New CBO report: ObamaCare will reduce workforce by 2 million over next 10 years

There's no doubt about it. Obama is a terrible president by just about every measure when it comes to foreign policy. As a matter of fact, by every single measure when it comes to foreign policy. Domestic policy is a whole other story. He's doing a pretty good job.

Including the ACA. You stupid fuckers will never see the day when the ACA gets shut down because it ain't gonna happen.

I much prefer Obama's foreign policy to that of the buffoon who preceded him.....
Bush created the vacuum that ISIS filled? You have a very poor memory.
Including the ACA. You stupid fuckers will never see the day when the ACA gets shut down because it ain't gonna happen.
ACA was set up to fail and be replaced by a single payer system.

Unless Republicans salvage ACA, we are heading to single payer and ACA getting scrapped.


ACA is based on the mandate system originally proposed by Heritage, and implemented in MA by republican governor Romney...
So you're a republican, eh?

In exile since 1980......when the GOP decided to disregard this sage advice....

There's no doubt about it. Obama is a terrible president by just about every measure when it comes to foreign policy. As a matter of fact, by every single measure when it comes to foreign policy. Domestic policy is a whole other story. He's doing a pretty good job.

Including the ACA. You stupid fuckers will never see the day when the ACA gets shut down because it ain't gonna happen.

I much prefer Obama's foreign policy to that of the buffoon who preceded him.....
Bush created the vacuum that ISIS filled? You have a very poor memory.

the upper ranks of ISIS is filled with whom, genius?
Gee. That almost sounds like it will cost jobs. If the reader were an idiot, he or she might come away with the impression that the ACA is a job klller.

But....that's not what it says, is it?

Where would nutbags be without their rubes?
Now it's on you to spell out the details lest you be a hypocritical rube.

It's in the link, dummy.
And the link says....

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will make the labor supply, measured as the total compensation paid to workers, 0.86 percent smaller in 2025 than it would have been in the absence of that law, the Congressional Budget Office estimates.
Gee. That almost sounds like it will cost jobs. If the reader were an idiot, he or she might come away with the impression that the ACA is a job klller.

But....that's not what it says, is it?

Where would nutbags be without their rubes?

I agree! If NaziCons weren't so fucking dumb they would realize this is a GOOD thing. They can't even accurately and honestly interpret a simple government document without twisting it into something evil.
Gee. That almost sounds like it will cost jobs. If the reader were an idiot, he or she might come away with the impression that the ACA is a job klller.

But....that's not what it says, is it?

Where would nutbags be without their rubes?
Now it's on you to spell out the details lest you be a hypocritical rube.

It's in the link, dummy.
And the link says....

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will make the labor supply, measured as the total compensation paid to workers, 0.86 percent smaller in 2025 than it would have been in the absence of that law, the Congressional Budget Office estimates.

You don't know what that means, obviously.

Keep reading. There is something about workers CHOOSING to do something. Enjoy your education.
Obamacare is a huge failure on every level. Now all of the highly touted "cooperatives" are losing money or closed down. It's only a matter of time before the whole shebang collapses. .

Which was the intent all along. The healthcare industry as it exists now WILL collapse under its own weight, we'll demand Congress "do something," and they'll push in some Single Payer or national health care system.

The only flaw in the Democrat planning was that it happened so fast. It wasn't supposed to crush the Middle Class until after the 2016 elections.
You don't know what that means, obviously.

Keep reading. There is something about workers CHOOSING to do something. Enjoy your education.

Total workers salaries will be about 1% less than they would be without the ACA in ten years.

What the fuck is your point, ass hole. If you have one then fucking make it.
Remember when the scuttle was that ObamaCare would boost the economy, make businesses competitive, and unleash a torrent of creativity?

Er...guess not so much....

Congressional Budget Office report:

Hey....why didn't you cite the source where you got this info?

