New CBO report is devastating for Obamacare

It's been proven that the rightwing's interpretation of the report is WRONG,

your inane denials notwithstanding.

Its been "proven" by nut jobs like you and left wing pundits?


Sweetie I haven't even read any of the articles, just the report, you people are the ones spinning it to support the king.

Proving something does not require getting assholes like you to admit that something was proven, but hey,

by all means, keep making a fool of yourself.

You might be right about that, but repeating an echo chamber without actually looking at what the report says isn't proof either. Unlike everyone who is telling me the report doesn't mean what it says, I actually quoted the points from the report.
What's funny is that as usual the entire rightwing propaganda machine bought into the same lies about the report and since there is no page in the rightwing playbook that allows for admitting a mistake,

once again, the RW machine is forced to defend an indefensible position.

Keep repeating your mantra.

Eventually someone who's aware of the reality will believe you.

I did. Just not very clearly. My bad. You are still an idiot, though.

It is not possible to determine what you meant to say, and only a fool would think otherwise.

A sure sign of an idiot is being unable to accept the concession of his opponent. I just admitted that I did not get my meaning across well. Your response is to tell me...again...that I did not get my meaning across well. Congratulations on your complete lack of class.

who called who an idiot first?....
What's funny is that as usual the entire rightwing propaganda machine bought into the same lies about the report and since there is no page in the rightwing playbook that allows for admitting a mistake,

once again, the RW machine is forced to defend an indefensible position.

Did the LW read the 182 page non partisan CBO report?
How is non partisan 'propaganda'?

The CBO report lies, 'eh?
Where do you think the ACA numbers originally come from?


No response...must ridicule...

Thanks for your concession!!
It is not possible to determine what you meant to say, and only a fool would think otherwise.

A sure sign of an idiot is being unable to accept the concession of his opponent. I just admitted that I did not get my meaning across well. Your response is to tell me...again...that I did not get my meaning across well. Congratulations on your complete lack of class.

who called who an idiot first?....

Oh dam! [MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION]! You idiot!

I'll throw myself under the bus and take full credit for that one! ;)
2 days and 8 pages of posts and all we have is right wing spin.


no left wing spin also?....guess who has a Democratic flag sticking out of their ass?....
CBO: Health-care law will mean 2 million fewer workers - The Washington Post

Course we've been saying this all along but dems have had their heads permanently stuck in the sand.

go listen to Paul Ryan ... then go read the damn report ... then pull your head out of your ass ... has nothing to do with fewer jobs... it has everything to do with people not having to be forced to work long hours to get health care you idiot !!!!:clap2:

hey David?.....when are you going to get another TV series?.....i loved "Rules of Engagement" and Timmy were great.....
Did the LW read the 182 page non partisan CBO report?
How is non partisan 'propaganda'?

The CBO report lies, 'eh?
Where do you think the ACA numbers originally come from?


No response...must ridicule...

Thanks for your concession!!

^complains about a left winger "cherry picking" the CBO report.

^cheerleads the cherry picking of the CBO report presented by right wingers.

^thinks she has a leg to stand on in this thing.

What I want to know is why Liberals continue to tout this law as something people need? Has it not already been proven to be not so? Why do they insist on foisting this on America?

This is what you get when the GOP decided to not do anything about a very real problem when it had the chance to do so. The GOP knew damn well what the Democrats were going to do about health care when given a chance, and the GOP still chose to do nothing.

We were sold down the river into slavery by the GOP. Reap the whirlwind, rubes!

We are now on our way to single payer health care. When ObamaCare flails and fails, the people will cry out for UHC, and they will get it. In our lifetime.

Are you serious?

The GOP was flatly ignored. Bypassed. Overridden. They had zero power to stop this law. It was the rank partisanship employed by the Democrats that got us in this mess, and now you want to blame this on the GOP? Let's make one thing clear, they didn't pass the law. They couldn't stop the law. They have tried to repeal the law, but Democrats would have nothing of it.

Why are you blaming them? They've introduced numerous alternatives to Obamacare since 2007, g5? This is an absolutely moronic statement from you.

The GOP was not ignored.

