New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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NYT - “In the months before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal aviation officials reviewed dozens of intelligence reports that warned about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, some of which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations"

“The [9/11] report discloses that the Federal Aviation Administration, despite being focused on risks of hijackings overseas, warned airports in the spring of 2001 that if ‘the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable.’ "
I know.

That's why her testimony blew me away.
So what do you learn from that? That Bush lied about terrorist attacks and instructed his staff to lie to bolster his re-election?
Oh wait, that didnt happen. Obama did though.
Why arent you outraged about it?

Bush blocked this information from the 9/11 report & the public until after his 2004 election. Many thousands died & Bush lied to cover his ass & get elected.

"The F.A.A. "had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon," and in 2001 it distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking"

Aviation officials amassed so much information about the growing threat posed by terrorists that they conducted classified briefings in mid-2001 for security officials at 19 of the nation's busiest airports to warn of the threat posed in particular by Mr. bin Laden, the report said."

Russian President Putin called Bush the day before 9/11 & told him the attack was starting. So Bush knew when, how & where.
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Know what, fuckstick?

That was in a State that Republicans won by DOUBLE-DIGITS in 2012.

And he lost. Do you know why he lost?

Of course you don't; because you're a partisan hack.

Because WE voted him down. Not YOU. US. Had we been like the scum of the earth -- You, we would have voted him into Office because, the truth is, you couldn't have stopped it.

But WE voted him down.

Know what happens when a scumbag dimocrap says or does something stupid?


Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

Bill Clinton didn't just talk about rape, he was ACCUSED (and rightly) of rape.

What do you scum do? You vote him into Office.

Same with Jesse Jackson Jr, Bob Menendez, Marion Barry, etc, etc, ad nauseam.

THAT is what this is all about. YOU don't care.

We do.

the dimocrap party is scum. And so are you.

You will NEVER find us defending scumbags for being scumbags. It is ALL you people do.

Which state are you talking about, because MO and IN did not go for Romney by double digits.

And there are plenty of republican creeps who cheat on their wives and you guy still re-elect them. Vitter and Mark Sanford come to mind.


Indiana Election Results 2012 - Map, County Results, Live Updates -

54.3 - 43.8% = 10.5%+

United States presidential election in Missouri, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

53.76% - 44.38% = 9.38%

What a fucking child you are.

No wonder you're one of life's losers
Liberal Arguments so far in this thread regarding this revelation:

1) Bush did it
2) Bush had 13 Benghazis
3) Bush is evil
4) "B-But Bush!"
6) Bush is racist
7) Bush hates poor people
8) Putin
9) Saddam Hussein
10) WMD's in Iraq
11) The 9/11/01 Terrorist attacks
12) Chris Christie is fat
13) TK should get a job

... just to name a few. Seriously, how pathetic.
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I know.

That's why her testimony blew me away.
So what do you learn from that? That Bush lied about terrorist attacks and instructed his staff to lie to bolster his re-election?
Oh wait, that didnt happen. Obama did though.
Why arent you outraged about it?

Bush blocked this information from the 9/11 report & the public until after his 2004 election. Many thousands died & Bush lied to cover his ass & get elected.

"The F.A.A. "had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon," and in 2001 it distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking"

Aviation officials amassed so much information about the growing threat posed by terrorists that they conducted classified briefings in mid-2001 for security officials at 19 of the nation's busiest airports to warn of the threat posed in particular by Mr. bin Laden, the report said."

Russian President Putin called Bush the day before 9/11 & told him the attack was starting. So Bush knew when, how & where.

You are lying. Not a word of that CRAP is true.

How do I know? Simple, you're a dimocrap. You can't take a shit without lying.

You are a lying sack of shit

This is what I mean, people..... dimocraps lie. It's what they do
"I hate Bush thiiiiis much!" is not an argument.

Uh, yeah, pointing out that every metric Bush had made things worse when he left office is.

Can you name ONE thing that was better in January 2009 than it was in December 2000?


the bush years were FAR FAR better than the obama years.

i can name several:

16 MILLION fewer Americans were on food stamps

the Poverty Rate was LOWER
welfare was LOWER
THE rate of Labor Market Participation was HIGHER
federal disability recipients were LOWER
the Black unemployment rate was 1.6% time higher than the White unemployment rate. under obama currently it is back to over 2 times the White rate

thanks for playing though
I know.

That's why her testimony blew me away.
So what do you learn from that? That Bush lied about terrorist attacks and instructed his staff to lie to bolster his re-election?
Oh wait, that didnt happen. Obama did though.
Why arent you outraged about it?

Bush blocked this information from the 9/11 report & the public until after his 2004 election. Many thousands died & Bush lied to cover his ass & get elected.

