New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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How fucking sick are you????? Four people died and our president LIED about it so he could get elected! You fascists will forgive your tyrant anything wont you?

3000 people died on 9/11.
5000 people died in Iraq over weapons that never existed.

You guys don't seem to care about those things.

None of those where lied about so Bush could get elected you ignorant hack.

Bush milked Iraq and the GWOT for every ounce he could to get re-elected in 2004. Where the fuck were you. The guy pretty much held his convention on top of the ruined towers.

That's when he wasn't comparing a triple amputee (Max Cleland) to Bin Laden and Saddam when Cleland suggested that maybe we shouldn't scrap workers rights in reorganizing DHS.

and don't you dare ask any questions about how badly he screwed it up. You're either with us or with the terrorist!
Once again.....the left points to 4000 dead. They forget about the 1961 dead under Obama's watch.

To be honest, in every military operation you have deaths. Even sometimes during practice. The practice for 'D' Day killed 4000. Considering our history, we've been at war for over 13 years and we're lucky to keep the numbers low.

When I was at Ft Bragg somebody died every week. No bullets were flying. Shit happens. Not with liberals. Every death was important while Bush was president, but they're quickly forgotten under Obama. Who cares that 600,000 of our vets have to wait for months upon months to see a doctor or receive the treatment they need. (When he became president the backlog was only 11,000) Who cares that in an Arizona VA hospital 40 of them died waiting to be treated. Who gives a damn about them now? Sure as shit isn't the left.

Wow, guy, another math challenged argument.

When he became president, those guys were still in service. Now they are veterans and the VA's problem.

Of course, those guys wouldn't need treatment if we hadn't gone into an unnecessary war in Iraq and botched the war in Afghanistan.

But hey, someone said there was a demonstration and maybe there wasn't a demonstration. That's the important thing.
I don't care if Obama was beating off or sleeping during the attack. He gave an order to the military do whatever they have to, help our people there. So if you believe things were not done properly, then take it up with the military, unless you're a chicken shit coward.

Cold you please link us up to that supposed order...Thank you in advance! :badgrin:

Link to the actual order??? Would you like a youtube video in order to PROVE that the president said this? I'll work on it....

How about Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's congressional testimony on Benghazi???

Panetta made it clear that Obama ordered Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey and himself to take all necessary action to protect Americans under attack.

During the hearing, when Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) asked Panetta about conversations he had had with the president during the attack, Panetta testified, "We had just picked up the information that something was happening, that there was an apparent attack going on in Benghazi. And I informed the president of that fact, and he at that point directed both myself and General Dempsey to do everything we needed to do to try to protect lives there." Panetta later reiterated, "[Obama] basically said, 'Do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people there.' "

Will congressional testimony from the Defense Secretary suffice or do I need to pull up the youtube vid? Also, I'll try to accommodate you further by finding a suitable right-wing-nut-job source, so that you don't start bawling.....

And what exactly did Panetta DO?
The August 6 PDB SPECIFICALLY mentioned hijacking Airliners as a possibility. And, no, obviously, we haven't have another 9-11 because we replaced minimum wage rent-a-cops with the TSA, put steel doors on the airliner cockpits. Things Clinton wanted to do, but the Airlines lobbied the REpublican Congress against because it would cut into their profits. The main reason why AL Qaeda hasn't tried that tactic again was that Flight 93 the passengers attacked the hijackers. So the tactic became obsolete the day it was carried out. ...

I'll never forget Condi Rice's testimony about that PDB, saying "No one could have imagined anyone using a plane as a missile."

That just blew me away when I heard it.
The August 6 PDB SPECIFICALLY mentioned hijacking Airliners as a possibility. And, no, obviously, we haven't have another 9-11 because we replaced minimum wage rent-a-cops with the TSA, put steel doors on the airliner cockpits. Things Clinton wanted to do, but the Airlines lobbied the REpublican Congress against because it would cut into their profits. The main reason why AL Qaeda hasn't tried that tactic again was that Flight 93 the passengers attacked the hijackers. So the tactic became obsolete the day it was carried out. ...

I'll never forget Condi Rice's testimony about that PDB, saying "No one could have imagined anyone using a plane as a missile."

That just blew me away when I heard it.

It does seem to indicate a lack of imagination.
[]Sorry we do. Why would we still be talking about it a year and a half later? Calling us crazy doesn't win you any points, miss.

Why would you be talking about it a year later.

Hmmm. Unemployment is down to 6.3% and ObamaCare is meeting its enrollment goals.

