New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

The KKK and Neo-Nazis make threats like this all the time...I guess you don't have a problem with them or something?

Hey look a straw argument.

I have got the answer.....................

What "Actions"? One was a registered poll watcher, the other was standing in front of a polling booth with a baton in a predominantly black neighborhood. When approached by a random guy with an iphone camera, he was courteous.

If the NBPP wanted to disrupt an election, why the fuck would they "intimidate" people outside a polling station where almost every person entering was expected to vote for Obama?

Sceery blak fohks.

Standing there with a baton...

No words need to be spoken........

Intimidating by itself............

Also a crime..........Not prosecuted.......

So all of the people who congregate outside our polling stations with weapons are intimidating people and committing a crime?

What crime?


you defend those that stand in front of polling stations with no police/non US military uniforms on holding batons and whacking those batons into the palms of their hands which all see as a universal sign of "threat"?


I guess I misjudged you.
Standing there with a baton...

No words need to be spoken........

Intimidating by itself............

Also a crime..........Not prosecuted.......

So all of the people who congregate outside our polling stations with weapons are intimidating people and committing a crime?

What crime?


Yes it is a crime...Before you spout off you might want to actually look at what you defend.

What is a crime? loitering?
Are you idiot defenders of racism fucking blind??

Who was threatened with a stick? Give us the names of some folks who complained they'd been threatened black guys outside a polling place with a stick in a black neighborhood.

Am I reading this right...You are now trying to defend the actions of the Panthers.

Pathetic...Rather low brow.............I could go on.......

Please explain your actions, I have always thought of you as a step above hack.

Ive been wrong, am I now?
He is not a step above, he is as low as it seems. Defending those two black panther thugs is as low as it goes.
So all of the people who congregate outside our polling stations with weapons are intimidating people and committing a crime?

What crime?


Yes it is a crime...Before you spout off you might want to actually look at what you defend.

What is a crime? loitering?

I asked you to become familiar with the case.

Not be a pussy excuse maker.

If you really are that ignorant about the subject why did you open your flap............
I asked you to become familiar with the case.

Not be a pussy excuse maker.

If you really are that ignorant about the subject why did you open your flap............

He's not ignorant, 8537 is just convinced that assaulting (threatening), beating, or killing whites shouldn't be considered a crime. You know, what could be wrong with beating crackers?
I asked you to become familiar with the case.

Not be a pussy excuse maker.

If you really are that ignorant about the subject why did you open your flap............

He's not ignorant, 8537 is just convinced that assaulting (threatening), beating, or killing whites shouldn't be considered a crime. You know, what could be wrong with beating crackers?

[ame=]"You want freedom you gonna have to kill some crackers".."gonna have to kill some of their babies" - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]New Black Panther's Cracker Killer's latest training video...cute! - YouTube[/ame]
I asked you to become familiar with the case.

Not be a pussy excuse maker.

If you really are that ignorant about the subject why did you open your flap............

He's not ignorant, 8537 is just convinced that assaulting (threatening), beating, or killing whites shouldn't be considered a crime. You know, what could be wrong with beating crackers?

Those guys at the polling station assaulted, beat and killed people?
Those guys at the polling station assaulted, beat and killed people?

Brandishing the baton in a threatening manner, as Shabazz did, is assault, shit fer brains.

It's also "voter intimidation," you racist fuck. A federal crime.

"brandishing"? Show that to the class.

While you're at it, remind everyone about how civilized SA was under Apartheid. Speaking of racist shitbags...
What is a crime? loitering?

I asked you to become familiar with the case.

Not be a pussy excuse maker.

If you really are that ignorant about the subject why did you open your flap............

When you said "It is a crime", what crime?

Voter Intimidation is what they were charged with under the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. §§ 1973–1973aa-6.

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