New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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That's such a crock! Seriously...why do you folks even attempt to make that dog hunt? Obama was talking in generalities about not giving into terrorism. He wasn't calling Benghazi a terrorist attack and would continue to refuse to do that for the better part of a week until it was OBVIOUS that it had nothing to do with the video that both he and Clinton tried to blame.

Candy Crowley did an abysmal job as a moderator.

Yeah, it was all Candy's fault.

It wasn't because you boy was saying weird shit like "Binders full of women".


Guy, you lost the election because you let the Latter-Day Saints Cult hijack your party.

Deal with it.

That's the number of military dead since Obama became president. Most of them in Afghanistan.

Ever hear about it from the media?


Obama didn't put those soldiers in Afghanistan.

Bush did.

Now, one could argue whether that was a good strategy. I personally think Afghanistan became a lost cause when Karzai stole the 2009 election.

But your complaint is that Obama played the hand Bush dealt him instead of folding?

Ladies and Gentlmen, I give you full fledged Obama Derangement Syndrome.

You have an uncanny ability to demonstrate how little you know about what's happened in the world you live in, Joe. Obama did indeed put soldiers in Afghanistan...he did so when he called for the surge. According to the Congressional Research Service, there were 32,800 U.S. troops on the ground in Afghanistan in January 2009, when Obama entered office. In February 2009, the U.S. deployment increased to 35,900. By December 2009, the U.S. forces in Afghanistan had increased to 69,000. And, by September 2010, they had increased to 98,000. Do you want to apologize NOW for being clueless or did you want to wait a bit until you make an equally stupid statement and do it then to save time?

Completely irrelevent to the point I was making. I could explain it to you, but you STILL wouldn't understand it.

Obama did not invade Afghanistan. Bush did. And then Bush left the job unfinished to go off on his vendetta against Saddam. Which means that for nearly six years, we had the Taliban regrouping, culitivating heroin, while Pakistan went back to financing them.

Now, this is where the Obama Derangement syndrome comes in.

If Obama had come in 2009 and announced, "Hey, screw afghanistan. Karzai is a crook, and he's not going to last a week after we leave!", somehow I don't see you and the rest of the "Ohmygodtheresanegrointhewhitehouse" crowd saying, "Wow, Good call, Mr. President."

Nope. You'd be saying, "Hey, this nasty Keynan is soft on Terrorism! He's really a commie Muslim!"

So he did a surge, allowed us to save face, Killed Bin Laden (something Bush had notably FAILED to do), and now we are pulling out of that mess. Hopefully, we let Pakistan know we are going to hold them accountable for what goes onthere after we leave.
Follow your convictions. If Obama really wouldn't have taken us to war following 9/11 then he shouldn't be upping troop levels in Afghanistan later on. If he's going to accept the Nobel Peace Prize for simply showing up at the Oval Office then one wonders why his foreign policy as President wasn't the same as he said it would be when he was in the Illinois State Senate? Stand up guys talk the talk and walk the walk. Barack Obama says whatever he thinks will get him elected even if he knows it's total bullshit.
"Community Organizer" mentality. (Read that Professional Shit Disturber).
It's all about himself and nothing else. He doesn't care who gets hurt in the process.
i am wondering how you "doctor" talking points, exactly.

They were talking points. Different departments gave input on what message they want to convey.

Hey, remember when you wingnuts had Lara Logan prove Obama left those men to die.

Whatever happened to her, anyway?

Doctoring is changing key words to change the context of the talking points.

Jeezus Joe, you really have to reach, don't you?

Context. Thank you. Context.

You know. Like the Context on September 14, 2012 was that there were riots over this video in 30 countries, and yes, we really needed to address that.

That Context.

But in Whacky Wingnut Land, there were 29 Riots over the video,and one carefully planned Al Qaeda Attack that the Adminstration was covering up to Make Mitt Romney look like a Douchebag.

Oh, wait. Mitt Romney IS a Douchebag. And a Mormon. But I repeat myself.