You need something to keep the crazies lapping upthe Hate Radio.

Unemployment isn't a reliable indicator of the economy, especially because it refuses to account for those who ether can't work or won't work. 92 million Americans are out of the workforce. That's almost a 3rd of the population.

We had almost no growth. They had to fudge the numbers to get even that. It takes 270k jobs per month to keep up with population growth, so we're barely treading water. We're falling behind on all of the people that can't find work and have given up.

I've already shown a link to a website that Obama is using to enroll illegals. He got his numbers by tricking them into thinking they were getting a passport to stay in this country. But okay, let's assume he got 8 million to sign up. According to the insurance companies 20% of them haven't paid. So subtract 20% from 8 million, what do you get?

What is 20% of 8million? 1.6 million.
Subtract 1.6 million from 8 million gives us only 6.4 million.

The goal was 7 million. Guess Obama lied again.
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Once again.....the left points to 4000 dead. They forget about the 1961 dead under Obama's watch.

To be honest, in every military operation you have deaths. Even sometimes during practice. The practice for 'D' Day killed 4000. Considering our history, we've been at war for over 13 years and we're lucky to keep the numbers low.

When I was at Ft Bragg somebody died every week. No bullets were flying. Shit happens. Not with liberals. Every death was important while Bush was president, but they're quickly forgotten under Obama. Who cares that 600,000 of our vets have to wait for months upon months to see a doctor or receive the treatment they need. (When he became president the backlog was only 11,000) Who cares that in an Arizona VA hospital 40 of them died waiting to be treated. Who gives a damn about them now? Sure as shit isn't the left.

Wow, guy, another math challenged argument.

When he became president, those guys were still in service. Now they are veterans and the VA's problem.

Of course, those guys wouldn't need treatment if we hadn't gone into an unnecessary war in Iraq and botched the war in Afghanistan.

But hey, someone said there was a demonstration and maybe there wasn't a demonstration. That's the important thing.

The important thing is that Obama lied about a terrorist attack and instructed his minions to lie

Once again...for you REALLY slow people...the shit didn't hit the fan on 9/11 over a disrespectful hit the fan because an Al Queda affiliated terror group attacked our Consulate and we were woefully unprepared to deal with it! Duh? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, woefully unprepared is your boy Bush saying "Well, you've covered your ass" when the CIA told him Bin Laden was going to hit the US.

Woefully unprepared is Bush invading Iraq with 130K men when his Generals told him he'd need 500K to pacify the country.

Woefully unprepared is Bush sitting on the ranch when Katrina was bearing down on a major city.

But Bush was white, and rich. So how dare we talk about those things.

But, man, that shiftless negro not being prepared when a mob attacks an embassy. That's totally worthy of two years of investiagations and scrutinizing who changed a word in an e-mail after the fact.

Had to come back and address your snide remark about Bush and Katrina.

I lived every minute every second of that bitch called Katrina. I was waiting to cross the border with four unreal championship lines catahoulas aka my kennel and two cats who I have no idea how they still loved me after this trip and I was stuck in a campground north of Winnipeg.

Guess where I was headed? Ponchatoula. My life was all planned out. I know that bitch Katrina intimately. She blew my life apart.

In a heart beat everything changed. My friends and most of my fellow breeders were wiped out.

I'd talked to Sherry ( my sire's breeder ) as the bitch was rolling in begging her to bail out of her place in Mississippi telling her no way jose she would be able to ride out this big one. That it was a number five and hell on earth was about to descend on her.

Thankfully she listened and her brothers drove from Texas to take her and the dogs and the horses out to safety. I couldn't reach others.

Bush couldn't do jack shit from the White House. Between Nagin remember the chocolate city Nagin and the Governor who were playing tag team with the Democrats in Washington and blocking Federal help and don't get me going on those two who should be in jail for the shit they blocked.

And I'm stuck up here in a place called Manitoba because of Katrina. I should be south where I belong.

Bush couldn't do jack shit. No one could. Because the D Mayor and the D Governor blocked all help just to make Bush look bad.
Liberals are nothing but braiwashed lying dirtbags who rely on their cliches like the lying piece of shit in chief relies on teleprompters.

It would be hilarious if more than half of this country did not resemble this description.

Joe is just one of more than 47% of this country that cannot pull away from the lies he believes in.

Why even bother debating the hack?

Unemployment isn't a reliable indicator of the economy, especially because it refuses to account for those who ether can't work or won't work. 92 million Americans are out of the workforce. That's almost a 3rd of the population.

