New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Black burglary suspect 1 could had turned around, or ran sideways between yards.

Here are three facts based on your words:

The deceased victim is black

The deceased victim is not a suspect in any sense of the word according to the citizen arrest law because his murderers said they did not witness a crime being committed.

You are a racist.

Ridiculous......where does such stupidity as you exhibit come from....a suspect is just that....he does not have to committ a crime to be a suspect...and no one attempted to make an arrest.

black guy was never restrained in any shape or manner....had complete freedom of movement the whole time and he used that freedom to attack a guy with a shotgun....that is a crime...that is assault.
It is not a crime to attack a man with a shotgun who points it at you retard, it is self defense and the jogger was in the right the entire time
its a crime to attack anyone whether they have a gun or not,,,

Exactly but the leftwingers want to believe the white guys were in the wrong by merely attempting to talk to the black guy...they completely excuse the black guy for assaulting a guy with a shot gun.

and of course.....the media backs them up...edits the video and pursues the case in order to stir up racial conflict....they will not be happy unless they can foment protests and riots....that is their modus operandi....always trying to stir up trouble so they can put their star reporters out there to generate ratings and revenue....and the gullible public is thus mislead.
You can not detain a person at gunpoint of perform an arrest without clear evidence of a crime.

The black guy was healthy and jogging, the white KKK members were humiliated stuck at home

This is lockdown syndrome
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,he decided to attack them instead,,
if he would have only went on his merry way none of this would have happened,,, one tried to arrest him or put handcuffs on him or restrain him in any manner...he had complete freedom of movement the whole time.

Obviously he hated white people or he would not have attacked them. So many black racists out there....even black people admit they are more racist than whites.
Learn the law, in Georgia a citizen has the right to perform an arrest if they have clear evidence of a crime. This also applies to the police who are not allowed to even question a person without probable cause.

Salute your masters

That picture is so stupid
True however unfortunately is it not an act, it's real

In your mind perhaps.....the only kkk folks that are seen are the ones the media takes pictures of in some kind of demonstration.....very few of them around...a very rare species.

Leftwingers boogeyman is all it amounts probably look under your bed everynight to see if there is a boogeyman dere....bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the whole time when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run onto Private Property and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
Black burglary suspect 1 could had turned around, or ran sideways between yards.

Here are three facts based on your words:

The deceased victim is black

The deceased victim is not a suspect in any sense of the word according to the citizen arrest law because his murderers said they did not witness a crime being committed.

You are a racist.

Ridiculous......where does such stupidity as you exhibit come from....a suspect is just that....he does not have to committ a crime to be a suspect...and no one attempted to make an arrest.

black guy was never restrained in any shape or manner....had complete freedom of movement the whole time and he used that freedom to attack a guy with a shotgun....that is a crime...that is assault.
It is not a crime to attack a man with a shotgun who points it at you retard, it is self defense and the jogger was in the right the entire time
its a crime to attack anyone whether they have a gun or not,,,

Exactly but the leftwingers want to believe the white guys were in the wrong by merely attempting to talk to the black guy...they completely excuse the black guy for assaulting a guy with a shot gun.

and of course.....the media backs them up...edits the video and pursues the case in order to stir up racial conflict....they will not be happy unless they can foment protests and riots....that is their modus operandi....always trying to stir up trouble so they can put their star reporters out there to generate ratings and revenue....and the gullible public is thus mislead.
You can not detain a person at gunpoint of perform an arrest without clear evidence of a crime.

The black guy was healthy and jogging, the white KKK members were humiliated stuck at home

This is lockdown syndrome
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,he decided to attack them instead,,
if he would have only went on his merry way none of this would have happened,,, one tried to arrest him or put handcuffs on him or restrain him in any manner...he had complete freedom of movement the whole time.

Obviously he hated white people or he would not have attacked them. So many black racists out there....even black people admit they are more racist than whites.
Learn the law, in Georgia a citizen has the right to perform an arrest if they have clear evidence of a crime. This also applies to the police who are not allowed to even question a person without probable cause.

Salute your masters

That picture is so stupid

That is what race baiters do....try and stir up hatred....the msm being very guilty of that...with much blood on their hands.
But in your trailer park shooting black joggers is cool

Shooting black criminals is very cool....any good citizen should applaud that.
I own stocks on 6 continents

You own nothing
Beware of boastful libs on the internet
black guy was never restrained in any shape or manner....had complete freedom of movement the whole time and he used that freedom to attack a guy with a shotgun....that is a crime...that is assault.
A shot had already been fired when Arbery engaged with the man with the shotgun. He was unarmed and was fighting for his life with what he had--his hands.
Black burglary suspect 1 could had turned around, or ran sideways between yards.

Here are three facts based on your words:

The deceased victim is black

The deceased victim is not a suspect in any sense of the word according to the citizen arrest law because his murderers said they did not witness a crime being committed.

You are a racist.
Apparently you didn’t listen to the 9-1-1 call. Someone did see him breaking the law.

Also the video shows him attacking a man, which is breaking the law, then being shot by that man in self defense, which is not breaking the law.