The President invited congressional Republican leaders over to the White House numerous times, but they always refused to meet him because the entire GOP plan from Obama's inauguration day was to give him nothing and to never give the perception to their conservative voters that they would work with him.

This bunch of idiot Republicans are the first people in American history to not accept breakfast invites from the President of the United States.

They're such morons. And by refusing to work with Obama, Obama gets to claim all the credit for it.

This CBO report is positive news for the administration and for America.
Sometimes I waiver after witnessing how firmly our USMB nutters cling to misinformation and fear tactics.......but I am fairly certain that the American people are capable of seeing through the negative spin.

To be sure, there will be nutter talking heads blurting out "The non-partisan CBO recently found that Obamacare will cost over 2 million jobs....blah....blah....blah...." from now until election day. But. I think it will ring hollow. The fact is that more people are working and the economy is improving. Reality is kicking nutter ass.
Sometimes I waiver after witnessing how firmly our USMB nutters cling to misinformation and fear tactics.......but I am fairly certain that the American people are capable of seeing through the negative spin.

To be sure, there will be nutter talking heads blurting out "The non-partisan CBO recently found that Obamacare will cost over 2 million jobs....blah....blah....blah...." from now until election day. But. I think it will ring hollow. The fact is that more people are working and the economy is improving. Reality is kicking nutter ass.

The CBO is composed of a group of center left economists, and here is a bit of reality for you.

People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2014 08:48 -0500

Curious why despite the huge miss in payrolls the unemployment rate tumbled from 7.0% to 6.7%? The reason is because in December the civilian labor force did what it usually does in the New Normal: it dropped from 155.3 million to 154.9 million, which means the labor participation rate just dropped to a fresh 35 year low, hitting levels not seen since 1978, at 62.8% down from 63.0%.

And the piece de resistance: Americans not in the labor force exploded higher by 535,000 to a new all time high 91.8 million.

The jobless, laborless recovery continues to steam on.
People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels | Zero Hedge
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Sometimes I waiver after witnessing how firmly our USMB nutters cling to misinformation and fear tactics.......but I am fairly certain that the American people are capable of seeing through the negative spin.

To be sure, there will be nutter talking heads blurting out "The non-partisan CBO recently found that Obamacare will cost over 2 million jobs....blah....blah....blah...." from now until election day. But. I think it will ring hollow. The fact is that more people are working and the economy is improving. Reality is kicking nutter ass.

The CBO is composed of a group of center left economists, and here is a bit of reality for you.

People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2014 08:48 -0500

Curious why despite the huge miss in payrolls the unemployment rate tumbled from 7.0% to 6.7%? The reason is because in December the civilian labor force did what it usually does in the New Normal: it dropped from 155.3 million to 154.9 million, which means the labor participation rate just dropped to a fresh 35 year low, hitting levels not seen since 1978, at 62.8% down from 63.0%.

And the piece de resistance: Americans not in the labor force exploded higher by 535,000 to a new all time high 91.8 million.

The jobless, laborless recovery continues to steam on.
People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels | Zero Hedge

Yo Too Tall,

Tell me something about that Tyler Durden fella. I can't quite put my finger on where I have heard that name before. Help me out, will ya?
Sometimes I waiver after witnessing how firmly our USMB nutters cling to misinformation and fear tactics.......but I am fairly certain that the American people are capable of seeing through the negative spin.

To be sure, there will be nutter talking heads blurting out "The non-partisan CBO recently found that Obamacare will cost over 2 million jobs....blah....blah....blah...." from now until election day. But. I think it will ring hollow. The fact is that more people are working and the economy is improving. Reality is kicking nutter ass.

The CBO is composed of a group of center left economists, and here is a bit of reality for you.

People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2014 08:48 -0500

Curious why despite the huge miss in payrolls the unemployment rate tumbled from 7.0% to 6.7%? The reason is because in December the civilian labor force did what it usually does in the New Normal: it dropped from 155.3 million to 154.9 million, which means the labor participation rate just dropped to a fresh 35 year low, hitting levels not seen since 1978, at 62.8% down from 63.0%.

And the piece de resistance: Americans not in the labor force exploded higher by 535,000 to a new all time high 91.8 million.

The jobless, laborless recovery continues to steam on.
People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels | Zero Hedge

^ accuses the CBO of presenting a left-wing biased report.

