New Black Panthers VS Bikers For Trump

now what could go wrong with this plan? anyone know who meredith hunter was?

The guys claiming to be bikers aren't the Hell's Angels. They are
now what could go wrong with this plan? anyone know who meredith hunter was?

The guys claiming to be bikers aren't the Hell's Angels. They are a bunch of right wing accountants and tea people who happen to own bikes, and want to play macho. They watched that movie Wild Hogs and said "I could do that"

a bunch of right wing accountants and tea people who happen to own bikes, and want to play macho. They watched that movie Wild Hogs and said "I could do that"
A lot of them are ex-military.

one does not know if that is reassuring or not....with the high rates of pts in returning vets...

and please that is not meant as hate filled toward vets...simple a true statement
now what could go wrong with this plan? anyone know who meredith hunter was?

The guys claiming to be bikers aren't the Hell's Angels. They are
now what could go wrong with this plan? anyone know who meredith hunter was?

The guys claiming to be bikers aren't the Hell's Angels. They are a bunch of right wing accountants and tea people who happen to own bikes, and want to play macho. They watched that movie Wild Hogs and said "I could do that"

a bunch of right wing accountants and tea people who happen to own bikes, and want to play macho. They watched that movie Wild Hogs and said "I could do that"
A lot of them are ex-military.

one does not know if that is reassuring or not....with the high rates of pts in returning vets...

and please that is not meant as hate filled toward vets...simple a true statement
No its not the idea that every Veteran comes back with PTSD is complete BS.
  • As of September 2014, there are about 2.7 million American veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (compared to 2.6 million Vietnam veterans who fought in Vietnam; there are 8.2 million "Vietnam Era Veterans" (personnel who served anywhere during any time of the Vietnam War)
  • According to RAND, at least 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have PTSD and/or Depression. (Military counselors I have interviewed state that, in their opinion, the percentage of veterans with PTSD is much higher; the number climbs higher when combined with TBI.)
    Other accepted studies have found a PTSD prevalence of 14%; see a complete review of PTSD prevalence studies, which quotes studies with findings ranging from 4 -17% of Iraq War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder).
    A comprehensive analysis, published in 2014, found that for PTSD: “Among male and female soldiers aged 18 years or older returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, rates range from 9% shortly after returning from deployment to 31% a year after deployment. A review of 29 studies that evaluated rates of PTSD in those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan found prevalence rates of adult men and women previously deployed ranging from 5% to 20% for those who do not seek treatment, and around 50% for those who do seek treatment. Vietnam veterans also report high lifetime rates of PTSD ranging from 10% to 31%. PTSD is the third most prevalent psychiatric diagnosis among veterans using the Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals.”PTSD and comorbid AUD", Subst Abuse Rehabil. 2014; 5: 25–36, Ralevski, et al.
  • 50% of those with PTSD do not seek treatment
  • out of the half that seek treatment, only half of them get "minimally adequate" treatment (RAND study)
  • 19% of veterans may have traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Over 260,000 veterans from OIF and OEF so far have been diagnosed with TBI. Traumatic brain injury is much more common in the general population than previously thought: according to the CDC, over 1,700,000 Americans have a traumatic brain injury each year; in Canada 20% of teens had TBI resulting in hospital admission or that involved over 5 minutes of unconsciousness (VA surgeon reporting in BBC News)
  • 7% of veterans have both post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury
  • rates of post-traumatic stress are greater for these wars than prior conflicts
  • in times of peace, in any given year, about 4% (actually 3.6%) of the general population have PTSD (caused by natural disasters, car accidents, abuse, etc.)
  • recent statistical studies show that rates of veteran suicide are much higher than previously thought, as much as five to eight thousand a year (22 a day, up from a low of 18-a-year in 2007, based on a 2012 VA Suicide Data Report). (See suicide prevention page). Contrary to the impression many media articles give, veteran suicide rates, although definitely higher, are not astronomically higher than civilian rates. See New York Times 2013 article, "As Suicides Rise in US, Veterans are Less of total," by James Dao.
  • PTSD distribution between services for OND, OIF, and OEF: Army 67% of cases, Air Force 9%, Navy 11%, and Marines 13%. (Congressional Research Service, Sept. 2010)
  • recent sample of 600 veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan found: 14% post-traumatic stress disorder; 39% alcohol abuse; 3% drug abuse. Major depression also a problem. "Mental and Physical Health Status and Alcohol and Drug Use Following Return From Deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan." Susan V. Eisen, PhD
  • Oddly, statistics for veteran tobacco use are never reported alongside PTSD statistics, even though increases in rates of smoking are strongly correlated with the stress of deployment and combat, and smoking statistics show that tobacco use is tremendously damaging and costly for soldiers.
  • More active duty personnel die by own hand than combat in 2012 (New York Times)
  • According to September 2015 New York Times articles, some branches of the military do not keep fine-grained data, or any data at all on the suicide rates (and this must mean on the mental health as a whole) of their veterans. There are "battalion epidemics" of suicide in the military, which much higher rates of suicide and mental health problems.
Veterans PTSD Statistics | Statistics: Depression, TBI and Suicide
stats on such things as mental issues in the military are hard to fayetteville nc....they have silent sirens when police go on calls to registered vets with pts..hell i have seen young adults claim to have it from being in a house yes the stats are best...
i never underestimate the egos of men......i dont know how to tell this own a gunshop...there is a riot getting ready to go need your buddies to show and make the call....explaining the situation....and add.....hell you may get to kill a ....... everyone shows....never underestimate the hate lurking in the hearts and egos of these men.....there will be chest beating and there will be mental is just a gas leak waiting for a spark
That is a libtard fantasy.