We had almost no growth. They had to fudge the numbers to get even that. It takes 270k jobs per month to keep up with population growth, so we're barely treading water. We're falling behind on all of the people that can't find work and have given up.

I've already shown a link to a website that Obama is using to enroll illegals. He got his numbers by tricking them into thinking they were getting a passport to stay in this country. But okay, let's assume he got 8 million to sign up. According to the insurance company 20% of them haven't paid. So subtract 20% from 8 million, what do you get?

What is 20% of 8million? 1.6 million.
Subtract 1.6 million from 8 million gives us only 6.4 million.

The goal was 7 million. Guess Obama lied again.

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Liberals are nothing but braiwashed lying dirtbags who rely on their cliches like the lying piece of shit in chief relies on teleprompters.

It would be hilarious if more than half of this country did not resemble this description.

Joe is just one of more than 47% of this country that cannot pull away from the lies he believes in.

Why even bother debating the hack?

Naw, guy, I voted Republican in every election from 1980 to 2008.

Then you guys went completely fucking nuts. Somewhere between nominating a guy who thinks he's wearing magic underwear, and trying to figure out which adjective to put in front of the word "rape" to justify denying a woman an abortion, you guys completely lost your fucking minds.

I'd love to see the GOP go back to be a efficient government pro-business party that wasn't nuts. I just don't see that happening any time soon.
1. Bush knew there was a threat, but everyone knew there was. The problem is nobody expected them to fly jets into buildings. That's a little drastic, don't you think? This forced us to change security at airports and to change our policy on shooting down highjacked airliners. Well, have we had another 911 since? Huh? Well, yes.....Obama had one, but it wasn't airliners, it was consulates under attack. We've done this before. Remember the Iranian hostage crisis? Wasn't is stupid for Obama and the State Department to relax security even though that consulate already had been bombed?

The August 6 PDB SPECIFICALLY mentioned hijacking Airliners as a possibility. And, no, obviously, we haven't have another 9-11 because we replaced minimum wage rent-a-cops with the TSA, put steel doors on the airliner cockpits. Things Clinton wanted to do, but the Airlines lobbied the REpublican Congress against because it would cut into their profits. The main reason why AL Qaeda hasn't tried that tactic again was that Flight 93 the passengers attacked the hijackers. So the tactic became obsolete the day it was carried out.

And, yes, it was pretty stupid for the GOP Congress to cut 300 million from Embassy Security when they knew embassies were being attacked.

2. When it comes to Iraq; Donald Rumsfeld: "It isn't a matter of money. It isn't a matter on the part of the army of desire. It's a matter of production and capability of doing it. As you know, ah, you go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.---You can have all the armor in the world on a tank and it can (still) be blown up..."
Fact is, massive numbers only means more body-bags getting filled. Stick to paper pushing Joe. That's all you're good at.

Hey, guy, the reason I pushed paper is unlike some of you, I can do math.

Bush and Rummy were told by the Generals that they didn't have enough troops. So they really, really should have thought twice about going into that war, considering

1) Most of the Allies weren't on board or were opposed.
2) We really didn't know for sure that Iraq had WMD's.
3) We didn't let the inspectors finish their job
4) We actually WERE fighting another war in Afghanistan that was kind of a higher priority.

I could fill PAGES here about every other logistical, tactical and political fuckup Bush and company engaged in after the invasion before Petreaus went in and allowed Bush to save face. But, no, no, we need to focus on who changed a word in a memo. That's the important thing.

Well you mean appointing the Horse Show guy to run FEMA was a heckuva job, eh? Point was, Bush replaced all the folks who knew what they were doing at FEMA with hacks, who pretty much screwed it up. Let's not forget, part of the whole reason Bush created this monster called "Homeland Security" was to be able to deal with disasters like this.

4. Bush was white and rich. Obama is black and rich. What does that have to do with it?

YOu mean other than how Obama being black and in the white house makes you nutz?

5. Obama wasn't prepared, the White House panicked, they felt this all looked bad, and they tried to lie their way out of it. It's as simple as that. Looking back they now realize that they would have been better off just telling the truth.

They did tell the truth. They just didn't think you guys would be all obsessed with conspiracy theories to the point where you'd go nuts over e-mails.

And, yes, it was pretty stupid for the GOP Congress to cut 300 million from Embassy Security when they knew embassies were being attacked.
Lets roll that beautiful bean footage!

