Zone1 New Chicago Mayor defends Teenage Mobs, not constructive to "demonize" them.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
You can bet that same Chicago Mayor would demonize some white victim who had to use deadly force to stop an attack.
You can bet that same Chicago Mayor would demonize some white victim who had to use deadly force to stop an attack.

Let's hope the next mob of people are citizens showing up at the new mayors house to drag him out into the street, strip him naked, then rob and beat him to within an inch of his life, for that sounds like the only way anyone there will ever get any justice in Chicago.

If I had a group of sons, that is what they would look like, animals each and everyone, but I like to call the furries instead of demonizing them.
You can bet that same Chicago Mayor would demonize some white victim who had to use deadly force to stop an attack.

Hey JG--- I just wonder what would happen if thousands of angry mobs of rioting kids showed up in that pricey village where Kammy and Biden live and started destroying THEIR place whether the mayor of THAT town would come out blasting people as not constructive for demonize them while the police stand by doing nothing???
Hey JG--- I just wonder what would happen if thousands of angry mobs of rioting kids showed up in that pricey village where Kammy and Biden live and started destroying THEIR place whether the mayor of THAT town would come out blasting people as not constructive for demonize them while the police stand by doing nothing???

Not sure, but we could give it a try. Maybe post something on social media about a free giveaway of Nike shoes and iPhones on a certain date, and include their address.
Not sure, but we could give it a try. Maybe post something on social media about a free giveaway of Nike shoes and iPhones on a certain date, and include their address.

No, what I'm asking is, do you remember that busload of immigrants brought up to where Kammy lives from Texas or Florida? What I was asking is I wonder what would happen if someone bused a boatload of those screaming kids running rampant in Chicago city streets where the mayor is saying people are just being too critical of them up to her house or type of neighborhood instead where all the rich and important people live? I wonder if the response would be the same letting these people destroy the place doing as they want there too with police standing around scratching their asses, or would we suddenly see America 2.0 kick in reserved just for the elite who pay nothing into the tax burden as it is?

I wonder if instead of Chicago, would we suddenly see the SWAT team from hell swoop in and kamikaze all these kids taking them down like deer using mini guns?

My point is to ask that since Chicago was one of the biggest shitholes around already, right behind NYC and Baltimore---
  • What would people do in so elite a community if confronted in these luxury vacation homes with a mess like Chicago? I bet there would suddenly be a far far greater political and police will to wrest the situation under control very quickly and get all these punks brought to justice!
  • Why isn't this as much an insurrection by the left against the City and People of Chicago for such a bunch of people as have spent the past two years and more horrified that thousands were actually pissed off enough at the stealing of Trump's 2020 election to actually show up at the capital and protest its theft to call THAT an "insurrection against the democracy of America?!" Especially after admitting in national PRINT, that it was anything but that, instead, a highly expensive and orchestrated effort to sway the election away from the free will of the American voters to effect the deliberate, intentional, planned removal of Trump from the White House!
No matter who or what they had to dump in his place.


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