New bill would revoke passport of those who owe back taxes *


Mar 30, 2012
This is fucked up, man. Slaves, until you're paid for.

New bill would revoke passport of those who owe back taxes
A bill authored by a Southland lawmaker that could potentially allow the federal government to prevent any Americans who owe back taxes from traveling outside the U.S. is one step closer to becoming law.

Senate Bill 1813 was introduced back in November by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Los Angeles) to “reauthorize Federal-aid highway and highway safety construction programs, and for other purposes”.

Read more: New bill would revoke passport of those who owe back taxes | Campaign 2012 - The BIG One - WTAM 1100

It's getting close to bugout time.
Where did everyone go? :confused:

Damn, I better get packing and my ass moving too. Yikes.
"Hello." "Hello, anyone?" . .

Damn, I never would have guessed I might have to become an illegal alien myself one day too. I sure hope Canada hasn't erected any border fences yet to keep out the trash and rift raft from the south too.

If that commie care remains law, everyone will be forever in debt to the government and will never be able to escape because you'll always owe them something because of someone else. It will be like dear mommy and dear daddy never allowing you to fly the coop because you'll always owe them something with no hope of ever paying that off for good.

Jebuskhrist, the USA really IS being turned into a north korea. Screw packing, I better haul ass now before Canada puts armed Mounties on the border. Once in Canada I can catch a flight to the moon and escape from these parasitic ass munching humans.

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