New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Liberals are nothing but braiwashed lying dirtbags who rely on their cliches like the lying piece of shit in chief relies on teleprompters.

It would be hilarious if more than half of this country did not resemble this description.

Joe is just one of more than 47% of this country that cannot pull away from the lies he believes in.

Why even bother debating the hack?

Naw, guy, I voted Republican in every election from 1980 to 2008.

Then you guys went completely fucking nuts. Somewhere between nominating a guy who thinks he's wearing magic underwear, and trying to figure out which adjective to put in front of the word "rape" to justify denying a woman an abortion, you guys completely lost your fucking minds.

I'd love to see the GOP go back to be a efficient government pro-business party that wasn't nuts. I just don't see that happening any time soon.

Assuming you're not a lying piece of's dimwits like you that made all of this possible.

NO, guy, you see, I vote on enlightened self-interest.

Here's the thing. The obvious question you have to ask is "Is my life better than it was 8 years ago?"

If I had honestly asked myself that question in 2008, obviously not.

In 2000, I had changed jobs for a 16% increase in salary, my house I was able to sell for twice what I paid for it in 1987. My 401K was fat and happy. Things were bumping for me, and I convinced myself it had nothing to do with Clinton's leadership. He was just an asshole who lied and had sex inthe white house and disgraced the office and all that other shit.

And even though I had no use for his father, I voted for Dubya because he was going to restore honor. We heard that a lot.

Well, two wars and two recessions later. IN 2008, my mortgage was $40,000 less than what I could hope to sell my condo for. My 401K lost half it's value. My scumbag boss decided to illegally fire me over medical bills becaue "he didn't have to deal with a union!"

Oh, my ex-boss thought romney would be a wonderful president.

Despite all that, I still voted for McCain in 2008 because I thought he was more experienced, and it wasn't glaringly obvious that Palin was retarded in 2008. (Boy, we dodged a bullet with that one.)

But then you guys nominated the Mormon, and that was a non-starter for me. Romney thought the biggest problem is that some of the 47% still had good paying jobs.
Naw, guy, I voted Republican in every election from 1980 to 2008.

Then you guys went completely fucking nuts. Somewhere between nominating a guy who thinks he's wearing magic underwear, and trying to figure out which adjective to put in front of the word "rape" to justify denying a woman an abortion, you guys completely lost your fucking minds.

I'd love to see the GOP go back to be a efficient government pro-business party that wasn't nuts. I just don't see that happening any time soon.

Assuming you're not a lying piece of's dimwits like you that made all of this possible.

NO, guy, you see, I vote on enlightened self-interest.

Here's the thing. The obvious question you have to ask is "Is my life better than it was 8 years ago?"

If I had honestly asked myself that question in 2008, obviously not.

In 2000, I had changed jobs for a 16% increase in salary, my house I was able to sell for twice what I paid for it in 1987. My 401K was fat and happy. Things were bumping for me, and I convinced myself it had nothing to do with Clinton's leadership. He was just an asshole who lied and had sex inthe white house and disgraced the office and all that other shit.

And even though I had no use for his father, I voted for Dubya because he was going to restore honor. We heard that a lot.

Well, two wars and two recessions later. IN 2008, my mortgage was $40,000 less than what I could hope to sell my condo for. My 401K lost half it's value. My scumbag boss decided to illegally fire me over medical bills becaue "he didn't have to deal with a union!"

Oh, my ex-boss thought romney would be a wonderful president.

Despite all that, I still voted for McCain in 2008 because I thought he was more experienced, and it wasn't glaringly obvious that Palin was retarded in 2008. (Boy, we dodged a bullet with that one.)

But then you guys nominated the Mormon, and that was a non-starter for me. Romney thought the biggest problem is that some of the 47% still had good paying jobs.

poverty; welfare, food stamps and yes unemployment are up since 2008

yes Americans WERE better off under bush

you're a loser lying to yourself
Shinkesi said we needed at least 500K. We didn't have them and the country quickly descended into Chaos. Were you not paying attention?
LOL. We won. We overthrew Saddam's Baathist government. Argument invalid. It's 'Shinseki' by the way.

No, they weren't. And, no, we didn't go to war with Iraq over a few canisters of expired mustard gas, the cutting edge weapon of 1914. We went to war over nukes and biological weapons, and those weren't there.
You didn't address my links. Explain why there are chemical weapons being used in Syria right now.

Clinton thought that there were WMD's, and strategically bombed the sites they were at.
That is a cop out.

