New data indicates america on the verge of civil war and neither side will back off

Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?
Why? Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses
So you've never known the "joy" of complying with big city gov't demands and incompetence? Here's a tip: if you don't pull 'em down fast enough, they will screw you anyway.

Most cities find all manner of creative and exciting and new ways to tax the crap out of people and if you aren't politically connected you always get the shaft. Yeah … city gov't is the bane of the middle and small-biz class and chases 'em away leaving only the rich in tall, guarded buildings and lots of poor and aging down in the mosh-pit.

In the Dem's defense I sometimes wonder if our cities elect them because they are dying or if they are dying because we elect Dems. :dunno:
My money is on the old people. When those that actually work have had enough there will be blood.
Can one of you bloodthirsty fucks give me a heads up before the next civil war starts? I want to be out of the country with my kin and out of that cripple fight.
Trump has divided the country and continues to do so.
Obama left it divided.

Without Obama there would be no Trump.

It was divided b4 Pres Obama got there, as a matter of fact it has NEVER been united.

Without racist, haters and greed there would be no Trump.
I said it first and now you're just repeating me.

Win as big as Trump '16. :D

Trump won, America lost.
Trump won because Obama.

You can't win them all, but simple odds say you should win someday.
Very true....reactionary backlash/final death throes of those soon to be irrelevant.
I said it first and now you're just repeating me. Win as big as Trump '16. :D
Trump won, America lost.
Not quite. Trump won and angry, bitter, petulant Clintonettes lost.
Trump won. America is now winning...
No America is not winning, just ask the farmers.
Living in denial will do you no good:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Eh, they're already fighting in the streets.
All they have to do is start shooting out, and bam the Police, and maybe even the Military come in, and you can easily get a Civil War from that.
It would then be comparable to the John Brown raid on Harpers Ferry. The polarized nation had 180 degree opposite reactions to it that fanned the flames of willingness to go to war with each other.

The ties that bind us as a nation are based on empathy, mutual sympathy and respect.

That has been destroyed since Obama's election in 2008.
Democrats have worked diligently for decades to foster a sense of victimhood and entitlement in groups of Americans, creating "special" classes of people and in a sense buying votes with tax money that then is not available for common needs like infrastructure or national debt repayment or the Baby-Boom Soc Sec bomb on the horizon. It has created divisions and engendered resentment among our working middle classers who are made to do with less and made to feel guilty about their resentment so Democrat Socialists can have more.
Democrats have worked to help those who need helping

Republicans work to help those who obviously don’t need help

Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?


Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses

Driven off by crime and violence, both things beloved by blacks and barrio bums. Democrats have invented some sort of right to steal and murder for 'minorities', though, so I guess it's up to you to run over to the Hood and open up a jewelry store yourself. Be sure not to do any ' profiling' n stuff.
Fellow Americans my ass. The majority of the left hates this country and everything it stands for.
Just a observation--the majority of the Left hate YOU and all you stand for. They believe that the Far Right is male, racist and wants to keep them subservient. They believe, rightly or or not..that they are the majority and, in fact, they are the Country..and that they represent the true values our Founders only gave lip service to. Equality and liberty for all....that sort of stuff.

I don't buy that in its entirety..but your assertions that your point of view embodies the 'true' American values is in dispute..and that, my friend, is the core of the argument.
Will it come to a fight? I doubt it...time and demographics will most likely make the argument will the coming dislocations and the advent of the resource wars ahead.

The modern left's multiculturalist "beliefs" are a cartoon fantasy cooked up a few decades ago. It won't stand the test of time, not when push comes to shove. human nature will win out in the end.

That's what folks like you thought during slavery and Jim Crow.

People like me never would have brought africans to this country in the first place.

I am pretty sure native Americans wish they wouldn't have helped people like you either.

lol rubbish. The 'natives' were busy murdering each other, and loved the fur trade with Europe to boot. You could hire a dozen of the savages to murder anybody for a keg of booze. They were long time fans of genocide and torture for sport. They were a lot like African savages, so it's only natural you would think they would deserve some kind of Pity Party.
Can one of you bloodthirsty fucks give me a heads up before the next civil war starts? I want to be out of the country with my kin and out of that cripple fight.

