New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Scary black men....oh my!

do you support this? your snide remark indicates you do and that you think this is funny. somehow i think if the people were white, you would be screaming about conservative racists....
Voter intimidation. You know, Bush got that conviction. Obama threw it out.

Predictably, you see nothing wrong with this, because in your vacuous little mind, your little tin god is infallible.

How sad and pathetic you are.

You could take them.

But you can't be bothered.

Find me someone in assisted living who doesn't have an ID. How about a Medicade/Medicare card?

That's not a photo ID, fool.


that idiot braveman said:
My mother worked as a bookkeeper in a nursing home for 30 years. I visited her at work many times. When my dad and I had a cabinetry business, we built a lot of cabinets and a nurse's station for the nursing home. My band played at an Alzheimer's fund raiser there. Most of the residents were in too bad a shape to vote anyway.

So, once again, you're full of shit. It's your default mode.

Typical fascist wingnut, deciding who is worthy of exercising their Constitutional rights.

Are you in favor of removing the right to own firearms after a certain age, retard?
You are accomplished poster of nonsense and adept at insults. You show little in the way of the ability to debate an issue without flying off the emotional handle.
Well, in Synthia's defense, it's only because he's an emotional little thing.
That's not a photo ID, fool.
Alabama and Colorado accept them as voter identification.

How does that help a senior in Florida? Pennsylvania?

Pretending the rest of my post doesn't exist may assuage your butthurt, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, you sissy bedwetter.

I included a link that would answer your stupid question. It looks like I have to spoonfeed you yet again, you impotent little shit.


The clerk or inspector shall require each elector, upon entering the polling place, to present a current and valid picture identification as provided in s. 97.0535(3)(a). If the picture identification does not contain the signature of the voter, an additional identification that provides the voter's signature shall be required.

Acceptable Forms of ID

Florida driver's license
Florida ID card issued by the Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
U.S. passport
Debit or credit card
Military identification
Student identification
Retirement center identification
Neighborhood association ID
Public assistance identification

Voters Without ID

If the elector fails to furnish the required identification, the elector shall be allowed to vote a provisional ballot. The canvassing board shall determine the validity of the ballot by determining whether the elector is entitled to vote at the precinct where the ballot was cast and that the elector had not already cast a ballot in the election.
Florida uses signature matching: the voter signs the provisional ballot envelope. That signature is compared to the signature in the voter registration records. If they match, the ballot is counted.​



Each elector who appears to vote and desires to vote shall present proof of identification.

Acceptable Forms of ID

Identification must satisfy the following:
Shows the name of the individual, which must substantially conform to the individual's name on the precinct register
Show a photograph of the individual to whom it was issued
Be issued by the U.S. government, Commonwealth of PA, a municipality of the Commonwealth to an employee of the municipality, an accredited PA private or public institution of higher learning or a PA care facility
Include an expiration date and not be expired (exception for a military ID with an indication that it has an indefinite expiration date or a PA driver's license or non-driver ID card that is not more than 12 months past the expiration date)

Voters Without ID

A voter who is indigent an unable to obtain ID without any payment or fee, or who is otherwise unable to obtain ID, may vote a provisional ballot.
A voter who casts a provisional ballot because he or she is unable to provide proof of identification must execute an affirmation that he or she is the same person who appeared to vote on election day and do one of the following within six calendar days after the election:
Appear in person at the county board of elections to complete the affirmation and present proof of identification;
Submit an electronic, facsimile or paper copy of the affirmation and the proof of identification.
A voter who is indigent and unable to obtain proof of identification without payment of a fee must submit an affirmation that he or she is the same person who appeared to vote on election day and that he or she is indigent in the same time frame and manner as described above.
braveman doesn't acknowledge facts.
Oh, you mean like the fact that the Bush Administration won the civil case against the Panthers and Obama threw it out? Facts like that? Facts that the left refuses to acknowledge?

Or are you just full of shit, like usual?
That's already been shown to you to be false, yet you still dishonestly try to push it.

Lying little prick.

Telling the truth is not lying, weasel.

The New Black Panther Party Case: A Timeline

To clarify the issues at stake in the New Black Panther case, The Heritage Foundation has compiled two timelines from news reports — including The Washington Times’ timeline of events — and government documents, especially those from the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Both timelines are posted here. The first reviews highlights from the case, concluding with the case’s dismissal on May 19th, 2009. The second, more comprehensive timeline details more meetings between the Department of Justice and the White House and extends through July 2010.


