New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Who was threatened with a stick?

Are you idiot defenders of racism fucking blind??

Who was threatened with a stick? Give us the names of some folks who complained they'd been threatened black guys outside a polling place with a stick in a black neighborhood.

If I pulled a glock 9 and pointed it at your face would you feel threatened? If I pulled a bat on your bitch ass would you feel threatened??
Are you idiot defenders of racism fucking blind??

Who was threatened with a stick? Give us the names of some folks who complained they'd been threatened black guys outside a polling place with a stick in a black neighborhood.

If I pulled a glock 9 and pointed it at your face would you feel threatened? If I pulled a bat on your bitch ass would you feel threatened??

Put your little fantasy cock away, kid, and answer my question:

Who was threatened with a stick?
This is Obama & Holder's mighty 'Civilian Army?' Ha Ha! Those dunces can't do anything right. What a bunch of pussies. Bring it on Panthers. Anytime. :)

RNC to the New Black Panthers : Our 'Foots Will Be Up Your Motherf***ing ASS'


Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit
Show of hands: before this thread, did any of you know that tinydancer was this whacked?
So, the NBPP tweets calls for racial violence...and it's tinydancer's fault.

You just make sure you don't criticize the racist, hateful bastards of the NBPP -- that'd make you racist.
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit

It's funny to watch a small and insignificant group of black people scaring the shit out of a large group of white people.

They are doing it on purpose, an you are goofy enough to take the bait.

Accuse someone of being "scared" for the purpose of shutting them up.
These are democrat voters and dependents of the democrat party, so it is your job to defend them.
Geaux serves his masters well, and he will be rewarded.

Actually, he'll be thrown under the bus as soon as his useful idiocy is no longer useful. But he can dream, can't he?
Who was threatened with a stick? Give us the names of some folks who complained they'd been threatened black guys outside a polling place with a stick in a black neighborhood.

If I pulled a glock 9 and pointed it at your face would you feel threatened? If I pulled a bat on your bitch ass would you feel threatened??

Put your little fantasy cock away, kid, and answer my question:

Who was threatened with a stick?

If you had an ounce of brain matter you would already know that because the official report is online..

Also if you believe for a nanosecond I wouldn't crack a progressive across the face with a "tool" you're mistaken... If someone threatened me with a bat they would regret it for the rest of their lives if they managed to live...

Of course i would be charged with a hate crime (God forbid) and then I would have to meet Holder and profess my sins or face life in prison - because apparently minorities have the right to threaten voters with primitive jungle weaponry...
Who was threatened with a stick?

Are you idiot defenders of racism fucking blind??

Who was threatened with a stick? Give us the names of some folks who complained they'd been threatened black guys outside a polling place with a stick in a black neighborhood.
I see you still bitterly cling to leftist bullshit.

So, in summary:

Members of a paramilitary organization in uniform standing outside a polling place brandishing weapons and screaming threats at certain segments of the population is NOT voter intimidation.

Asking for a photo ID at the polling place is disenfranchising certain segments of the population.

Is that what you leftists are using instead of rational thought?

RNC to the New Black Panthers : Our 'Foots Will Be Up Your Motherf***ing ASS'


Yeah, they're very confused. The RNC isn't the DNC. There's a big difference. The DNC is a Party full of big ole pussies. The RNC on the other hand, is well armed and fully prepared for any Black Panther attacks.

It probably doesn't matter in the end though. The Panthers have boasted of such attacks for many years. And that's all they've done. They don't have the balls to actually follow through on their threats. But should they decide to, they will be met with a fierce & effective defense.
All twenty of them will mostly likely be without gas to get to the polls; this is a tiny group. A hate group, yes; the real worry is how many voters will be denied the MOST FUNDAMENAL American right, the right to vote. The wave of sewage that constitutes the new "VALID, CURRENT, PHOTO ID; VERIFIED, ADDRESS CHECKED, SIGNATURE SCREENED, ROLLS ANALIZED, CIRCLES FILLED IN EXACTLY AS SHOWN", voter SUPRESSION laws are a radical rightist's dream come true. The more votes, the fewer Steve Kings, Paul Ryans, and Sanctos infesting American government. And the time and money spent minimizing the vote is growing by leaps and bounds. GOTV is a thing of the past; today STFV* is the goal.