Yeah Joe we know you're a bigot already. No need to prove it further.
Obama lied about Benghazi. The only question is why the left is not outraged. Why are you not outraged at being lied to?

Yeah Joe we know you're a bigot already. No need to prove it further.
Obama lied about Benghazi. The only question is why the left is not outraged. Why are you not outraged at being lied to?

Neither party is having the discussion about the middle east I want to have.

So obsessing about 4 dead guys in Libya and ignoring the 5000 dead in iraq is just kind of silly.

Niether party is saying, "Hey, we should have nothing to do with the Middle East, but the Zionists and Oil Companies OWN both political parties, so you'd better be used to the idea of your kid coming back in a body bag if he tries for that scholarship."

Hey, here's a neat idea. Let's have a drafta nd put all the children of the rich in a special forces unit that will be the first deployed to a war zone.

Betcha we never fight another war again after that.

Yeah Joe we know you're a bigot already. No need to prove it further.
Obama lied about Benghazi. The only question is why the left is not outraged. Why are you not outraged at being lied to?

Neither party is having the discussion about the middle east I want to have.

So obsessing about 4 dead guys in Libya and ignoring the 5000 dead in iraq is just kind of silly.

Niether party is saying, "Hey, we should have nothing to do with the Middle East, but the Zionists and Oil Companies OWN both political parties, so you'd better be used to the idea of your kid coming back in a body bag if he tries for that scholarship."

Hey, here's a neat idea. Let's have a drafta nd put all the children of the rich in a special forces unit that will be the first deployed to a war zone.

Betcha we never fight another war again after that.

My only question is why you are not outraged that the president of the United States lied about a terrorist attack. Why is that, Joe? I know you're a stupid bigot. But even you must have some kind of standard.
Obama didn't put those soldiers in Afghanistan.

Bush did.

Now, one could argue whether that was a good strategy. I personally think Afghanistan became a lost cause when Karzai stole the 2009 election.

But your complaint is that Obama played the hand Bush dealt him instead of folding?

Ladies and Gentlmen, I give you full fledged Obama Derangement Syndrome.

You have an uncanny ability to demonstrate how little you know about what's happened in the world you live in, Joe. Obama did indeed put soldiers in Afghanistan...he did so when he called for the surge. According to the Congressional Research Service, there were 32,800 U.S. troops on the ground in Afghanistan in January 2009, when Obama entered office. In February 2009, the U.S. deployment increased to 35,900. By December 2009, the U.S. forces in Afghanistan had increased to 69,000. And, by September 2010, they had increased to 98,000. Do you want to apologize NOW for being clueless or did you want to wait a bit until you make an equally stupid statement and do it then to save time?

Completely irrelevent to the point I was making. I could explain it to you, but you STILL wouldn't understand it.

Obama did not invade Afghanistan. Bush did. And then Bush left the job unfinished to go off on his vendetta against Saddam. Which means that for nearly six years, we had the Taliban regrouping, culitivating heroin, while Pakistan went back to financing them.

Now, this is where the Obama Derangement syndrome comes in.

If Obama had come in 2009 and announced, "Hey, screw afghanistan. Karzai is a crook, and he's not going to last a week after we leave!", somehow I don't see you and the rest of the "Ohmygodtheresanegrointhewhitehouse" crowd saying, "Wow, Good call, Mr. President."

Nope. You'd be saying, "Hey, this nasty Keynan is soft on Terrorism! He's really a commie Muslim!"

So he did a surge, allowed us to save face, Killed Bin Laden (something Bush had notably FAILED to do), and now we are pulling out of that mess. Hopefully, we let Pakistan know we are going to hold them accountable for what goes onthere after we leave.