^"counters" with a post by "tyler durden"

where is the connection to the ACA?

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It's been proven that the rightwing's interpretation of the report is WRONG,

your inane denials notwithstanding.

Its been "proven" by nut jobs like you and left wing pundits?


Sweetie I haven't even read any of the articles, just the report, you people are the ones spinning it to support the king.

Proving something does not require getting assholes like you to admit that something was proven, but hey,

by all means, keep making a fool of yourself.

he makes a life out of being a fool .... all of his post if not funny at best, are total distortions of what reality is ...
Its been "proven" by nut jobs like you and left wing pundits?


Sweetie I haven't even read any of the articles, just the report, you people are the ones spinning it to support the king.

Proving something does not require getting assholes like you to admit that something was proven, but hey,

by all means, keep making a fool of yourself.

S'ok no attention to the ACTUAL report.

Just thank me for showing you the truth.

we're waiting for you to see what the truth is ... so far you're batting "0"
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You just said you read the LA Times, not the report.

Earlier.....I linked to the LA Times. In the article, the Times linked to the relevant section in the report....which I also read.

Try to understand and follow along, please. .

Here it is again.

Why the new CBO report on Obamacare is good news -

See where they link to pp117-127? That is what I read. That is what I said I read.

Will you issue an apology?

How do you know what the LA Times to is actually part of the budget report? Did you compare it to the report, of just trust the Times?

did you not read his post ... he clearly stated, at least that's what I saw, was where he went to the LA times, where he stated there is a link to the CBO's web site ... now if that's a distortion of the truth, the CBO web site, well what can we say.... but if its a case of poor comprehension skills on your part that's ok too ... we understand ...
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Did the LW read the 182 page non partisan CBO report?
How is non partisan 'propaganda'?

The CBO report lies, 'eh?
Where do you think the ACA numbers originally come from?

It's been proven that the rightwing's interpretation of the report is WRONG,

your inane denials notwithstanding.

What denial?

The OPINION of the CBO report was cherry picked by a left winger.
How does an opinion piece of the CBO report by a left winger 'prove' the rightwing's interpretation of the report is wrong?

Report vs OPINION is HUGE!

Ya know, I've never allowed myself to fall into the crevice of calling posters
left wingers, yet I find myself doing this merely because the label is a popular attempt to insult anyone who is telling the truth.

Kerry on!

you know, I never knew Paul Ryan was a lift wing far left lefty ... because it was he himself that came to the media and said we got it wrong folks on what the CBO was saying ... they didn't say there were 2.5 million jobs lost ... Damn that left wing lefty Paul Ryan ... can't he ever get anything right....

the fact that you're big on sources here is paul Ryan telly your fellow republicans that its not a job loss,0,2101794.story#axzz2sjcEHVHb

but I know you'll say its a liberals site but hey it's paul ryan saying it ...
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It's been proven that the rightwing's interpretation of the report is WRONG,

your inane denials notwithstanding.

What denial?

The OPINION of the CBO report was cherry picked by a left winger.
How does an opinion piece of the CBO report by a left winger 'prove' the rightwing's interpretation of the report is wrong?

Report vs OPINION is HUGE!

Ya know, I've never allowed myself to fall into the crevice of calling posters
left wingers, yet I find myself doing this merely because the label is a popular attempt to insult anyone who is telling the truth.

Kerry on!

you know, I never knew Paul Ryan was a lift wing far left lefty ... because it was he himself that came to the media and said we got it wrong folks on what the CBO was saying ... they didn't say there were 2.5 million jobs lost ... Damn that left wing lefty Paul Ryan ... can't he ever get anything right....

They did say there was a disincentive to work. Do you consider that a good thing?
Proving something does not require getting assholes like you to admit that something was proven, but hey,

by all means, keep making a fool of yourself.

S'ok no attention to the ACTUAL report.

Just thank me for showing you the truth.

we're waiting for you to see what the truth is ... so far you're batting "0"

Apparently you kids are WAY over your heads here.

I posted the report, no spin, just the report and it seems to be WAY over your heads.

LOL, the most intellectual rebuttal you people have when faced with reality is a resounding "NUH-UH"!!!!!

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