New data shows how the Trump administration is destroying the State Department


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
New data shows how the Trump administration is destroying the State Department

Sixty percent of State’s equivalent of four-star generals are gone.

Imagine a company where, in the past year, 60 percent of its top management quit and applicants to work there dropped by half. You’d assume that corporation would be on the verge of going bankrupt or in the throes of some catastrophe — Enron after the scandal or Lehman Brothers during the financial crisis.

This is the reality of the US State Department under Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, according to new data from the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA), the professional organization for America’s diplomatic corps. The numbers reveal that American diplomacy, the backbone of US global influence, is in a state of near collapse.

And it’s basically all the Trump administration’s fault.

The new AFSA data focuses on the top-ranking career officials — meaning people who have spent their lives in the State Department. This includes minister counselors (the equivalent of two-star generals), career ministers (the three-star equivalent), and career ambassadors (the four-star equivalent).

The number of people in each of those posts has declined dramatically since President Trump took office in January. The number of minister counselors in the State Department has gone down by 15 percent, career ministers by 42 percent, and career ambassadors by a whopping 60 percent.

New data shows how the Trump administration is destroying the State Department

This is insane. This is pure idiocy...It takes decades to rebuild the skill that is being destroyed....Of course, the entire trump movement is based on idiocy so what the hell can anyone expect?
And he is going to have a meeting with his boss on this trip. Putin will probably pat him on the head, and say, "good little poodle, you get a hotel in Moscow". LOL

Yes, the bastard is doing his best to destroy the US Government. Was that the quid pro for the help Russia gave him in the campaign? To commit treason? Not funny at all.
We shouldn't have "career" anything in the federal govt
Funny. So, we should always have a bunch of amateurs in there like we are seeing right now. A pathological liar that is possibly the stupidest President ever to sit in the Oval Office, trying to pass nonsense with a party, the GOP, that seems intent on proving that you can elect over several hundred incompetent people at once.
New data shows how the Trump administration is destroying the State Department

Sixty percent of State’s equivalent of four-star generals are gone.

Imagine a company where, in the past year, 60 percent of its top management quit and applicants to work there dropped by half. You’d assume that corporation would be on the verge of going bankrupt or in the throes of some catastrophe — Enron after the scandal or Lehman Brothers during the financial crisis.

This is the reality of the US State Department under Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, according to new data from the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA), the professional organization for America’s diplomatic corps. The numbers reveal that American diplomacy, the backbone of US global influence, is in a state of near collapse.

And it’s basically all the Trump administration’s fault.

The new AFSA data focuses on the top-ranking career officials — meaning people who have spent their lives in the State Department. This includes minister counselors (the equivalent of two-star generals), career ministers (the three-star equivalent), and career ambassadors (the four-star equivalent).

The number of people in each of those posts has declined dramatically since President Trump took office in January. The number of minister counselors in the State Department has gone down by 15 percent, career ministers by 42 percent, and career ambassadors by a whopping 60 percent.

New data shows how the Trump administration is destroying the State Department

This is insane. This is pure idiocy...It takes decades to rebuild the skill that is being destroyed....Of course, the entire trump movement is based on idiocy so what the hell can anyone expect?
The State Dept WAS Putin's biggest threat.....
This is insane. This is pure idiocy...It takes decades to rebuild the skill that is being destroyed....Of course, the entire trump movement is based on idiocy so what the hell can anyone expect?

EXCELLENT!!!!! We have no need for a State Department. There is nothing we need to say to other nations thst can't be better said with bullets and precision munitions.
This is insane. This is pure idiocy...It takes decades to rebuild the skill that is being destroyed....Of course, the entire trump movement is based on idiocy so what the hell can anyone expect?

EXCELLENT!!!!! We have no need for a State Department. There is nothing we need to say to other nations thst can't be better said with bullets and precision munitions.

Don't forget to add percussion and incenderary munitions in the recipe.
New data shows how the Trump administration is destroying the State Department

Sixty percent of State’s equivalent of four-star generals are gone.

Imagine a company where, in the past year, 60 percent of its top management quit and applicants to work there dropped by half. You’d assume that corporation would be on the verge of going bankrupt or in the throes of some catastrophe — Enron after the scandal or Lehman Brothers during the financial crisis.

This is the reality of the US State Department under Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, according to new data from the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA), the professional organization for America’s diplomatic corps. The numbers reveal that American diplomacy, the backbone of US global influence, is in a state of near collapse.

And it’s basically all the Trump administration’s fault.

