New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Well, to be more precise the charges were never even brought because the Bush DoJ could not find enough evidence to even impanel a grand jury.

Tell the class all about how the New Black Panther party was trying to keep people from voting in a 95% Kerry district. Were they trying to get Mccain elected or sumthin?

It's not a matter of being precise. It's a matter of being honest.

The Bush administration could find no honest reason to pursue criminal charges.

I hope a bunch of white guys decide to test obammy's tolerance for this type of behavior, and show up at polling places across the country in white hoods, brandishing NBG sticks at the entrance. That should go over really well.

I hope they do to. But to make it an accurate replica they need to go to one polling station - in a heavily Democratic area.
Finally, you get it. The bush administration did not drop any charges. Thanks for admitting to your previous lies.

And the good white men with NBG sticks should be able to go to thousands of precincts, as long as it is not an organized effort. Why would your gold toothed heroes have rights to stand armed at the entrance of a polling place but millions of decent white men should not?
Notice how you went to an opinion piece instead of facts? From the Moonies?

Color me surprised.

I thought the charges were dropped? Did you not say that more than once? Or we're you, once again, just using your ass as a mouth?

Eric Holder dismissed the charges, despite protests by several DOJ attorneys, who resigned to protest the clear racist application of law by Holder, and protests by the United States Civil Rights Commission. (Letter listed in this thread.)

Holder defended his race against the law, he did not support the law.

Someone doesn't know the difference between criminal and civil:lol::lol:

And thinks that a district that voted Kerry 95% would be a good place for the New Black Panthers to intimidate voters:lol: I guess they supported McCain.
So what? You don't know the difference between an investigation and a criminal complaint.
Funny how the thought of having to produce an I'd to vote gets the blood flowing from the pussies of these OWS parasites, but they embrace a couple of armed gold toothed toads standing at the access point of a polling center. Interesting....
Funny how the thought of having to produce an I'd to vote gets the blood flowing from the pussies of these OWS parasites, but they embrace a couple of armed gold toothed toads standing at the access point of a polling center. Interesting....

What punishment do you propose?
Funny how the thought of having to produce an I'd to vote gets the blood flowing from the pussies of these OWS parasites, but they embrace a couple of armed gold toothed toads standing at the access point of a polling center. Interesting....

What punishment do you propose?

Whatever they did to the last klansmen to do the same in Mississippi should suffice.
Funny how the thought of having to produce an I'd to vote gets the blood flowing from the pussies of these OWS parasites, but they embrace a couple of armed gold toothed toads standing at the access point of a polling center. Interesting....

What punishment do you propose?

I'd love to see every one of you OWS parasites put into a giant wood chipper, although your liquefied remains would probably render the land as useless as you were.
The extremist right has gotten more mileage out of this one photo than my 1995 Camry, and mine gets GREAT mileage still.
Funny how the thought of having to produce an I'd to vote gets the blood flowing from the pussies of these OWS parasites, but they embrace a couple of armed gold toothed toads standing at the access point of a polling center. Interesting....

What punishment do you propose?

I'd love to see every one of you OWS parasites put into a giant wood chipper, although your liquefied remains would probably render the land as useless as you were.

Are you from Fargo?
You do know they were in west philly. WEST philly. Exactly who did they intimidate?
Read the law. Actual intimidation is not required. The intent to intimidate is.

Now you too can tell me a fairy tale about how those guys were there to help people vote.

Of course Holder looked the other way because he is a damn racist. Of course their intention was to intimidate and it is on video. Those tweets are intentions to do the same.
Inarguably -- but idiots will still argue.

Note to white USMB leftists:

The NBPP thanks you for your mindless support, but they want to kill you, too.
You do know they were in west philly. WEST philly. Exactly who did they intimidate?
Read the law. Actual intimidation is not required. The intent to intimidate is.

Now you too can tell me a fairy tale about how those guys were there to help people vote.

Too broad a law to obtain convictions so what do you do?
Show me a case of this type where intent to intimated resulted in a conviction.
If you carried a gun into the Hardees as a side arm with a concealed license and soneone felt intiimidated because you cussed out the staff there for being slow getting your biscuit is that a case?
Intimidation statutes are rarely indicted or charged because they are so broad and vague.
I can't find a conviction.
You know that one of those two scary Black men was an accredited poll watcher, right?
And that excuses his breaking the, exactly?

Oh, yeah -- it doesn't.

What law did he break? Loitering? :lol:
Voter intimidation. You know, Bush got that conviction. Obama threw it out.

Predictably, you see nothing wrong with this, because in your vacuous little mind, your little tin god is infallible.

How sad and pathetic you are.
braveman said:
The same place everyone else in a wheelchair gets theirs.

You know the ADA requires wheelchair access for all public buildings, right?

And who would pay for it?
Most states issue a free ID card for those without driver's licenses. Some will accept utility bills for ID.

Your objections are baseless.

How do they get to these buildings?
You could take them.

But you can't be bothered.
People in assisted livings don't have utility bills.
Find me someone in assisted living who doesn't have an ID. How about a Medicade/Medicare card?
What about the states that do not issue a free ID card?
What about them? You're so broken-hearted, you cough up for a few ID cards.

But you can't be bothered.
You're talking out your ass again, and obviously have never stepped foot in an assisted living or nursing home.
My mother worked as a bookkeeper in a nursing home for 30 years. I visited her at work many times. When my dad and I had a cabinetry business, we built a lot of cabinets and a nurse's station for the nursing home. My band played at an Alzheimer's fund raiser there. Most of the residents were in too bad a shape to vote anyway.

So, once again, you're full of shit. It's your default mode.
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Teabaggers come to their rallies armed, and advertising it.

These two wannabe thugs are just dressed in scary clothes and one billy club. Prolly a fashion statement.

Now billy clubs aren't weapons.

Leftists have a remarkable capacity for self-delusion.
Not as lethal a weapon as all the guns carried to teabagger rallies.

Someone beaten to death with a billy club is just as dead as someone shot with a rifle, aren't they?


Go on, say it: You refuse to condemn the NBPP because they're black and they're on the left. And it's utterly impossible for you to criticize anyone on the left.
You just gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite? The Black Panthers have been barking for years. They're far too lazy & cowardly to ever bite. That's just way too much effort for them. But when they do wanna bite, let us know. Till then, they're just lazy pussies.

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