New Corona Variant, that might be very dangerous, spreads in South Africa

Objective science. Because of Chinese communist esoterica not disclosing the animal source, it can only be man-made when the argument refers to vaccines, in some vaccine types, a combination of two viruses. Thus, we have included both vaxxed and un-vaxxed in the argument, and a symptom like loss of smell can’t be forced in an argument to be a result of human manipulation. You are faced with the objective fact that there’s no evidence from the genome for human manipulation, and cannot be proven but only speculated on.
I agree. It is my opinion that it was man made. Not sure what you don't understand about that?
It’s the biggest baddest ever until they scour the planet and find the next King Killer Virus
It become so shit simple stupid that at least another10% of Americans Have to be swayed into resistance.
To me it was man made. How else to explain such disparate symptoms?
I think there were mentions of the virus having two different DNA components, if that's how you put it. I also saw a video of some female virology expert who worked within the US bioweapons community, who claimed the virus had a 100% amino acid content and no such concentrations that high exist in nature, which she claimed it indicated it was lab produced, ie, man made. She was quickly labeled a wacko and so on by the left.
It’s the biggest baddest ever until they scour the planet and find the next King Killer Virus
It become so shit simple stupid that at least another10% of Americans Have to be swayed into resistance.

And we'll find it. There is a price to pay for human population to continue growing, and crowding out spaces in the wild. It's called the anthropocene epoch for a reason.

This specific variant of Covid has yet to be seen as any more than the Alpha variant which turned out not to be the concern as originally thought. So far, those vaccinated that have become infected have been asymptomatic. That is a very good sign. We will have to wait and see what the severe symptom, and death rates are among a large enough sample of people.
His complete inaction of a response from Jan-Mar, 2020 allowed the virus to gain a foothold here and spread like wildfire. All while Nero tweeted, golfed, and held fawning gatherings to exalt his greatness.

Thought with as many times as this has been posted, it would have been obvious to you. :auiqs.jpg:
it would have caught on even if your buddy biden was in charge...
it would have caught on even if your buddy biden was in charge...
Sorry, it would have been caught and dealt with right away if Cruz was President. Rubio, Bush, Clinton, Biden...Clarabell the Clown...oh wait, that was Trump. :auiqs.jpg:Nevermind.
Sorry, it would have been caught and dealt with right away if Cruz was President. Rubio, Bush, Clinton, Biden...Clarabell the Clown...oh wait, that was Trump. :auiqs.jpg:Nevermind.
yea thats why we were told how Europe was doing it the right way and look at them today....its still there and in some places getting worse...the same here.....
Fauci and his "Experts" said that mandatory masks and vax were the solution.

This shows what we all knew, they are full of shit.
You should read the whole article, if that variant is as bad as feared, we could be forced to start at 0, or worse.

How will this be Trump’s fault?
You should read the whole article, if that variant is as bad as feared, we could be forced to start at 0, or worse.

Worse because sleepy Joe will not have a warp speed program for the new variants.
Just looking at how he has no premptive plans nor travel bans. The border has already been letting in these variants, and he's expedited the spread by transporting them all over without restricted 2 week isolation periods nor tracking.
Won’t slow it at all…

When a new Variant is detected it is the WHO job to set the alarms off, so how long has this new variant been spreading and how long before it spreads here?

Also will the vaccine stop the spread and if not what are the alternatives that does not include full lockdown?
Yep. Like I said, air travel bans will slow Omicron down for only half a minute.

To wit:

No one yet knows if the Trump Vaccine will stop Omicron.
Probably the hong Kong flu... They haven't seen that one in a while. Deadly virus... Might be regurgitating viruses now for fear. Somethings got to keep these democrat's afloat in 2022. Oh wait they'll just use those trillions to do it, and so we must pass the bill now, we must, we must, we must.
Why do you rubes make shit up? Seriously.
No one yet knows if the Trump Vaccine will stop Omicron.
I see ---- the way to blame Trump is to say "his" vaccines don't work on a virus that just popped up this week.

Yep. Like I said, air travel bans will slow Omicron down for only half a minute.

To wit:

No one yet knows if the Trump Vaccine will stop Omicron.
Fear pornography. Bullshit.

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