Actually Afghanistan was the Democrat's war. Once the Taliban were gone and Bin Laden kicked out of the region the mission turned to Iraq. The only reason we remained there was because the Dems claimed we needed to rebuild that shithole. Instead we lose over 1600 of our people to those ungrateful backstabbing assholes, and we're declaring victory and leaving, leaving it in a bigger mess than it was when we got there. An outright repeat of Somalia.......How Obama Lost Afghanistan - The Daily Beast

Let's face it, the only thing Obama excels at is the imaginary world of the campaign trail. Everything else, he's a total disaster.
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Yeah Joe we know you're a bigot already. No need to prove it further.
Obama lied about Benghazi. The only question is why the left is not outraged. Why are you not outraged at being lied to?

Neither party is having the discussion about the middle east I want to have.

So obsessing about 4 dead guys in Libya and ignoring the 5000 dead in iraq is just kind of silly.

Niether party is saying, "Hey, we should have nothing to do with the Middle East, but the Zionists and Oil Companies OWN both political parties, so you'd better be used to the idea of your kid coming back in a body bag if he tries for that scholarship."

Hey, here's a neat idea. Let's have a drafta nd put all the children of the rich in a special forces unit that will be the first deployed to a war zone.

Betcha we never fight another war again after that.

My only question is why you are not outraged that the president of the United States lied about a terrorist attack. Why is that, Joe? I know you're a stupid bigot. But even you must have some kind of standard.

1) He called it a terrorist attack.
2) They were really upset about that video
3) Romney didn't lose because of Benghazi. He lost because he didn't slather enough religous crazy over the plutocracy.

Yeah Joe we know you're a bigot already. No need to prove it further.
Obama lied about Benghazi. The only question is why the left is not outraged. Why are you not outraged at being lied to?

Neither party is having the discussion about the middle east I want to have.

So obsessing about 4 dead guys in Libya and ignoring the 5000 dead in iraq is just kind of silly.

Niether party is saying, "Hey, we should have nothing to do with the Middle East, but the Zionists and Oil Companies OWN both political parties, so you'd better be used to the idea of your kid coming back in a body bag if he tries for that scholarship."

Hey, here's a neat idea. Let's have a drafta nd put all the children of the rich in a special forces unit that will be the first deployed to a war zone.

Betcha we never fight another war again after that.

I seriously doubt any of them would make it through selection. I doubt you would ether dirtbag.

I wonder if you even care that thousands upon thousands have died since we left Iraq. It went into Civil War the moment we left.

Oh, that's not a problem. Afghanistan, that's where Bin Laden was. We had to pull everyone out of Iraq and start a surge into Afghanistan. So basically Afghanistan is your war. It's the good war.
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Actually Afghanistan was the Democrat's war. Once the Taliban were gone and Bin Laden kicked out of the region the mission turned to Iraq. The only reason we remained there was because the Dems claimed we needed to rebuild that shithole. Instead we lose over 1600 of our people to those ungrateful backstabbing assholes, and we're declaring victory and leaving, leaving it in a bigger mess than it was when we got there. An outright repeat of Somalia.......How Obama Lost Afghanistan - The Daily Beast

Let's face it, the only thing Obama excels at is the imaginary world of the campaign trail. Everything else, he's a total disaster.

Ahhh, it's the "Stabbed in the Back" myth.

Same shit that the Nazis said after WWI, the same one the Wingnuts said after Vietnam.

Bin Laden was still in the region.

There was no good reason to go into Iraq, other than Bush's vendetta.

we should have finished the job, not wait until it was so far gone that it was unworkable.
Neither party is having the discussion about the middle east I want to have.

So obsessing about 4 dead guys in Libya and ignoring the 5000 dead in iraq is just kind of silly.

Niether party is saying, "Hey, we should have nothing to do with the Middle East, but the Zionists and Oil Companies OWN both political parties, so you'd better be used to the idea of your kid coming back in a body bag if he tries for that scholarship."

Hey, here's a neat idea. Let's have a drafta nd put all the children of the rich in a special forces unit that will be the first deployed to a war zone.

Betcha we never fight another war again after that.

