Zone1 New Definition Contest


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
How would you redefine the word racist and racism if you could?

racist (noun) A person who was elected to office after November 1, 2024.

racism (noun) The act of running for a political office after December 31, 2022.

This definition would give us a tangible way to prove whether someone is actually racist or not. With the current definition speculation and imagination is required to determine who is actually a racist. With this new definition that I propose there would be verifiable data to prove someone is a racist or whether they engaged in racism.
Democrat definition of racist: The act of being white, including all law enforcement, unless a white democrat politician or a white person who works for the FBI/DOJ. They somehow evaded the systemic racism demon.

Really, their definition is all that matters since it is now taught in schools and the media as you will be cancelled and discarded from society if you don't agree
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I have always found that the simplest definition is the best. A racist is a person who hates other races.

As we have seen by our most prominent posters in this forum, it now means anybody who does not hate white people with enough passion and who doesn't have the magic skin that absolves them of any and all responsibility for anything they say or do in life.
Being ethnically-intolerant is not a crime. Nor is hating someone else because of their political affiliation, their economic status, the color of their car, or the fact that they like eating raw liver, for that matter.

People who eat raw liver are disgusting and I hate them.
I have always found that the simplest definition is the best. A racist is a person who hates other races.

As we have seen by our most prominent posters in this forum, it now means anybody who does not hate white people with enough passion and who doesn't have the magic skin that absolves them of any and all responsibility for anything they say or do in life.
Racism is based in constant fearfulness. The hatred is just a side effect that comes when said fearful person cannot or will not conquer their fear.
That's why so many people do not think they are racist. My dad was an open Alabama racist. the N-word came out of his mouth as natural as you please. He was so afraid of living anywhere near black people so I grew up in shitty sun-down towns around AL and GA. He was a fair man and I never saw him personally mistreat or disrespect any black person he encountered but the fear was still there.
Racism is taking an action using race as a factor. For example, deciding ahead of time to only hire a black person for a role, or withholding notices to Merit Scholars because there is not “racial equity” among the recipients, or eliminating an entrance exam because too many of one race and not enough of another race are acing the test.

These are all examples of racism practiced by those in power on the Left.
racist - An Asian man that sells eggs on the street corner or other outside market.

racism - The act of collecting eggs for the purpose of selling them in an outside market.
Racism is based in constant fearfulness. The hatred is just a side effect that comes when said fearful person cannot or will not conquer their fear.
FOXNEWS and all Republican politicians campaign on that very fear non-stop.
racist - (noun) A person who drinks buttermilk on the weekend while wearing a hat.

racism - (noun) The act of purchasing buttermilk to drink on the weekend either while wearing a hat or not.
racist - (noun) A person who drinks buttermilk on the weekend while wearing a hat.

racism - (noun) The act of purchasing buttermilk to drink on the weekend either while wearing a hat or not.
OMG! Hilarious! This is such a coincidence.

I once had a negative experience with a black man who was looking for buttermilk in a store where I worked. I was off duty and shopping myself and the guy walked up to me and asked me if I knew where the buttermilk was. So I told him that I thought it would be down the dairy aisle and pointed over to it. He suddenly got really angry and accused me of being sarcastic! The dumbass apparently didn't realize that I was a meat cutter and spent 97% of my time in a back room cutting meat. He wanted to know EXACTLY where the buttermilk was with coordinates calculated to the nearest .0001. and he actually walked like 75ft AWAY from the dairy aisle to ask me while I was shopping, when it would have been a shorter affair to find it himself. I never buy buttermilk and just never happened to come across it but I told him I figured it would be down to diary aisle somewhere. He actually started physically circling me trying to provoke a fight after that, accusing me of being sarcastic. I told him very sharply that if I knew precisely where it was I'd tell him, and to quit harassing me on my personal time. It was because I was still wearing my company hat that he approached me and I can't fully blame him for that....but beyond that?? What a presumptuous ASSHOLE, regardless of race.
OMG! Hilarious! This is such a coincidence.