Oct. 10, 2012 hearing:
QUESTION: It has been suggested that budget cuts were responsible for a lack of security in Benghazi. And I'd like to ask Ms. Lamb, you made this decision personally. Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which led you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?​
QUESTION: So there's not a budget problem. It's not you all don't have the money to do this?​
LAMB: Sir, it's a volatile situation. We will move assets to cover that.
May 8, 2013 hearing:
QUESTION: Mr. Nordstrom, you were on that panel. Do you remember what she [Lamb] said?​
REGIONAL SECURITY OFFICER ERIC NORDSTROM: Yes, she said that resources was not an issue. And I think I would also point to the ARB report, if I'm not mistaken, that they talked to our chief financial officer with D.S. [Diplomatic Security], who also said that resources were not an issue.
Bush and Rummy were told by the Generals that they didn't have enough troops. So they really, really should have thought twice about going into that war, considering

1) Most of the Allies weren't on board or were opposed.
No. The US dropped 148,000 troops into the battlezone. The UK dropped 45,000, the Australians 2,000 and Poland roughly 200, and some from Spain. Do the math. We had 195,200 troops who participated in the invasion. Five countries. Troops from 36 countries became involved after the invasion was completed.

2) We really didn't know for sure that Iraq had WMD's.
They did. They were relocated to Syria.

There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq after all.

The massive cache of almost 400,000 Iraq war documents released by the WikiLeaks Web site revealed that small amounts of chemical weapons were found in Iraq and continued to surface for years after the 2003 US invasion, Wired magazine reported.

The documents showed that US troops continued to find chemical weapons and labs for years after the invasion, including remnants of Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons arsenal — most of which had been destroyed following the Gulf War.

In August 2004, American troops were able to buy containers from locals of what they thought was liquid sulfur mustard, a blister agent, the documents revealed. The chemicals were triple-sealed and taken to a secure site.

Also in 2004, troops discovered a chemical lab in a house in Fallujah during a battle with insurgents. A chemical cache was also found in the city.
US did find Iraq WMD | New York Post

In 2006, former Iraqi general Georges Sada, second in command of the Iraqi Air Force who served under Saddam Hussein before he defected, wrote a comprehensive book, "Saddam's Secrets."

It details how the Iraqi Revolutionary Guard moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria in advance of the U.S.-led action to eliminate Hussein's WMD threat.

As Sada told the New York Sun, two Iraqi Airways Boeings were converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, and special Republican Guard units loaded the planes with chemical weapons materials.

There were 56 flights disguised as a relief effort after a 2002 Syrian dam collapse.

There were also truck convoys into Syria. Sada's comments came more than a month after Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria."
Syria's Chemical Weapons Came From Saddam's Iraq |

3) We didn't let the inspectors finish their job
No, Iraq didn't let them finish their job. The were kicked out in 1998. They came back in 2002 but Iraq never fully cooperated with them again. This ultimately lead to to the invasion. Remember, though, Clinton thought Iraq had WMD too, so if there was to be a trick to be fallen for, he fell for it as well. Though, there was no trick. There was WMD.

4) We actually WERE fighting another war in Afghanistan that was kind of a higher priority.
Huh? I thought you opposed BOTH wars?

I could fill PAGES here about every other logistical, tactical and political fuckup Bush and company engaged in after the invasion before Petreaus went in and allowed Bush to save face. But, no, no, we need to focus on who changed a word in a memo. That's the important thing.
Funny thing though, this thread was never about Bush, nor was it about Iraq and WMD. Seriously. You've filled up enough of my thread with your irrelevance. You're scared to discuss the truth. You don't want anyone knowing about the logistical, tactical and political fuckups of 'the one' Barack Obama. His red lines, his sanctions, his funding terrorists, his failure to save the lives of four men, et cetera and et cetera...

Well you mean appointing the Horse Show guy to run FEMA was a heckuva job, eh? Point was, Bush replaced all the folks who knew what they were doing at FEMA with hacks, who pretty much screwed it up. Let's not forget, part of the whole reason Bush created this monster called "Homeland Security" was to be able to deal with disasters like this.
So, what do you have to say about Obama's response to Sandy? But anyhow, this is totally irrelevant. Whatever Bush has done, did or will do is irrelevant to this topic of discussion. I will not let you live this lie down. The White House lied about the video, and you can't stand it. It's plainly obvious now.

YOu mean other than how Obama being black and in the white house makes you nutz?
What makes you 'nutz' Joe, is your obsession with George W. Bush. It's almost creepy.

