That should tell anyone with a brain cell how important the death of one of his ambassadors was to him. Not very. Certainly not as important as his fundraiser and his run for re-election.

As for your "shiftless Negro" comment. Bullshit. He's incompetant no matter what color the asshole is.
More useless and wasteful and costly investigations on this than Congress actually had for the 2001 9/11 tragedy....that's how you know ALL OF THIS is just for political poop....

They don't care about Stevens or the other fine men killed....this is OBVIOUS....this is ONLY about trying to nail the President for something they have imagined and conjured up themselves...

I'm sorry that is exactly as it looks...

I hate the way the right wing is using Stevens and the others killed the way they are...I feel sorry for the dead and their families and think decent humans beings would leave them out of this political circle jerk....but noooooooooo, no such decent people around on the right, not any more...a sad sad sad situation....
How fucking sick are you????? Four people died and our president LIED about it so he could get elected! You fascists will forgive your tyrant anything wont you?

Once again...for you REALLY slow people...the shit didn't hit the fan on 9/11 over a disrespectful hit the fan because an Al Queda affiliated terror group attacked our Consulate and we were woefully unprepared to deal with it! Duh? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, woefully unprepared is your boy Bush saying "Well, you've covered your ass" when the CIA told him Bin Laden was going to hit the US.

Woefully unprepared is Bush invading Iraq with 130K men when his Generals told him he'd need 500K to pacify the country.

Woefully unprepared is Bush sitting on the ranch when Katrina was bearing down on a major city.

But Bush was white, and rich. So how dare we talk about those things.

But, man, that shiftless negro not being prepared when a mob attacks an embassy. That's totally worthy of two years of investiagations and scrutinizing who changed a word in an e-mail after the fact.

They changed more than a word......but facts don't matter to Joe.

Joe's simply a fake, who parrots every lib talking point that's given to him.

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I don't care if Obama was beating off or sleeping during the attack. He gave an order to the military do whatever they have to, help our people there. So if you believe things were not done properly, then take it up with the military, unless you're a chicken shit coward.

Cold you please link us up to that supposed order...Thank you in advance! :badgrin:

Link to the actual order??? Would you like a youtube video in order to PROVE that the president said this? I'll work on it....

How about Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's congressional testimony on Benghazi???

Panetta made it clear that Obama ordered Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey and himself to take all necessary action to protect Americans under attack.

During the hearing, when Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) asked Panetta about conversations he had had with the president during the attack, Panetta testified, "We had just picked up the information that something was happening, that there was an apparent attack going on in Benghazi. And I informed the president of that fact, and he at that point directed both myself and General Dempsey to do everything we needed to do to try to protect lives there." Panetta later reiterated, "[Obama] basically said, 'Do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people there.' "

Will congressional testimony from the Defense Secretary suffice or do I need to pull up the youtube vid? Also, I'll try to accommodate you further by finding a suitable right-wing-nut-job source, so that you don't start bawling.....
1. Bush knew there was a threat, but everyone knew there was. The problem is nobody expected them to fly jets into buildings. That's a little drastic, don't you think? This forced us to change security at airports and to change our policy on shooting down highjacked airliners. Well, have we had another 911 since? Huh? Well, yes.....Obama had one, but it wasn't airliners, it was consulates under attack. We've done this before. Remember the Iranian hostage crisis? Wasn't is stupid for Obama and the State Department to relax security even though that consulate already had been bombed?

2. When it comes to Iraq; Donald Rumsfeld: "It isn't a matter of money. It isn't a matter on the part of the army of desire. It's a matter of production and capability of doing it. As you know, ah, you go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.---You can have all the armor in the world on a tank and it can (still) be blown up..."
Fact is, massive numbers only means more body-bags getting filled. Stick to paper pushing Joe. That's all you're good at.

3. Bush wasn't sitting on a ranch. He was flying in Air Force One. He had alerted everyone about the possibilities. The only thing everyone could do was prepare and pray. Of course LA decided to ignore his warnings, and the rest is history.

4. Bush was white and rich. Obama is black and rich. What does that have to do with it?

5. Obama wasn't prepared, the White House panicked, they felt this all looked bad, and they tried to lie their way out of it. It's as simple as that. Looking back they now realize that they would have been better off just telling the truth.

I don't care if Obama was beating off or sleeping during the attack. He gave an order to the military do whatever they have to, help our people there. So if you believe things were not done properly, then take it up with the military, unless you're a chicken shit coward.

What if the order he gave was, "Get ready but don't act unless I give the go-ahead"?

He told them to do whatever they needed to do, then told them he was gonna crash. He needed to fly to Vegas in the morning.

