New Black Panthers VS Bikers For Trump

Don't know why they chose Cleveland, that northern coast corridor is always blue. Should have chose Cincinnati. Hamiliton county and surrounding areas are always solid red.
I have known people who grew up in Cleveland and they all agree; Cleveland is a shitburg well worth the cost of escaping.
I am showing my age but do you remember Sonny Barger? I was friends with his son but had a security clearance and in the military so said I cannot join and will have to report this attempted recruitment to my superiors. I never reported the attempted recruitment and went on a ride title for title and got in a fist fight but I knew how to box with judo.

I never heard of any judo that taught boxing, so you mean you have learned boxing AND judo, right?
now what could go wrong with this plan? anyone know who meredith hunter was?

The guys claiming to be bikers aren't the Hell's Angels. They are a bunch of right wing accountants and tea people who happen to own bikes, and want to play macho. They watched that movie Wild Hogs and said "I could do that"

The New Black Panthers seem to be nothing more than their predecessors. A bunch of loud mouthed NEGROES.
Hey ya dumb fuck. Political protest is a time honored tradition in this country. You don't like it? Fuck off.
The NBP are not going there to simply protest, nor are any of the other SOROS MOB, and you know it.

Why be so dishonest? This is a racist attempt at intimidation, and it makes me want to drive tot hat cesspool to help counter them.
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20 % would be 1 in how many bikers are there going to be who are can do the math
I think it all depends on what groups of bikers show up. Most are some who are simply clubs of motorcycle enthusiasts. Others are organized violent criminal gangsters. And I already know some of those are going there. A girl I used to date is the president of a notorious criminal biker gang. A 1%er gang. She called me and asked if I would ride to Cleveland with them. She says a bunch of them are going there to sell leather and other not so legal stuff.

I know a lot of those guys. Many are not very nice guys who have done time in prison. Look at them wrong and you might get blasted upside the head with a pipe wrench or a ball peen hammer. Or much worse.
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20 % would be 1 in how many bikers are there going to be who are can do the math


There is no evidence to suggest that because the demographics of ALL veterans coming out of a conflict, that those same demographics are true of EVERY OTHER SET OF VETERANS.

You are simply too stupid for the English language to convey the full meaning of your stupidity.
Violence at the GOP convention appears to be a forgone conclusion.

I guess the two biggest questions will be how bad it gets and how (if at all) it affects public opinion.
And big a boost Trump will get from it all.

That kind of violent chaos plays tight into his message of law and order as it always has.
Well, it could depend on the nature of the violence.

I have no doubt that there will be Trump supporters there who will ready to fight - for example, the biker gang showing up as "security".

The media will determine how any violence will be portrayed, and that wouldn't bode well for the GOP.
Violence at the GOP convention appears to be a forgone conclusion.

I guess the two biggest questions will be how bad it gets and how (if at all) it affects public opinion.
And big a boost Trump will get from it all.

That kind of violent chaos plays tight into his message of law and order as it always has.
Well, it could depend on the nature of the violence.

I have no doubt that there will be Trump supporters there who will ready to fight - for example, the biker gang showing up as "security".

The media will determine how any violence will be portrayed, and that wouldn't bode well for the GOP.


any violence only goes to proving Trumps point regardless of what cnn preaches
Violence at the GOP convention appears to be a forgone conclusion.

I guess the two biggest questions will be how bad it gets and how (if at all) it affects public opinion.
And big a boost Trump will get from it all.

That kind of violent chaos plays tight into his message of law and order as it always has.
Well, it could depend on the nature of the violence.

I have no doubt that there will be Trump supporters there who will ready to fight - for example, the biker gang showing up as "security".

The media will determine how any violence will be portrayed, and that wouldn't bode well for the GOP.


any violence only goes to proving Trumps point regardless of what cnn preaches
That's right. CNN can spin it however they want but most people are intelligent enough to recognize that a hate group announcing they are going to the other party's convention with guns are going there with the intention of causing a disruption and violence. I swear, liberals will defend anything...terrorists, hate groups, felons, it doesn't matter as long as it's someone hell bent on undermining the United States.
if one can assume the blacks are a hate group why cant one assume the bikers are a hate group? why different semantics for different races?

We don't assume that the BLM is a hate group. Their actions have made that clear beyond all doubt.
We don't assume that the BLM is a hate group. Their actions have made that clear beyond all doubt.
The blood shed by our officers nationwide proves not only that BLM is Marxist and racist to the core, but that our so-called President is the top person responsible and his inaction and previous demagogue puts the blood on HIS HANDS.
It's not just Dallas or Baton Rouge — police officers have been killed across the country

When five police officers were killed and nine wounded in an attack during a protest march in Dallas on July 7, it rattled the nation.

Ten days later, three officers were killed and three injured in Baton Rouge, La., as they were responding to a call about a suspicious person with an assault rifle.

Between the two attacks, law enforcement officers from Georgia to Michigan were shot in incidents that drew far less attention but have added to the growing sense that it’s a dangerous time to be a cop.

With the Dallas shootings, 31 law enforcement officers have died in the line of duty so far this year, compared with 18 officers who had died at this point in 2015, according the statistics from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.

Nick Breul, director of research for the memorial fund and a former Washington, D.C., police officer, said that there have also been a number of surprise attacks targeting and killing police officers.
you really believe no one wants to kill anyone......

okay....go with that....if that is true why would you want to carry at all.....we are just so fucking safe....
To PROTECT LIFE, idiot, that is why I carry.

Not to stop crimes, robberies or some other bullshit.

Soley to stop other people from killing innocent people, and that is all.

Nothing else.

Amazing that you are too stupid to grasp this simple fact.
Trump supporters are tired of the violence at rallies started by the Marxist Democrats. The NBPs are planning to protest the Republican Convention to nominate Donald Trump and have stated they will be carrying firearms. Bikers For Trump aren't impressed and say they won't be intimidated and will stand their ground and step in if the NBP starts any shit with anybody. Any predictions?
New Black Panther Party plans to bring guns to GOP convention, if law allows | Fox News
Bikers For Trump To Patrol Cleveland During RNC Convention
White bikers are janitors factory workers and plumbers. Do you remember a few months ago a biker gun fight was caught on tape? Bunch of fat old pussies

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