New data indicates america on the verge of civil war and neither side will back off

I don't see either side backing off from this thread, much less a civil war.

To be fair, it would be the same had Hillary won. Obama left the country divided.

Trump has divided the country and continues to do so.
Obama left it divided.

Without Obama there would be no Trump.

It was divided b4 Pres Obama got there, as a matter of fact it has NEVER been united.

Without racist, haters and greed there would be no Trump.
I said it first and now you're just repeating me.

Win as big as Trump '16. :D
I don't see either side backing off from this thread, much less a civil war.

To be fair, it would be the same had Hillary won. Obama left the country divided.

Trump has divided the country and continues to do so.
Obama left it divided.

Without Obama there would be no Trump.

It was divided b4 Pres Obama got there, as a matter of fact it has NEVER been united.

Without racist, haters and greed there would be no Trump.
I said it first and now you're just repeating me.

Win as big as Trump '16. :D

Trump won, America lost.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA
The war started when Soros ordered dems to spy on Trump

That depends on which era you decided they decided to hammer us LOL, for the mos tpart yeah they waited for Obama to get in to start the official destruction of America and it all happened right under the noses of every American gave up their rights it was a planned attack so they could set us up for what we are seeing now and the rest to come we ain't seen nothing yet.

Wait until these stupid fks start wanting all the cash gone and the feds can control every fn move made with that set up too lmfao!! And assholes celebrate this shit they're that stupid.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA
The war started when Soros ordered dems to spy on Trump

That depends on which era you decided they decided to hammer us LOL, for the mos tpart yeah they waited for Obama to get in to start the official destruction of America and it all happened right under the noses of every American gave up their rights it was a planned attack so they could set us up for what we are seeing now and the rest to come we ain't seen nothing yet.

Wait until these stupid fks start wanting all the cash gone and the feds can control every fn move made with that set up too lmfao!! And assholes celebrate this shit they're that stupid.

Where do you get this stupid shit?
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I don't see either side backing off from this thread, much less a civil war.

To be fair, it would be the same had Hillary won. Obama left the country divided.

Trump has divided the country and continues to do so.
Obama left it divided.

Without Obama there would be no Trump.

It was divided b4 Pres Obama got there, as a matter of fact it has NEVER been united.

Without racist, haters and greed there would be no Trump.
I said it first and now you're just repeating me.

Win as big as Trump '16. :D

Trump won, America lost.
Trump won because Obama.

You can't win them all, but simple odds say you should win someday.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA
The war started when Soros ordered dems to spy on Trump

That depends on which era you decided they decided to hammer us LOL, for the mos tpart yeah they waited for Obama to get in to start the official destruction of America and it all happened right under the noses of every American gave up their rights it was a planned attack so they could set us up for what we are seeing now and the rest to come we ain't seen nothing yet.

Wait until these stupid fks start wanting all the cash gone and the feds can control every fn move made with that set up too lmfao!! And assholes celebrate this shit they're that stupid.

Where do you get this stupid shit?

When your an idiot that is a question often asked. WE GET IT FROM PLANET REALITY!! TRY IT YOU WON'T EVER BE ABLE OT GO BACK WHEN YOU WAKE UP !

Sadly looks like u ain't one of them.


When you aren't EDUCATED and INFORMED it shows where the real stupidity ies in paying for colleges to make idiots out of their students, looked how well it worked.
Truckers tend to be conservative.

Shut town trucking for two weeks and you'll have to burn the corpses of starved-to-death liberals who think meat is manufactured in the back room of the supermarket and bread is somehow spun out of thin air.

And who manufactures the meat, and picks the vegetables in the fields that your sorry ass can't do, that the truck drivers haul? This door swings open both ways there Sling Blade.

Yeah, those who won't feed themselves would die.
Now please explain in detail why that would not be a good thing?
I don't see either side backing off from this thread, much less a civil war.

To be fair, it would be the same had Hillary won. Obama left the country divided.

Trump has divided the country and continues to do so.
Obama left it divided.

Without Obama there would be no Trump.

