New data indicates america on the verge of civil war and neither side will back off

Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Nah, the Dimwitocraps will not buy guns because they are too scary. Again when the cities start to burn because President Trump gets reelected in a landslide against creepy groping Joe, there will be a call to arms, and the police who are assassinated by leftwingers are going to walk away.
How are the police going to get assassinated if the Dimwitocraps are scared of guns?
Are you saying the Retardlicans will be running amok?
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Nah, the Dimwitocraps will not buy guns because they are too scary. Again when the cities start to burn because President Trump gets reelected in a landslide against creepy groping Joe, there will be a call to arms, and the police who are assassinated by leftwingers are going to walk away.

Don't know what planet you reside on but I know a lot of Dems that own a lot of firearms.

You must live on MARS (Missing All Required Senses)
It's confusing because we are regularly told that liberals/socialists/communists are historically the greatest terrorists/genocidal maniacs/etc....yet they're also scared of weapons.
Still, with the ease that Republicans take offence and the permanent state of fear that they live in I suppose a lot of them must die of fright or outrage.
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Awwww man, I'm a happy guy, I don't think I can scowl for 50 years!
You come across as a happy guy.
The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
We barely escaped with our lives during the last summer’s civil war. We’ve been working day and night to repair the portcullis and palisade.
It's especially difficult to get portcullis maintenance crews during a National Emergency as well!!!
Idiots always pine for another civil war. I don't think there are enough hoverround power scooters to supply the big talkers who spend all day on the internet, and only recent exercise is walking from fridge to couch and keyboard.
The Right has 98% of all the guns and ammo. While the Left have been trying to disarm everyone telling them to hide under a desk and be quiet, the Right has been taking shooting lessons and buying reloaders. If it comes to civil war, the Left doesn't stand a chance.
Dems and independents own more firearms than we can scramble to say just who and what the independents identify with..but 98% is just horseshit. When it come to political ideology..Moderates and Libs own more guns than Conservatives....
The demographics and politics of gun-owning households
From your own source: The demographics and politics of gun-owning households
Gun ownership in America by ideological self-identification
Conservative 41%
Moderate 36%
Liberal 23%

More moderates identify as Conservative leaning than liberal leaning, which kind of shoots down your claim, but you specifically ignored that and lumped all liberals and all moderates together. Why is that? To make a rhetorical point of some sort? That is all it is.

The differences are more sharp along party lines:
Republican 49%
Independent 37%
Democrat 22%

If demographics hold up for Republican leaning Independents (like me) vrs Democrat leaning Independents, Then 74% of gun owners are Republican or Republican leaning vrs puissant numbers of Democrats.

Now lets look at this a little more deeply regarding the types of guns owned, etc.

Americans’ views on guns and gun ownership: 8 key findings

Here are some key takeaways from the report, which is based on a new nationally representative survey of 3,930 U.S. adults (including 1,269 gun owners) conducted using the Center’s American Trends Panel.

1Three-in-ten American adults say they own a gun. Gun ownership cuts across demographic groups but is more concentrated among some. White adults are more likely than blacks or Hispanics to own guns, and white men are particularly likely to be gun owners: 48% of white men say they currently own a gun, compared with 24% each of white women and nonwhite men and 16% of nonwhite women. Americans with less education also are more likely to be gun owners, a gap that is widest among whites.

There is a vast urban-rural divide in gun ownership rates. Among adults who live in rural areas, 46% say they own a gun, versus 28% of adults who live in the suburbs and just 19% in urban areas. In addition, gun ownership is strongly linked to party affiliation: While 44% of Republicans and independents who lean to the Republican Party say they own a gun, only 20% of Democrats and Democratic leaners say the same.

2 Protection tops the list of reasons for owning a gun. While many gun owners say they have more than one reason for owning a firearm, 67% cite protection as a major reason. About four-in-ten gun owners (38%) say hunting is a major reason, and 30% cite sport shooting. Smaller shares cite a gun collection or their job as major reasons.