I don't care if Obama was beating off or sleeping during the attack. He gave an order to the military do whatever they have to, help our people there. So if you believe things were not done properly, then take it up with the military, unless you're a chicken shit coward.

What if the order he gave was, "Get ready but don't act unless I give the go-ahead"?

He told them to do whatever they needed to do, then told them he was gonna crash. He needed to fly to Vegas in the morning.

I could have sworn the general for that arena testified that he got no order.

Once again...for you REALLY slow people...the shit didn't hit the fan on 9/11 over a disrespectful hit the fan because an Al Queda affiliated terror group attacked our Consulate and we were woefully unprepared to deal with it! Duh? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, woefully unprepared is your boy Bush saying "Well, you've covered your ass" when the CIA told him Bin Laden was going to hit the US.

Woefully unprepared is Bush invading Iraq with 130K men when his Generals told him he'd need 500K to pacify the country.

Woefully unprepared is Bush sitting on the ranch when Katrina was bearing down on a major city.

But Bush was white, and rich. So how dare we talk about those things.

But, man, that shiftless negro not being prepared when a mob attacks an embassy. That's totally worthy of two years of investiagations and scrutinizing who changed a word in an e-mail after the fact.

A mob attacks an embassy? You still running with that bullshit?


Its a sad day when the person you believe to be telling the truth is the Libyan President and not that bitch but American none the less.
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I don't care if Obama was beating off or sleeping during the attack. He gave an order to the military do whatever they have to, help our people there. So if you believe things were not done properly, then take it up with the military, unless you're a chicken shit coward.

Cold you please link us up to that supposed order...Thank you in advance! :badgrin:

Link to the actual order??? Would you like a youtube video in order to PROVE that the president said this? I'll work on it....

How about Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's congressional testimony on Benghazi???

Panetta made it clear that Obama ordered Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey and himself to take all necessary action to protect Americans under attack.

During the hearing, when Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) asked Panetta about conversations he had had with the president during the attack, Panetta testified, "We had just picked up the information that something was happening, that there was an apparent attack going on in Benghazi. And I informed the president of that fact, and he at that point directed both myself and General Dempsey to do everything we needed to do to try to protect lives there." Panetta later reiterated, "[Obama] basically said, 'Do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people there.' "
Will congressional testimony from the Defense Secretary suffice or do I need to pull up the youtube vid? Also, I'll try to accommodate you further by finding a suitable right-wing-nut-job source, so that you don't start bawling.....

Interestingly enough though, the lives that were supposed to be saved, weren't. The FAST teams were ordered to Tripoli, not Benghazi. You know, the teams that were supposed to "save lives"? That was according to the AFRICOM general in HIS congressional testimony. Four men died that day, including our ambassador, which was an unacceptable loss.

Moreover, just so we don't think this order from the president gives any of you leverage in this debate, Panetta himself said the attack was not motivated by a video. He knew right off it was a terrorist attack, and not a spontaneous uprising.
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1. Bush knew there was a threat, but everyone knew there was. The problem is nobody expected them to fly jets into buildings. That's a little drastic, don't you think? This forced us to change security at airports and to change our policy on shooting down highjacked airliners. Well, have we had another 911 since? Huh? Well, yes.....Obama had one, but it wasn't airliners, it was consulates under attack. We've done this before. Remember the Iranian hostage crisis? Wasn't is stupid for Obama and the State Department to relax security even though that consulate already had been bombed?

The August 6 PDB SPECIFICALLY mentioned hijacking Airliners as a possibility. And, no, obviously, we haven't have another 9-11 because we replaced minimum wage rent-a-cops with the TSA, put steel doors on the airliner cockpits. Things Clinton wanted to do, but the Airlines lobbied the REpublican Congress against because it would cut into their profits. The main reason why AL Qaeda hasn't tried that tactic again was that Flight 93 the passengers attacked the hijackers. So the tactic became obsolete the day it was carried out.

And, yes, it was pretty stupid for the GOP Congress to cut 300 million from Embassy Security when they knew embassies were being attacked.

2. When it comes to Iraq; Donald Rumsfeld: "It isn't a matter of money. It isn't a matter on the part of the army of desire. It's a matter of production and capability of doing it. As you know, ah, you go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.---You can have all the armor in the world on a tank and it can (still) be blown up..."
Fact is, massive numbers only means more body-bags getting filled. Stick to paper pushing Joe. That's all you're good at.

Hey, guy, the reason I pushed paper is unlike some of you, I can do math.