They did tell the truth. They just didn't think you guys would be all obsessed with conspiracy theories to the point where you'd go nuts over e-mails.
They did not tell the truth. That has been well established by me and other posters here. Now you are crafting strawmen. And now, I have literally taken apart your argument piece by piece.
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The August 6 PDB SPECIFICALLY mentioned hijacking Airliners as a possibility. And, no, obviously, we haven't have another 9-11 because we replaced minimum wage rent-a-cops with the TSA, put steel doors on the airliner cockpits. Things Clinton wanted to do, but the Airlines lobbied the REpublican Congress against because it would cut into their profits. The main reason why AL Qaeda hasn't tried that tactic again was that Flight 93 the passengers attacked the hijackers. So the tactic became obsolete the day it was carried out. ...

I'll never forget Condi Rice's testimony about that PDB, saying "No one could have imagined anyone using a plane as a missile."

That just blew me away when I heard it.

It does seem to indicate a lack of imagination.

And you knew it would happen before it happened.

Joe....STFU. You're simply an idiot trying to act intelligent.
The August 6 PDB SPECIFICALLY mentioned hijacking Airliners as a possibility. And, no, obviously, we haven't have another 9-11 because we replaced minimum wage rent-a-cops with the TSA, put steel doors on the airliner cockpits. Things Clinton wanted to do, but the Airlines lobbied the REpublican Congress against because it would cut into their profits. The main reason why AL Qaeda hasn't tried that tactic again was that Flight 93 the passengers attacked the hijackers. So the tactic became obsolete the day it was carried out. ...

I'll never forget Condi Rice's testimony about that PDB, saying "No one could have imagined anyone using a plane as a missile."

That just blew me away when I heard it.

It does seem to indicate a lack of imagination.

Oh geeze louize. You are in a meeting and someone says to you....Hey Mr. President.... a whole batch of lunatics that are muslim and are going to hijack a plane no wait multiple planes with mother trucking box cutters and are going to drive the planes into the World Trade Center because they are crazy and they hate you.

Lack of imagination ? You have got to be fucking kidding me.
Liberals are nothing but braiwashed lying dirtbags who rely on their cliches like the lying piece of shit in chief relies on teleprompters.

It would be hilarious if more than half of this country did not resemble this description.

Joe is just one of more than 47% of this country that cannot pull away from the lies he believes in.

Why even bother debating the hack?

Naw, guy, I voted Republican in every election from 1980 to 2008.

Then you guys went completely fucking nuts. Somewhere between nominating a guy who thinks he's wearing magic underwear, and trying to figure out which adjective to put in front of the word "rape" to justify denying a woman an abortion, you guys completely lost your fucking minds.

I'd love to see the GOP go back to be a efficient government pro-business party that wasn't nuts. I just don't see that happening any time soon.

Assuming you're not a lying piece of's dimwits like you that made all of this possible.
I'll never forget Condi Rice's testimony about that PDB, saying "No one could have imagined anyone using a plane as a missile."

That just blew me away when I heard it.

It does seem to indicate a lack of imagination.

And you knew it would happen before it happened.

Joe....STFU. You're simply an idiot trying to act intelligent.

LOLOL we must be related. See my other post. Were you adopted down the the line?
No. The US dropped 148,000 troops into the battlezone. The UK dropped 45,000, the Australians 2,000 and Poland roughly 200, and some from Spain. Do the math. We had 195,200 troops who participated in the invasion. Four countries. Troops from 36 countries became involved after the invasion was completed.

Shinkesi said we needed at least 500K. We didn't have them and the country quickly descended into Chaos. Were you not paying attention?

They did. They were relocated to Syria.

No, they weren't. And, no, we didn't go to war with Iraq over a few canisters of expired mustard gas, the cutting edge weapon of 1914. We went to war over nukes and biological weapons, and those weren't there.

No, Iraq didn't let them finish their job. The were kicked out in 1998. They came back in 2002 but Iraq never fully cooperated with them again. This ultimately lead to to the invasion. Remember, though, Clinton thought Iraq had WMD too, so if there was to be a trick to be fallen for, he fell for it as well. Though, there was no trick. There was WMD.

Clinton thought that there were WMD's, and strategically bombed the sites they were at.

[Huh? I thought you opposed BOTH wars?

based on what? I have no problem iwth the war in Afghanistan as far as going after Al Qaeda. I think it's kind of stupid to be still fighting it now after Bin Laden is dead and Karzai is obviously incompetant.