Majorities of gun owners who live in cities, suburbs and rural areas say protection is a major reason they own firearms. But owners who live in rural areas are significantly more likely to cite hunting as a major reason for owning a gun. While men and women gun owners are about equally likely to say protection is a major reason (65% and 71%, respectively), men are more likely than women to say hunting and sport shooting are central to why they own a gun.

Two-thirds (66%) of gun owners say they own more than one firearm; roughly three-in-ten (29%) say they personally have five or more guns. Among those who own just one gun, handguns are by far the most popular: 62% say they own a handgun, compared with 22% who say they own a rifle and 16% who say they own a shotgun.​

So it would look like most urban gun owners own on gun and it is a handgun, vrs hunters who live in rural or semi-rural suburban areas. Guess which is more useful in field operations, like a siege of a city, hand guns or rifles?


Now which party has contiguous areas that surround urban areas? Which ones control the natural resources, pipelines and food?

Liberals would be crushed in a Civil War unless they had the Federalis on their side.

Then it would be a Michael Collins style Civil War till the GOP could take the federal government over from the inside.
Again when the cities start to burn because President Trump gets reelected in a landslide against creepy groping Joe, there will be a call to arms, and the police who are assassinated by leftwingers are going to walk away.
How are the police going to get assassinated if the Dimwitocraps are scared of guns?
Are you saying the Retardlicans will be running amok?
Sounds like Walking Dead to me. :D
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Awwww man, I'm a happy guy, I don't think I can scowl for 50 years!
You come across as a happy guy.
The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
Creepatus will be a happy guy till his drug source disappears.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

We're already in a civil war, we just aren't shooting yet.

When the shooting does start (not if) it's going to be a blood bath. The Communists are not prepared for an actual fight. They will lose quickly, then turn to terrorism. It will be a real mess and EVERYONE is going to get fucked.

I dread it.

Yep , my same quote in my profile has been the same since the day I joined just look what it says below my post thingyeeee. ( INN BLUE )
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

Go fuck yourself, Alex.

what bitch. lol
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

The liberals are punks and will get stomped on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In the short term, true - but then they will become like ISIS and start engaging in terror.

The democrats have spent years making alliances with the Mexican drug cartels. They intend to use cartel soldiers in their war to end America. The Cartels have no chance in a straight up fight against Americans, but are masters of terrorism. This is how the democrat intend to defeat the Americans, with an ISIS style terror war fought using Cartel mercenaries.

I think the Americans will prevail against the democrats, but it WILL be bloody.
I want some of what you're smoking!!
The Right has 98% of all the guns and ammo. While the Left have been trying to disarm everyone telling them to hide under a desk and be quiet, the Right has been taking shooting lessons and buying reloaders. If it comes to civil war, the Left doesn't stand a chance.
Dems and independents own more firearms than we can scramble to say just who and what the independents identify with..but 98% is just horseshit. When it come to political ideology..Moderates and Libs own more guns than Conservatives....
The demographics and politics of gun-owning households
From your own source: The demographics and politics of gun-owning households
Gun ownership in America by ideological self-identification
Conservative 41%
Moderate 36%
Liberal 23%

More moderates identify as Conservative leaning than liberal leaning, which kind of shoots down your claim, but you specifically ignored that and lumped all liberals and all moderates together. Why is that? To make a rhetorical point of some sort? That is all it is.

The differences are more sharp along party lines:
Republican 49%
Independent 37%
Democrat 22%

If demographics hold up for Republican leaning Independents (like me) vrs Democrat leaning Independents, Then 74% of gun owners are Republican or Republican leaning vrs puissant numbers of Democrats.

Now lets look at this a little more deeply regarding the types of guns owned, etc.

Americans’ views on guns and gun ownership: 8 key findings

Here are some key takeaways from the report, which is based on a new nationally representative survey of 3,930 U.S. adults (including 1,269 gun owners) conducted using the Center’s American Trends Panel.

1Three-in-ten American adults say they own a gun. Gun ownership cuts across demographic groups but is more concentrated among some. White adults are more likely than blacks or Hispanics to own guns, and white men are particularly likely to be gun owners: 48% of white men say they currently own a gun, compared with 24% each of white women and nonwhite men and 16% of nonwhite women. Americans with less education also are more likely to be gun owners, a gap that is widest among whites.

