This is very important report for all US citizens voting in November for president.

America was built on nation building. It is in our Genes. It seems you say about Biden he failed in his own duty. Let me educate posters on Afghanistan.
First it was where Bin Laden lived. Bin Laden set up the attacks against the USA citizens in New York, caused the Pentagon to have major destruction and loss of life, and set up a reply by President Bush. Bush on his behalf did not plan to occupy Afghanistan. He wanted the Taliban removed from authority. And he used air sources to bomb Taliban targets and any where Al Qaeda worked. He had no way to locate Bin Laden. Sure he wanted to and tried, but Bin Laden has experience and also pals in Afghanistan. Even when Bin Laden was killed when Obama was president, Obama simply guessed and went after a building that was suspected where Bin Laden was. And he got lucky.

We had the kind of mess in Afghanistan we had in South Korea, Germany, Japan and other places in Europe where troops waged war for us. It is not unusual that troops are sent to such places. It is very normal in fact and done by our nation in general. Both parties do the same thing.
Bush invaded Afghanistan as soon as pipeline negotiations with the Taliban failed. It was for ENRON.
It's amazing about how people like to shift the blame to Trump when he wasn't even president at the time. I have to keep hammering it home who was actually in charge at the time. Some people are VERY dense.
In 2020 when the Accords conditions were carried out, well our condition was our withdrawal which we did but forgot to enforce the peace initiative conditions on the Taliban. It was the Benedict Donald's Skedaddle. Other than the reciprocal truce, the Taliban didn't comply with Trumps Agreement, and Benedict Donald didn't do a damn thing to make them comply.

But the Neo-OP live in the own little fantasy world built by Fox Lies like their crazy cat stories.........
Trump REALLY released Taliban killers.

I think you are confusing trump brokering a prisoner exchange between the taliban and the former Afghan govt…and then the ISIS prisoners released by thr taliban after xiden and harris surrendered, killing our soldiers after they were sent back to get citizens harris and xiden abandoned
And that has nothing to do with the hurried abandonment of all US assets, like I said, Trump was never going to give up Bagram.

Trump agreed to take out every single US troop, how was he going to keep Bagram?
I think you are confusing trump brokering a prisoner exchange between the taliban and the former Afghan govt…and then the ISIS prisoners released by thr taliban after xiden and harris surrendered, killing our soldiers after they were sent back to get citizens harris and xiden abandoned
I think the simplest explanation is that Trump released Taliban killers for cash, probably built into Jared’s $4B Saudi deal.

I think you are confusing trump brokering a prisoner exchange between the taliban and the former Afghan govt…and then the ISIS prisoners released by thr taliban after xiden and harris surrendered, killing our soldiers after they were sent back to get citizens harris and xiden abandoned

Trump never consulted the Afghan government.. He simply made an independent deal with the Taliban. He's very impulsive and myopic
I think you are confusing trump brokering a prisoner exchange between the taliban and the former Afghan govt…and then the ISIS prisoners released by thr taliban after xiden and harris surrendered, killing our soldiers after they were sent back to get citizens harris and xiden abandoned
It was a 5 to 1 prisoner swap forced upon the Afghanis. The Afghan government was shut out of the Doha negotiations.

ISIS was active in Afghanistan throughout 2020. Benedict Donald allowed the Taliban to not comply with the Doha Accords, including the condition that they crackdown on ISIS and other terrorists operating out of Afghanistan. Allowing them to mount the successful suicide attack on the Airport.

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