Friday, Jan. 7, 2009
The Department of Justice files a lawsuit in Philadelphia against the NBPP, and conspirators Malik Zulu Shabazz, Jackson and King Samir Shabazz. NBPP officials then supposedly suspend the Philadelphia chapter (only after the lawsuit is filed), condemn bringing weapons to the polls, and claim King Samir Shabazz acted on his own, with no direction from the national organization.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thomas J. Perrelli is confirmed by the Senate to be Associate Attorney General of the United States on a vote of 72 to 20. No Democrats vote in opposition. According to The Washington Times, he does not visit the White House for the next 11 days.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The DOJ trial team on the case—Christopher Coates, Robert Popper, J. Christian Adams and Spencer R. Fisher—present its draft motion for “Request for Entry of Default” to the acting division chiefs—Loretta King and/or Steven H. Rosenbaum.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Perrelli meets with White House Associate Counsel Susan Davies in the White House. Perrelli will meet with White House officials nine times between this date and the final dismissal of the case.
Late March
Kristen Clarke, director of political participation at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, reportedly asks Justice Department officials to drop the case.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Because the defendants missed the deadline to file an answer, the trial team files notice of default with the court.
Friday, April 17, 2009
U.S. District Judge Stewart R. Dalzell issues an order recognizing that the Black Panthers are in default. The order gives the DOJ until May 1 to file an official Motion for Default Judgment.​

It SO sucks to be you.
Alabama and Colorado accept them as voter identification.

How does that help a senior in Florida? Pennsylvania?


How do you know seniors in those two states cannot use their ID for voting?
As a matter of fact, in many places, senior living centers ARE voting places!!!!

Uh...because I read? Pennsylvania has been all over the news with their requirements, and I live in Florida.

In the future, you will refrain from insulting others if you wish to be included in the discussion.

In the present, you can fuck off.

Just because someone disagrees with your point of view, does not give you license to call them names.

It's braveman. He's not here to present a point of view.
How does that help a senior in Florida? Pennsylvania?


How do you know seniors in those two states cannot use their ID for voting?
As a matter of fact, in many places, senior living centers ARE voting places!!!!

Uh...because I read? Pennsylvania has been all over the news with their requirements, and I live in Florida.

In the future, you will refrain from insulting others if you wish to be included in the discussion.

In the present, you can fuck off.

Just because someone disagrees with your point of view, does not give you license to call them names.

It's braveman. He's not here to present a point of view.
All you have to offer this board is lefty rhetoric and caustic insults.
Scary black men....oh my!

do you support this? your snide remark indicates you do and that you think this is funny. somehow i think if the people were white, you would be screaming about conservative racists....

It is funny... because nearly four years later the same old white people are still trembling in their boots because two goofily dressed black men are standing outside of a building... holding batons but not actually attempting to intimidate or threaten people beyond their own inherent intimidation factor.


Scary black men....oh my!

do you support this? your snide remark indicates you do and that you think this is funny. somehow i think if the people were white, you would be screaming about conservative racists....

It is funny... because nearly four years later the same old white people are still trembling in their boots because two goofily dressed black men are standing outside of a building... holding batons but not actually attempting to intimidate or threaten people beyond their own inherent intimidation factor.


You are dismissed as a racist with a room temperature IQ.
Do not bother to respond. Your posts are neither significant nor wanted.
It WILL go unread.
Now, go ahead. You may have the last word. You are a lib. You cannot resist.
It is funny... because nearly four years later the same old white people are still trembling in their boots because two goofily dressed black men are standing outside of a building... holding batons but not actually attempting to intimidate or threaten people beyond their own inherent intimidation factor.

Cows are stupid creatures, but you're an insult to the intelligence of cows.
Scary black men....oh my!

do you support this? your snide remark indicates you do and that you think this is funny. somehow i think if the people were white, you would be screaming about conservative racists....

It is funny... because nearly four years later the same old white people are still trembling in their boots because two goofily dressed black men are standing outside of a building... holding batons but not actually attempting to intimidate or threaten people beyond their own inherent intimidation factor.



Who's shaking in their boots?


I posed this question earlier to another poster. I'll pose it again.

If you're a Sikh in America and people were twittering death threats to Sikhs would these threats be acted upon by the Justice Department?

Someone spread bacon bits at a park in NYC where Muslims were to gather and it's being investigated as a hate crime.

But crickets on continual threats from the NBP. Death threats no less. Liberals wanted Teddly, the Nuge drawn and quartered and hung from the rafter over no death threat.

Such despicable hypocrites the lot of you.

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Oh, you mean like the fact that the Bush Administration won the civil case against the Panthers and Obama threw it out? Facts like that? Facts that the left refuses to acknowledge?

Or are you just full of shit, like usual?
That's already been shown to you to be false, yet you still dishonestly try to push it.

Lying little prick.

Telling the truth is not lying, weasel.

The New Black Panther Party Case: A Timeline

To clarify the issues at stake in the New Black Panther case, The Heritage Foundation has compiled two timelines from news reports — including The Washington Times’ timeline of events — and government documents, especially those from the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Both timelines are posted here. The first reviews highlights from the case, concluding with the case’s dismissal on May 19th, 2009. The second, more comprehensive timeline details more meetings between the Department of Justice and the White House and extends through July 2010.