There is a vast urban-rural divide in gun ownership rates. Among adults who live in rural areas, 46% say they own a gun, versus 28% of adults who live in the suburbs and just 19% in urban areas. In addition, gun ownership is strongly linked to party affiliation: While 44% of Republicans and independents who lean to the Republican Party say they own a gun, only 20% of Democrats and Democratic leaners say the same.

2 Protection tops the list of reasons for owning a gun. While many gun owners say they have more than one reason for owning a firearm, 67% cite protection as a major reason. About four-in-ten gun owners (38%) say hunting is a major reason, and 30% cite sport shooting. Smaller shares cite a gun collection or their job as major reasons.

Majorities of gun owners who live in cities, suburbs and rural areas say protection is a major reason they own firearms. But owners who live in rural areas are significantly more likely to cite hunting as a major reason for owning a gun. While men and women gun owners are about equally likely to say protection is a major reason (65% and 71%, respectively), men are more likely than women to say hunting and sport shooting are central to why they own a gun.

Two-thirds (66%) of gun owners say they own more than one firearm; roughly three-in-ten (29%) say they personally have five or more guns. Among those who own just one gun, handguns are by far the most popular: 62% say they own a handgun, compared with 22% who say they own a rifle and 16% who say they own a shotgun.​

So it would look like most urban gun owners own on gun and it is a handgun, vrs hunters who live in rural or semi-rural suburban areas. Guess which is more useful in field operations, like a siege of a city, hand guns or rifles?


Now which party has contiguous areas that surround urban areas? Which ones control the natural resources, pipelines and food?

Liberals would be crushed in a Civil War unless they had the Federalis on their side.

Then it would be a Michael Collins style Civil War till the GOP could take the federal government over from the inside.
Appreciate your reading the link and taking the time. As I said, one can argue as to which way independents bolster their point..but they are independent and is hard to actually come to any firm conclusions. I'm also Independent.and would be hard pressed indeed to pick a side..I would fight for my country... not for either sides agenda of litmus tests and fancy jargon.

I utterly reject the premise of any Civil War. It is absurd..especially to lump the sides as city vs rural and to assume that every, or even most of any one political party will participate..or will even take the same side. For the vast majority of Americans, there is nothing to actually fight about. There is no great overweening issue to take into battle, such as slavery was. Or State's Rights--if you lean towards that view of the Civil War.
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Awwww man, I'm a happy guy, I don't think I can scowl for 50 years!
You come across as a happy guy.
The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
Creepatus will be a happy guy till his drug source disappears.

Crepitus would be one of the first guys to lose all his shit!
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.

Most of the nutters on this thread pining for Civil War 2.0 are unlikely to live another 20 years given that they're so old, let alone 50.

Yeah, if a Civil War starts, living here in Fredericksburg VA, I don't expect to live through it.

If a bullet don't get me lack of medicine probably will.

I wouldn’t be too worried
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

The liberals are punks and will get stomped on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In the short term, true - but then they will become like ISIS and start engaging in terror.

The democrats have spent years making alliances with the Mexican drug cartels. They intend to use cartel soldiers in their war to end America. The Cartels have no chance in a straight up fight against Americans, but are masters of terrorism. This is how the democrat intend to defeat the Americans, with an ISIS style terror war fought using Cartel mercenaries.

I think the Americans will prevail against the democrats, but it WILL be bloody.

Dude, c’mon.
Don't need a civil war. Shitholes like Guatemala and Mexico aren't having any civil war, neither is Somalia or Zimbabwe. Large patches of anarchy, gang rule, Aztlan vermin, etc. are enough to suit Democrats and their vermin fans.

There is already a growing number of people with no vested interest in maintaining and supporting government and the national interests, the rule of law has disappeared for anyone who can't afford to buy 'justice'. Collapse is a better description. It won't be long before people will be selling their children in public markets to middle class Asians as house pets for their kids. Planned Parenthood will be the auction sponsors; those left over will have their body parts harvested and sold.
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