NEW Charlie Hebdo mag cover: Mohammed holding "We Are Charlie" sign

Muslims must understand that if they are going to live here, they are not going to control American culture. Their children, most of them will become American Muslims, and violence will not be tolerated as a corrective for that choice. Prison and deportation will the answers to such a choice by Muslim men who refuse to get it.
Humm, islam has been doing stuff like this for a few years, guys. We got hot and bothered over the North Koreans hacking Sony, that was peanuts compared to what that cult of allah the great and powerful has done. And a cult of hate it is proving to be, they committed so many atrocities, the latest being the creepos boku haram slaughtered 2000 innocent people, and strapping bombs on innocent little girls as suicide bombers. Can they sink so LOW? Who is going to stop them?

There will be a modern day Hulegu and the cycle will repeat.
Muslims must understand that if they are going to live here, they are not going to control American culture. Their children, most of them will become American Muslims, and violence will not be tolerated as a corrective for that choice. Prison and deportation will the answers to such a choice by Muslim men who refuse to get it.
American citizens cannot be deported you dolt
Dante is in the sauce tonight, deeply. Problems in paradise, apparently.

Go ahead and yell here, bub, if it makes you feel better.
I think the only end to all this will be ashes in our mouths, as Kennedy once said . Muslims seem to want no compromise, it's either their way or death. Remember that. islam will end us. Humanity will be over as a result.
Totalitarian offended pussies must have vengeance....

Cartoons are too much for their childish sensibilities...

What could be expected from sub human animals
Some people never learn.

I mean, how hard can it possibly be to respect religion? They know religion is an extremely sacred matter to many people, some who even willing to kill and die for their religion. Yet these fools continue to mock it.

The same idiots who defend islamic terrorists for murdering people who insulted the big Mo probably defended the artsy liberals who received kudos for a display of a dung smeared statue of the Virgin Mary.
Some people never learn.

I mean, how hard can it possibly be to respect religion? They know religion is an extremely sacred matter to many people, some who even willing to kill and die for their religion. Yet these fools continue to mock it.

The same idiots who defend islamic terrorists for murdering people who insulted the big Mo probably defended the artsy liberals who received kudos for a display of a dung smeared statue of the Virgin Mary.

Actually, I encourage people to respect everyone's religious views, whether they are Abrahamic or Pagan or otherwise.

"A fundamental human right"?

Said who?

I am ashamed to be classified as a 'VIP member' of this website if I have to share that category with you.

Perhaps you, as well as countless others, have deluded yourselves into believing that we humans are entitled to far more than we "deserve".

"Fundamental human right"...

There is no such thing.

Humans deserve whatever they can make or grow. The fundamental human right is to live. There is no "fairness", that I'll grant you, but in the world governed by Man, there are fundamental rights that are recognized by civilized people. The fact that you don't agree just shows how primitive you truly are.
Some people never learn.

I mean, how hard can it possibly be to respect religion? They know religion is an extremely sacred matter to many people, some who even willing to kill and die for their religion. Yet these fools continue to mock it.

The same idiots who defend islamic terrorists for murdering people who insulted the big Mo probably defended the artsy liberals who received kudos for a display of a dung smeared statue of the Virgin Mary.

Actually, I encourage people to respect everyone's religious views, whether they are Abrahamic or Pagan or otherwise.

So long as they respect my view to ignore them that's great. The second they make the declaration that I have to live like them they can go pound sand.

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