New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Very interesting video. I saw a number of white people in the background moving freely in and out of the polling place. And they did have batons. Perhaps you Teabaggers would have prefered they have AR 15's?

They certainly seemed polite enough to the man with the camera phone. Saw no attempt to intimidate him with the batons.

So, what is your beef?

Polite people with billy clubs... Move along... Nothing to see here. Tell me numbskull... Other than voter intimidation, please give me one possible reason why polite people would have a need to stand outside a polling place with a billy club? One reason is all I'm asking for... I wont hold my breathe for your response... Because their isn't going to be one.
Is voter intimidation a crime?

If so, why did the Bush DoJ drop the charges?

Hint: Because the evidence was weak sauce - even though the people were black!

What charges did the bush DOJ ever bring? You are one stupid OWS parasite. Redundant is redundant.
You're really that fucking stupid?


CIV no.

Do at least some cursory homework before making an even bigger fool of yourself here.


{The Bush administration's decision to force civil rights attorneys to investigate Ike Brown – the black, Democratic official in Mississippi – caused anger. That anger, said Coates, "was the result of their deep-seated opposition to the equal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act against racial minorities and for the protection of whites who have been discriminated against."

Under the Obama administration, that sentiment deepened, leading to the dismissal of the New Black Panther Party case in 2009, Coates alleged Friday.}

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case: 'Bombshell' for Obama? -

Gee you're fucking stupid, even for a racist pile of shit.
It was obammys DOJ that dropped an easy default judgement. I wonder why?
The Bush administration dropped criminal charges.

The Obama administration dropped civil charges, with strong support of Republicans like leaders of the American Enterprise Institute (crazy, but not racist crazy. Just garden variety crazy)

If these activities were so obviously illegal intimidation ,why did the Bush DoJ drop charges? Cuz they hate whitey?

When have your ever heard of an attorney dropping a default judgement?

Samir Shabazz would have trouble understanding how his default judgment was dropped.

By the way, dumbass, no criminal charges were dropped. You are clueless.
well indeed! That's because the Bush administration decided not to pursue criminal charges.
Polite people with billy clubs... Move along... Nothing to see here. Tell me numbskull... Other than voter intimidation, please give me one possible reason why polite people would have a need to stand outside a polling place with a billy club? One reason is all I'm asking for... I wont hold my breathe for your response... Because their isn't going to be one.
Is voter intimidation a crime?

If so, why did the Bush DoJ drop the charges?

Hint: Because the evidence was weak sauce - even though the people were black!

What charges did the bush DOJ ever bring?

They looked at the evidence and decided against pursuing criminal charges.

you looked at the sceery blak pepel and decided they must be violating the initimidating voters - in a district that voted 95% for Kerry!

Sure, they were really looking to keep out all those Democratic voters:lol::lol:
You're really that fucking stupid?


CIV no.

Do at least some cursory homework before making an even bigger fool of yourself here.


{The Bush administration's decision to force civil rights attorneys to investigate Ike Brown – the black, Democratic official in Mississippi – caused anger. That anger, said Coates, "was the result of their deep-seated opposition to the equal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act against racial minorities and for the protection of whites who have been discriminated against."

Under the Obama administration, that sentiment deepened, leading to the dismissal of the New Black Panther Party case in 2009, Coates alleged Friday.}

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case: 'Bombshell' for Obama? -

Gee you're fucking stupid, even for a racist pile of shit.

Do you know what the "civ" before the case number means?

Hint: It's short for civil. as in civil case. not crim, as in criminal court.
The Bush administration dropped criminal charges.

The Obama administration dropped civil charges, with strong support of Republicans like leaders of the American Enterprise Institute (crazy, but not racist crazy. Just garden variety crazy)

If these activities were so obviously illegal intimidation ,why did the Bush DoJ drop charges? Cuz they hate whitey?

When have your ever heard of an attorney dropping a default judgement?

Samir Shabazz would have trouble understanding how his default judgment was dropped.

By the way, dumbass, no criminal charges were dropped. You are clueless.
well indeed! That's because the Bush administration decided not to pursue criminal charges.
Why? The default was dropped by one of his homies. I would think that would make perfect sense to him.

So, what criminal charges were dropped, you assfucking parasite?
Is voter intimidation a crime?

If so, why did the Bush DoJ drop the charges?

Hint: Because the evidence was weak sauce - even though the people were black!

What charges did the bush DOJ ever bring?

They looked at the evidence and decided against pursuing criminal charges.

you looked at the sceery blak pepel and decided they must be violating the initimidating voters - in a district that voted 95% for Kerry!

Sure, they were really looking to keep out all those Democratic voters:lol::lol:
I thought the charges were dropped? Did you not say that more than once? Or we're you, once again, just using your ass as a mouth?
What charges did the bush DOJ ever bring?

They looked at the evidence and decided against pursuing criminal charges.

you looked at the sceery blak pepel and decided they must be violating the initimidating voters - in a district that voted 95% for Kerry!

Sure, they were really looking to keep out all those Democratic voters:lol::lol:
I thought the charges were dropped? Did you not say that more than once? Or we're you, once again, just using your ass as a mouth?

Well, to be more precise the charges were never even brought because the Bush DoJ could not find enough evidence to even impanel a grand jury.

Tell the class all about how the New Black Panther party was trying to keep people from voting in a 95% Kerry district. Were they trying to get Mccain elected or sumthin?
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I thought the charges were dropped? Did you not say that more than once? Or we're you, once again, just using your ass as a mouth?

Eric Holder dismissed the charges, despite protests by several DOJ attorneys, who resigned to protest the clear racist application of law by Holder, and protests by the United States Civil Rights Commission. (Letter listed in this thread.)