You can line up all of Obama's mistakes and compare them to Bush's, and frankly, they don't compare. MOre dead people on Bush's watch, more money wasted, more damage caused.
Yeah I can. Namely one comes to mind and is most relevant here. His foreign policy.

Chris Christie (Republican) praised Obama's response to Sandy, as did Mayor Bloomberg (Kind of Republican) . There was nowhere near the ineptitude that you saw with Katrina. NOr did we see the death toll.

Obama got elected because Bush was a complete fuckup. That's why it's relevent.
It isn't relevant just because you say so. And "kind of Republican"? Next!

Actually, i voted for Bush twice. And at the end of it, I got a 20% reduction in salary, lost half the value of my 401K and my mortgage is underwater. I wish I could honestly say that what turned me against this ASSHOLE was his mismanagement of Iraq or Katrina, but frankly, it wasn't until his incompetence started making my life worse I turned on him. Well, I'm trying to be a better person now.
Well then, nobody cares how much you hate Bush Joe, now do they?

Naw, guy, what you've done is engage in apologetics for incompetence, while going hysterical over a video and a memo.

I think it shows your hypocrisy, but hypocrisy is what you are all about.
Joe, you have engaged in one giant display of argumentum ad passiones. You argued from emotion the entire time. You could not stop talking about Bush, while ignoring Obama's failure to tell the truth about the fuckup in Benghazi. You tried to bring my personal life into the discussion, and I promptly slapped you down for it. So, if anything, I think that shows how hypocritical you are.
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minority unemployment was lower under Bush
for women of all races too
food and gas prices were lower

you had it better in the Bush years

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I'll never forget Condi Rice's testimony about that PDB, saying "No one could have imagined anyone using a plane as a missile."

That just blew me away when I heard it.

It does seem to indicate a lack of imagination.

And you knew it would happen before it happened.

Joe....STFU. You're simply an idiot trying to act intelligent.

I don't have billion dollar security and intellgience budgets.

nor did i have the CIA come to my house with a breifing that read "Bin Laden determined to strike US" which specifically talked about how another country's intelligence agency thought that hijacking airplanes MIGHT be one of their schemes.

If I had, I would not have said, "Well, you've covered your ass" and went fishing.

But that's what Bush did.
It does seem to indicate a lack of imagination.

And you knew it would happen before it happened.

Joe....STFU. You're simply an idiot trying to act intelligent.

I don't have billion dollar security and intellgience budgets.

nor did i have the CIA come to my house with a breifing that read "Bin Laden determined to strike US" which specifically talked about how another country's intelligence agency thought that hijacking airplanes MIGHT be one of their schemes.

If I had, I would not have said, "Well, you've covered your ass" and went fishing.

But that's what Bush did.

Obama covered his ass and went fundraising. Your point?
minority unemployment was lower under Bush
for women of all races too
food and gas prices were lower

you had it better in the Bush years

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Bush rode Clinton's good management before he found ways to fuck it up.

the dot-com revolution is responsible for the success of the bush years

republicans wrote and balanced Clinton's budgets

obama isnt clinton

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Liberals are nothing but braiwashed lying dirtbags who rely on their cliches like the lying piece of shit in chief relies on teleprompters.

It would be hilarious if more than half of this country did not resemble this description.

Joe is just one of more than 47% of this country that cannot pull away from the lies he believes in.

Why even bother debating the hack?

Naw, guy, I voted Republican in every election from 1980 to 2008.

Then you guys went completely fucking nuts. Somewhere between nominating a guy who thinks he's wearing magic underwear, and trying to figure out which adjective to put in front of the word "rape" to justify denying a woman an abortion, you guys completely lost your fucking minds.

I'd love to see the GOP go back to be a efficient government pro-business party that wasn't nuts. I just don't see that happening any time soon.

Know what, fuckstick?

That was in a State that Republicans won by DOUBLE-DIGITS in 2012.

And he lost. Do you know why he lost?

Of course you don't; because you're a partisan hack.

Because WE voted him down. Not YOU. US. Had we been like the scum of the earth -- You, we would have voted him into Office because, the truth is, you couldn't have stopped it.

But WE voted him down.

Know what happens when a scumbag dimocrap says or does something stupid?


Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

Bill Clinton didn't just talk about rape, he was ACCUSED (and rightly) of rape.

What do you scum do? You vote him into Office.

Same with Jesse Jackson Jr, Bob Menendez, Marion Barry, etc, etc, ad nauseam.

THAT is what this is all about. YOU don't care.

We do.

the dimocrap party is scum. And so are you.

