New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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My theory is that since Democrats lie they assume everyone else does too. So they don't care particularly. Republicans generally tell the truth so they assume everyone else does too. That's fatal when dealing with Democrats. Because those people lie.

Really? Republicans tell the truth?

Ummmm, where are those WMD's in Iraq again?

Here's the thing, I believed Republican lies for years.

And then in 2008, I woke up with a busted 401K, and underwater mortgage and getting let go from my job because I had made claims against medical insurance I paid for.

So someone lied to me, but it wasn't Democrats.

Hey, here's a neat idea. Let's have a drafta nd put all the children of the rich in a special forces unit that will be the first deployed to a war zone.

Betcha we never fight another war again after that.
How about drafting moochers and putting them on the front line? Kind of a win-win situation, but we'd probably be waging wars with high casualties intentionally.

My theory is that since Democrats lie they assume everyone else does too. So they don't care particularly. Republicans generally tell the truth so they assume everyone else does too. That's fatal when dealing with Democrats. Because those people lie.

Really? Republicans tell the truth?

Ummmm, where are those WMD's in Iraq again?

Here's the thing, I believed Republican lies for years.

And then in 2008, I woke up with a busted 401K, and underwater mortgage and getting let go from my job because I had made claims against medical insurance I paid for.

So someone lied to me, but it wasn't Democrats.
Bill Clinton and AL Gore said there were WMDs. Democrats lie.
Which Republican said, If you like your health care plan, you can keep it, period.
Neither party is having the discussion about the middle east I want to have.

So obsessing about 4 dead guys in Libya and ignoring the 5000 dead in iraq is just kind of silly.

Niether party is saying, "Hey, we should have nothing to do with the Middle East, but the Zionists and Oil Companies OWN both political parties, so you'd better be used to the idea of your kid coming back in a body bag if he tries for that scholarship."

Hey, here's a neat idea. Let's have a drafta nd put all the children of the rich in a special forces unit that will be the first deployed to a war zone.

Betcha we never fight another war again after that.

My only question is why you are not outraged that the president of the United States lied about a terrorist attack. Why is that, Joe? I know you're a stupid bigot. But even you must have some kind of standard.

1) He called it a terrorist attack.
2) They were really upset about that video
3) Romney didn't lose because of Benghazi. He lost because he didn't slather enough religous crazy over the plutocracy.

Show me a video of Obama calling Benghazi a terrorist attack. Those words, not some general nonsense. It has to be Obama saying "Benghazi was an attack by al Qaeda affiliates and it was an act of terror".

The video was an afterthought or at best a plant by the administration after the fact.

Romney lost because he didn't think Obama would stoop to such a low level in order to win. Obama has never won an election without using tricks or race to weasel his way into office. Hillary can testify what happened. She hates him with a passion because the rules during the primaries allowed Obama to get as many points as she did even when she won the state. She would win the state and Obama would come in with his caucuses and still take half of the points. Obama just had better cheaters than she did.

There's your answer.

That's simply false. He was talking ABOUT Benghazi just before he referenced acts of terror.

It's called context. Look it up.

It's called spin, and you're quite good at it. Crowley admitted she was wrong, and Obama never referred to Benghazi as an "act of terror." She was promptly forced to apologize for interjecting herself into a presidential debate.

No, Carbine, what you said is 'simply false.'

Crowley is just another person who doesn't know what she's talking about.

The President said this:

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act.

'ACTS of terror' opens the remark.

'this terrible ACT' ends it.

The President refers to the broad category of acts of terror, and then puts Benghazi into that category, referring to it as another specific act.

He references 'four MORE Americans', thus ADDING them to those who have already in the past died in 'acts of terror'. Do you know what the word 'more' means in that context?
My only question is why you are not outraged that the president of the United States lied about a terrorist attack. Why is that, Joe? I know you're a stupid bigot. But even you must have some kind of standard.