Everyone who has ever had any CCW license training knows that killing a person, even if legal, puts your entire property at risk of being lost in a civil suit for excessive force.

Besides no o ne wants to kill anybody.

But better THEM than ME and MINE.
you really believe no one wants to kill anyone......

okay....go with that....if that is true why would you want to carry at all.....we are just so fucking safe....
like anyone discusses real men today? and when they try to one gets such a distorted view of real men.....when in reality 'real men' are the ones who dont make headlines....they are the ones...going to work...coming home.and as you say.....using common sense to raise and secure their families..they dont make the news however...
And they defend their friends and family and the DONT BACK DOWN.
I predict you will go through 10 boxes of tissues and 5 bottles of lotion just thinking about it.
It wouldn't be the first time you were wrong, scat boy.
Urban Dictionary: Unkotare

very very old news
And yet you are still too stupid to recognise it as true.

and where did i say anything about truth .....simply stated it was very very old news..which it is....sad that you must put words in my posts so you can attack me for saying shit i have not said?
I predict you will go through 10 boxes of tissues and 5 bottles of lotion just thinking about it.
It wouldn't be the first time you were wrong, scat boy.
Urban Dictionary: Unkotare

very very old news
And yet you are still too stupid to recognise it as true.

and where did i say anything about truth .....simply stated it was very very old news..which it is....sad that you must put words in my posts so you can attack me for saying shit i have not said?
lol, I'm not going to go around in circles with you, idiot, go piss up a rope.
if one can assume the blacks are a hate group why cant one assume the bikers are a hate group? why different semantics for different races?
i assure you there are plenty of gop kkk......the county i live in...has an active chapter..and its republican controlled...
How do you know that they are actually GOP controled? How do you know that they are not just another libtard pretend group posing as GOP ust like they are posing as KKK?

If you think that the Republican Party is going to fund a group of KKK that has a long history of attacking Republcian people, then are more stupid than I ever imagined.
if one can assume the blacks are a hate group why cant one assume the bikers are a hate group? why different semantics for different races?
Because the New Black Panthers preach hatred of whites, while bikers do not preach hatred of anybody, dumb fuck.
now what could go wrong with this plan? anyone know who meredith hunter was?

The guys claiming to be bikers aren't the Hell's Angels. They are a bunch of right wing accountants and tea people who happen to own bikes, and want to play macho. They watched that movie Wild Hogs and said "I could do that"
Then you have your reject blacks dressing up as GIJoe and wearing depends panties....:lol:

My bet is you lose....

either way hillary will lose

the violence is seen originating out the democrat party

and the average folks dont want any part of this crap

they are fed up with that bs
Violence at the GOP convention appears to be a forgone conclusion.

I guess the two biggest questions will be how bad it gets and how (if at all) it affects public opinion.
And big a boost Trump will get from it all.

That kind of violent chaos plays tight into his message of law and order as it always has.

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