New data indicates america on the verge of civil war and neither side will back off

The United States is NO WHERE near a new Civil War. In order for there to be a new Civil War, it requires people in power to have a much greater purpose than what is currently going on.
Yeah, bit the idiots need their circle jerk or they get cranky.

Well crankier.

Yes we are not assholes like you who turn into violent assholes.

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See? Crankier indeed!!

But still mostly harmless.

Yeah keep telling yourself that.

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New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off
Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.
The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

The only people causing it are the only ones that need to change: The Left. The Right has 98% of all the guns and ammo. While the Left have been trying to disarm everyone telling them to hide under a desk and be quiet, the Right has been taking shooting lessons and buying reloaders. If it comes to civil war, the Left doesn't stand a chance.
The universities would be the first to go, followed by isolation of the cities. Cut water supply to LA via the aqueduct and watch panic set in.

There would be very little organized opposition. Way too many ex-military out there.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off
Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.
The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

The only people causing it are the only ones that need to change: The Left. The Right has 98% of all the guns and ammo. While the Left have been trying to disarm everyone telling them to hide under a desk and be quiet, the Right has been taking shooting lessons and buying reloaders. If it comes to civil war, the Left doesn't stand a chance.
98%?? Really? ROTFLMAO! Do you just pull those stats out of your ass or what? Dems and independents own more firearms than we can scramble to say just who and what the independents identify with..but 98% is just horseshit. When it come to political ideology..Moderates and Libs own more guns than Conservatives.

The idea that one's political ideology indicates their willingness to actually USE a weapon is just so much idiocy.

The demographics and politics of gun-owning households
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It's funny how CRCs forget about all those people in cities compared to the countryside and how, if it became an issue, they'd come out of the cities to take what is being kept from them.
The United States is NO WHERE near a new Civil War. In order for there to be a new Civil War, it requires people in power to have a much greater purpose than what is currently going on.
Yeah, bit the idiots need their circle jerk or they get cranky.

Well crankier.

Yes we are not assholes like you who turn into violent assholes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

See? Crankier indeed!!

But still mostly harmless.

Yeah keep telling yourself that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't need to. I'm not worried about a civil war.

Some of you should get together each week and play a game of Risk, if you want you can make a custom version using a map of the United States... and maybe that will help get this conspiracy out of your system. I couldn't play, I would stock pile my armies in Alaska since there would be only one border to protect. It would be like playing the normal risk and picking Indonesia, New Guinea and Australia. :113:


Maybe you all can find a free online version to play together!
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New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off
Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.
The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

The only people causing it are the only ones that need to change: The Left. The Right has 98% of all the guns and ammo. While the Left have been trying to disarm everyone telling them to hide under a desk and be quiet, the Right has been taking shooting lessons and buying reloaders. If it comes to civil war, the Left doesn't stand a chance.
Dems and independents own more fire arms than Repubs...

So you're saying while you are out there trying to take guns out of the hands of everyone, you're secretly arming to the teeth yourself? Why is everyone I know in the NRA a republican? And why are all your candidates Cory Booker and Kristen Gilldibrand saying if they had the power, they would disarm everyone? Are you just a liar or an idiot's idiot? WHO is going to vote for these crackers if all the Dems are loaded for bear?????
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off
Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.
The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

The only people causing it are the only ones that need to change: The Left. The Right has 98% of all the guns and ammo. While the Left have been trying to disarm everyone telling them to hide under a desk and be quiet, the Right has been taking shooting lessons and buying reloaders. If it comes to civil war, the Left doesn't stand a chance.
98%?? Really? ROTFLMAO! Do you just pull those stats out of your ass or what? Dems and independents own more fire arms than we can scramble to say just who and what the independents identify with..but 98% is just horseshit. When it come to political ideology..Moderates and Libs own more guns than Conservatives.

The idea that one's political ideology indicates their willingness to actually USE a weapon is just so much idiocy.

The demographics and politics of gun-owning households
Dems and independents own more fire arms than Repubs.

Fire arm?

Yeah, a 22 long rifle is a fire arm(firearm to the rest of US) but many of you dont have ammo near by, because it is too dangerous and having the trigger lock on the rifle takes time to get off, especially under pressure. But you go ahead and bring your weapons, it will be funny.

New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off
Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.
The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

The only people causing it are the only ones that need to change: The Left. The Right has 98% of all the guns and ammo. While the Left have been trying to disarm everyone telling them to hide under a desk and be quiet, the Right has been taking shooting lessons and buying reloaders. If it comes to civil war, the Left doesn't stand a chance.
Dems and independents own more fire arms than Repubs...

