New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

A mix of votes for libertarians, green party, Republican, etc...

Who showed up in a white hood? Uncensored? You? Who was it?
If you were attempting to intimidate Republican voters wouldn't you...ya know...go to place where you expect a lot of Republicans?

Why does that matter? What do you think the ghetto toads were wanting to do?
You are the idiot claiming that NBPP thugs are there to intimidate voters.

In that section of Philly it's low income, mostly Blacks and immigrants.

You really are a dumbass. :lol:
So why show up in military garb brandishing weapons, cockboy? Go find a cop car to shit on. You are better at that.
What law did he break? Loitering? :lol:
Voter intimidation. You know, Bush got that conviction. Obama threw it out.
The Bush admin's DoJ couldn't find enough evidence to file criminal charges.

So they filed a civil suit -- and won it.

But the Obama Admin decided to interfere with DoJ and have the suit dropped, even though it was already won.

Federal Court finds Obama appointees interfered with New Black Panther prosecution |
Obama’s DOJ had claimed Judicial Watch was not entitled to attorney’s fees since “none of the records produced in this litigation evidenced any political interference whatsoever in” how the DOJ handled the New Black Panther Party case. But United States District Court Judge Reggie Walton disagreed. Citing a “series of emails” between Obama political appointees and career Justice lawyers, Walton writes:

The documents reveal that political appointees within DOJ were conferring about the status and resolution of the New Black Panther Party case in the days preceding the DOJ’s dismissal of claims in that case, which would appear to contradict Assistant Attorney General Perez’s testimony that political leadership was not involved in that decision. Surely the public has an interest in documents that cast doubt on the accuracy of government officials’ representations regarding the possible politicization of agency decision-making.
In sum, the Court concludes that three of the four fee entitlement factors weigh in favor of awarding fees to Judicial Watch. Therefore, Judicial Watch is both eligible and entitled to fees and costs, and the Court must now consider the reasonableness of Judicial Watch’s requested award.​

The New Black Panthers case stems from a Election Day 2008 incident where two members of the New Black Panther Party were filmed outside a polling place intimidating voters and poll watchers by brandishing a billy club. Justice Department lawyers investigated the case, filed charges, and when the Panthers failed to respond, a federal court in Philadelphia entered a “default” against all the Panthers defendants. But after Obama was sworn in, the Justice Department reversed course, dismissed charges against three of the defendants, and let the fourth off with a narrowly tailored restraining order.

“The Court’s decision is another piece of evidence showing the Obama Justice Department is run by individuals who have a problem telling the truth,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “The decision shows that we can’t trust the Obama Justice Department to fairly administer our nation’s voting and election laws.”​
The Obama Admin doesn't give a damn about justice. Just agenda.

But you don't see anything wrong with that, do you?
Rightwingers are such pussies.
Really? Can you find a conservative equivalent of ATTACK WATCH!!, the website for leftists butthurt about someone criticizing Dear Reader?

And that excuses his breaking the, exactly?

Oh, yeah -- it doesn't.

What law did he break? Loitering? :lol:
Voter intimidation. You know, Bush got that conviction. Obama threw it out.

Predictably, you see nothing wrong with this, because in your vacuous little mind, your little tin god is infallible.

How sad and pathetic you are.

You could take them.

But you can't be bothered.

Find me someone in assisted living who doesn't have an ID. How about a Medicade/Medicare card?
What about the states that do not issue a free ID card?
What about them? You're so broken-hearted, you cough up for a few ID cards.

But you can't be bothered.
You're talking out your ass again, and obviously have never stepped foot in an assisted living or nursing home.
My mother worked as a bookkeeper in a nursing home for 30 years. I visited her at work many times. When my dad and I had a cabinetry business, we built a lot of cabinets and a nurse's station for the nursing home. My band played at an Alzheimer's fund raiser there. Most of the residents were in too bad a shape to vote anyway.

So, once again, you're full of shit. It's your default mode.
"But what about"...The liberal mantra that has begotten the concept of kowtowing to the lowest common denominator.
It is UNFAIR that ONE person may be left out of the process. Therefore it should be illegal to require one to identify them self before voting.
This synthahoilic person's posts..."what about this guy?".."What about the people that can't"?
People are not stray animals. They do not need rescuing.
And that excuses his breaking the, exactly?

Oh, yeah -- it doesn't.

What law did he break? Loitering? :lol:
Voter intimidation. You know, Bush got that conviction. Obama threw it out.

Predictably, you see nothing wrong with this, because in your vacuous little mind, your little tin god is infallible.

How sad and pathetic you are.

You could take them.

But you can't be bothered.

Find me someone in assisted living who doesn't have an ID. How about a Medicade/Medicare card?

That's not a photo ID, fool.

that idiot braveman said:
What about the states that do not issue a free ID card?
What about them? You're so broken-hearted, you cough up for a few ID cards.

But you can't be bothered.


that idiot braveman said:
You're talking out your ass again, and obviously have never stepped foot in an assisted living or nursing home.
My mother worked as a bookkeeper in a nursing home for 30 years. I visited her at work many times. When my dad and I had a cabinetry business, we built a lot of cabinets and a nurse's station for the nursing home. My band played at an Alzheimer's fund raiser there. Most of the residents were in too bad a shape to vote anyway.

So, once again, you're full of shit. It's your default mode.

Typical fascist wingnut, deciding who is worthy of exercising their Constitutional rights.

Are you in favor of removing the right to own firearms after a certain age, retard?
Check the dates on the tweets.

You really are not very bright.
It may be current, jackass. But it's not a current news story. If it was, it would be covered by the news organizations instead of just a couple of wingnut jerkoff sites. unless CNN or MSNBC spoon-feeds it to you, it never happened.

How utterly pathetic you are.
No, dope. A google search turned up two wingnut links - that's it.

Even FOXNEWS didn't cover it.

Dumbass. :lol:
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Now having known the original crew and admired Angie and others, these new black panthers are a joke.
If one can even focus on Angie Davis none of this cew can even dream dream to reach to Angies level.

Clearly these douche bags are out of Karenga. And Karenga to the President.

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