[Funny thing though, this thread was never about Bush, nor was it about Iraq and WMD. Seriously. You've filled up enough of my thread with your irrelevance. You're scared to discuss the truth. You don't want anyone knowing about the logistical, tactical and political fuckups of 'the one' Barack Obama. His red lines, his sanctions, his funding terrorists, his failure to save the lives of four men, et cetera and et cetera...

You can line up all of Obama's mistakes and compare them to Bush's, and frankly, they don't compare. MOre dead people on Bush's watch, more money wasted, more damage caused.

[So, what do you have to say about Obama's response to Sandy? But anyhow, this is totally irrelevant. Whatever Bush has done, did or will do is irrelevant to this topic of discussion. I will not let you live this lie down. The White House lied about the video, and you can't stand it. It's plainly obvious now.

Chris Christie (Republican) praised Obama's response to Sandy, as did Mayor Bloomberg (Kind of Republican) . There was nowhere near the ineptitude that you saw with Katrina. NOr did we see the death toll.

Obama got elected because Bush was a complete fuckup. That's why it's relevent.

YOu mean other than how Obama being black and in the white house makes you nutz?
What makes you 'nutz' Joe, is your obsession with George W. Bush. It's almost creepy.

Actually, i voted for Bush twice. And at the end of it, I got a 20% reduction in salary, lost half the value of my 401K and my mortgage is underwater. I wish I could honestly say that what turned me against this ASSHOLE was his mismanagement of Iraq or Katrina, but frankly, it wasn't until his incompetence started making my life worse I turned on him. Well, I'm trying to be a better person now.

They did tell the truth. They just didn't think you guys would be all obsessed with conspiracy theories to the point where you'd go nuts over e-mails.
They did not tell the truth. That has been well established by me and other posters here. Now you are crafting strawmen. And now, I have literally taken apart your argument piece by piece.

Naw, guy, what you've done is engage in apologetics for incompetence, while going hysterical over a video and a memo.

I think it shows your hypocrisy, but hypocrisy is what you are all about.
The August 6 PDB SPECIFICALLY mentioned hijacking Airliners as a possibility. And, no, obviously, we haven't have another 9-11 because we replaced minimum wage rent-a-cops with the TSA, put steel doors on the airliner cockpits. Things Clinton wanted to do, but the Airlines lobbied the REpublican Congress against because it would cut into their profits. The main reason why AL Qaeda hasn't tried that tactic again was that Flight 93 the passengers attacked the hijackers. So the tactic became obsolete the day it was carried out. ...

I'll never forget Condi Rice's testimony about that PDB, saying "No one could have imagined anyone using a plane as a missile."

That just blew me away when I heard it.

NYT - “In the months before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal aviation officials reviewed dozens of intelligence reports that warned about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, some of which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations"

“The [9/11] report discloses that the Federal Aviation Administration, despite being focused on risks of hijackings overseas, warned airports in the spring of 2001 that if ‘the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable.’ "
The August 6 PDB SPECIFICALLY mentioned hijacking Airliners as a possibility. And, no, obviously, we haven't have another 9-11 because we replaced minimum wage rent-a-cops with the TSA, put steel doors on the airliner cockpits. Things Clinton wanted to do, but the Airlines lobbied the REpublican Congress against because it would cut into their profits. The main reason why AL Qaeda hasn't tried that tactic again was that Flight 93 the passengers attacked the hijackers. So the tactic became obsolete the day it was carried out. ...

I'll never forget Condi Rice's testimony about that PDB, saying "No one could have imagined anyone using a plane as a missile."

That just blew me away when I heard it.

NYT - “In the months before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal aviation officials reviewed dozens of intelligence reports that warned about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, some of which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations"

“The [9/11] report discloses that the Federal Aviation Administration, despite being focused on risks of hijackings overseas, warned airports in the spring of 2001 that if ‘the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable.’ "
I know.

That's why her testimony blew me away.
I'll never forget Condi Rice's testimony about that PDB, saying "No one could have imagined anyone using a plane as a missile."

That just blew me away when I heard it.

NYT - “In the months before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal aviation officials reviewed dozens of intelligence reports that warned about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, some of which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations"

“The [9/11] report discloses that the Federal Aviation Administration, despite being focused on risks of hijackings overseas, warned airports in the spring of 2001 that if ‘the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable.’ "
I know.

That's why her testimony blew me away.
So what do you learn from that? That Bush lied about terrorist attacks and instructed his staff to lie to bolster his re-election?
Oh wait, that didnt happen. Obama did though.
Why arent you outraged about it?
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