The Thought Police will punish you for pointing out the obvious. Well, assuming they can remember anything for more than a couple of minutes, anyway.
Apparently there are still idiots who think criminal illegal aliens are 'picking crops n stuff'. Less than 2% of crops are picked by hand, for you dumbasses who never bother to get beyond parroting rubbish just for fun; actually it's probably less than that now, since that is a fairly old statistic. Even blueberry farms are mechanized these days, so no, we don't need any immigrants at all, never have for that matter, even in the 19th century mass immigration was harmful and bad for most people, producing slums, rampant poverty, constant waves of epidemics, a nation of alcoholic drunks and high violent crime rates and domestic violence..
If America was so racist an stuff, there wouldn't be any blacks or latinos or Asians around to be sniveling like little crybaby bitches for handouts all the time. Most countries made up of majority blacks, Arab, Asians, etc. solved their racial problems via just largely exterminating their minorities, which is why you don't see many blacks running around in the ME, despite many centuries of slave trading, several hundred years more than Europeans were ever buying them from other black tribes in Africa. Many parts of Africa obviously also preferred extermination, which is why they have no indigenous peoples that are not black.If they didn't have anybody else to massacre, they would just designate other tribes as 'different races' and kill them for fun and sport, like TsiTsis and Hutus do, or Mauritanians and Sudanese cretins do, or Zulus, etc.

Get over yourselves; you don't contribute enough for anybody to care about your whining. If you all left by tomorrow nobody would miss you except drug dealers, Silly Con Valley labor racketeers, and Beverly Hills types who like cheap $600 a month live in maids they can abuse, and crappy restaurants.
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Not a civil war but certainly lack civil dialogue because Leftists are idiots as is the Alt Right.

Eh, they're already fighting in the streets.
All they have to do is start shooting out, and bam the Police, and maybe even the Military come in, and you can easily get a Civil War from that.
It would then be comparable to the John Brown raid on Harpers Ferry. The polarized nation had 180 degree opposite reactions to it that fanned the flames of willingness to go to war with each other.

The ties that bind us as a nation are based on empathy, mutual sympathy and respect.

That has been destroyed since Obama's election in 2008.
Democrats have worked diligently for decades to foster a sense of victimhood and entitlement in groups of Americans, creating "special" classes of people and in a sense buying votes with tax money that then is not available for common needs like infrastructure or national debt repayment or the Baby-Boom Soc Sec bomb on the horizon. It has created divisions and engendered resentment among our working middle classers who are made to do with less and made to feel guilty about their resentment so Democrat Socialists can have more.
Democrats have worked to help those who need helping

Republicans work to help those who obviously don’t need help

Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?


Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses
Tear down that wall

We are building the wall now. We'll tear it down and build another after say another 1,000 years.

BTW have you thought about relocating to Mexico -- Moving to Mexico - 10 Reasons to Move to Mexico It's closer than Canada and the atmosphere is not as bad as Mars, hombre.

"Proximity to the U.S. is also a bonus when considering a move to Mexico—especially for those who have friends and family there, travel back and forth for business, or spend only part of their time living in Mexico. Several airlines have direct flights between many Mexican and U.S. cities.

If your move to Mexico involves retirement, Mexico makes that easy. Retirement visas are granted liberally and one can achieve Permanent Resident status without transitioning through the Temporary Residency process. Visas are easy to obtain and the process begins at the Mexican embassy in your home state or province.

Because Mexico is so big and geographically diverse, it offers all kinds of climates and spectacular sceneries. Whether your dream view involves gentle waves rolling on the blue ocean, majestic mountains, reflections of sunrise on a lake, or the lush greenery of the jungle, you can turn that dream into reality by moving to Mexico.

Mexico offers the perfect mix of centuries-old traditions and contemporary lifestyles. Once you have moved to Mexico, you can still have all of the amenities you grew accustomed to in North America: cable TV, high-speed Internet, and modern home appliances. And, if you prefer, when you move to Mexico you can even bring all of your favorite things with you without paying import taxes.

Everyone seems to agree: your quality of life improves in Mexico. Goods and services cost less, so you can afford the kinds of luxuries only the very wealthy enjoy up north: a maid, a cook, and a gardener, for example. Then you have time to read, volunteer, golf in the mornings, relax on the beach…time to savor life."

