New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

At the core of it are armed civilians standing at the front door of a polling place.

My state still allows 2nd amendment rights. YRMV. Hell, people in my precinct pack heat in the polling stations.

Remember when Conservatives supported the 2nd amendment? Or was that only for white people.

You're full of shit, you're not in favor of gun rights, but brandishing weapons to intimidate voters is not something any conservative supports....democrats have done that for.......EVER

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not in favor of gun rights? Where do you come up with this shit:lol::lol: and what does it have to do with the law as its written?:lol:
At it's core, their beef is Sceeeeery Black People. That's why a leading conservative of the American Enterprise Institute called them out on it.

At the core of it are armed civilians standing at the front door of a polling place.

My state still allows 2nd amendment rights. YRMV. Hell, people in my precinct pack heat in the polling stations.

Remember when Conservatives supported the 2nd amendment? Or was that only for white people.

No white person stood armed at your polling place brandishing a weapon. You are a lying OWS parasite. Redundant is redundant.
At the core of it are armed civilians standing at the front door of a polling place.

My state still allows 2nd amendment rights. YRMV. Hell, people in my precinct pack heat in the polling stations.

Remember when Conservatives supported the 2nd amendment? Or was that only for white people.

No white person stood armed at your polling place brandishing a weapon. You are a lying OWS parasite. Redundant is redundant.

White people carry weapons at my polling station all the time.
Are not you 'Conservatives' all in favor of eveyone packing guns everywhere? And, again, there were white people moving in and out of the polling place with no apperant fear of those fellows. In fact, did not even seem to notice them.

So, packing a stick is more intimidating that packing a gun? My goodness, you pussy cat 'Conservatives' seem to live in an upside down world.
Quit lying. It was North Philadelphia:

Non-Hispanic Black: 169,494 (49.8%)
Hispanic or Latino of any race: 103,806 (30.5%)
Non-Hispanic White: 34,375 (10.1%)
Asian & Pacific Islander: 17,017 (5.0%)
Mixed or Other: 14,635 (4.3%)
Native American: 1,021 (0.3%)

So a polling place actually covers 300,000 people in Philly?


{There are over 1,687 voting divisions in the city of Philadelphia. Below are lists of the polling places serving voters in the city.}

Committee of Seventy: Polling Places in Philadelphia

Seriously weak sauce, bigot boi.

Shitbirds like this OWS parasite will make up any bullshit to justify their idiocy. I am willing to bet 8537 spent a pretty good amount of time in the OWS rape camps.
Quit lying. It was North Philadelphia:

Non-Hispanic Black: 169,494 (49.8%)
Hispanic or Latino of any race: 103,806 (30.5%)
Non-Hispanic White: 34,375 (10.1%)
Asian & Pacific Islander: 17,017 (5.0%)
Mixed or Other: 14,635 (4.3%)
Native American: 1,021 (0.3%)

So a polling place actually covers 300,000 people in Philly?


{There are over 1,687 voting divisions in the city of Philadelphia. Below are lists of the polling places serving voters in the city.}

Committee of Seventy: Polling Places in Philadelphia

Seriously weak sauce, bigot boi.
NORTH Philadelphia.

Where'd you make up your numbers from?
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not in favor of gun rights? Where do you come up with this shit:lol::lol: and what does it have to do with the law as its written?:lol:

Isn't it your position that blacks should be allowed gun, just not whites?

Seriously, when you're burning that crescent moon in some crackers yard, you want to be able to shoot him if he tries to stop you, right?
Are not you 'Conservatives' all in favor of eveyone packing guns everywhere? And, again, there were white people moving in and out of the polling place with no apperant fear of those fellows. In fact, did not even seem to notice them.

So, packing a stick is more intimidating that packing a gun? My goodness, you pussy cat 'Conservatives' seem to live in an upside down world.

So, you would have no issue with white people not just carrying their guns, but waving them about at a polling place? Don't you have a cop car to shit on?
At the core of it are armed civilians standing at the front door of a polling place.

My state still allows 2nd amendment rights. YRMV. Hell, people in my precinct pack heat in the polling stations.

Remember when Conservatives supported the 2nd amendment? Or was that only for white people.

No white person stood armed at your polling place brandishing a weapon. You are a lying OWS parasite. Redundant is redundant.

Hey, dumb fuck, there were white people moving in and out of the polling place freely, showing no signs of fear. That was in the video. So you are afraid of any black man with a stick? Figures.
Shitbirds like this OWS parasite will make up any bullshit to justify their idiocy. I am willing to bet 8537 spent a pretty good amount of time in the OWS rape camps.

Nah, too many white people at the OWS shit-ins.

8537 hates white people.
For those keeping score at home, it was the Bush DoJ that dropped criminal charges.

The Republican.

He must be a whitey-hater too.
My state still allows 2nd amendment rights. YRMV. Hell, people in my precinct pack heat in the polling stations.

Remember when Conservatives supported the 2nd amendment? Or was that only for white people.

No white person stood armed at your polling place brandishing a weapon. You are a lying OWS parasite. Redundant is redundant.

Hey, dumb fuck, there were white people moving in and out of the polling place freely, showing no signs of fear. That was in the video. So you are afraid of any black man with a stick? Figures.

