New bill would repeal the horrible bank law signed by Trump 5 years ago

Or they set standards too high for small banks to function, as they are designed for larger banks.
then it's time to figure out a good compromise for good oversight of the smaller banks. but this kind of crap is almost criminal and they do it every damn time, The GOP corrupt deregulation game... this bank quadrupled in size since they changed the rules. sound familiar?...
Yes yes, we don't know anything and neither do any of the journalists around the world. We'll just have to trust the Republicans and corporate ceo's....BULLSHIT, nitwit- oops brainwashed functional nitwit.... the GOP does this crap every time. The rich get richer and then the world has a recession or depression And the following political chaos and militarism. GOP is a catastrophe and always has been. Since Taft lol

I knew Hernstein The Harvard Economics Professor And other economists and they don't make any sense They're so deep into academia. but what the GOP does every time is basically criminal. Not to mention their lying POS propaganda....

TL;dr, fuck off troll.
Just seen two experts on CNN laugh at the thought that this bank failure was Trump's fault.... it has nothing to do with Trump....
then it's time to figure out a good compromise for good oversight of the smaller banks. but this kind of crap is almost criminal and they do it every damn time, The GOP corrupt deregulation game... this bank quadrupled in size since they changed the rules. sound familiar?...

Most of the people with a vested interest in this bank seem to be Dems in good standing.
Evidently, but you still have presented zero actual evidence the change in this law was the cause, or could have prevented what happened.
I've shown it over and over. The law removed the stress test regulation from banks like SVB.

SVB then loaded up on interest rate risk. A risk a stress test would have revealed.

That interest rate risk was their downfall.

Their handlers told them ORANGE MAN BAD again, and The Lemmings lap it up.
now we know how trump deregulation was going to wreck the world economy given any more time, just like the GOP does every time they get eight years. they make a bundle off of deregulation and Leave the world holding the bag.... This bank quadrupled in four years yippee. business and banking Etcetera will always get away with whatever they can, they need tough regulation and oversight, which the GOP doesn't like doing to their buddies and their family LOL.
Warren, Booker and Menéndez are sponsoring a bill that would repeal some of the harmful banking deregulations that were passed by a majority of Republicans five years ago. These deregulations allowed banks like Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank to take on excessive risks and eventually collapse, threatening the stability of our financial system.

Republicans should fix their karma a little by supporting this bill, which would restore critical oversight and capital requirements for large banks.
Fake News.

Silicon Valley Bank DIDN'T HAVE risky investments.

Their investments were 60% in Treasury Bonds that were underwater DUE ENTIRELY TO INFLATION.

Get some knowledge and stop believing the lies the Democrats are spoon feeding you.
This bank problem has nothing to do with regulation or Trump... so stop making fools of yourself libs....

The bank problem has everything to do with deregulation, just like the 1999 banking deregulation lead directly to the housing bubble collapse and the Great Recession of 2008.

In Canada, our then finance minister was asked by Canadian bankers to deregulate here and Paul Martin refused. That refusal saved Canada from the worst effects of the 2008 global financial collapse. European governments beat a path to our door to shore up their regulations.

0bama passed new regulations to negate the impact of that deregulation, so of course Trump had to get rid of it. And like night following day, banks are failing due to greed and lack of regulation. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Why do you believe that Republicans are better for the economy???
Naked due to supposedly safe government bonds?
They were not safe. I do not know how much more I can dumb down for you the risk they took with bonds.

Where else besides just sitting in their own vaults could the money have been invested for less risk?
When you are carrying a lot of risk, you actually want to set aside plenty of capital. That's another thing the rule change exempted SVB from.
Anyone holding securities issued before the Fed increased interest rates is sitting on a giant pile of interest rate risk.

They better have a lot of capital on hand.
Fake News.

Silicon Valley Bank DIDN'T HAVE risky investments.

Their investments were 60% in Treasury Bonds that were underwater DUE ENTIRELY TO INFLATION.

Get some knowledge and stop believing the lies the Democrats are spoon feeding you.

And what did they do when their assets started losing value????? They failed to report it, dumped their stock and tried to cover it up. Where was Goldman Sachs in all of this. They were supposed to be advising the bank's financial advisors.

You're so busy trying to blame Joe Biden that you completely dismiss the myriad players in this scenario, including Peter Thiele's part in all that transpired.

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