"The F.A.A. "had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon," and in 2001 it distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking"

Aviation officials amassed so much information about the growing threat posed by terrorists that they conducted classified briefings in mid-2001 for security officials at 19 of the nation's busiest airports to warn of the threat posed in particular by Mr. bin Laden, the report said."

Russian President Putin called Bush the day before 9/11 & told him the attack was starting. So Bush knew when, how & where.

Pull the other leg....
Uh, yeah, pointing out that every metric Bush had made things worse when he left office is.

Can you name ONE thing that was better in January 2009 than it was in December 2000?


the bush years were FAR FAR better than the obama years.

i can name several:

16 MILLION fewer Americans were on food stamps

the Poverty Rate was LOWER
welfare was LOWER
THE rate of Labor Market Participation was HIGHER
federal disability recipients were LOWER
the Black unemployment rate was 1.6% time higher than the White unemployment rate. under obama currently it is back to over 2 times the White rate

thanks for playing though

One more......

The average American made more money under President of The United States of America, George Walker Bush than we do today under the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

File:Median US household income.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


But that's what happens when people have jobs and go to work.

Since when do dimocrap scum want a job?

Yeah, right
I know.

That's why her testimony blew me away.
So what do you learn from that? That Bush lied about terrorist attacks and instructed his staff to lie to bolster his re-election?
Oh wait, that didnt happen. Obama did though.
Why arent you outraged about it?

Bush blocked this information from the 9/11 report & the public until after his 2004 election. Many thousands died & Bush lied to cover his ass & get elected.

"The F.A.A. "had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon," and in 2001 it distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking"

Aviation officials amassed so much information about the growing threat posed by terrorists that they conducted classified briefings in mid-2001 for security officials at 19 of the nation's busiest airports to warn of the threat posed in particular by Mr. bin Laden, the report said."

Russian President Putin called Bush the day before 9/11 & told him the attack was starting. So Bush knew when, how & where.

The PDB also said Who (Osama Bin Laden) & his fatwa told them why. So Bush knew Who, Where, When, How & Why prior to 9/11. He failed to connect the dots after others connected them for him. His admin said it was an orchestrated distraction by Bin Laden to take focus from Saddam in Iraq.
Cold you please link us up to that supposed order...Thank you in advance! :badgrin:

Link to the actual order??? Would you like a youtube video in order to PROVE that the president said this? I'll work on it....

How about Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's congressional testimony on Benghazi???

Panetta made it clear that Obama ordered Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey and himself to take all necessary action to protect Americans under attack.

During the hearing, when Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) asked Panetta about conversations he had had with the president during the attack, Panetta testified, "We had just picked up the information that something was happening, that there was an apparent attack going on in Benghazi. And I informed the president of that fact, and he at that point directed both myself and General Dempsey to do everything we needed to do to try to protect lives there." Panetta later reiterated, "[Obama] basically said, 'Do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people there.' "
Will congressional testimony from the Defense Secretary suffice or do I need to pull up the youtube vid? Also, I'll try to accommodate you further by finding a suitable right-wing-nut-job source, so that you don't start bawling.....

Interestingly enough though, the lives that were supposed to be saved, weren't. The FAST teams were ordered to Tripoli, not Benghazi. You know, the teams that were supposed to "save lives"? That was according to thMedicadee AFRICOM general in HIS congressional testimony. Four men died that day, including our ambassador, which was an unacceptable loss.

Moreover, just so we don't think this order from the president gives any of you leverage in this debate, Panetta himself said the attack was not motivated by a video. He knew right off it was a terrorist attack, and not a spontaneous uprising.

I'm a tad bit confused ... I cannot see how the video is central to the discussion; being wrong about the video, would be the same as guessing about something and being wrong about it.

How was this not a "terrorist attack?" It was always refereed to as a terrorist attack/act of terror - sounds very semantic to me and quite irrelevant.

No one here has come forth with ANYTHING even remotely resembling wrongdoing on Obama's part.

Wanting desperately for this to be an impeachment issue, does not in and of itself make this an impeachment issue.
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the bush years were FAR FAR better than the obama years.

i can name several:

16 MILLION fewer Americans were on food stamps

the Poverty Rate was LOWER
welfare was LOWER
THE rate of Labor Market Participation was HIGHER
federal disability recipients were LOWER
the Black unemployment rate was 1.6% time higher than the White unemployment rate. under obama currently it is back to over 2 times the White rate

thanks for playing though

One more......

The average American made more money under President of The United States of America, George Walker Bush than we do today under the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

File:Median US household income.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


But that's what happens when people have jobs and go to work.

Since when do dimocrap scum want a job?

Yeah, right

Dems don't work, eh?

