New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

They ain't got nothin' on those evil racist teabaggers.:lol:

I hope you are being sarcastic.
Otherwise you have a room temperature IQ.
You show me gun toting, threatening to kill those of one race Tea Party members. Go ahead.
Teabaggers come to their rallies armed, and advertising it.

These two wannabe thugs are just dressed in scary clothes and one billy club. Prolly a fashion statement.

Now billy clubs aren't weapons.

Leftists have a remarkable capacity for self-delusion.
I see you still bitterly cling to leftist bullshit.

So, in summary:

Members of a paramilitary organization in uniform standing outside a polling place brandishing weapons and screaming threats at certain segments of the population is NOT voter intimidation.

Asking for a photo ID at the polling place is disenfranchising certain segments of the population.

Is that what you leftists are using instead of rational thought?

You do know they were in west philly. WEST philly. Exactly who did they intimidate?
Read the law. Actual intimidation is not required. The intent to intimidate is.

Now you too can tell me a fairy tale about how those guys were there to help people vote.

Of course Holder looked the other way because he is a damn racist. Of course their intention was to intimidate and it is on video. Those tweets are intentions to do the same.
Remember the recorded cell call a while back with NBPP members talking this same shit?
Uh, well, remember when I stated a while back that thereranks are already filled with informants for probably every law enforcement agency nationally?
That is how they got that call recorded in the first place.
We know every move they make now.
You do know they were in west philly. WEST philly. Exactly who did they intimidate?
Read the law. Actual intimidation is not required. The intent to intimidate is.

Now you too can tell me a fairy tale about how those guys were there to help people vote.

Of course Holder looked the other way because he is a damn racist. Of course their intention was to intimidate and it is on video. Those tweets are intentions to do the same.

No fan of the liar Holder.
He looked the other way because the FBI has informants that would be compromised if petty small time prosecutions take place with little to no chance of convictions.
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit
Because the NEW BLACK Panthers terrorists are soldiers of obamaturd.
I see you still bitterly cling to leftist bullshit.

So, in summary:

Members of a paramilitary organization in uniform standing outside a polling place brandishing weapons and screaming threats at certain segments of the population is NOT voter intimidation.

Asking for a photo ID at the polling place is disenfranchising certain segments of the population.

Is that what you leftists are using instead of rational thought?

You do know they were in west philly. WEST philly. Exactly who did they intimidate?
Read the law. Actual intimidation is not required. The intent to intimidate is.

Now you too can tell me a fairy tale about how those guys were there to help people vote.

Too broad a law to obtain convictions so what do you do?
Show me a case of this type where intent to intimated resulted in a conviction.
If you carried a gun into the Hardees as a side arm with a concealed license and soneone felt intiimidated because you cussed out the staff there for being slow getting your biscuit is that a case?
Intimidation statutes are rarely indicted or charged because they are so broad and vague.
It's hard for me to take these idiots serious as it is to take a neo-nazi serious.
Problem is, they have been emboldened by the lack of concern from the DOJ and unfortunately someone could get hurt as a result. The democrats will remain silent to their threats because they hope violence occurs so the Obama media will turn it around and blame it on republicans "extremism".

All we've heard from the Administration, the DOJ, and the DNC are crickets. The left's call for "civility" is a farce.
The left is a farce.
Proving that someone actually texted something themself is almost impossible.
"I left my phone at Mamas and took a shower and there were a lot of kids there" is the first defense used.
So how can one prove anything from text messages?
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit

And they're Democrats, each and every one of them.

Well, the two of them certainly make you Republicans wet your they have that in common with Democrats, I suppose.
Neither dimwits or those two thugs scare me. Both groups are brainless twits.
you mean all three members of the "new black panthers"? that's what relevant to you?

oh yeah, why wouldn't it be?

hint: it didn't work last time. it won't work this time.

but keep on keepin on

Seems to me some of you would look into something before you state a lie.....
This wasn't hard to find............

How many members belong to the New Black Panther Party?

There is an old saying that “those who know won’t tell and those who tell won’t know. That question is more of a military question to which I would not give direct figures too. It’s safe to say that the membership is in the thousands. We are in over 60 cities in America. We have chapters in Africa, Canada, France and we are ever growing every day. The Panther Is the people wherever the oppressed are you will find the Panther.

New Black Panther Party Questions and Answers « New Black Panther Party Offical News Source

Just because you've only SEEN 2 or 3 of think that's all there is! Lol!
Some people are just plain ignorant (and i think half of them are on this board!).

Even Scientology has thousands of members, what does that really mean? thats actually quite small in a country of over 300 million.

I was just pointing out to the ones saying there's only a couple members....I don't know how many are in each of the 60 cities, but i could imagine if they disrupted the voting in those cities it could be a big problem.
I see you still bitterly cling to leftist bullshit.

So, in summary:

Members of a paramilitary organization in uniform standing outside a polling place brandishing weapons and screaming threats at certain segments of the population is NOT voter intimidation.

Asking for a photo ID at the polling place is disenfranchising certain segments of the population.

Is that what you leftists are using instead of rational thought?
You know that one of those two scary Black men was an accredited poll watcher, right?
And that excuses his breaking the, exactly?

Oh, yeah -- it doesn't.

What law did he break? Loitering? :lol:

braveman said:
Where would an 83 year old, living in an assisted living or nursing home, confined to a wheelchair...where would she get a photo ID?
The same place everyone else in a wheelchair gets theirs.

You know the ADA requires wheelchair access for all public buildings, right?

And who would pay for it?
Most states issue a free ID card for those without driver's licenses. Some will accept utility bills for ID.

Your objections are baseless.

How do they get to these buildings?
People in assisted livings don't have utility bills.
What about the states that do not issue a free ID card?

You're talking out your ass again, and obviously have never stepped foot in an assisted living or nursing home.
Let's see. To start a thread about a current news story whereby a national radical left wing group known as the New Black Panthers is making threats against the Republican National Convention makes me "whacked"?


You are one sick puppy. :lol:
It's not a current news story.
Check the dates on the tweets.

You really are not very bright.
It may be current, jackass. But it's not a current news story. If it was, it would be covered by the news organizations instead of just a couple of wingnut jerkoff sites.
I hope you are being sarcastic.
Otherwise you have a room temperature IQ.
You show me gun toting, threatening to kill those of one race Tea Party members. Go ahead.
Teabaggers come to their rallies armed, and advertising it.

These two wannabe thugs are just dressed in scary clothes and one billy club. Prolly a fashion statement.

Now billy clubs aren't weapons.

Leftists have a remarkable capacity for self-delusion.
Not as lethal a weapon as all the guns carried to teabagger rallies.
Well, I've kicked braveman's ass once again. And it only took about 5 minutes this time. :lol:
All bark, no bite. The Black Panthers are racist pussies. The RNC awaits their impending attacks. I assure you, it won't be a cakewalk for em.
New Black Panther: We Must Create Military To Murder Babies And Skin White People

National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz who was caught on video tape allegedly intimidating voters in Philadelphia in 08 is now in charge of the New Black Panthers plan to create inner city militaries that would go into nurseries and kill white babies and murder white people n the street.

The best thing to happen to the country is if they were serious.
Who was threatened with a stick?

Are you idiot defenders of racism fucking blind??

Who was threatened with a stick? Give us the names of some folks who complained they'd been threatened black guys outside a polling place with a stick in a black neighborhood.

Am I reading this right...You are now trying to defend the actions of the Panthers.

Pathetic...Rather low brow.............I could go on.......

Please explain your actions, I have always thought of you as a step above hack.

Ive been wrong, am I now?

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