Bush and Rummy were told by the Generals that they didn't have enough troops. So they really, really should have thought twice about going into that war, considering

1) Most of the Allies weren't on board or were opposed.
2) We really didn't know for sure that Iraq had WMD's.
3) We didn't let the inspectors finish their job
4) We actually WERE fighting another war in Afghanistan that was kind of a higher priority.

I could fill PAGES here about every other logistical, tactical and political fuckup Bush and company engaged in after the invasion before Petreaus went in and allowed Bush to save face. But, no, no, we need to focus on who changed a word in a memo. That's the important thing.

3. Bush wasn't sitting on a ranch. He was flying in Air Force One. He had alerted everyone about the possibilities. The only thing everyone could do was prepare and pray. Of course LA decided to ignore his warnings, and the rest is history.

Well you mean appointing the Horse Show guy to run FEMA was a heckuva job, eh? Point was, Bush replaced all the folks who knew what they were doing at FEMA with hacks, who pretty much screwed it up. Let's not forget, part of the whole reason Bush created this monster called "Homeland Security" was to be able to deal with disasters like this.

4. Bush was white and rich. Obama is black and rich. What does that have to do with it?

YOu mean other than how Obama being black and in the white house makes you nutz?

5. Obama wasn't prepared, the White House panicked, they felt this all looked bad, and they tried to lie their way out of it. It's as simple as that. Looking back they now realize that they would have been better off just telling the truth.

They did tell the truth. They just didn't think you guys would be all obsessed with conspiracy theories to the point where you'd go nuts over e-mails.
More useless and wasteful and costly investigations on this than Congress actually had for the 2001 9/11 tragedy....that's how you know ALL OF THIS is just for political poop....

They don't care about Stevens or the other fine men killed....this is OBVIOUS....this is ONLY about trying to nail the President for something they have imagined and conjured up themselves...

I'm sorry that is exactly as it looks...

I hate the way the right wing is using Stevens and the others killed the way they are...I feel sorry for the dead and their families and think decent humans beings would leave them out of this political circle jerk....but noooooooooo, no such decent people around on the right, not any more...a sad sad sad situation....

They don't care about Stevens or the other fine men killed....this is OBVIOUS....this is ONLY about trying to nail the President for something they have imagined and conjured up themselves...
Sorry we do. Why would we still be talking about it a year and a half later? Calling us crazy doesn't win you any points, miss.
More useless and wasteful and costly investigations on this than Congress actually had for the 2001 9/11 tragedy....that's how you know ALL OF THIS is just for political poop....

They don't care about Stevens or the other fine men killed....this is OBVIOUS....this is ONLY about trying to nail the President for something they have imagined and conjured up themselves...

I'm sorry that is exactly as it looks...

I hate the way the right wing is using Stevens and the others killed the way they are...I feel sorry for the dead and their families and think decent humans beings would leave them out of this political circle jerk....but noooooooooo, no such decent people around on the right, not any more...a sad sad sad situation....
How fucking sick are you????? Four people died and our president LIED about it so he could get elected! You fascists will forgive your tyrant anything wont you?

3000 people died on 9/11.
5000 people died in Iraq over weapons that never existed.

You guys don't seem to care about those things.
More useless and wasteful and costly investigations on this than Congress actually had for the 2001 9/11 tragedy....that's how you know ALL OF THIS is just for political poop....

They don't care about Stevens or the other fine men killed....this is OBVIOUS....this is ONLY about trying to nail the President for something they have imagined and conjured up themselves...

I'm sorry that is exactly as it looks...

I hate the way the right wing is using Stevens and the others killed the way they are...I feel sorry for the dead and their families and think decent humans beings would leave them out of this political circle jerk....but noooooooooo, no such decent people around on the right, not any more...a sad sad sad situation....
How fucking sick are you????? Four people died and our president LIED about it so he could get elected! You fascists will forgive your tyrant anything wont you?

3000 people died on 9/11.
5000 people died in Iraq over weapons that never existed.

You guys don't seem to care about those things.

None of those where lied about so Bush could get elected you ignorant hack.
Once again.....the left points to 4000 dead. They forget about the 1961 dead under Obama's watch.

To be honest, in every military operation you have deaths. Even sometimes during practice. The practice for 'D' Day killed 4000. Considering our history, we've been at war for over 13 years and we're lucky to keep the numbers low.

When I was at Ft Bragg somebody died every week. No bullets were flying. Shit happens. Not with liberals. Every death was important while Bush was president, but they're quickly forgotten under Obama. Who cares that 600,000 of our vets have to wait for months upon months to see a doctor or receive the treatment they need. (When he became president the backlog was only 11,000) Who cares that in an Arizona VA hospital 40 of them died waiting to be treated. Who gives a damn about them now? Sure as shit isn't the left.
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