Who pics up the slack for the deep south and their insatiable thirst for Medicare?
Link to the actual order??? Would you like a youtube video in order to PROVE that the president said this? I'll work on it....

How about Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's congressional testimony on Benghazi???

Will congressional testimony from the Defense Secretary suffice or do I need to pull up the youtube vid? Also, I'll try to accommodate you further by finding a suitable right-wing-nut-job source, so that you don't start bawling.....

Interestingly enough though, the lives that were supposed to be saved, weren't. The FAST teams were ordered to Tripoli, not Benghazi. You know, the teams that were supposed to "save lives"? That was according to the AFRICOM general in HIS congressional testimony. Four men died that day, including our ambassador, which was an unacceptable loss.

Moreover, just so we don't think this order from the president gives any of you leverage in this debate, Panetta himself said the attack was not motivated by a video. He knew right off it was a terrorist attack, and not a spontaneous uprising.

I'm a tad bit confused ... I cannot see how the video is central to the discussion; being wrong about the video, would be the same as guessing about something and being wrong about it.

How was this not a "terrorist attack?" It was always refereed to as a terrorist attack/act of terror - sounds very semantic to me and quite irrelevant.

No one here has come forth with ANYTHING even remotely resembling wrongdoing on Obama's part.

Lets use the same logic liberals use in regards to Reagan and the Iran Contra scandal. Members of Reagan's administration were involved in secretive deals with the Contras, in direct defiance of Congress. They were all indicted then pardoned. Therefore, and however, since Reagan was president, and these were members of HIS administration, he should be held responsible for the actions of his staffers.

Now, we have a White House aide doctoring talking points about Benghazi, sending out Susan Rice on 5 different talk shows to say "it was the video" in direct contradiction of given intelligence reports and State Department remarks. So since Obama is president, he should be held responsible for the actions of his staffers.

Make sense now?
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minority unemployment was lower under Bush
for women of all races too
food and gas prices were lower

you had it better in the Bush years

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Bush rode Clinton's good management before he found ways to fuck it up.

Clinton had a congress that wasn't out to make him look bad. You had Newt and Lott, now you have a Boner and Dingy Harry....
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i can name several:

16 MILLION fewer Americans were on food stamps

the Poverty Rate was LOWER
welfare was LOWER
THE rate of Labor Market Participation was HIGHER
federal disability recipients were LOWER
the Black unemployment rate was 1.6% time higher than the White unemployment rate. under obama currently it is back to over 2 times the White rate

thanks for playing though

One more......

The average American made more money under President of The United States of America, George Walker Bush than we do today under the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

File:Median US household income.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


But that's what happens when people have jobs and go to work.

Since when do dimocrap scum want a job?

Yeah, right

Dems don't work, eh?

Who pics up the slack for the deep south and their insatiable thirst for Medicare?

The government.
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I know.

That's why her testimony blew me away.
So what do you learn from that? That Bush lied about terrorist attacks and instructed his staff to lie to bolster his re-election?
Oh wait, that didnt happen. Obama did though.
Why arent you outraged about it?

Bush blocked this information from the 9/11 report & the public until after his 2004 election. Many thousands died & Bush lied to cover his ass & get elected.

"The F.A.A. "had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon," and in 2001 it distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking"

Aviation officials amassed so much information about the growing threat posed by terrorists that they conducted classified briefings in mid-2001 for security officials at 19 of the nation's busiest airports to warn of the threat posed in particular by Mr. bin Laden, the report said."

Russian President Putin called Bush the day before 9/11 & told him the attack was starting. So Bush knew when, how & where.

Yeah, that's like a complete lie.
But it isnt a lie that Obama falsified information about Benghazi. Why does the Left want to deflect to Bush, who hasnt been president for 5 years, away from Obama, who is president right now?
COuld it be they are liars and hypocrites?
Interestingly enough though, the lives that were supposed to be saved, weren't. The FAST teams were ordered to Tripoli, not Benghazi. You know, the teams that were supposed to "save lives"? That was according to the AFRICOM general in HIS congressional testimony. Four men died that day, including our ambassador, which was an unacceptable loss.

Moreover, just so we don't think this order from the president gives any of you leverage in this debate, Panetta himself said the attack was not motivated by a video. He knew right off it was a terrorist attack, and not a spontaneous uprising.

I'm a tad bit confused ... I cannot see how the video is central to the discussion; being wrong about the video, would be the same as guessing about something and being wrong about it.

How was this not a "terrorist attack?" It was always refereed to as a terrorist attack/act of terror - sounds very semantic to me and quite irrelevant.

No one here has come forth with ANYTHING even remotely resembling wrongdoing on Obama's part.

