New Black Panthers VS Bikers For Trump

Trump supporters are tired of the violence at rallies started by the Marxist Democrats. The NBPs are planning to protest the Republican Convention to nominate Donald Trump and have stated they will be carrying firearms. Bikers For Trump aren't impressed and say they won't be intimidated and will stand their ground and step in if the NBP starts any shit with anybody. Any predictions?
New Black Panther Party plans to bring guns to GOP convention, if law allows | Fox News
Bikers For Trump To Patrol Cleveland During RNC Convention
I predict a few dead NBPers, and then they will behave for the rest of the convention.
i never underestimate the egos of men......i dont know how to tell this own a gunshop...there is a riot getting ready to go need your buddies to show and make the call....explaining the situation....and add.....hell you may get to kill a ....... everyone shows....never underestimate the hate lurking in the hearts and egos of these men.....there will be chest beating and there will be mental is just a gas leak waiting for a spark

Nope. That would be the egos of little boys. Real men have enough common sense to not make a dumb, dangerous situation worse.
So the members of the NBP aren't real men? Isn't that racist?
i never underestimate the egos of men......i dont know how to tell this own a gunshop...there is a riot getting ready to go need your buddies to show and make the call....explaining the situation....and add.....hell you may get to kill a ....... everyone shows....never underestimate the hate lurking in the hearts and egos of these men.....there will be chest beating and there will be mental is just a gas leak waiting for a spark
But there's no hate in the heart of NBP members, right?

You're a stupid toad. You realize that, don't you?
notice how that is not true...i have issues with two hate groups arming themselves and meeting at any time......i have not forgotten when the klan opened fire on the protestors in greensboro...and that can happen again with either side....

now how is ohio gonna deal with open carry and gop wanting....gun free zone?
You only complained about one of them, douche bag.
and the top is black panthers vs bikers..and that is the discussion...and its of both sides being armed in an open carry state....can yall do the topic without the insults?
No. A douche bag like you deserves to be called a douche bag. You are attacking the bikers who are attending a convention for the party they support and saying nothing about the NBP who are there deliberately to disrupt the event.
You are attacking the bikers who are attending a convention for the party they support and saying nothing about the NBP who are there deliberately to disrupt the event.

Hey ya dumb fuck. Political protest is a time honored tradition in this country. You don't like it? Fuck off.
No, I have a problem with the NBPs making veiled threats to show up at the Republican Convention with weapons to protest. You obviously don't see anything wrong with that.

I have a problem with anybody threatening violence. You only seem to have a problem with black people doing it.
Funny you didn't have a problem with it until I called you out on it.

So now you're a mind reader? Tell me what I'm thinking about now.
It doesn't take a mind reader to see that you only criticized the bikers going to their own candidate's rally but said nothing about the NBPP showing up there to intimidate.

The wannabe bikers are intended as intimidation as well. They wouldn't be a story if they weren't
The only ones they are there to intimidate is a gang of reprobates intent on causing trouble.

You turds don't seem to understand the difference between carrying a gun to commit a crime and carrying one to defend yourself or others.
You are attacking the bikers who are attending a convention for the party they support and saying nothing about the NBP who are there deliberately to disrupt the event.

Hey ya dumb fuck. Political protest is a time honored tradition in this country. You don't like it? Fuck off.

They are intent on causing mayhem, not peacefully protesting. The former is a time honored Democrat tradition.
It doesn't take a mind reader to see that you only criticized the bikers going to their own candidate's rally but said nothing about the NBPP showing up there to intimidate.

The wannabe bikers are intended as intimidation as well. They wouldn't be a story if they weren't
Hey stupid, they're going there because they're REPUBLICANS. I think that's pretty normal, don't you? The Black Panthers, however, could only be going there to start trouble.

Read your own link . He said they were going to fight.
Why are the BPs going there? Let me exercise their first amendment rights?

Are you saying they don;t have the right to go there?

No, that obviously isn't what he's saying, you stupid douche bag.
The former is a time honored Democrat tradition.

Thats right. And I am looking forward to hearing about the ass whipping some republicans are.gonna get.

You fucks act like democrats are afraid of republicans. Yea, right. Like you the bad asses with all the guns.

I think you all will like Cleveland.
notice how that is not true...i have issues with two hate groups arming themselves and meeting at any time......i have not forgotten when the klan opened fire on the protestors in greensboro...and that can happen again with either side....
Bikers does not = KKK or "hate group".
now what could go wrong with this plan? anyone know who meredith hunter was?

The guys claiming to be bikers aren't the Hell's Angels. They are
now what could go wrong with this plan? anyone know who meredith hunter was?

The guys claiming to be bikers aren't the Hell's Angels. They are a bunch of right wing accountants and tea people who happen to own bikes, and want to play macho. They watched that movie Wild Hogs and said "I could do that"

a bunch of right wing accountants and tea people who happen to own bikes, and want to play macho. They watched that movie Wild Hogs and said "I could do that"
A lot of them are ex-military.

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