My only question is why you are not outraged that the president of the United States lied about a terrorist attack. Why is that, Joe? I know you're a stupid bigot. But even you must have some kind of standard.

1) He called it a terrorist attack.
2) They were really upset about that video
3) Romney didn't lose because of Benghazi. He lost because he didn't slather enough religous crazy over the plutocracy.

No he did not. No one was upset about the video because no one in Libya had seen it. Obama lied about the video, and lied about the attack. Why do you have problems admitting the truth?
That's the number of military dead since Obama became president. Most of them in Afghanistan.

Ever hear about it from the media?


Why would they report it? Most of us have become immune to Iraq and Afghanistan. Almost on nobody's radar. But as I stated, Obama didnt' start it. It had been going five years before he was elected. He was in a lose-lose situation with the wingnuts. Leave, and they call it ''cut and run". Stay, and suddenly the wars are his fault. Couldn't make this shit up.....

Yanks and their partisanship when it comes to politics borders on the insane....

Cindy Sheehan was camped out at W's ranch in Texas protesting the war when he was running it and we had some 35,000 troops in Afghanistan...yet when Obama increased those troop levels to over 90,000 there wasn't a fucking peep from the Left and liberals left Cindy Sheehan high and dry. Gee, imagine that! "Yeah, sorry...Cindy but we don't want you protesting at the White House now 'cause Bush is gone and we don't do things like that to Barry!"

That's not true. Code Pink didn't change its anti-war stance just because Obama was elected, neither did Cindy Sheehan.
Doctoring is changing key words to change the context of the talking points.

Jeezus Joe, you really have to reach, don't you?

Context. Thank you. Context.

You know. Like the Context on September 14, 2012 was that there were riots over this video in 30 countries, and yes, we really needed to address that.

That Context.

But in Whacky Wingnut Land, there were 29 Riots over the video,and one carefully planned Al Qaeda Attack that the Adminstration was covering up to Make Mitt Romney look like a Douchebag.

Oh, wait. Mitt Romney IS a Douchebag. And a Mormon. But I repeat myself.

Yeah Joe we know you're a bigot already. No need to prove it further.
Obama lied about Benghazi. The only question is why the left is not outraged. Why are you not outraged at being lied to?

he is used to it from this admin

probably kind of likes it

helps maintain his world view
You have an uncanny ability to demonstrate how little you know about what's happened in the world you live in, Joe. Obama did indeed put soldiers in Afghanistan...he did so when he called for the surge. According to the Congressional Research Service, there were 32,800 U.S. troops on the ground in Afghanistan in January 2009, when Obama entered office. In February 2009, the U.S. deployment increased to 35,900. By December 2009, the U.S. forces in Afghanistan had increased to 69,000. And, by September 2010, they had increased to 98,000. Do you want to apologize NOW for being clueless or did you want to wait a bit until you make an equally stupid statement and do it then to save time?

Completely irrelevent to the point I was making. I could explain it to you, but you STILL wouldn't understand it.

Obama did not invade Afghanistan. Bush did. And then Bush left the job unfinished to go off on his vendetta against Saddam. Which means that for nearly six years, we had the Taliban regrouping, culitivating heroin, while Pakistan went back to financing them.

Now, this is where the Obama Derangement syndrome comes in.

If Obama had come in 2009 and announced, "Hey, screw afghanistan. Karzai is a crook, and he's not going to last a week after we leave!", somehow I don't see you and the rest of the "Ohmygodtheresanegrointhewhitehouse" crowd saying, "Wow, Good call, Mr. President."

Nope. You'd be saying, "Hey, this nasty Keynan is soft on Terrorism! He's really a commie Muslim!"

So he did a surge, allowed us to save face, Killed Bin Laden (something Bush had notably FAILED to do), and now we are pulling out of that mess. Hopefully, we let Pakistan know we are going to hold them accountable for what goes onthere after we leave.