*Stop 'Them' From Voting.
Illegal immigrants do not have the right to vote.
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit

Those crazy ******* don't have to come all the way down here looking for racist honkies and crackers, they can just stop at the democratic national convention in Charlotte...
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit
Show of hands: before this thread, did any of you know that tinydancer was this whacked?

Let's see. To start a thread about a current news story whereby a national radical left wing group known as the New Black Panthers is making threats against the Republican National Convention makes me "whacked"?


You are one sick puppy. :lol:
It is clearly visible that progressives LOVE white hate.....

They absolutely adore the New Black Panthers position on issues...

I haven't seen on progressive condemn their racist shit - yet these are the same fools who will turn around and call others racists for taking a fiscally responsible approach to our economy and entitlement programs...

Progressives ARE dumb people, they're racist and ignorant people - however overall they're brainwashed people....

It certainly takes a bizarre pathology to condemn racism then turn around and defend it....
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit
Show of hands: before this thread, did any of you know that tinydancer was this whacked?
So, the NBPP tweets calls for racial violence...and it's tinydancer's fault.

You just make sure you don't criticize the racist, hateful bastards of the NBPP -- that'd make you racist.
Show us on the doll where the New Black Panther touched you.
Are you idiot defenders of racism fucking blind??

Who was threatened with a stick? Give us the names of some folks who complained they'd been threatened black guys outside a polling place with a stick in a black neighborhood.
I see you still bitterly cling to leftist bullshit.

So, in summary:

Members of a paramilitary organization in uniform standing outside a polling place brandishing weapons and screaming threats at certain segments of the population is NOT voter intimidation.

Asking for a photo ID at the polling place is disenfranchising certain segments of the population.

Is that what you leftists are using instead of rational thought?
You know that one of those two scary Black men was an accredited poll watcher, right?

Where would an 83 year old, living in an assisted living or nursing home, confined to a wheelchair...where would she get a photo ID? And who would pay for it?
Last edited:
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit
Show of hands: before this thread, did any of you know that tinydancer was this whacked?

Let's see. To start a thread about a current news story whereby a national radical left wing group known as the New Black Panthers is making threats against the Republican National Convention makes me "whacked"?


You are one sick puppy. :lol:
It's not a current news story.
I suppose racism is a one-way street to these fucking progressives ... It certainly seems that way..

They say shit like "how is a black radical sitting in front of a voting booth with a baseball bat talking massive shit threatening"

Well, how the fuck is my AR 15 in your face threatening??

Would finding a gun in your face be normal? but I suppose racists with stick are, and should be tolerated?
I suppose racism is a one-way street to these fucking progressives ... It certainly seems that way..

They say shit like "how is a black radical sitting in front of a voting booth with a baseball bat talking massive shit threatening"

Well, how the fuck is my AR 15 in your face threatening??

Would finding a gun in your face be normal? but I suppose racists with stick are, and should be tolerated?

You could hang em. Fire with fire, as you are!
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit

If he denounce all the carp going on he would not get anything done. That's funny.:lol::lol:Freedom of speech?

Freedom of speech is only for republicans when they say something insane. Ask them.

Those 10 black guys in the NBPP scare he hell out of white people. Its so funny its sad.
Are you idiot defenders of racism fucking blind??

Who was threatened with a stick? Give us the names of some folks who complained they'd been threatened black guys outside a polling place with a stick in a black neighborhood.
I see you still bitterly cling to leftist bullshit.

So, in summary:

Members of a paramilitary organization in uniform standing outside a polling place brandishing weapons and screaming threats at certain segments of the population is NOT voter intimidation.

Asking for a photo ID at the polling place is disenfranchising certain segments of the population.

Is that what you leftists are using instead of rational thought?

You do know they were in west philly. WEST philly. Exactly who did they intimidate?

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