So you would be ok with white men in white hoods holding ak47 s at your polling station. I call bullshit. Eventually, the world will purge itself of you useless shitbirds. It will be like heaven.
For those keeping score at home, it was the Bush DoJ that dropped criminal charges.

The Republican.

He must be a whitey-hater too.

It was obammys DOJ that dropped an easy default judgement. I wonder why?
"brandishing"? Show that to the class.

What a fucking moron you are, bigot boi.

[ame=]"Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly - YouTube[/ame]

While you're at it, remind everyone about how civilized SA was under Apartheid. Speaking of racist shitbags...

So, you racist pile of shit, do you think intimidation of white voters is just the right thing to do?

Very interesting video. I saw a number of white people in the background moving freely in and out of the polling place. And they did have batons. Perhaps you Teabaggers would have prefered they have AR 15's?

They certainly seemed polite enough to the man with the camera phone. Saw no attempt to intimidate him with the batons.

So, what is your beef?

Polite people with billy clubs... Move along... Nothing to see here. Tell me numbskull... Other than voter intimidation, please give me one possible reason why polite people would have a need to stand outside a polling place with a billy club? One reason is all I'm asking for... I wont hold my breathe for your response... Because their isn't going to be one.
For those keeping score at home, it was the Bush DoJ that dropped criminal charges.

The Republican.

He must be a whitey-hater too.

It was obammys DOJ that dropped an easy default judgement. I wonder why?
The Bush administration dropped criminal charges.

The Obama administration dropped civil charges, with strong support of Republicans like leaders of the American Enterprise Institute (crazy, but not racist crazy. Just garden variety crazy)

If these activities were so obviously illegal intimidation ,why did the Bush DoJ drop charges? Cuz they hate whitey?
For those keeping score at home, it was the Bush DoJ that dropped criminal charges.

Yeah, Eric Holder was the Bush administration AG.

{Both the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and Ranking House Judiciary Committee member Lamar Smith have sent letters to the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice seeking an explanation for DOJ’s dismissal of the voter intimidation case against New Black Panther Party defendants. The responses received from DOJ thus far have been, well, unresponsive. Yesterday the Commission sent a follow-up inquiry directly to the attorney general:

August 10, 2009

The Honorable Eric Holder
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530

Dear Attorney General Holder:

Pursuant to our statutory mandate, we sent inquiries on June 16 and 22 to the Civil Rights Division’s Acting Assistant Attorney General, Loretta King, regarding the unusual dismissal of the government’s case against most of the defendants in United States v. New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, Civ. No. 09-0065 SD (E.D. Pa.) }

New Black Panther Party Voter-Intimidation Case Dismissal, Part III - By Peter Kirsanow - The Corner - National Review Online

You lying racist fuck


The Republican.

He must be a whitey-hater too.

You lying racist fuck.
What a fucking moron you are, bigot boi.

"Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly - YouTube

So, you racist pile of shit, do you think intimidation of white voters is just the right thing to do?

Very interesting video. I saw a number of white people in the background moving freely in and out of the polling place. And they did have batons. Perhaps you Teabaggers would have prefered they have AR 15's?

They certainly seemed polite enough to the man with the camera phone. Saw no attempt to intimidate him with the batons.

So, what is your beef?

Polite people with billy clubs... Move along... Nothing to see here. Tell me numbskull... Other than voter intimidation, please give me one possible reason why polite people would have a need to stand outside a polling place with a billy club? One reason is all I'm asking for... I wont hold my breathe for your response... Because their isn't going to be one.
Is voter intimidation a crime?

If so, why did the Bush DoJ drop the charges?

Hint: Because the evidence was weak sauce - even though the people were black!
For those keeping score at home, it was the Bush DoJ that dropped criminal charges.

Yeah, Eric Holder was the Bush administration AG.

{Both the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and Ranking House Judiciary Committee member Lamar Smith have sent letters to the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice seeking an explanation for DOJ’s dismissal of the voter intimidation case against New Black Panther Party defendants. The responses received from DOJ thus far have been, well, unresponsive. Yesterday the Commission sent a follow-up inquiry directly to the attorney general:

August 10, 2009

The Honorable Eric Holder
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530

Dear Attorney General Holder:

Pursuant to our statutory mandate, we sent inquiries on June 16 and 22 to the Civil Rights Division’s Acting Assistant Attorney General, Loretta King, regarding the unusual dismissal of the government’s case against most of the defendants in United States v. New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, Civ. No. 09-0065 SD (E.D. Pa.) }

New Black Panther Party Voter-Intimidation Case Dismissal, Part III - By Peter Kirsanow - The Corner - National Review Online

You lying racist fuck


The Republican.

He must be a whitey-hater too.

You lying racist fuck.

You're really that fucking stupid?


CIV no.

Do at least some cursory homework before making an even bigger fool of yourself here.
For those keeping score at home, it was the Bush DoJ that dropped criminal charges.

The Republican.

He must be a whitey-hater too.

It was obammys DOJ that dropped an easy default judgement. I wonder why?
The Bush administration dropped criminal charges.

The Obama administration dropped civil charges, with strong support of Republicans like leaders of the American Enterprise Institute (crazy, but not racist crazy. Just garden variety crazy)

If these activities were so obviously illegal intimidation ,why did the Bush DoJ drop charges? Cuz they hate whitey?

When have your ever heard of an attorney dropping a default judgement?

By the way, dumbass, no criminal charges were dropped. You are clueless.

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