I once had a negative experience with a black man who was looking for buttermilk in a store where I worked. I was off duty and shopping myself and the guy walked up to me and asked me if I knew where the buttermilk was. So I told him that I thought it would be down the dairy aisle and pointed over to it. He suddenly got really angry and accused me of being sarcastic! The dumbass apparently didn't realize that I was a meat cutter and spent 97% of my time in a back room cutting meat. He wanted to know EXACTLY where the buttermilk was with coordinates calculated to the nearest .0001. and he actually walked like 75ft AWAY from the dairy aisle to ask me while I was shopping, when it would have been a shorter affair to find it himself. I never buy buttermilk and just never happened to come across it but I told him I figured it would be down to diary aisle somewhere. He actually started physically circling me trying to provoke a fight after that, accusing me of being sarcastic. I told him very sharply that if I knew precisely where it was I'd tell him, and to quit harassing me on my personal time. It was because I was still wearing my company hat that he approached me and I can't fully blame him for that....but beyond that?? What a presumptuous ASSHOLE, regardless of race.

I once worked at an upper scale grocery store. We were not allowed to tell customers where something was. We had to take them there.

Was this guy wearing a hat by chance?
How would you redefine the word racist and racism if you could?

racist (noun) A person who was elected to office after November 1, 2024.

racism (noun) The act of running for a political office after December 31, 2022.

This definition would give us a tangible way to prove whether someone is actually racist or not. With the current definition speculation and imagination is required to determine who is actually a racist. With this new definition that I propose there would be verifiable data to prove someone is a racist or whether they engaged in racism.
Racists fall into one or more categories:
--Those who feel hatred or animosity or anger at another race
--Those who feel superior to those of another race
--Those who would deny unalienable or legal rights to any person or group because of race
--Those who automatically accuse those who legally oppose, arrest, or restrict a person of another race as being racist.
--Those who think those of another race should speak, dress, conduct themselves in a certain way or they're denying their race
--Those who think those descended from a particular race are automatically victims and oppressed and don't have the opportunities granted people of other races
--Those who think those of a particular race are beholden to their ideology and political agenda and/or candidates and are betrayers or evil or contemptible if they stray from that.
--Those who see members of a particular race as inferior, incapable, unable to achieve with their own skills and intellect without help from benefactors of another race.

Racism is the acting out of any of the above.

As for the words 'racism' and 'racist', they are perfectly good words and I see no reason to change them to something else.
I see no reason to change them to something else.

You just listed about 12 different versions of racism. When someone ask me if I am a racist I am hesitant to say yes or no.

I don't believe white people are biologically superior to blacks in any way.

I so believe that European cultures are superior to African cultures by leaps and bounds.

Some would call me racist. Some would not. I lean towards yes but the stereotypical racist is not something I want to identify with so i steer towards no. I think if we could redefine the word to have only one meaning then we could heal the problem a lot faster. People are hesitant to admit being racist because they could be highly mischaracterized by accepting that label.
You just listed about 12 different versions of racism. When someone ask me if I am a racist I am hesitant to say yes or no.

I don't believe white people are biologically superior to blacks in any way.

I so believe that European cultures are superior to African cultures by leaps and bounds.

Some would call me racist. Some would not. I lean towards yes but the stereotypical racist is not something I want to identify with so i steer towards no. I think if we could redefine the word to have only one meaning then we could heal the problem a lot faster. People are hesitant to admit being racist because they could be highly mischaracterized by accepting that label.
If you want one definition, I would say that if skin color is more important than eye color or hair color, the person is racist.
If you want one definition, I would say that if skin color is more important than eye color or hair color, the person is racist.

That's fair but how could you prove if a person was racist or not if it is based on what someone thinks? You could say, "You are racist because you think skin color is more important than eye color or hair color." The person could refute it by saying, "No. I do not think skin color is more important than hair color or eye color." Then you could say, "Yes. You do." They could further respond by saying, "No. I don't." Personally I don't think the definition that you make is any better than the dozens of definitions we currently have. We need a smoking gun so we can identify racists and stop making empty accusations and empty counter accusations. If that is your best suggestion then that is fine but I want to give you another chance to come up with something much more workable.
I once worked at an upper scale grocery store. We were not allowed to tell customers where something was. We had to take them there.

Was this guy wearing a hat by chance?
Don't remember if he had a hat. Why? Are you thinking he was Antifa or BLM or something?

Yeah, our store was upscale and we were supposed to take customers there too ..but not on our own time. And since this guy was a DICK from square one....I certainly wasn't in a hurry go any extra miles for him. I told him all I knew.

I only mentioned the incident since the topic is racism and someone mentioned buttermilk...which was a strange coincidence.

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