The new AFSA data focuses on the top-ranking career officials — meaning people who have spent their lives in the State Department. This includes minister counselors (the equivalent of two-star generals), career ministers (the three-star equivalent), and career ambassadors (the four-star equivalent).

The number of people in each of those posts has declined dramatically since President Trump took office in January. The number of minister counselors in the State Department has gone down by 15 percent, career ministers by 42 percent, and career ambassadors by a whopping 60 percent.

New data shows how the Trump administration is destroying the State Department

This is insane. This is pure idiocy...It takes decades to rebuild the skill that is being destroyed....Of course, the entire trump movement is based on idiocy so what the hell can anyone expect?
Who gives a fucking shit, anything the damages the federal government is a good thing. Dumbass
The Corrupt President Barry Obama loaded-up the government agencies with far left wing ideologues.
It’s good that Trump is driving them out because they are a threat to our democracy.
The State Dept. is a huge swamp full of over paid worthless bureaucrats who's only agenda is advancing their careers.

Thank you Pres. Trump for clearing out the useless deadwood. ...... :thup:
Well mutt, maybe if you Democrats had not corrupted the place so bad it would be worth saving!

Yeah, we started at the top and stopped the most crooked Secretary of State from becoming President, now all we have to do , is root out the scum who aided and abetted her in the crimes of stupidity that Hitlery did while in the State Dept...

New data shows how the Trump administration is destroying the State Department

Sixty percent of State’s equivalent of four-star generals are gone.

Imagine a company where, in the past year, 60 percent of its top management quit and applicants to work there dropped by half. You’d assume that corporation would be on the verge of going bankrupt or in the throes of some catastrophe — Enron after the scandal or Lehman Brothers during the financial crisis.

This is the reality of the US State Department under Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, according to new data from the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA), the professional organization for America’s diplomatic corps. The numbers reveal that American diplomacy, the backbone of US global influence, is in a state of near collapse.

And it’s basically all the Trump administration’s fault.

The new AFSA data focuses on the top-ranking career officials — meaning people who have spent their lives in the State Department. This includes minister counselors (the equivalent of two-star generals), career ministers (the three-star equivalent), and career ambassadors (the four-star equivalent).

The number of people in each of those posts has declined dramatically since President Trump took office in January. The number of minister counselors in the State Department has gone down by 15 percent, career ministers by 42 percent, and career ambassadors by a whopping 60 percent.

New data shows how the Trump administration is destroying the State Department

This is insane. This is pure idiocy...It takes decades to rebuild the skill that is being destroyed....Of course, the entire trump movement is based on idiocy so what the hell can anyone expect?

We're talking about the State department Hillary and Obama destroyed, filled with loyalists and Clinton Foundation Influence / Favor Peddlers, people who are slow-rolled the release of evidence against Hillary...

.... the same State Department that left Americans in Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out due to the growing terrorist violence and pending 9/11/12 attack, that denied Ambassador Stephen's more than 50 requests for additional security and warning that he would die if another attack happened and he did not have that security, who TOOK AWAY members of his security team after the Al Qaeda-associated militia they hired to protect Americans from Al Qaeda quit on them and after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound...

...the same State Department that altered the FBI's report filed within an hour of the attack beginning telling how this was a terrorist attack, removing all references to terrorism in the report....


1/2 those f*ers need to be indicted, not just fired. :p
And he is going to have a meeting with his boss on this trip. Putin will probably pat him on the head, and say, "good little poodle, you get a hotel in Moscow". LOL

Yes, the bastard is doing his best to destroy the US Government. Was that the quid pro for the help Russia gave him in the campaign? To commit treason? Not funny at all.

We shouldn't have "career" anything in the federal govt
Funny. So, we should always have a bunch of amateurs in there like we are seeing right now. A pathological liar that is possibly the stupidest President ever to sit in the Oval Office, trying to pass nonsense with a party, the GOP, that seems intent on proving that you can elect over several hundred incompetent people at once.

Figures you just love yourself some unaccountable bureaucratic overlords being bigger than the people elected by the PEOPLE.

Only way to get your agenda across....
We shouldn't have "career" anything in the federal govt
Funny. So, we should always have a bunch of amateurs in there like we are seeing right now. A pathological liar that is possibly the stupidest President ever to sit in the Oval Office, trying to pass nonsense with a party, the GOP, that seems intent on proving that you can elect over several hundred incompetent people at once.
You say that after you elected a community agitator twice. Lol

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