It also gets rid of troublemakers and we can avoid a civil war.
Tear down that wall

We are building the wall now. We'll tear it down and build another after say another 1,000 years.

BTW have you thought about relocating to Mexico -- Moving to Mexico - 10 Reasons to Move to Mexico It's closer than Canada and the atmosphere is not as bad as Mars, hombre.

"Proximity to the U.S. is also a bonus when considering a move to Mexico—especially for those who have friends and family there, travel back and forth for business, or spend only part of their time living in Mexico. Several airlines have direct flights between many Mexican and U.S. cities.

If your move to Mexico involves retirement, Mexico makes that easy. Retirement visas are granted liberally and one can achieve Permanent Resident status without transitioning through the Temporary Residency process. Visas are easy to obtain and the process begins at the Mexican embassy in your home state or province.

Because Mexico is so big and geographically diverse, it offers all kinds of climates and spectacular sceneries. Whether your dream view involves gentle waves rolling on the blue ocean, majestic mountains, reflections of sunrise on a lake, or the lush greenery of the jungle, you can turn that dream into reality by moving to Mexico.

Mexico offers the perfect mix of centuries-old traditions and contemporary lifestyles. Once you have moved to Mexico, you can still have all of the amenities you grew accustomed to in North America: cable TV, high-speed Internet, and modern home appliances. And, if you prefer, when you move to Mexico you can even bring all of your favorite things with you without paying import taxes.

Everyone seems to agree: your quality of life improves in Mexico. Goods and services cost less, so you can afford the kinds of luxuries only the very wealthy enjoy up north: a maid, a cook, and a gardener, for example. Then you have time to read, volunteer, golf in the mornings, relax on the beach…time to savor life."

It also gets rid of troublemakers and we can avoid a civil war.
It is a monument to hate

Tear it down and Mexico will pay for it
Eh, they're already fighting in the streets.
All they have to do is start shooting out, and bam the Police, and maybe even the Military come in, and you can easily get a Civil War from that.
It would then be comparable to the John Brown raid on Harpers Ferry. The polarized nation had 180 degree opposite reactions to it that fanned the flames of willingness to go to war with each other.

The ties that bind us as a nation are based on empathy, mutual sympathy and respect.

That has been destroyed since Obama's election in 2008.
Democrats have worked diligently for decades to foster a sense of victimhood and entitlement in groups of Americans, creating "special" classes of people and in a sense buying votes with tax money that then is not available for common needs like infrastructure or national debt repayment or the Baby-Boom Soc Sec bomb on the horizon. It has created divisions and engendered resentment among our working middle classers who are made to do with less and made to feel guilty about their resentment so Democrat Socialists can have more.
Democrats have worked to help those who need helping

Republicans work to help those who obviously don’t need help

Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?


Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses

Bullshit. That is not remotely the case in terms of Portland or SF. Try again.
Truckers tend to be conservative.

Shut town trucking for two weeks and you'll have to burn the corpses of starved-to-death liberals who think meat is manufactured in the back room of the supermarket and bread is somehow spun out of thin air.

And who manufactures the meat, and picks the vegetables in the fields that your sorry ass can't do, that the truck drivers haul? This door swings open both ways there Sling Blade.

Yeah, those who won't feed themselves would die.
Now please explain in detail why that would not be a good thing?
Why are people so stupid? You said "if it weren't for truckers", and I'm telling you, that if it weren't for those in this country who process the meat and pick the vegetables and fruit, that truck driver is out of business. These are elementary arguments. Get with it man.
Apparently there are still idiots who think criminal illegal aliens are 'picking crops n stuff'. Less than 2% of crops are picked by hand, for you dumbasses who never bother to get beyond parroting rubbish just for fun; actually it's probably less than that now, since that is a fairly old statistic. Even blueberry farms are mechanized these days, so no, we don't need any immigrants at all, never have for that matter, even in the 19th century mass immigration was harmful and bad for most people, producing slums, rampant poverty, constant waves of epidemics, a nation of alcoholic drunks and high violent crime rates and domestic violence..
Sure boss. Whatever you say; These U.S. industries can't work without illegal immigrants

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