New Company in China just pulled some fucked up shit!



One of my co-workers called me over to his desk to show me something on the computer. Turns out it was a piece of equipment me, an electrical engineer and a software engineer spent a year and a half developing. The company didn't send the unit to China to have it made. A new company in China bought one and reverse engineered it.
The thing that pissed me off is they used MY 3d photo-realistic rendering also used by our marketing department. The same picture that's used on all the brochures and mailings and the website. They painted a strip on it, removed the logo and put on their own logo. They even had the nerve to say the unit was ISO certified. Ours is. Not theirs.
I copied their altered picture into a mail and sent it to my boss asking "What's this?" along with the website address. Boy, is he gonna be shocked. He's out of the country right now. Can't wait until Monday.

All of a sudden, I understand what other engineers must be feeling when the same thing happens to them.
You are either a bonafide schizophrenic, or lying out of your arse.
One of the two.
One of my co-workers called me over to his desk to show me something on the computer. Turns out it was a piece of equipment me, an electrical engineer and a software engineer spent a year and a half developing. The company didn't send the unit to China to have it made. A new company in China bought one and reverse engineered it.
The thing that pissed me off is they used MY 3d photo-realistic rendering also used by our marketing department. The same picture that's used on all the brochures and mailings and the website. They painted a strip on it, removed the logo and put on their own logo. They even had the nerve to say the unit was ISO certified. Ours is. Not theirs.
I copied their altered picture into a mail and sent it to my boss asking "What's this?" along with the website address. Boy, is he gonna be shocked. He's out of the country right now. Can't wait until Monday.

All of a sudden, I understand what other engineers must be feeling when the same thing happens to them.
Happens all the time, all you can do is patent you're ideas to protect yourself in America.
rdean: The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human... sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait till he moved on you before I could zero him.
Sarah Connor: Look... I am not stupid, you know. They cannot make things like that yet.
rdean: Not yet. Not for about 40 years. Unless the Chinese steal my specs.
Sarah Connor: Are you saying it's from the future?
rdean: One possible future. From your point of view... I don't know tech stuff.
Sarah Connor: Then you're from the future, too. Is that right? You said you were a tech!
rdean: Right.
Sarah Connor: Right.
And yet there are those niave enough to think that American ingenuity and technological innovations will fix our economy...
We will just be doing the R&D for the Chinese manufacturers.
One of my co-workers called me over to his desk to show me something on the computer. Turns out it was a piece of equipment me, an electrical engineer and a software engineer spent a year and a half developing. The company didn't send the unit to China to have it made. A new company in China bought one and reverse engineered it.
The thing that pissed me off is they used MY 3d photo-realistic rendering also used by our marketing department. The same picture that's used on all the brochures and mailings and the website. They painted a strip on it, removed the logo and put on their own logo. They even had the nerve to say the unit was ISO certified. Ours is. Not theirs.
I copied their altered picture into a mail and sent it to my boss asking "What's this?" along with the website address. Boy, is he gonna be shocked. He's out of the country right now. Can't wait until Monday.

All of a sudden, I understand what other engineers must be feeling when the same thing happens to them.

Like somebody sucker-punched you? Sorry, RD. They're bastards for that.
One of my co-workers called me over to his desk to show me something on the computer. Turns out it was a piece of equipment me, an electrical engineer and a software engineer spent a year and a half developing. The company didn't send the unit to China to have it made. A new company in China bought one and reverse engineered it.
The thing that pissed me off is they used MY 3d photo-realistic rendering also used by our marketing department. The same picture that's used on all the brochures and mailings and the website. They painted a strip on it, removed the logo and put on their own logo. They even had the nerve to say the unit was ISO certified. Ours is. Not theirs.
I copied their altered picture into a mail and sent it to my boss asking "What's this?" along with the website address. Boy, is he gonna be shocked. He's out of the country right now. Can't wait until Monday.

All of a sudden, I understand what other engineers must be feeling when the same thing happens to them.

Well, it looks to me like the Chinese found some shovel ready jobs, and filled them.

But this shouldn't bother you.

Considering that 94% of engineers are Democrats, they agree with "sharing the wealth".