Holder defended his race against the law, he did not support the law.
They looked at the evidence and decided against pursuing criminal charges.

you looked at the sceery blak pepel and decided they must be violating the initimidating voters - in a district that voted 95% for Kerry!

Sure, they were really looking to keep out all those Democratic voters:lol::lol:
I thought the charges were dropped? Did you not say that more than once? Or we're you, once again, just using your ass as a mouth?

Well, to be more precise the charges were never even brought because the Bush DoJ could not find enough evidence to even impanel a grand jury.

Tell the class all about how the New Black Panther party was trying to keep people from voting in a 95% Kerry district. Were they trying to get Mccain elected or sumthin?

It's not a matter of being precise. It's a matter of being honest. Which is really never expected of you OWS parasites.

I hope a bunch of white guys decide to test obammy's tolerance for this type of behavior, and show up at polling places across the country in white hoods, brandishing NBG sticks at the entrance. That should go over really well.
I thought the charges were dropped? Did you not say that more than once? Or we're you, once again, just using your ass as a mouth?

Well, to be more precise the charges were never even brought because the Bush DoJ could not find enough evidence to even impanel a grand jury.

Tell the class all about how the New Black Panther party was trying to keep people from voting in a 95% Kerry district. Were they trying to get Mccain elected or sumthin?

It's not a matter of being precise. It's a matter of being honest.

The Bush administration could find no honest reason to pursue criminal charges.

I hope a bunch of white guys decide to test obammy's tolerance for this type of behavior, and show up at polling places across the country in white hoods, brandishing NBG sticks at the entrance. That should go over really well.

I hope they do to. But to make it an accurate replica they need to go to one polling station - in a heavily Democratic area.
Well, to be more precise the charges were never even brought because the Bush DoJ could not find enough evidence to even impanel a grand jury.

You fucking liar.

{When the administration ignored late-term George W. Bush administration charges of Voting Rights Act violations, Federal District Judge Stewart Dalzell in Philadelphia issued a default ruling against King Samir Shabazz, Mr. Jackson, the New Black Panther Party and its chairman, Malik Zulu Shabazz (no relation to King Samir Shabazz). Although career federal prosecutors won this case (arguing, among other things, “There is never a good reason to bring a billy club to a polling station”) they were overruled by political appointees in President Obama’s Justice Department who ordered them to dismiss the complaints against all parties except King Samir Shabazz. He was ordered not to exhibit a weapon within 100 feet of a Philadelphia precinct through Nov. 15, 2012. Pittsburgh seems fair game.}

MURDOCK: Team Obama turns blind eye to voter intimidation - Washington Times

Tell the class all about how the New Black Panther party was trying to keep people from voting in a 95% Kerry district. Were they trying to get Mccain elected or sumthin?

You are a racist pile of shit and a complete liar.
Notice how you went to an opinion piece instead of facts? From the Moonies?

Color me surprised.

I thought the charges were dropped? Did you not say that more than once? Or we're you, once again, just using your ass as a mouth?

Eric Holder dismissed the charges, despite protests by several DOJ attorneys, who resigned to protest the clear racist application of law by Holder, and protests by the United States Civil Rights Commission. (Letter listed in this thread.)

Holder defended his race against the law, he did not support the law.

Someone doesn't know the difference between criminal and civil:lol::lol:

And thinks that a district that voted Kerry 95% would be a good place for the New Black Panthers to intimidate voters:lol: I guess they supported McCain.
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Tell the class all about how the New Black Panther party was trying to keep people from voting in a 95% Kerry district. Were they trying to get Mccain elected or sumthin?

You are a racist pile of shit and a complete liar.

I gave you the link. Well actually, you gave me the link. I just bothered to look at it . and it shows the district was 95% Kerry in 2004.

I'm sure the NBP are big McCain supporters.
I gave you the link. Well actually, you gave me the link. I just bothered to look at it . and it shows the district was 95% Kerry in 2004.

I'm sure the NBP are big McCain supporters.

That has zero bearing on the fact that it was a voter intimidation case.

Nor on the list of lies you have told that is as long as my arm. Including but not limited to;

The Bush Administration filed no charges - in fact they did.

The Bush DOJ dropped the charges - Hard to do considering you claimed they didn't file them. In fact they did not drop the charges, Eric Holder did in 2009

That somehow the fact that this was a civil complaint (as all federal cases involving civil rights are) mitigated the fact that the case was filed.
Very interesting video. I saw a number of white people in the background moving freely in and out of the polling place. And they did have batons. Perhaps you Teabaggers would have prefered they have AR 15's?

They certainly seemed polite enough to the man with the camera phone. Saw no attempt to intimidate him with the batons.

So, what is your beef?

At it's core, their beef is Sceeeeery Black People. That's why a leading conservative of the American Enterprise Institute called them out on it.

At the core of it are armed civilians standing at the front door of a polling place. Which, for you OWS parasites, is just fine, as long as they are black. You're a fuckin racist. And I am pretty sure you suck cock.

Exercising their 2nd amendment rights.
My state still allows 2nd amendment rights. YRMV. Hell, people in my precinct pack heat in the polling stations.

Remember when Conservatives supported the 2nd amendment? Or was that only for white people.

No white person stood armed at your polling place brandishing a weapon. You are a lying OWS parasite. Redundant is redundant.

Hey, dumb fuck, there were white people moving in and out of the polling place freely, showing no signs of fear. That was in the video. So you are afraid of any black man with a stick? Figures.

They remind him of Jackie Robinson.

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