NEW Charlie Hebdo mag cover: Mohammed holding "We Are Charlie" sign

Some people never learn.

I mean, how hard can it possibly be to respect religion? They know religion is an extremely sacred matter to many people, some who even willing to kill and die for their religion. Yet these fools continue to mock it.

Any religion that promotes and carries out the murder of people having other religions is to be mocked and destroyed. All radical Muslims are IDIOTS with weapons and deadly intent. The deserve absolutely NO RESPECT! I will rejoice when they are all dead!
Some people never learn.

I mean, how hard can it possibly be to respect religion? They know religion is an extremely sacred matter to many people, some who even willing to kill and die for their religion. Yet these fools continue to mock it.

The same idiots who defend islamic terrorists for murdering people who insulted the big Mo probably defended the artsy liberals who received kudos for a display of a dung smeared statue of the Virgin Mary.

Actually, I encourage people to respect everyone's religious views, whether they are Abrahamic or Pagan or otherwise.

The religious view of radical Islam is that all others should convert or die. Do you respect that view?
I sincerely hope Charlie Hebdo is going to make some security arrangements for the sake of their employees.
Some people never learn.

I mean, how hard can it possibly be to respect religion? They know religion is an extremely sacred matter to many people, some who even willing to kill and die for their religion. Yet these fools continue to mock it.

Any religion that promotes and carries out the murder of people having other religions is to be mocked and destroyed. All radical Muslims are IDIOTS with weapons and deadly intent. The deserve absolutely NO RESPECT! I will rejoice when they are all dead!

So in other words, you promote and would gladly carry out the murder of people of another religion... because they promote and carry out the murder of people of other religions.

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Some people never learn.

I mean, how hard can it possibly be to respect religion? They know religion is an extremely sacred matter to many people, some who even willing to kill and die for their religion. Yet these fools continue to mock it.

Any religion that promotes and carries out the murder of people having other religions is to be mocked and destroyed. All radical Muslims are IDIOTS with weapons and deadly intent. The deserve absolutely NO RESPECT! I will rejoice when they are all dead!

So in other words, you promote and would gladly carry out the murder of people of another religion because they promote and carry out the murder of people of other religions.

Exactly! I will pull the trigger to kill all radical Muslims without blinking! They are the ONLY cult I know of that carries out deadly aggression proactively.

Christians say "Repent or burn in hell!"...meaning they believe God will punish you when you die.

Radical Muslims say "Submit or I will cut off your head!"...meaning they will kill you right now.

There's quite a bit of difference between those threats. Radical Islam is plague on the earth that can be stopped only by killing them all.

I will not hesitate to do all within my ability to keep them from killing my family.

Radical Islam does not deserve respect.
Some people never learn.

I mean, how hard can it possibly be to respect religion? They know religion is an extremely sacred matter to many people, some who even willing to kill and die for their religion. Yet these fools continue to mock it.

The same idiots who defend islamic terrorists for murdering people who insulted the big Mo probably defended the artsy liberals who received kudos for a display of a dung smeared statue of the Virgin Mary.

Actually, I encourage people to respect everyone's religious views, whether they are Abrahamic or Pagan or otherwise.

The religious view of radical Islam is that all others should convert or die. Do you respect that view?

I completely respect that view.

Christianity embraced that view for a long time, and it worked out quite well for them. That tactic helped them cull the competition, expand their religion, and rise in power. Just look at how great Christianity has become as a result.

Now it is Islam, and in the future, it may be some other great religion. Tis an ancient dance, one that I most certainly respect.

Some people never learn.

I mean, how hard can it possibly be to respect religion? They know religion is an extremely sacred matter to many people, some who even willing to kill and die for their religion. Yet these fools continue to mock it.

The same idiots who defend islamic terrorists for murdering people who insulted the big Mo probably defended the artsy liberals who received kudos for a display of a dung smeared statue of the Virgin Mary.

Actually, I encourage people to respect everyone's religious views, whether they are Abrahamic or Pagan or otherwise.

The religious view of radical Islam is that all others should convert or die. Do you respect that view?

I completely respect that view.

Christianity embraced that view for a long time, and it worked out quite well for them. That tactic helped them cull the competition, expand their religion, and rise in power. Just look at how great Christianity has become as a result.

Now it is Islam, and in the future, it may be some other great religion. Tis an ancient dance, one that I certainly respect.

You failed history, I suppose. The Christians went on Crusades to save other Christians from being wiped out by radical Muslims. They beat the Muslims down...then there was relative peace for decades...then the Muslims boiled over again...the Christians beat them back again. Now it's happening on a bigger scale with WMD capability...they need to have their asses whipped again!


1095: Beginning of the Crusades

In 1095 an assembly of churchmen called by Pope Urban II met at Clermont, France. Messengers from the Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus had urged the pope to send help against the armies of Muslim Turks. On November 27 the pope addressed the assembly and asked the warriors of Europe to liberate the Holy Land from the Muslims. The response of the assembly was overwhelmingly favorable. Thus was launched the first and most successful of at least eight crusades against the Muslim caliphates of the Near East.
The Crusades
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God Bless those brave survivors. The new issue will feature prophet Mohammed holding a "We Are Charlie" sign.

Thats right. Fuck these Islamic camel jockey towel heads and their child rapist god.
Their prophet is Muhammed, their God is the same God that you worship.
The Koran mentions Jesus' mother, Mary, often.
It also instructs followers to murder those that do not join the gang.

God Bless those brave survivors. The new issue will feature prophet Mohammed holding a "We Are Charlie" sign.

Thats right. Fuck these Islamic camel jockey towel heads and their child rapist god.
Their prophet is Muhammed, their God is the same God that you worship.

Is that so?

"Oh, you who have believed! do not take Christians and Jews as allies. They are, in fact, allies of each other. and whoever befriends them among you, he surely is one of them. Indeed, Allah guids not the wrongdoing people."
(Surat Al- Mai'da 5:51)
Message behind all this that no one in US media is saying is, "Unlike you in the West, we take religion seriously." That's respectable. Pleanty of Christian and Jewish targets to mock and disparage without going after religions you're not actually a part of and inciting riots.
They killed 17 people in less than 3 days, and you try and give them excuses?

How many have US drones killed? Not like there's no justification. But when we do it it's war or defensive. When they do it it's terrorism. The double-standard and hypocrisy reaks.
They killed 17 people in less than 3 days, and you try and give them excuses?

How many have US drones killed? Not like there's no justification. But when we do it it's war or defensive. When they do it it's terrorism. The double-standard and hypocrisy reaks.
It's only a double standard to those unable to follow what's going on. Terrorists are targeted to stop them from killing us. It isn't terrorism, it's counter terrorism.
They killed 17 people in less than 3 days, and you try and give them excuses?

How many have US drones killed? Not like there's no justification. But when we do it it's war or defensive. When they do it it's terrorism. The double-standard and hypocrisy reaks.

They do it because you don't believe in what they believe. That's the difference.

One needs to be a total idiot to think they're the victims, here.
Is that so?

"Oh, you who have believed! do not take Christians and Jews as allies. They are, in fact, allies of each other. and whoever befriends them among you, he surely is one of them. Indeed, Allah guids not the wrongdoing people."
(Surat Al- Mai'da 5:51)
Which was a verse given during a specific war over a thousand years ago and has no bearing on todays situation..

But you already knew that. ...... :cool:

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