New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

you mean all three members of the "new black panthers"? that's what relevant to you?

oh yeah, why wouldn't it be?

hint: it didn't work last time. it won't work this time.

but keep on keepin on
They look around, see Transformers 3, Spiderman 4, Batman 3, and figure they can do McCain 2.
Imagine if members of Stormfront tweeted death threats to the DNC?

This is what now makes any liberal who makes any excuse or gives a pass on this behaviour by the NBP a complete and utter contemptible asswipe.

And that includes the President and AG Holder and the media.


Imagine there's no Panthers
It isn't hard to do
No need for hate and outrage
and no ACORN, too
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit

If he denounce all the carp going on he would not get anything done. That's funny.:lol::lol:Freedom of speech?

Freedom of speech is only for republicans when they say something insane. Ask them.

Those 10 black guys in the NBPP scare he hell out of white people. Its so funny its sad.

That's not the point dipshits. Whether or not people are afraid, is irrelevant. And that shouldn't have to be explained to you. Stop being so willfully ignorant.
Bush wasn't afraid. He didn't prosecute them.

Who's afraid of em? Personally, I would love to see these pussies try to follow through on their threats. The RNC ain't the DNC. Many in the RNC are well & legally armed. So anytime these pussies want to bring it, bring it. They're gonna be in for a big surprise.
Show of hands: before this thread, did any of you know that tinydancer was this whacked?

Let's see. To start a thread about a current news story whereby a national radical left wing group known as the New Black Panthers is making threats against the Republican National Convention makes me "whacked"?


You are one sick puppy. :lol:
It's not a current news story.

Oh yes it is because Michelle Williams issued another threat. Michelle is Chief of Staff. She's not a no namer.

[ame=]New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'... - YouTube[/ame]
They ain't got nothin' on those evil racist teabaggers.:lol:

I hope you are being sarcastic.
Otherwise you have a room temperature IQ.
You show me gun toting, threatening to kill those of one race Tea Party members. Go ahead.
Teabaggers come to their rallies armed, and advertising it.

These two wannabe thugs are just dressed in scary clothes and one billy club. Prolly a fashion statement.
I love how the progressive lap dogs are defending blatant racism.......

It really shows that they're pieces of shit...

Where I'm from they call what these progressives are doing here damage control ....

Clean up your own house first. Start with Limbaugh.

There is no racism in the conservative movement. You might want to point out these racist remarks before making such a stupid statement idiot..People like you are pathetic..Joe Biden wanna be:cuckoo:
I love how the progressive lap dogs are defending blatant racism.......

It really shows that they're pieces of shit...

Where I'm from they call what these progressives are doing here damage control ....

Clean up your own house first. Start with Limbaugh.

he didn't steal 716 billion from medicare like your hero barry soetoro to support his bogus healthcare bill....coming from the most divided/corrupt campaigner in chief on taxpayers dime.
Scary black men....oh my!

It isn't scary at all... It is revealing. If people are going to excuse these Black Panther's racist behavior, then they really have lost the ability to label others as racists... Unless of course they are being disingenuous hypocrites.
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Who was threatened with a stick? Give us the names of some folks who complained they'd been threatened black guys outside a polling place with a stick in a black neighborhood.
I see you still bitterly cling to leftist bullshit.

So, in summary:

Members of a paramilitary organization in uniform standing outside a polling place brandishing weapons and screaming threats at certain segments of the population is NOT voter intimidation.

Asking for a photo ID at the polling place is disenfranchising certain segments of the population.

Is that what you leftists are using instead of rational thought?
You know that one of those two scary Black men was an accredited poll watcher, right?
And that excuses his breaking the, exactly?

Oh, yeah -- it doesn't.
Where would an 83 year old, living in an assisted living or nursing home, confined to a wheelchair...where would she get a photo ID?
The same place everyone else in a wheelchair gets theirs.

You know the ADA requires wheelchair access for all public buildings, right?

And who would pay for it?
Most states issue a free ID card for those without driver's licenses. Some will accept utility bills for ID.

Your objections are baseless.
Show of hands: before this thread, did any of you know that tinydancer was this whacked?

Let's see. To start a thread about a current news story whereby a national radical left wing group known as the New Black Panthers is making threats against the Republican National Convention makes me "whacked"?


You are one sick puppy. :lol:
It's not a current news story.
Check the dates on the tweets.

You really are not very bright.
Now we all know back in June they tweeted the original threats.

Here's today's threat.

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

Why is there no denouncement and condemnation of this group by the President? Why no action from the DOJ?

And as a refresher, here's the deal from June.

New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 25, 2012, 12:14 PM




New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC | The Gateway Pundit

If he denounce all the carp going on he would not get anything done. That's funny.:lol::lol:Freedom of speech?

Freedom of speech is only for republicans when they say something insane. Ask them.

Those 10 black guys in the NBPP scare he hell out of white people. Its so funny its sad.

Prove it.
Who was threatened with a stick? Give us the names of some folks who complained they'd been threatened black guys outside a polling place with a stick in a black neighborhood.
I see you still bitterly cling to leftist bullshit.

So, in summary:

Members of a paramilitary organization in uniform standing outside a polling place brandishing weapons and screaming threats at certain segments of the population is NOT voter intimidation.

Asking for a photo ID at the polling place is disenfranchising certain segments of the population.

Is that what you leftists are using instead of rational thought?

You do know they were in west philly. WEST philly. Exactly who did they intimidate?
Read the law. Actual intimidation is not required. The intent to intimidate is.

Now you too can tell me a fairy tale about how those guys were there to help people vote.

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