New data indicates america on the verge of civil war and neither side will back off

New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA
The war started when Soros ordered dems to spy on Trump
Not a civil war but certainly lack civil dialogue because Leftists are idiots as is the Alt Right.

Eh, they're already fighting in the streets.
All they have to do is start shooting out, and bam the Police, and maybe even the Military come in, and you can easily get a Civil War from that.
It would then be comparable to the John Brown raid on Harpers Ferry. The polarized nation had 180 degree opposite reactions to it that fanned the flames of willingness to go to war with each other.

The ties that bind us as a nation are based on empathy, mutual sympathy and respect.

That has been destroyed since Obama's election in 2008.
Democrats have worked diligently for decades to foster a sense of victimhood and entitlement in groups of Americans, creating "special" classes of people and in a sense buying votes with tax money that then is not available for common needs like infrastructure or national debt repayment or the Baby-Boom Soc Sec bomb on the horizon. It has created divisions and engendered resentment among our working middle classers who are made to do with less and made to feel guilty about their resentment so Democrat Socialists can have more.
Democrats have worked to help those who need helping

Republicans work to help those who obviously don’t need help
Not a civil war but certainly lack civil dialogue because Leftists are idiots as is the Alt Right.

Eh, they're already fighting in the streets.
All they have to do is start shooting out, and bam the Police, and maybe even the Military come in, and you can easily get a Civil War from that.
It would then be comparable to the John Brown raid on Harpers Ferry. The polarized nation had 180 degree opposite reactions to it that fanned the flames of willingness to go to war with each other.

The ties that bind us as a nation are based on empathy, mutual sympathy and respect.

That has been destroyed since Obama's election in 2008.
Democrats have worked diligently for decades to foster a sense of victimhood and entitlement in groups of Americans, creating "special" classes of people and in a sense buying votes with tax money that then is not available for common needs like infrastructure or national debt repayment or the Baby-Boom Soc Sec bomb on the horizon. It has created divisions and engendered resentment among our working middle classers who are made to do with less and made to feel guilty about their resentment so Democrat Socialists can have more.
Democrats have worked to help those who need helping

Republicans work to help those who obviously don’t need help

Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?
Lol, you never "loose"?

You talking about having a screw loose?

'Cause ya do.

Coming from you it’s a compliment. The only screw I have loose is the one the deals with your moron loser ass.

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Nice try, but no.

Nice try but yes. Truth hurts I guess looser.

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Good Lord kid, did you just make the same mistake after all that?

Or did you not understand what I was talking about?

Wow. Took you that long to figure out I was doing it on purpose. No common sense which is typical in looooooserrrrrsssssss like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Awwww man, I'm a happy guy, I don't think I can scowl for 50 years!
You come across as a happy guy.
The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
My dumbass redneck neighbors already have more guns than people that dumb should be allowed to own.
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Awwww man, I'm a happy guy, I don't think I can scowl for 50 years!
You come across as a happy guy.
The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
Creepatus will be a happy guy till his drug source disappears.
It cracks me up when you uneducated idiots try to twist my name into an insult. If you had any brains at all you'd realize it's self deprecating.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

There is no civil war coming, Crazy Train, and you wouldn't know what to do if there was.
That sort of over confidence only makes such a thing more likely.

Why do you think it impossible when we have not seen the lack of civility, open hatred and civil violence since the 1850s, and where did it lead us?
Lack of civility comes from a learned hatred in the home and from friends. And that hatred centers around racism. Don't believe me? Just ask an Indian, a black, or a Hispanic. They'll tell you it's been going on for centuries, and they're exactly right. They are the victims of that "lack of civility" you are hiding from but try and label it as something else.

Racism is what Trump ran on because of Obama and the fake bc bs. And Trump cultists ate it up.

A great way to ensure civil strife is to invite millions of non whites into the country and let the media, hollywood and the democrats churn out anti-white propaganda and hysteria about evil America's systemic racism.
Look at all the twats wanking off to the thought of killing their fellow Americans. Too funny.
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Awwww man, I'm a happy guy, I don't think I can scowl for 50 years!
You come across as a happy guy.
The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
My dumbass redneck neighbors already have more guns than people that dumb should be allowed to own.

Is that why your kids have access to the weapons they need to shoot up schools.
Not a civil war but certainly lack civil dialogue because Leftists are idiots as is the Alt Right.

Eh, they're already fighting in the streets.
All they have to do is start shooting out, and bam the Police, and maybe even the Military come in, and you can easily get a Civil War from that.
It would then be comparable to the John Brown raid on Harpers Ferry. The polarized nation had 180 degree opposite reactions to it that fanned the flames of willingness to go to war with each other.

The ties that bind us as a nation are based on empathy, mutual sympathy and respect.

That has been destroyed since Obama's election in 2008.
Democrats have worked diligently for decades to foster a sense of victimhood and entitlement in groups of Americans, creating "special" classes of people and in a sense buying votes with tax money that then is not available for common needs like infrastructure or national debt repayment or the Baby-Boom Soc Sec bomb on the horizon. It has created divisions and engendered resentment among our working middle classers who are made to do with less and made to feel guilty about their resentment so Democrat Socialists can have more.
Democrats have worked to help those who need helping

Republicans work to help those who obviously don’t need help
LOL. So you say you are a devout ideologue who says & does as commanded but if you truly are that gullible I own a toll bridge in NYC in which I reluctantly will sell you shares at a deep discount. I'm retired and like to have cash around.

Once more: conservatives are Constitutional America Firsters and leftards are identity politics swamp rats. In this case it's "Eat-The-Rich" but no, Comrade, confiscating private wealth so YOU may enjoy the fruit of other American's labor is not constitutional … it's greedy, slimy, and oh so Democrat Socialist.
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You come across as a happy guy. The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
My dumbass redneck neighbors already have more guns than people that dumb should be allowed to own.
I do enjoy when pompously sanctimonious leftarded MORONS anoint themselves and then sit in judgment of we common deplorables and our constitutional rights. It doomed Shrillary in 2016 and likely will do the same to any Democrat Socialist candidate stupid enough - and there are many - to run on hubris.
Truckers tend to be conservative.

Shut town trucking for two weeks and you'll have to burn the corpses of starved-to-death liberals who think meat is manufactured in the back room of the supermarket and bread is somehow spun out of thin air.

And who manufactures the meat, and picks the vegetables in the fields that your sorry ass can't do, that the truck drivers haul? This door swings open both ways there Sling Blade.
"manufactures the meat"......oh know what you're doing alright.....:71:
The universities would be the first to go, followed by isolation of the cities. Cut water supply to LA via the aqueduct and watch panic set in.

There would be very little organized opposition. Way too many ex-military out there.
And how do you cut off the water supply to LA? Do tell.
Via the aqueduct.
And how do you propose doing that?
Please. They could blow massive holes in it every few miles. The cities are the most vulnerable.
I don't see either side backing off from this thread, much less a civil war.

To be fair, it would be the same had Hillary won. Obama left the country divided.

Trump has divided the country and continues to do so.
Obama left it divided.

Without Obama there would be no Trump.

It was divided b4 Pres Obama got there, as a matter of fact it has NEVER been united.

Without racist, haters and greed there would be no Trump.

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