Lets use the same logic liberals use in regards to Reagan and the Iran Contra scandal. Members of Reagan's administration were involved in secretive deals with the Contras, in direct defiance of Congress. They were all indicted then pardoned. Therefore, and however, since Reagan was president, and these were members of HIS administration, he should be held responsible for the actions of his staffers.

Now, We have a White House aide doctoring talking points about Benghazi, sending out Susan Rice on 5 different talk shows to say "it was the video" in direct contradiction of given intelligence reports and State Department remarks. So since Obama is president, he should be held responsible for the actions of his staffers.

Make sense now?

No, it makes absolutely NO SENSE, whatsoever.

Are you seriously trying to draw this comparison?

Susan Rice went on talk shows and offered her opinion is not the same thing as the criminal acts of everyone involved in IRAN Contra.

They were all indicted then pardoned.

No, some of the people involved were actually convicted.

It's nice, though, when the right-hand-man wins the next election....

It all gets white-washed into something less evil - they were pardoned.

Your comparison is without merit.
Yeah, that's like a complete lie.
But it isnt a lie that Obama falsified information about Benghazi. Why does the Left want to deflect to Bush, who hasnt been president for 5 years, away from Obama, who is president right now?
COuld it be they are liars and hypocrites?

I liar would be anyone trying to pin a crime on a president who hasn't committed a crime.

A hypocrite would be completely overlooking the entire Bush presidency in order to point fingers at a political foe in order to make points with It's geriatric voter base.
So what do you learn from that? That Bush lied about terrorist attacks and instructed his staff to lie to bolster his re-election?
Oh wait, that didnt happen. Obama did though.
Why arent you outraged about it?

Bush blocked this information from the 9/11 report & the public until after his 2004 election. Many thousands died & Bush lied to cover his ass & get elected.

"The F.A.A. "had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon," and in 2001 it distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking"

Aviation officials amassed so much information about the growing threat posed by terrorists that they conducted classified briefings in mid-2001 for security officials at 19 of the nation's busiest airports to warn of the threat posed in particular by Mr. bin Laden, the report said."

Russian President Putin called Bush the day before 9/11 & told him the attack was starting. So Bush knew when, how & where.

The PDB also said Who (Osama Bin Laden) & his fatwa told them why. So Bush knew Who, Where, When, How & Why prior to 9/11. He failed to connect the dots after others connected them for him. His admin said it was an orchestrated distraction by Bin Laden to take focus from Saddam in Iraq.

Yup - The Bush admin said “Bin Laden Was Merely Pretending To Be Planning An Attack To Distract The Administration From Saddam Hussein”

In response, the C.I.A. prepared an analysis that all but pleaded with the White House to accept that the danger from Bin Laden was real.

“The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden”

Now these idiots want to elect his brother Jeb. LOL
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I'm a tad bit confused ... I cannot see how the video is central to the discussion; being wrong about the video, would be the same as guessing about something and being wrong about it.

How was this not a "terrorist attack?" It was always refereed to as a terrorist attack/act of terror - sounds very semantic to me and quite irrelevant.

No one here has come forth with ANYTHING even remotely resembling wrongdoing on Obama's part.

Lets use the same logic liberals use in regards to Reagan and the Iran Contra scandal. Members of Reagan's administration were involved in secretive deals with the Contras, in direct defiance of Congress. They were all indicted then pardoned. Therefore, and however, since Reagan was president, and these were members of HIS administration, he should be held responsible for the actions of his staffers.

Now, We have a White House aide doctoring talking points about Benghazi, sending out Susan Rice on 5 different talk shows to say "it was the video" in direct contradiction of given intelligence reports and State Department remarks. So since Obama is president, he should be held responsible for the actions of his staffers.

Make sense now?

No, it makes absolutely NO SENSE, whatsoever.

Are you seriously trying to draw this comparison?

Susan Rice went on talk shows and offered her opinion is not the same thing as the criminal acts of everyone involved in IRAN Contra.

They were all indicted then pardoned.
No, some of the people involved were actually convicted.

It's nice, though, when the right-hand-man wins the next election....

It all gets white-washed into something less evil - they were pardoned.

Your comparison is without merit.

Funny though, I have a complete list of those who were pardoned. Second, my comparison is with merit. Liberals like you would love to have seen Reagan impeached for his supposed involvement with the Contras, but when the public eye turns to someone YOU voted for, it all of a sudden becomes whitewashed into things like "He didn't know" or "He found out in the paper."

Moreover, your right hand man, knows not what his left hand his doing:

Citing 'unfair system,' Obama commutes sentences for 8 crack offenders - Washington Times

And no my friend, Susan Rice was not "giving her opinions" either. She was saying what she was told to say. This suggests a coverup, a willful one. Cabbie, you're cool, and you aren't stupid. Please tell me that you don't really think Susan Rice wasn't being kept on a leash by the White House?
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