New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

What law did he break? Loitering? :lol:
Voter intimidation. You know, Bush got that conviction. Obama threw it out.

Predictably, you see nothing wrong with this, because in your vacuous little mind, your little tin god is infallible.

How sad and pathetic you are.

You could take them.

But you can't be bothered.

Find me someone in assisted living who doesn't have an ID. How about a Medicade/Medicare card?

What about them? You're so broken-hearted, you cough up for a few ID cards.

But you can't be bothered.
You're talking out your ass again, and obviously have never stepped foot in an assisted living or nursing home.
My mother worked as a bookkeeper in a nursing home for 30 years. I visited her at work many times. When my dad and I had a cabinetry business, we built a lot of cabinets and a nurse's station for the nursing home. My band played at an Alzheimer's fund raiser there. Most of the residents were in too bad a shape to vote anyway.

So, once again, you're full of shit. It's your default mode.
"But what about"...The liberal mantra that has begotten the concept of kowtowing to the lowest common denominator.
It is UNFAIR that ONE person may be left out of the process. Therefore it should be illegal to require one to identify them self before voting.
This synthahoilic person's posts..."what about this guy?".."What about the people that can't"?
People are not stray animals. They do not need rescuing.
The left's mindset is built upon the notion that people are helpless, and the government must save them.

How utterly pathetic.
What law did he break? Loitering? :lol:
Voter intimidation. You know, Bush got that conviction. Obama threw it out.

Predictably, you see nothing wrong with this, because in your vacuous little mind, your little tin god is infallible.

How sad and pathetic you are.

You could take them.

But you can't be bothered.

Find me someone in assisted living who doesn't have an ID. How about a Medicade/Medicare card?

That's not a photo ID, fool.
Alabama and Colorado accept them as voter identification.
I'm sure it comforts your tiny little mind to feel that way, but no.
that idiot braveman said:
You're talking out your ass again, and obviously have never stepped foot in an assisted living or nursing home.
My mother worked as a bookkeeper in a nursing home for 30 years. I visited her at work many times. When my dad and I had a cabinetry business, we built a lot of cabinets and a nurse's station for the nursing home. My band played at an Alzheimer's fund raiser there. Most of the residents were in too bad a shape to vote anyway.

So, once again, you're full of shit. It's your default mode.

Typical fascist wingnut, deciding who is worthy of exercising their Constitutional rights.
So you think -- sorry, wrong word; you don't think at all -- you feel that a late-stage Alzheimer's patient wants to vote?

I'd say YOU'VE never been in a nursing home before.
Are you in favor of removing the right to own firearms after a certain age, retard?
No. Maybe you could stop making shit up. But then, you're a leftist.

Look on this list of vote ID laws and tell me specifically which are unduly burdensome.

Voter ID: State Requirements

I know this requires you to read and think. Ask if you need help.
It may be current, jackass. But it's not a current news story. If it was, it would be covered by the news organizations instead of just a couple of wingnut jerkoff sites. unless CNN or MSNBC spoon-feeds it to you, it never happened.

How utterly pathetic you are.
No, dope. A google search turned up two wingnut links - that's it.

Even FOXNEWS didn't cover it.

Dumbass. :lol:
Remember, you'll be a racist if you criticize the NBPP.
Voter intimidation. You know, Bush got that conviction. Obama threw it out.
The Bush admin's DoJ couldn't find enough evidence to file criminal charges.
braveman doesn't acknowledge facts.
Oh, you mean like the fact that the Bush Administration won the civil case against the Panthers and Obama threw it out? Facts like that? Facts that the left refuses to acknowledge?

Or are you just full of shit, like usual?
What law did he break? Loitering? :lol:
Voter intimidation. You know, Bush got that conviction. Obama threw it out.

Predictably, you see nothing wrong with this, because in your vacuous little mind, your little tin god is infallible.

How sad and pathetic you are.

You could take them.

But you can't be bothered.

Find me someone in assisted living who doesn't have an ID. How about a Medicade/Medicare card?

That's not a photo ID, fool.


that idiot braveman said:
You're talking out your ass again, and obviously have never stepped foot in an assisted living or nursing home.
My mother worked as a bookkeeper in a nursing home for 30 years. I visited her at work many times. When my dad and I had a cabinetry business, we built a lot of cabinets and a nurse's station for the nursing home. My band played at an Alzheimer's fund raiser there. Most of the residents were in too bad a shape to vote anyway.

So, once again, you're full of shit. It's your default mode.

Typical fascist wingnut, deciding who is worthy of exercising their Constitutional rights.

Are you in favor of removing the right to own firearms after a certain age, retard?
You are accomplished poster of nonsense and adept at insults. You show little in the way of the ability to debate an issue without flying off the emotional handle.
Voter intimidation. You know, Bush got that conviction. Obama threw it out.

Predictably, you see nothing wrong with this, because in your vacuous little mind, your little tin god is infallible.

How sad and pathetic you are.

You could take them.

But you can't be bothered.

Find me someone in assisted living who doesn't have an ID. How about a Medicade/Medicare card?

That's not a photo ID, fool.
Alabama and Colorado accept them as voter identification.

How does that help a senior in Florida? Pennsylvania?

The Bush admin's DoJ couldn't find enough evidence to file criminal charges.
braveman doesn't acknowledge facts.
Oh, you mean like the fact that the Bush Administration won the civil case against the Panthers and Obama threw it out? Facts like that? Facts that the left refuses to acknowledge?

Or are you just full of shit, like usual?
That's already been shown to you to be false, yet you still dishonestly try to push it.

Lying little prick.
They may be a vicious hate group, but their the Democrats' vicious hate group. Therefore Dem-Bots will continue to defend the indefensible. Same ole same ole in the end. Very dishonest and cowardly.

New Black Panthers' hell-born hate

By Gina Miller

God tells us in His Word that people who reject Him, and by default accept Satan, will fall under the sway of a reprobate and deluded mind. They will be deeply deceived and unable to perceive truth, because they first hated the truth. We see the reality of this daily in people all around us, but one stark example is found in the New Black Panther Party cult. We would be hard-pressed to find a more hellishly deceived bunch of idiots. They are the true representation of a racist, hate group.

These are the same goons who had two of their members engaged in blatant voter intimidation outside a polling place in Philadelphia during the 2008 presidential election. You may recall that the case against them was a slam-dunk default judgment, but then shortly after Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) was inserted into the presidency, his Department of Justice dismissed the charges against the criminal thugs.


New Black Panthers' hell-born hate
How many people did the New Black Panthers kill last year?
How many have been sent to jail becase of violent behavior?

The New Black Panther Party is a joke compared to the Panthers of old. They say their "I hate whitey" lines so they can get attention and get lead story on FoxNews

The Holder justice department won't do anything, so how do we know?
That's not a photo ID, fool.
Alabama and Colorado accept them as voter identification.

How does that help a senior in Florida? Pennsylvania?


How do you know seniors in those two states cannot use their ID for voting?
As a matter of fact, in many places, senior living centers ARE voting places!!!!
In the future, you will refrain from insulting others if you wish to be included in the discussion.
Just because someone disagrees with your point of view, does not give you license to call them names.
Question: If these racist Black Panthers carry out their threats, would they be labelled "domestic terrorists" and would their crimes be labelled "hate crimes"? Probably not. In fact, i'd be surprised if they were arrested at all.

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