New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

you mean all three members of the "new black panthers"? that's what relevant to you?

oh yeah, why wouldn't it be?

hint: it didn't work last time. it won't work this time.

but keep on keepin on
You are a hypocrite. And a silly person.
you know those NBPP tweets were super-effective at spreading their message. That's how they got retweeted once, three times and three times:)

oooo....and they have a whopping 278 followers! A turtle in Nunavut could have more followers.
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Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit
I don't think the Black Panthers know what they are asking for. Just saying. :eusa_whistle:
Funny how the radical left seems to support community activists who threaten bodily harm to voters but they are horrified at the thought of producing a photo I/d. at the polling place.
New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

And the barrels of our guns will be on your motherf---ing foreheads, you pieces of human filth!
The KKK and Neo-Nazis make threats like this all the time...I guess you don't have a problem with them or something?

Show an example of Nazi's or the KKK doing such and it was tolerated...

So me a KKK radio show... Naw you can't..

Sorry, I've been alive for 32 years and I have never even seen or met a Nazi or KKK members..

I'm sure there are some out there but how can you blame them - especially when it is politically correct to call for the assassination of white people and white babies?? when democrats are defending these assholes who are making these threats...

These pricks only put a bounty out on Zimmermans head... Last time I checked that was conspiracy to commit murder..

Let me guess - because their great, great, great grandfathers were slaves it makes solicitation of murder and conspiracy to commit murder acceptable? Of course it does in progressive land....

What the fuck is wrong with you progressives?

You call us libertarians "lunatic vigilantes" but here you progressives are defending a bunch of nuts that have a reward out for murdering an individual...
I am leasing Phillips Arena for a rumble take all Octagon cage fight between the NBPP and the Aryan Nation. Pay Per View will be $40 and tickets go on sale at Ticket Master Saturday morning.
The KKK and Neo-Nazis make threats like this all the time...I guess you don't have a problem with them or something?

Show an example of Nazi's or the KKK doing such and it was tolerated...

So me a KKK radio show... Naw you can't..

Sorry, I've been alive for 32 years and I have never even seen or met a Nazi or KKK members..

I'm sure there are some out there but how can you blame them - especially when it is politically correct to call for the assassination of white people and white babies?? when democrats are defending these assholes who are making these threats...

These pricks only put a bounty out on Zimmermans head... Last time I checked that was conspiracy to commit murder..

Let me guess - because their great, great, great grandfathers were slaves it makes solicitation of murder and conspiracy to commit murder acceptable? Of course it does in progressive land....

What the fuck is wrong with you progressives?

You call us libertarians "lunatic vigilantes" but here you progressives are defending a bunch of nuts that have a reward out for murdering an individual...

How about a Skin Head CD on how to burn Jews in the ovens?
Words describe how to do it in the songs.
Is that murder? There are dozens of those available for sale on the internet.
First bout will be at 7 pm with The Masked Negroes against the hooded Klansmen. Tag team duo up next with White Trash #1 and #2 versus Booker T and the MG. For the Title Belt the finale will be the FreeBird RedNecks versus the UnderGround RailRoad.
Plenty of law enforcement "hanging" around precincts in Florida. "Illegals" and the rare trouble makers do not stand a chance. The one incident involving a few radical men of color has been publicized more than "Brad & Angie" by the extremist right.
How about a Skin Head CD on how to burn Jews in the ovens?
Words describe how to do it in the songs.
Is that murder? There are dozens of those available for sale on the internet.

And protected speech as well.

Threatening people with sticks is freedom of speech?

Isn't it peaceful assembly? ie not waving sticks around?

Yeah keep on defending the NBP....
The KKK and Neo-Nazis make threats like this all the time...I guess you don't have a problem with them or something?

Show an example of Nazi's or the KKK doing such and it was tolerated...

So me a KKK radio show... Naw you can't..

Sorry, I've been alive for 32 years and I have never even seen or met a Nazi or KKK members..

I'm sure there are some out there but how can you blame them - especially when it is politically correct to call for the assassination of white people and white babies?? when democrats are defending these assholes who are making these threats...

These pricks only put a bounty out on Zimmermans head... Last time I checked that was conspiracy to commit murder..

Let me guess - because their great, great, great grandfathers were slaves it makes solicitation of murder and conspiracy to commit murder acceptable? Of course it does in progressive land....

What the fuck is wrong with you progressives?

You call us libertarians "lunatic vigilantes" but here you progressives are defending a bunch of nuts that have a reward out for murdering an individual...

How about a Skin Head CD on how to burn Jews in the ovens?
Words describe how to do it in the songs.
Is that murder? There are dozens of those available for sale on the internet.

In what universe do you actually believe I know a fucking thing about "skin head" music???

If it matters I hate screaming death metal.... The best part of your accusation is that I listen to a lot of rap music - not that pussy shit but real street shit....

So just keep on yapping your gums...

[ame=]Runaway Slave Theme - YouTube[/ame]
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit
Show of hands: before this thread, did any of you know that tinydancer was this whacked?

She's on a roll. I wonder if she's eligible for "Biggest Loser", just like another obese Cajun wingnut from another place, another time.
All twenty of them will mostly likely be without gas to get to the polls; this is a tiny group. A hate group, yes; the real worry is how many voters will be denied the MOST FUNDAMENAL American right, the right to vote. The wave of sewage that constitutes the new "VALID, CURRENT, PHOTO ID; VERIFIED, ADDRESS CHECKED, SIGNATURE SCREENED, ROLLS ANALIZED, CIRCLES FILLED IN EXACTLY AS SHOWN", voter SUPRESSION laws are a radical rightist's dream come true. The more votes, the fewer Steve Kings, Paul Ryans, and Sanctos infesting American government. And the time and money spent minimizing the vote is growing by leaps and bounds. GOTV is a thing of the past; today STFV* is the goal.

*Stop 'Them' From Voting.
Too bad the argument has degenerated into the surreal image of rival political gangs fighting for their concept of voting rights. The dirty little secret is that the KKK was affiliated with the democrat party during the segregationist years. The government might allow a racist throwback (NBP) to operate in order to terrorize voters who stray from the Black plantation and turn their heads way from a liberal club dedicated to raping young boys (NAMBLA) that operates from their other radical base but the KKK is dead as a doornail.

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