New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Yes, you have stated that the bush justice department did not pursue criminal charges. You started making that statement after I called you out for repeatedly lying about the buch justice department dropping the charges, meaning they had filed charges. You are an idiot.

Are you in third grade? I corrected my previous statement about 8,000 posts ago.

Actually, you got called on your lie and have reversed course.

I was wrong. You're in 2nd grade.
Hey, look kids! Uncensored has discovered that CIV stands for civil law.

The Bush administration did not pursue criminal charges.

Have I mentioned that the Bush administration didn't pursue criminal charges?

Oh by the way, why would the NBPP be trying to intimdate voters in a place where 95% of them vote Democrat? Can someone finally give me an answer to that question? Probably not.

What about the other 5%?

A mix of votes for libertarians, green party, Republican, etc...

So you are fine with showing up in a white hood with an NBG stick in precincts where only 5% of the registered voters are black, and therefore vote for the losers? I don't think so.

Who showed up in a white hood? Uncensored? You? Who was it?
If you were attempting to intimidate Republican voters wouldn't you...ya know...go to place where you expect a lot of Republicans?

Why does that matter? What do you think the ghetto toads were wanting to do?
Hey, look kids! Uncensored has discovered that CIV stands for civil law.

What a douche.

You fool no one, racist.

The Bush administration did not pursue criminal charges.

The Bush administration filed the appropriate complaint for voter intimidation.

They did NOT dismiss anything - you were flat out lying when you made that claim, racist.

Have I mentioned that the Bush administration didn't pursue criminal charges?

Conviction on the charges filed carried a penalty of up to 5 years in a federal penitentiary.

Oh by the way, why would the NBPP be trying to intimdate voters in a place where 95% of them vote Democrat? Can someone finally give me an answer to that question? Probably not.

You'll have to ask King Shibazz, Eric Holder, or one of the other NBPP members.

Non-intimidating things said during the incident:

"you're about to be ruled by the black man, cracker."

"Your time is over, white devil"

"Want freedom? Kill some crackers." (To a black person, on the video.)

Oh, have I pointed out that you're a racist pile of shit?
I guess we can assume Holder agrees with this hate seeing as he refused to prosecute them on voter intimidation.

I am gonna guess this was already said but it always bears repeating.
I guess we can assume Holder agrees with this hate seeing as he refused to prosecute them on voter intimidation.

I am gonna guess this was already said but it always bears repeating.

Obama and holder were not gonna do shit to their homies, especially knowing that their entire voting base will agree with any and every action they take. I mean, the black messiah was voted into office on a promise of stopping the rising of the seas....
I guess we can assume Holder agrees with this hate seeing as he refused to prosecute them on voter intimidation.

I am gonna guess this was already said but it always bears repeating.

Here's my deal on this. It's not that the NBP rants and raves and wants to kill all crackers and honkys and every pinky and their children.

We know this. We understand that they are wild asshole racist freaking pigs.

It's that death threats and threatening the RNC Convention is allowed by this administration.

No condemnation. No distancing themselves from these threats. I think Obama at this point is jacking off to Michelle's threats.

Ditto Holder.
you are being really childish by taunting others that get the fats wrong, given how you blew it earlier.

I'm not sure what happens in your area, but in my state we don't blow fat.:lol:

Nice. You get all bent out of shape about a spelling error, but expect your lies about the facts to go unnoticed. What a mongoloid.

No racists here. Nope. None to be found!

Lighten up, Francis.
Same old lies, racist?

Voter intimidation falls under the 1965 voter rights act. It is pursued by the United States Civil Rights commission.

Hey, look kids! Uncensored has discovered that CIV stands for civil law.

You're making progress. The Bush administration filed the appropriate complaint under the law. Eric Holder dismissed, in total disregard of the protests of the Civil Rights commission and with TWO U.S. Attorneys resigning in protest of his unethical and racist move. I have linked these facts repeatedly in this thread.
The Bush administration did not pursue criminal charges.

Have I mentioned that the Bush administration didn't pursue criminal charges?

Oh by the way, why would the NBPP be trying to intimdate voters in a place where 95% of them vote Democrat? Can someone finally give me an answer to that question? Probably not.
Yes, you have stated that the bush justice department did not pursue criminal charges. You started making that statement after I called you out for repeatedly lying about the buch justice department dropping the charges, meaning they had filed charges. You are an idiot.
Can't you answer his question, sissy man?
What about the other 5%?

A mix of votes for libertarians, green party, Republican, etc...

So you are fine with showing up in a white hood with an NBG stick in precincts where only 5% of the registered voters are black, and therefore vote for the losers? I don't think so.

Who showed up in a white hood? Uncensored? You? Who was it?
If you were attempting to intimidate Republican voters wouldn't you...ya know...go to place where you expect a lot of Republicans?

Why does that matter? What do you think the ghetto toads were wanting to do?
You are the idiot claiming that NBPP thugs are there to intimidate voters.

In that section of Philly it's low income, mostly Blacks and immigrants.

You really are a dumbass. :lol:
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit
Why would they condemn their homies?

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