Friday, Jan. 7, 2009
The Department of Justice files a lawsuit in Philadelphia against the NBPP, and conspirators Malik Zulu Shabazz, Jackson and King Samir Shabazz. NBPP officials then supposedly suspend the Philadelphia chapter (only after the lawsuit is filed), condemn bringing weapons to the polls, and claim King Samir Shabazz acted on his own, with no direction from the national organization.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thomas J. Perrelli is confirmed by the Senate to be Associate Attorney General of the United States on a vote of 72 to 20. No Democrats vote in opposition. According to The Washington Times, he does not visit the White House for the next 11 days.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The DOJ trial team on the case—Christopher Coates, Robert Popper, J. Christian Adams and Spencer R. Fisher—present its draft motion for “Request for Entry of Default” to the acting division chiefs—Loretta King and/or Steven H. Rosenbaum.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Perrelli meets with White House Associate Counsel Susan Davies in the White House. Perrelli will meet with White House officials nine times between this date and the final dismissal of the case.
Late March
Kristen Clarke, director of political participation at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, reportedly asks Justice Department officials to drop the case.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Because the defendants missed the deadline to file an answer, the trial team files notice of default with the court.
Friday, April 17, 2009
U.S. District Judge Stewart R. Dalzell issues an order recognizing that the Black Panthers are in default. The order gives the DOJ until May 1 to file an official Motion for Default Judgment.​

It SO sucks to be you.

I'm sure it's sheer coincidence that Synthia logged off before addressing this post.

do you support this? your snide remark indicates you do and that you think this is funny. somehow i think if the people were white, you would be screaming about conservative racists....

It is funny... because nearly four years later the same old white people are still trembling in their boots because two goofily dressed black men are standing outside of a building... holding batons but not actually attempting to intimidate or threaten people beyond their own inherent intimidation factor.



Who's shaking in their boots?


I posed this question earlier to another poster. I'll pose it again.

If you're a Sikh in America and people were twittering death threats to Sikhs would these threats be acted upon by the Justice Department?

Someone spread bacon bits at a park in NYC where Muslims were to gather and it's being investigated as a hate crime.

But crickets on continual threats from the NBP. Death threats no less. Liberals wanted Teddly, the Nuge drawn and quartered and hung from the rafter over no death threat.

Such despicable hypocrites the lot of you.

It's not hypocrisy in their minds.

When you truly believe that liberals can do no wrong, nothing they do can be worthy of condemnation.

Right, USMB lefties?
It is funny... because nearly four years later the same old white people are still trembling in their boots because two goofily dressed black men are standing outside of a building... holding batons but not actually attempting to intimidate or threaten people beyond their own inherent intimidation factor.



Who's shaking in their boots?


I posed this question earlier to another poster. I'll pose it again.

If you're a Sikh in America and people were twittering death threats to Sikhs would these threats be acted upon by the Justice Department?

Someone spread bacon bits at a park in NYC where Muslims were to gather and it's being investigated as a hate crime.

But crickets on continual threats from the NBP. Death threats no less. Liberals wanted Teddly, the Nuge drawn and quartered and hung from the rafter over no death threat.

Such despicable hypocrites the lot of you.

It's not hypocrisy in their minds.

When you truly believe that liberals can do no wrong, nothing they do can be worthy of condemnation.

Right, USMB lefties?


One always has to remember as the libs mock us for supposedly quaking in fear, there are very few of them that understand what it is like to draw a bead on a man.

Most are posting from condos. Most have never heard the term "cocked, locked and ready to rock" let alone live it.

Most are shoving pizzas down their throats tonight delivered by a pizza man whilst posting to us and thinking they are great environmentalists putting their empty pizza box in the right paper bin and their empty soda bottles in the plastic bin.

They are a sad lot daveman. For true.
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How do you know seniors in those two states cannot use their ID for voting?
As a matter of fact, in many places, senior living centers ARE voting places!!!!

Uh...because I read? Pennsylvania has been all over the news with their requirements, and I live in Florida.

In the present, you can fuck off.

Just because someone disagrees with your point of view, does not give you license to call them names.

It's braveman. He's not here to present a point of view.
All you have to offer this board is lefty rhetoric and caustic insults.
And sourced facts. Don't forget the sourced facts.
My very existence is a reminder to you that you wouldn't or couldn't serve this nation in uniform, and it eats you alive.


Ok, Centurion. :lol:
So, in summary, I've done something you can't or wouldn't do -- and I'M the pussy.

Is that what you're using instead of rational thought?

You make it sound as if it would have been difficult to go down to the recruiters and sign up. All you have to do is not have a pilonidal cyst on your ass and they will sign you up. :lol:

You also make it sound as if it is necessarily a desirable endeavor. It's not.

You also make it sound as if prior military service automatically makes you honorable. It doesn't.

You also make it sound as if people who have served in the military are necessarily better than those who haven't. They're not.

Hence, I call you Centurion. You're a bit of an embarrassment and a fool.

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