You will NEVER find us defending scumbags for being scumbags. It is ALL you people do.

Know what, fuckstick?

That was in a State that Republicans won by DOUBLE-DIGITS in 2012.

And he lost. Do you know why he lost?

Of course you don't; because you're a partisan hack.

Because WE voted him down. Not YOU. US. Had we been like the scum of the earth -- You, we would have voted him into Office because, the truth is, you couldn't have stopped it.

But WE voted him down.

Know what happens when a scumbag dimocrap says or does something stupid?


Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

Bill Clinton didn't just talk about rape, he was ACCUSED (and rightly) of rape.

What do you scum do? You vote him into Office.

Same with Jesse Jackson Jr, Bob Menendez, Marion Barry, etc, etc, ad nauseam.

THAT is what this is all about. YOU don't care.

We do.

the dimocrap party is scum. And so are you.

You will NEVER find us defending scumbags for being scumbags. It is ALL you people do.

Which state are you talking about, because MO and IN did not go for Romney by double digits.

And there are plenty of republican creeps who cheat on their wives and you guy still re-elect them. Vitter and Mark Sanford come to mind.
minority unemployment was lower under Bush
for women of all races too
food and gas prices were lower

you had it better in the Bush years

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Bush rode Clinton's good management before he found ways to fuck it up.

the dot-com revolution is responsible for the success of the bush years

republicans wrote and balanced Clinton's budgets

obama isnt clinton

libs are losers who lie to themselves

ALL the things you just mentioned were Republican initiatives led by Newt Gingrich.

Every one of them.

Clinton was just kinda 'there'. He completely turned over his domestic duties to Newt Gingrich while he FUCKED Foreign Policy.

He had three opportunities to kill bin Floatin' and passed on them. THREE.

And while I'm on the topic of traitorous dimocrap scum....

Here's one that went under the notice of most people because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM didn't think it was newsworthy....

Lawyer Convicted on Terror Charges for Helping Blind Sheik Freed (With Help From Obama Admin?) | Video |

We should have executed the bitch, then we wouldn't have to worry about it.

What kind of SCUM backs releasing a TRAITOR?

A civil rights lawyer convicted of aiding infamous terrorist the blind sheik has been released from a Texas prison early on the grounds that she is dying and has only 18 months to live due to Stage 4 breast cancer. And critics are pointing out the request was only honored because the government backed it.

Answer: Another traitor
minority unemployment was lower under Bush
for women of all races too
food and gas prices were lower

you had it better in the Bush years

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Bush rode Clinton's good management before he found ways to fuck it up.

"I hate Bush thiiiiis much!" is not an argument.

Uh, yeah, pointing out that every metric Bush had made things worse when he left office is.

Can you name ONE thing that was better in January 2009 than it was in December 2000?

Bush rode Clinton's good management before he found ways to fuck it up.

the dot-com revolution is responsible for the success of the bush years

republicans wrote and balanced Clinton's budgets

obama isnt clinton

libs are losers who lie to themselves

ALL the things you just mentioned were Republican initiatives led by Newt Gingrich.

Every one of them.

Clinton was just kinda 'there'. He completely turned over his domestic duties to Newt Gingrich while he FUCKED Foreign Policy.

He had three opportunities to kill bin Floatin' and passed on them. THREE.

And while I'm on the topic of traitorous dimocrap scum....

Here's one that went under the notice of most people because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM didn't think it was newsworthy....

Lawyer Convicted on Terror Charges for Helping Blind Sheik Freed (With Help From Obama Admin?) | Video |

We should have executed the bitch, then we wouldn't have to worry about it.

What kind of SCUM backs releasing a TRAITOR?

A civil rights lawyer convicted of aiding infamous terrorist the blind sheik has been released from a Texas prison early on the grounds that she is dying and has only 18 months to live due to Stage 4 breast cancer. And critics are pointing out the request was only honored because the government backed it.

Answer: Another traitor

If Newt was so awesome, why didn't you guys nominate him in 2012?
"I hate Bush thiiiiis much!" is not an argument.

Uh, yeah, pointing out that every metric Bush had made things worse when he left office is.

Can you name ONE thing that was better in January 2009 than it was in December 2000?


the bush years were FAR FAR better than the obama years.

That wasn't the question, guy.

INcidently, I can name a lot of things that are better in May 2014 than they were in December 2008.
Guys, stop responding to Joe. He has tried every day for the four days to derail this thread. He hasn't. Let's keep it that way.

Guys, stop responding to TK. Maybe then he'll get off the couch.

Joe, this is you right now:

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