1) He called it a terrorist attack.
2) They were really upset about that video
3) Romney didn't lose because of Benghazi. He lost because he didn't slather enough religous crazy over the plutocracy.

Show me a video of Obama calling Benghazi a terrorist attack. Those words, not some general nonsense. It has to be Obama saying "Benghazi was an attack by al Qaeda affiliates and it was an act of terror".

The video was an afterthought or at best a plant by the administration after the fact.

Romney lost because he didn't think Obama would stoop to such a low level in order to win. Obama has never won an election without using tricks or race to weasel his way into office. Hillary can testify what happened. She hates him with a passion because the rules during the primaries allowed Obama to get as many points as she did even when she won the state. She would win the state and Obama would come in with his caucuses and still take half of the points. Obama just had better cheaters than she did.

What the hell is the difference between "act of terror" and "terrorist attack?"

Does one of them not use terror, or something?

Are towel-heads not involved somehow?

Seriously, I can't figure it the fuck out....
So we all finally agree then? Obama did call it a spontaneous attack caused by a video.

That is the lie.

It is funny watching them claim that when Obama called it a terror attack that they are saying he did not lie about it caused by a video and it being spontaneous.

Like I said....over and over again.

The debate is done. It has been done since the first post.

Joe and NY are nothing but ass clowns. Keep it up. Fucking hilarious how desperate LIEberals are.

Show me a video of Obama calling Benghazi a terrorist attack. Those words, not some general nonsense. It has to be Obama saying "Benghazi was an attack by al Qaeda affiliates and it was an act of terror".

The video was an afterthought or at best a plant by the administration after the fact.


If you want to write the wording of Obama's speeches, you should send the White House your resume, but I suspect it will end up in the Secret Service's bin.

Probably because your objective will read "Making that Keynan Commie Muslim Bastard Tell the Truth!!!!"

Romney lost because he didn't think Obama would stoop to such a low level in order to win. Obama has never won an election without using tricks or race to weasel his way into office. Hillary can testify what happened. She hates him with a passion because the rules during the primaries allowed Obama to get as many points as she did even when she won the state. She would win the state and Obama would come in with his caucuses and still take half of the points. Obama just had better cheaters than she did

Okay, Obama didn't set the rules for the 2008 primaries. The DNC did. And the people who set those rules had more loyalties to the Clintons than Obama.

Hillary's real problem was that she had no plan past Super Tuesday, because she thought she'd have it wrapped up by then.

Her other problem was that a lot of Democrats said, "We like both Hillary and Obama, but if we nominate HIllary, we are going to get a second round of all the crazy shit the GOP did during Bill's presidency." LIttle did they realize Obama would make you guys crazier than Clinton ever did.

Guy, I really have to ask the question, why does Obama occupy so much space in your head, rent free?

Here's a better question.

When he leaves office in 2017, there's going to be a big empty space in your life.
1) He called it a terrorist attack.
2) They were really upset about that video
3) Romney didn't lose because of Benghazi. He lost because he didn't slather enough religous crazy over the plutocracy.

Show me a video of Obama calling Benghazi a terrorist attack. Those words, not some general nonsense. It has to be Obama saying "Benghazi was an attack by al Qaeda affiliates and it was an act of terror".

The video was an afterthought or at best a plant by the administration after the fact.

Romney lost because he didn't think Obama would stoop to such a low level in order to win. Obama has never won an election without using tricks or race to weasel his way into office. Hillary can testify what happened. She hates him with a passion because the rules during the primaries allowed Obama to get as many points as she did even when she won the state. She would win the state and Obama would come in with his caucuses and still take half of the points. Obama just had better cheaters than she did.

What the hell is the difference between "act of terror" and "terrorist attack?"

Does one of them not use terror, or something?

Are towel-heads not involved somehow?

Seriously, I can't figure it the fuck out....