Only 6% of engineers would be pissed off at the Chinese company.
One of my co-workers called me over to his desk to show me something on the computer. Turns out it was a piece of equipment me, an electrical engineer and a software engineer spent a year and a half developing. The company didn't send the unit to China to have it made. A new company in China bought one and reverse engineered it.
The thing that pissed me off is they used MY 3d photo-realistic rendering also used by our marketing department. The same picture that's used on all the brochures and mailings and the website. They painted a strip on it, removed the logo and put on their own logo. They even had the nerve to say the unit was ISO certified. Ours is. Not theirs.
I copied their altered picture into a mail and sent it to my boss asking "What's this?" along with the website address. Boy, is he gonna be shocked. He's out of the country right now. Can't wait until Monday.

All of a sudden, I understand what other engineers must be feeling when the same thing happens to them.

Well, it looks to me like the Chinese found some shovel ready jobs, and filled them.

But this shouldn't bother you.

Considering that 94% of engineers are Democrats, they agree with "sharing the wealth".

Only 6% of engineers would be pissed off at the Chinese company.

And most of the republicans are into retailing and management so they would like to sell your stolen device here in the USA at a higher profit margin.
One of my co-workers called me over to his desk to show me something on the computer. Turns out it was a piece of equipment me, an electrical engineer and a software engineer spent a year and a half developing. The company didn't send the unit to China to have it made. A new company in China bought one and reverse engineered it.
The thing that pissed me off is they used MY 3d photo-realistic rendering also used by our marketing department. The same picture that's used on all the brochures and mailings and the website. They painted a strip on it, removed the logo and put on their own logo. They even had the nerve to say the unit was ISO certified. Ours is. Not theirs.
I copied their altered picture into a mail and sent it to my boss asking "What's this?" along with the website address. Boy, is he gonna be shocked. He's out of the country right now. Can't wait until Monday.

All of a sudden, I understand what other engineers must be feeling when the same thing happens to them.

Well, it looks to me like the Chinese found some shovel ready jobs, and filled them.

But this shouldn't bother you.

Considering that 94% of engineers are Democrats, they agree with "sharing the wealth".

Only 6% of engineers would be pissed off at the Chinese company.

And most of the republicans are into retailing and management so they would like to sell your stolen device here in the USA at a higher profit margin.

Damn right! It's the only way to move up into the 1%.
One of my co-workers called me over to his desk to show me something on the computer. Turns out it was a piece of equipment me, an electrical engineer and a software engineer spent a year and a half developing. The company didn't send the unit to China to have it made. A new company in China bought one and reverse engineered it.
The thing that pissed me off is they used MY 3d photo-realistic rendering also used by our marketing department. The same picture that's used on all the brochures and mailings and the website. They painted a strip on it, removed the logo and put on their own logo. They even had the nerve to say the unit was ISO certified. Ours is. Not theirs.
I copied their altered picture into a mail and sent it to my boss asking "What's this?" along with the website address. Boy, is he gonna be shocked. He's out of the country right now. Can't wait until Monday.

All of a sudden, I understand what other engineers must be feeling when the same thing happens to them.
Happens all the time, all you can do is patent you're ideas to protect yourself in America.

If it's built around a government standard or an international standard, you can't really patent the entire device. Only part of it if that part is completely original and never been used before on similar equipment. In fact, we had to make it look completely different because companies can claim rights just from the way it looks even without a patent. I forget what that's called but it has to do with an original look. In other words, you can't make it look so much like someone else's equipment that a buyer mistakes ours for theirs.

What they did was actually use a photo-realistic rendering of the unit that I made and only added a strip and a logo. But it's my rendering. No doubt about that.

I know these right wingers would scream liar. They are so dumb, they can't tell when someone is telling the truth. These people believe in "magical creation" and "trickle down". They don't really have any brains. Only talking points that they've memorized by repeating over and over again. The problem with Republican talking points, when you say them out loud, they are laughable. If you merely read them, they can almost make sense. Like this hilarious speech. Tina Fey only repeated what a Republican said and received gales of laughter. And she didn't even seem to be trying.

[ame=]Tina Fey quotes Sarah Palin word for word - YouTube[/ame]
This is the reality of dealing with the Chinese. They have no regard at all for intellectual property. ("All property is theft, therefore theft is property!")

Unless you have real severe power here in the US and Europe to fight them, they will take your idea and sell it for half price to your customers.

This has been going on since the first naieve idiots first tried to deal with them.

I am sure this happened to someone this week. It happens every week Just not to Rdean.

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