New deal with Cuba

Advisors: Mr. President there is a long list of important issues foreign and domestic that require your immediate attention.

Obama: I want to work on Cuba.

Advisors: (stunned silence)

Yes it is not like he shouldn't be working on how to fix Obamacare or anything.
Advisors: Mr. President there is a long list of important issues foreign and domestic that require your immediate attention.

Obama: I want to work on Cuba.

Advisors: (stunned silence)

Yes it is not like he shouldn't be working on how to fix Obamacare or anything.
I thought you guys were gunna repeal it?
Advisors: Mr. President there is a long list of important issues foreign and domestic that require your immediate attention.

Obama: I want to work on Cuba.

Advisors: (stunned silence)

Yes it is not like he shouldn't be working on how to fix Obamacare or anything.
I thought you guys were gunna repeal it?

Give them a little time......They've only tried a little more than 50 times. They're just little republicans after all.
Obama can "call" whatever he wants. But until Congress repeals the embargo it passed, the embargo is still in effect, and Obama's "calls" mean nothing and have no effect.
This agreement opens a door that has sealed shut for decades.
What agreement? The embargo is still in full force. All we are apparently doing is opening an embassy there, so we can tell them "You don't get squat" to their faces.
Obama can "call" whatever he wants. But until Congress repeals the embargo it passed, the embargo is still in effect, and Obama's "calls" mean nothing and have no effect.
This agreement opens a door that has sealed shut for decades.
What agreement? The embargo is still in full force. All we are apparently doing is opening an embassy there, so we can tell them "You don't get squat" to their faces.
The embargo is starting to crack opening tourism, cigars, liquor

The cat is out of the bag and Congress will have no other choice
Advisors: Mr. President there is a long list of important issues foreign and domestic that require your immediate attention.

Obama: I want to work on Cuba.

Advisors: (stunned silence)

Yes it is not like he shouldn't be working on how to fix Obamacare or anything.
I thought you guys were gunna repeal it?
If the Supreme Court rules the subsidies that people who signed up through the federal exchange are getting is illegal that may very be the beginning of the end for it.
Obama gave a speech. That's enough for inane liberals.....they have very short attention spans.

that is for sure. With this 'deal' there is no freedom of assembly, no political parties, no open elections, access to the internet is under state security. Just 53 political prisoners freed who will be back in jail next week if they question the regime. Maybe the libs will go back to Cuba and help harvest sugar cane like back in the late 60's.
So we have the Pope and the rest of the world congratulating our President on a historic deal. Republicans outraged

Does it get any better than this?

I don't particularly care about this,in fact agree that the embargo on Cuba is stupid.

BUT, you don't think that letting the President just do as he pleases is a dangerous precedent to set simply because you like what THIS one is doing?

I have ZERO doubt that if right wing President were in office and he said "okay that's it , Congress won't act, so I'm issuing an executive order ending welfare in this country that you and others would be howling in rage. ZERO doubt.
In the end.....the President did the right thing

Sooner or later you got to tell Congress to go fuck themselves
i have been saying that since the mid 90's.....
Advisors: Mr. President there is a long list of important issues foreign and domestic that require your immediate attention.

Obama: I want to work on Cuba.

Advisors: (stunned silence)

Yes it is not like he shouldn't be working on how to fix Obamacare or anything.
I thought you guys were gunna repeal it?

Give them a little time......They've only tried a little more than 50 times. They're just little republicans after all.

Why does the left celebrate the Democrat's tyranny, lies, and corruption?
Big money will start pouring into Cuba once again.

Yes, Cuban Cigars About To Become Legal Again
since when do nazilibs smoke the finer wraps?....i bet you dont even know how to properly light one up....

These people are so dumb. They act as if Cuba was on a world embargo or something.

Hello,Cuba already has big money from other countries in the world, and they won't share with the peons now either.

Also, it is myth that Cubans are the best cigars in the world.

Hondurans produce the world's best cigars.

And of course I know how to light one, I go to my steakhouse and I order a cigar. It's expertly cut and lit and handed to me, old school touch that makes our customers feel special.
Just another epic, lawless blunder by Odummer

The commies won twice in 2 days


Congressional critics ready to block Obama push to normalize Cuban relations Fox News

The historic plan announced by President Obama on Wednesday to normalize relations with Cuba was met with heavy bipartisan resistance on Capitol Hill, raising questions of whether Congress will even consider easing a more than 50-year trade embargo against the communist state -- let alone end it.

But Republicans, and even some Democrats, pushed back strongly, with some GOP heavy hitters calling Obama's plan “another concession to tyranny.”

“These changes will lead to legitimacy for a government that shamelessly continuously abuses human rights but it will not lead to assistance for those whose rights are being abused,” Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said Wednesday.


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