So you're saying while you are out there trying to take guns out of the hands of everyone, you're secretly arming to the teeth yourself? Why is everyone I know in the NRA a republican? And why are all your candidates Cory Booker and Kristen Gilldibrand saying if they had the power, they would disarm everyone? Are you just a liar or an idiot's idiot? WHO is going to vote for these crackers if all the Dems are loaded for bear?????
Just for your info..I'm neither a Democrat nor a liberal---I used to be a Republican until recently..and still am firmly in the middle. While I stand in awe of your polemic, I note you did not address the link i posted nor the facts. We are all American, and most of us are either armed or could be if we wished. As for the NRA, since they are a mouthpiece for the Right, it is no surprise that many feel that they do not represent their views. Extreme statements by politicians do not all. Just hot air...Left or Right. I note you edited my post..that is intellectually dishonest and indicates the weakness of your position.
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New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off
Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.
The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

The only people causing it are the only ones that need to change: The Left. The Right has 98% of all the guns and ammo. While the Left have been trying to disarm everyone telling them to hide under a desk and be quiet, the Right has been taking shooting lessons and buying reloaders. If it comes to civil war, the Left doesn't stand a chance.
98%?? Really? ROTFLMAO! Do you just pull those stats out of your ass or what? Dems and independents own more fire arms than we can scramble to say just who and what the independents identify with..but 98% is just horseshit. When it come to political ideology..Moderates and Libs own more guns than Conservatives.

The idea that one's political ideology indicates their willingness to actually USE a weapon is just so much idiocy.

The demographics and politics of gun-owning households
Dems and independents own more fire arms than Repubs.

Fire arm?

Yeah, a 22 long rifle is a fire arm(firearm to the rest of US) but many of you dont have ammo near by, because it is too dangerous and having the trigger lock on the rifle takes time to get off, especially under pressure. But you go ahead and bring your weapons, it will be funny.


LOL..all I posted and you focus on a typo? How very..well..typical.! BTW..all my guns are loaded...since an unloaded gun is a club..
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA
There's only one side causing it. so we have another example of media bias.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

If people have food on the table and have a means of keeping the elements off their heads, they'll not go to war.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

If people have food on the table and have a means of keeping the elements off their heads, they'll not go to war.

PPL are getting weird as hell, these nuts are capable of snapping lol anytime any place........
I mean we have snowflakes offended by " seeing something" be it white, or a bible, or hell someone's hair can do it today ..
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

If people have food on the table and have a means of keeping the elements off their heads, they'll not go to war.

PPL are getting weird as hell, these nuts are capable of snapping lol anytime any place........
I mean we have snowflakes offended by " seeing something" be it white, or a bible, or hell someone's hair can do it today ..
If you're talking antifa, just beat the shit out of them when they show up and call it a good day.

Truckers tend to be conservative.

Shut town trucking for two weeks and you'll have to burn the corpses of starved-to-death liberals who think meat is manufactured in the back room of the supermarket and bread is somehow spun out of thin air.

I note you edited my post..that is intellectually dishonest and indicates the weakness of your position.
Look Goober, I "edit" all posts to the salient point that I'm addressing both for the reader's sake not to have to read and reread and hunt all over for what it is I'm replying to and to save server space. It's actually considered a professional courtesy by most. Anyone can always go back to the original post if they need to see the entire diatribe which usually contains a whole string of repetitive comments from a number of people already repeated elsewhere ad nauseum.

As for being in the middle, I'm more independent than anything because both parties have serious flaws, but I'm a CONSERVATIVE and when it comes to voting, there is NO QUESTION who I'm NOT going to vote for. If you even have to think one minute about whether to vote democrat or not these days, you have sand for brains.

As for the NRA, they are a mouthpiece for the CONSTITUTION.

As for Leftards owning more guns, if they are gun owners and are voting democrat, then they really do need their heads examined!!!!!

There is no civil war coming, Crazy Train, and you wouldn't know what to do if there was.
That sort of over confidence only makes such a thing more likely.

Why do you think it impossible when we have not seen the lack of civility, open hatred and civil violence since the 1850s, and where did it lead us?
Lack of civility comes from a learned hatred in the home and from friends. And that hatred centers around racism. Don't believe me? Just ask an Indian, a black, or a Hispanic. They'll tell you it's been going on for centuries, and they're exactly right. They are the victims of that "lack of civility" you are hiding from but try and label it as something else.

Racism is what Trump ran on because of Obama and the fake bc bs. And Trump cultists ate it up.
Not that the 1/2 white faggot from Illinois had nothing to do with stirring up racial animosity between blacks and other races, like when Obama said if he had a son, he would look like the dead black thug who decided to beat up the 1/2 white latino who the dead black guy thought was a gay man. Yep, when you have your liberal head shoved way up your liberal fat ass, then things that happen around you, you just ignore.
No one needs to ignore anything. History tells us all we need to know about racism then, and now.
Racism then, Democrats, Racism now, Democrats. Yep all we need to know.
They weren't Democrats. Lol! I love how the Right likes to pedal that bs.
Truckers tend to be conservative.

Shut town trucking for two weeks and you'll have to burn the corpses of starved-to-death liberals who think meat is manufactured in the back room of the supermarket and bread is somehow spun out of thin air.

And who manufactures the meat, and picks the vegetables in the fields that your sorry ass can't do, that the truck drivers haul? This door swings open both ways there Sling Blade.

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