Why wait? Leave now and take several more Democrats with you.
The 'peace loving hippies' in the 60's dreamed up a stupid fantasy that the Hells Angels were going to be some sort of blue collar revolutionary vanguard shock troop group that was going to fight the cops and army and then set up some tards with Big Important Government Jobs N Stuff, just because they smoked pot and dropped acid n stuff. lol that didn't last long. Democrats out in the Burbs and in academics now think black thugs and criminal illegal alien Aztlan barrio bums are going to do that for them, while they hide under their beds, then after all the shooting ends they're going to crawl out and all the murdering vermins will just turn it all over to them, cuz, like, they smoke dope and rape children too.
Trump won, America lost.
Trump won because Obama.

You can't win them all, but simple odds say you should win someday.

Please explain how Pres Obama caused Trump to win?

Were the racists and sell outs that pissed off.
Hillary ran as Obama III.

You shoulda been there. It was righteious.

I figured you didn't have anything to back up that bullshit.
It's funny you're still answering me after I clubbed you like a baby seal.

You probably couldn't handle a club if it was stuck your butt.
I said it first and now you're just repeating me. Win as big as Trump '16. :D
Trump won, America lost.
Not quite. Trump won and angry, bitter, petulant Clintonettes lost.
Trump won. America is now winning...
No America is not winning, just ask the farmers.
Living in denial will do you no good:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Thx Pres. Obama and America Was Already Great.
Can one of you bloodthirsty fucks give me a heads up before the next civil war starts? I want to be out of the country with my kin and out of that cripple fight.

You 'kin' leave any time you want to, hardy harharhar
Just a observation--the majority of the Left hate YOU and all you stand for. They believe that the Far Right is male, racist and wants to keep them subservient. They believe, rightly or or not..that they are the majority and, in fact, they are the Country..and that they represent the true values our Founders only gave lip service to. Equality and liberty for all....that sort of stuff.

I don't buy that in its entirety..but your assertions that your point of view embodies the 'true' American values is in dispute..and that, my friend, is the core of the argument.
Will it come to a fight? I doubt it...time and demographics will most likely make the argument will the coming dislocations and the advent of the resource wars ahead.

The modern left's multiculturalist "beliefs" are a cartoon fantasy cooked up a few decades ago. It won't stand the test of time, not when push comes to shove. human nature will win out in the end.

That's what folks like you thought during slavery and Jim Crow.

People like me never would have brought africans to this country in the first place.

I am pretty sure native Americans wish they wouldn't have helped people like you either.

lol rubbish. The 'natives' were busy murdering each other, and loved the fur trade with Europe to boot. You could hire a dozen of the savages to murder anybody for a keg of booze. They were long time fans of genocide and torture for sport. They were a lot like African savages, so it's only natural you would think they would deserve some kind of Pity Party.

Funny how the civilized folks started scalping the savages and then when the savages started scalping they were called Savages.
You know..I was giving this subject some thought..and I remembered the last time our nation was as divided as now...say..1965 through 1972. A Civil War..well, not in the classic sense..but there was definitely wide-spread civil insurrection..armed confrontation and a massive clash of ideas and of culture. The Proxies of the Right..the police and the Armed Forces were employed many times--the Left used a combination of passive civil disobedience and armed resistance. Riots, snipers and Molotov cocktails were (pun intended) Liberally used.

Guess what?? The Left won! The Civil Rights movement ended Jim Crow and won legal equality..although social and cultural parity has taken longer. Women achieved legal control over their bodies..jumped into the workplace and also won legal parity and protection. The Social safety net was expanded and made to apply to everyone. The availability to obtain Food Stamps alleviated hunger. In all areas, Conservatives were pushed to the edge of irrelevance.

It was, in fact, a total rout of the Right.

Perhaps..this is just Round II?

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Can one of you bloodthirsty fucks give me a heads up before the next civil war starts? I want to be out of the country with my kin and out of that cripple fight.

Why wait? Leave now and take several more Democrats with you.

Hopefully all you retards will kill each other in the process.
The modern left's multiculturalist "beliefs" are a cartoon fantasy cooked up a few decades ago. It won't stand the test of time, not when push comes to shove. human nature will win out in the end.

That's what folks like you thought during slavery and Jim Crow.

People like me never would have brought africans to this country in the first place.

I am pretty sure native Americans wish they wouldn't have helped people like you either.

lol rubbish. The 'natives' were busy murdering each other, and loved the fur trade with Europe to boot. You could hire a dozen of the savages to murder anybody for a keg of booze. They were long time fans of genocide and torture for sport. They were a lot like African savages, so it's only natural you would think they would deserve some kind of Pity Party.

Funny how the civilized folks started scalping the savages and then when the savages started scalping they were called Savages.

Funny how reliant on myths the willfully uneducated are re 'native Americans'.

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