Spontaneous attack caused by a video. That is the lie. :lol:

Desperate LIEberal.
why are libs freaking out over an investigation into Benghazi?

i dont recall Republicans hyperventilating over the 9-11 Commission

all we seek is the truth?

what are the obama-bots and rabid Dems afraid of?
That's simply false. He was talking ABOUT Benghazi just before he referenced acts of terror.

It's called context. Look it up.

It's called spin, and you're quite good at it. Crowley admitted she was wrong, and Obama never referred to Benghazi as an "act of terror." She was promptly forced to apologize for interjecting herself into a presidential debate.

No, Carbine, what you said is 'simply false.'

Crowley is just another person who doesn't know what she's talking about.

The President said this:

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act.

'ACTS of terror' opens the remark.

'this terrible ACT' ends it.

The President refers to the broad category of acts of terror, and then puts Benghazi into that category, referring to it as another specific act.

He references 'four MORE Americans', thus ADDING them to those who have already in the past died in 'acts of terror'. Do you know what the word 'more' means in that context?

In the real world just saying "Terror" shouldn't bail the lying asshole out if he insisted on claiming it wasn't caused by terrorists for weeks afterward, but in your little world of self-denial, it works.

So, either he believed during that speech, that it was an act of terror, and then decided to change his story afterward, the fact remains that he sent Susan Rice on 5 talk shows to lie to America. This cannot be excused by the fact that he admitted the truth initially, even though that admission wasn't obvious and reluctant at best.
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why are libs freaking out over an investigation into Benghazi?

i dont recall Republicans hyperventilating over the 9-11 Commission

all we seek is the truth?

what are the obama-bots and rabid Dems afraid of?

I'd have no problem if we ran the Benghazi commission the same way we ran the 9-11 commission.

WHich means equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans with no hyper-partisans or people running for office on it.

They probably come to the same conclusion. A lot of things could have been done better, but the incident probably couldn't have been prevented.
the desperate lib comparisons to 9-11 are hilarious!1

you had your 9-11 Commission; nobody freaked out and accused you of a witch hunt

left-wing losers are amazing morons; you never proved anything of the things you rant about Bush; no "stolen elections", no 9-11 cover-up, no lying about WMDs.

but it doesnt stop you losers from believing the lies you tell yourselves

the desperate lib comparisons to 9-11 are hilarious!1

you had your 9-11 Commission; nobody freaked out and accused you of a witch hunt

left-wing losers are amazing morons; you never proved anything of the things you rant about Bush; no "stolen elections", no 9-11 cover-up, no lying about WMDs.

but it doesnt stop you losers from believing the lies you tell yourselves


They Know Obama lied.... thats why they dont want this. It will prove Obama lied for political gain and imprisoned a man for nothing more then using his GOD GIVEN constitutional right.
why are libs freaking out over an investigation into Benghazi?

i dont recall Republicans hyperventilating over the 9-11 Commission

all we seek is the truth?

what are the obama-bots and rabid Dems afraid of?

I'd have no problem if we ran the Benghazi commission the same way we ran the 9-11 commission.

WHich means equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans with no hyper-partisans or people running for office on it.

They probably come to the same conclusion. A lot of things could have been done better, but the incident probably couldn't have been prevented.

That defeatist attitude cannot be acceptable in today's world.

If you want a bunch of losers in the White House, you got your wish.

It seems to me that failure is celebrated by you guys on the left, not success.

If you can't succeed you just bull shit everyone into thinking you won.

We're losing out to Russia, China, and Iran because our president is a bull shit artist with no real backbone and a big mouth. Everyone is laughing at us.
why are libs freaking out over an investigation into Benghazi?

i dont recall Republicans hyperventilating over the 9-11 Commission

all we seek is the truth?

what are the obama-bots and rabid Dems afraid of?

I'd have no problem if we ran the Benghazi commission the same way we ran the 9-11 commission.

WHich means equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans with no hyper-partisans or people running for office on it.