Actually Afghanistan was the Democrat's war. Once the Taliban were gone and Bin Laden kicked out of the region the mission turned to Iraq. The only reason we remained there was because the Dems claimed we needed to rebuild that shithole. Instead we lose over 1600 of our people to those ungrateful backstabbing assholes, and we're declaring victory and leaving, leaving it in a bigger mess than it was when we got there. An outright repeat of Somalia.......How Obama Lost Afghanistan - The Daily Beast

Let's face it, the only thing Obama excels at is the imaginary world of the campaign trail. Everything else, he's a total disaster.

Stop debating the idiot.

He is nothing more than a.....


He actually just said again that Obama called it a terrorist attack and he denies (I think) that they ever said it was a spontaneous attack caused by a video.

I mean that is what he is saying right when he said Obama called it a terror attack. Right? Right?

Anyway, the guy has been bashed over the head with facts for 109 pages in this thread.

The funny thing is him claiming he is a republican. As though that means conservative.
Follow your convictions. If Obama really wouldn't have taken us to war following 9/11 then he shouldn't be upping troop levels in Afghanistan later on. If he's going to accept the Nobel Peace Prize for simply showing up at the Oval Office then one wonders why his foreign policy as President wasn't the same as he said it would be when he was in the Illinois State Senate? Stand up guys talk the talk and walk the walk. Barack Obama says whatever he thinks will get him elected even if he knows it's total bullshit.

Obama didn't oppose going into Afghanistan after 9/11. He opposed the Iraq war.

I seriously doubt most of them would make it through selection. I doubt you would ether dirtbag.

Most of the SF guys I met were a little touched in the head. Especially when they got reassigned to regular units. But that wasn't my point, guy. My point was, if rich people's kids were the first ones sent to wars, we'd be damned sure we were fighting wars for the right reason.

Why we aren't doing it when it's working people's kids going first, that's an interesting question you won't comtemplate.


I wonder if you even care that thousands upon thousands have died since we left Iraq. It went into Civil War the moment we left.

Oh, that's not a problem.

It's not MY problem.

People in that region have been fighting since Islam split between Shi'a and Sunni sects. What were we supposed to do to make them love each other, exactly?
Context. Thank you. Context.

You know. Like the Context on September 14, 2012 was that there were riots over this video in 30 countries, and yes, we really needed to address that.

That Context.

But in Whacky Wingnut Land, there were 29 Riots over the video,and one carefully planned Al Qaeda Attack that the Adminstration was covering up to Make Mitt Romney look like a Douchebag.

Oh, wait. Mitt Romney IS a Douchebag. And a Mormon. But I repeat myself.

Yeah Joe we know you're a bigot already. No need to prove it further.
Obama lied about Benghazi. The only question is why the left is not outraged. Why are you not outraged at being lied to?

he is used to it from this admin

probably kind of likes it

helps maintain his world view

My theory is that since Democrats lie they assume everyone else does too. So they don't care particularly. Republicans generally tell the truth so they assume everyone else does too. That's fatal when dealing with Democrats. Because those people lie.

Stop debating the idiot.

He is nothing more than a.....

He actually just said again that Obama called it a terrorist attack and he denies (I think) that they ever said it was a spontaneous attack caused by a video.

I mean that is what he is saying right when he said Obama called it a terror attack. Right? Right?

Anyway, the guy has been bashed over the head with facts for 109 pages in this thread.

The funny thing is him claiming he is a republican. As though that means conservative.

"Act of Terror" = "Terrorist Attack".

And, yes, I was a republican before the party became rich people manipulating religious nuts to vote against their own economic interests.
Yeah Joe we know you're a bigot already. No need to prove it further.
Obama lied about Benghazi. The only question is why the left is not outraged. Why are you not outraged at being lied to?

he is used to it from this admin

probably kind of likes it

helps maintain his world view

My theory is that since Democrats lie they assume everyone else does too. So they don't care particularly. Republicans generally tell the truth so they assume everyone else does too. That's fatal when dealing with Democrats. Because those people lie.

it is a good theory
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