New defense bill mandates Selective Service registration for women


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2021
I'm not hearing anything about this. I think it's disgraceful. Here is the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act the Senate Arms Services Committee put forward for a vote. From page 3 -

• Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.

There is only one reason to require selective registration.
I knew about this, but have confidence in the ability of Rep. Chip Roy to defeat this atrocity.

Why do libs want to see foxes in fox holes , dying for the country?

Libs are sick pups, particularly as Sleepy Joe avoided dying in Nam with a fake asthma complaint.
I wonder if all of those Ukraine supporters are willing to be drafted and go to war?

because women are not the same as men moron .. women that have the strength and gumption to fight are allowed to join voluntarily ... Dems want a mass flood of women to be forced into the military ... Dems are insane .

I don't think WW2 would have necessarily concluded the same way if it was America's chicks storming the beaches of Normandy.
I'm not hearing anything about this. I think it's disgraceful. Here is the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act the Senate Arms Services Committee put forward for a vote. From page 3 -

• Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.

There is only one reason to require selective registration.
Yes. That reason is EQUALITY. I hear all these gals saying they want every opportunity that Men have. That should include the Right to get blown to bits in a foreign land when their country demands it.

Besides, isn’t the US Military supposedly totally gender-neutral now? All MOS’ available to both genders?

Equality means equality. The bad along with the good

The idea of the military isn't "equality" but is about fighting and defeating the enemy, whoever that might be.

And I don't think that the delicate flowers of American womanhood are the best choice to crush the infidels.
The idea of the military isn't "equality" but is about fighting and defeating the enemy, whoever that might be.

And I don't think that the delicate flowers of American womanhood are the best choice to crush the infidels.
They don’t necessarily have to be on the front line. Mandatory service of some kind should be necessary, though.
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Because men are physically stronger, tougher and fight better than broads do?

If this were the middle ages and wars were still fought between two sides lining up and charging each other, you might have a point.

Ask the IDF how well women can kick ass.
And I don't think that the delicate flowers of American womanhood are the best choice to crush the infidels
Then they can go back to the kitchens and bedrooms of their husbands homes rather than trying to compete with the Men. You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too.
The idea of the military isn't "equality" but is about fighting and defeating the enemy, whoever that might be.

And I don't think that the delicate flowers of American womanhood are the best choice to crush the infidels.
There are literally thousands of jobs in the military that don't include fighting. Guess you were never in the military.
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So respect for American womanhood means nothing to you, that you would want to send chicks into battle while guys like the Bidens stay home?

Not very manly of an attitude.
Plenty of women in the Services and room for more.

According to the annual demographics report, the active-duty and selected reserve population was 58,282 lower than in 2021, for a total of 2,077,630 service members. Over the same period, the percentage of women increased slightly – rising to 17.5% of the active duty force from 17.3% and 21.6% of the selected reserve from 21.4%. Since 2005, the percentage of active duty military women has increased by 2.9% while the percentage of women in the selected reserve has risen by 4.4%. The annual report contains the latest publicly available information on the makeup of the military community, including service members and their dependents.

I'm not hearing anything about this. I think it's disgraceful. Here is the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act the Senate Arms Services Committee put forward for a vote. From page 3 -

• Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.

There is only one reason to require selective registration.
The last US draft was June 30, 1973. Next draft, women could be called to serve. I am fine with it.

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