They probably come to the same conclusion. A lot of things could have been done better, but the incident probably couldn't have been prevented.

That defeatist attitude cannot be acceptable in today's world.

If you want a bunch of losers in the White House, you got your wish.

It seems to me that failure is celebrated by you guys on the left, not success.

If you can't succeed you just bull shit everyone into thinking you won.

We're losing out to Russia, China, and Iran because our president is a bull shit artist with no real backbone and a big mouth. Everyone is laughing at us.

Guy, i don't know anyone who would rather live in ANY of those countries than the USA.

And what does any of that have to do with anything I just said?

If you really think we need an "investigation" of it, then do a non-partisan commission to review it. Just like we did with 9/11.

If you are just out to validate your ODS, we can do that, too, I guess.

I'd rather have government working on the real problems.
the desperate lib comparisons to 9-11 are hilarious!1

you had your 9-11 Commission; nobody freaked out and accused you of a witch hunt

left-wing losers are amazing morons; you never proved anything of the things you rant about Bush; no "stolen elections", no 9-11 cover-up, no lying about WMDs.

but it doesnt stop you losers from believing the lies you tell yourselves


Okay, so let's have a non-partisan commission to investigate whether or not Obama said "Act of Terror" or "Terrorist Attack". Or if the ragheads were really upset about a video or not.

Because that's just as important as a security breach that killed 3000 people.

Of course, the stolen election was never investigated, and investigations found that there were lies about WMD's. As in, we didn't find any.
It's called spin, and you're quite good at it. Crowley admitted she was wrong, and Obama never referred to Benghazi as an "act of terror." She was promptly forced to apologize for interjecting herself into a presidential debate.

No, Carbine, what you said is 'simply false.'

Crowley is just another person who doesn't know what she's talking about.

The President said this:

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act.

'ACTS of terror' opens the remark.

'this terrible ACT' ends it.

The President refers to the broad category of acts of terror, and then puts Benghazi into that category, referring to it as another specific act.

He references 'four MORE Americans', thus ADDING them to those who have already in the past died in 'acts of terror'. Do you know what the word 'more' means in that context?

In the real world just saying "Terror" shouldn't bail they lying asshole out if he insisted on claiming it wasn't caused by terrorists for weeks afterward, but in your little world of self-denial, it works.

So, either he believed during that speech, that it was an act of terror, and then decided to change his story afterward, the fact remains that he sent Susan Rice on 5 talk shows to lie to America. This cannot be excused by the fact that he admitted the truth initially, even though that admission wasn't obvious and reluctant at best.

Susan Rice never denied it was an act of terror. Nobody in the adminstration ever denied it was an act of terror.
I'd have no problem if we ran the Benghazi commission the same way we ran the 9-11 commission.

WHich means equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans with no hyper-partisans or people running for office on it.

They probably come to the same conclusion. A lot of things could have been done better, but the incident probably couldn't have been prevented.

That defeatist attitude cannot be acceptable in today's world.

If you want a bunch of losers in the White House, you got your wish.

It seems to me that failure is celebrated by you guys on the left, not success.

If you can't succeed you just bull shit everyone into thinking you won.

We're losing out to Russia, China, and Iran because our president is a bull shit artist with no real backbone and a big mouth. Everyone is laughing at us.

Guy, i don't know anyone who would rather live in ANY of those countries than the USA.

And what does any of that have to do with anything I just said?

If you really think we need an "investigation" of it, then do a non-partisan commission to review it. Just like we did with 9/11.

If you are just out to validate your ODS, we can do that, too, I guess.

I'd rather have government working on the real problems.

Yeah, like jobs.

What a fucken parrot.
Just for the record, since this is a question about politicizing Benghazi, let's remember who FIRST tried to make it a political issue:

Mitt Romney's comment, ON THE NIGHT OF THE ATTACK:

“It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

...that, of course, was no problem for the ODS'ers.
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