You are a plagiarist as well as an idiot. Here is where you got your words:

New CBO report: ObamaCare will reduce workforce by 2 million over next 10 years
You don't know what that means, obviously.

Keep reading. There is something about workers CHOOSING to do something. Enjoy your education.

Total workers salaries will be about 1% less than they would be without the ACA in ten years.

What the fuck is your point, ass hole. If you have one then fucking make it.
Total workers salaries will be about 1% less than they would be without the ACA in ten years.

1%.....10 years.......that doesn't strike you as bold assertion?

This suggests that people will simply choose to work less NOT that ACA will rob them of compensation.
You don't know what that means, obviously.

Keep reading. There is something about workers CHOOSING to do something. Enjoy your education.

Total workers salaries will be about 1% less than they would be without the ACA in ten years.

What the fuck is your point, ass hole. If you have one then fucking make it.

My point is that you don't understand what the report actually says. You might be able to, but you'd have to be HONEST first.
My point is that you don't understand what the report actually says. You might be able to, but you'd have to be HONEST first.
And you have not made the case for that claim. You can go on and on ad nauseum about us being wrong about some invisible point, but untill you actually p[ut it forward it is nothing but a bluff, an unwarranted assertion.

My suspicion is that your invisible point is just more spin and doesnt amount to horse shit.

But until you actually make the case, it doesnt exist, doofus.
Oh well, President Hillary will simply go to a Universal Single Payer, as we should have done in the first place.
If Hillary gets elected, we will have far worse problems than single payer health care, i.e. Socialized Medicine.

But the ACA is not in its present form a long term solution and I doubt was ever intended to be such.
Obamacare is a lie perpetrated on the American people by the worst PoTUS in history.

Let me cast two votes for the guy under whom

The Private Sector work force SHRANK

GDP grew at an annual rate of 1.6%

Federal Spending grew at more than 7%

Federal Receipts grew 5.5% (that with cutting the worst POTUS of the modern era slack for the Great Recession)

S&P index returned NEGATIVE 22%

Would that be right?

Go apologize to your children...and your neighbors' kids.....
No, I did not vote for obuthole.
Including the ACA. You stupid fuckers will never see the day when the ACA gets shut down because it ain't gonna happen.
ACA was set up to fail and be replaced by a single payer system.

Unless Republicans salvage ACA, we are heading to single payer and ACA getting scrapped.


ACA is based on the mandate system originally proposed by Heritage, and implemented in MA by republican governor Romney...
No it's not.
Including the ACA. You stupid fuckers will never see the day when the ACA gets shut down because it ain't gonna happen.
ACA was set up to fail and be replaced by a single payer system.

Unless Republicans salvage ACA, we are heading to single payer and ACA getting scrapped.


ACA is based on the mandate system originally proposed by Heritage, and implemented in MA by republican governor Romney...
No it's not.
Obamacare is a lie perpetrated on the American people by the worst PoTUS in history.

Let me cast two votes for the guy under whom

The Private Sector work force SHRANK

GDP grew at an annual rate of 1.6%

Federal Spending grew at more than 7%

Federal Receipts grew 5.5% (that with cutting the worst POTUS of the modern era slack for the Great Recession)

S&P index returned NEGATIVE 22%

Would that be right?

Go apologize to your children...and your neighbors' kids.....
No, I did not vote for obuthole.

The "buthole" is you......those numbers cover the disaster which was the Pretzelduncy of Babs' Mutant.....

and you reek of two votes for that disaster.....
Including the ACA. You stupid fuckers will never see the day when the ACA gets shut down because it ain't gonna happen.
ACA was set up to fail and be replaced by a single payer system.

Unless Republicans salvage ACA, we are heading to single payer and ACA getting scrapped.


ACA is based on the mandate system originally proposed by Heritage, and implemented in MA by republican governor Romney...
No it's not.

You're not from around MA, are you......

The state's program features a mandate to buy coverage.....

Here is the guy from Heritage singing its praises....

Not try to not be such an imbecile...

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