What is racist about stating facts?
The owner of the house under construction said it wasn't Arbery. The owner had security cam footage of the guy who'd been lurking around and it wasn't him.
If true it changes nothing

the father and son did not personally witness any crime in progress so the best they could do is follow the jogger and call the cops to investigate
black guy was never restrained in any shape or manner....had complete freedom of movement the whole time and he used that freedom to attack a guy with a shotgun....that is a crime...that is assault.
A shot had already been fired when Arbery engaged with the man with the shotgun. He was unarmed and was fighting for his life with what he had--his hands.
Which video are you basing that on?
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
black guy was never restrained in any shape or manner....had complete freedom of movement the whole time and he used that freedom to attack a guy with a shotgun....that is a crime...that is assault.
A shot had already been fired when Arbery engaged with the man with the shotgun. He was unarmed and was fighting for his life with what he had--his hands.
Which video are you basing that on?

He is not basing his opinion on anything but bias and prejudice against white folk....the video contradicts what he says....the black dude clearly charges to the left to attack the white guy with the shotgun.

There were 3 shots fired...none of them before the black guy attacked. If the white guy had fired before the attack there would have been no need to fire 2 more that range and with a shot gun a blind man could have hit the target....the reason for 3 shots was because the black guy attacked and grabbed hold on the gun trying to take it away...thus the white guy whilst struggling kept firing off rounds until he finally managed to get the barrel pointed at his attacker.

Apparantly a lot of these posters making up stuff have never seen the video though it has been posted many times....of course the media has done their best to distort the whole thing by editing out the portion of the video that shows the black guy attacking.
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It is clear now that the McMichaels were not merely trying to talk to Ahmaud. They were executing a citizens arrest and trying to detain him.
A citizens arrest would have been illegal since they did not directly observe a crime

but they say they only wanted to question him

maybe a new video will appear or more evidence of some other kind
When you watch the video, did anyone else hear what sounded like the video-taker cocking his gun when he pulled over?
I'm more concerned as to what the jogger dropped on the road before the confrontation,,,
I hunted last night for any report or article saying he dropped a hammer on the road. There is none. I found a comment by a reader on social media saying there was a hammer....just a statement with nothing to back it up or where he learned that. Unless you've got a link, I'm holding that it's a social media rumor and nothing more.

So link away, if it's true. McMichael told the police that Arbery was unarmed. He, or the police, would have mentioned a hammer in the road. Who found it, if the police didn't? Let's see it.
black guy was never restrained in any shape or manner....had complete freedom of movement the whole time and he used that freedom to attack a guy with a shotgun....that is a crime...that is assault.
A shot had already been fired when Arbery engaged with the man with the shotgun. He was unarmed and was fighting for his life with what he had--his hands.
Which video are you basing that on?

He is not basing his opinion on anything but bias and prejudice against white folk....the video contradicts what he says....the black dude clearly charges to the left to attack the white guy with the shotgun.
I suspect you are correct
It is clear now that the McMichaels were not merely trying to talk to Ahmaud. They were executing a citizens arrest and trying to detain him.
A citizens arrest would have been illegal since they did not directly observe a crime

but they say they only wanted to question him

maybe a new video will appear or more evidence of some other kind
When you watch the video, did anyone else hear what sounded like the video-taker cocking his gun when he pulled over?
I'm more concerned as to what the jogger dropped on the road before the confrontation,,,
I hunted last night for any report or article saying he dropped a hammer on the road. There is none. I found a comment by a reader on social media saying there was a hammer....just a statement with nothing to back it up or where he learned that. Unless you've got a link, I'm holding that it's a social media rumor and nothing more.

So link away, if it's true. McMichael told the police that Arbery was unarmed. He, or the police, would have mentioned a hammer in the road. Who found it, if the police didn't? Let's see it.
I never said it was a hammer,,,but if you watch the video you can see him dropping something and then see 2 things laying in the road behind him,,,
And so it begins.... trashing the victim to save racists.

Who said that this incident had anything to do with race at all?

Libs are saying it, but they already have a narrative that they are squeezing the facts into. Doesn't mean this is true.

Suppose the victim here had trash talked the shooter's mum? I don't know what happened here, and there could easily be reasons why anyone of us might have shot him

Yea this was just alittle misunderstanding and so what if a young black man ended up dead.
black guy was never restrained in any shape or manner....had complete freedom of movement the whole time and he used that freedom to attack a guy with a shotgun....that is a crime...that is assault.
A shot had already been fired when Arbery engaged with the man with the shotgun. He was unarmed and was fighting for his life with what he had--his hands.
Which video are you basing that on?

He is not basing his opinion on anything but bias and prejudice against white folk....the video contradicts what he says....the black dude clearly charges to the left to attack the white guy with the shotgun.
I suspect you are correct

Of course...we saw the same thing in the zimmerman case....leftists constantly lying, the media constantly spinning and lying....they seem to think if they repeat their lies often enough some will believe them....they may be right about that.
This white guy is calling the two Hicks as people who have no business stopping people while carrying around shotguns. This was so unnecessary.
And so it begins.... trashing the victim to save racists.

Who said that this incident had anything to do with race at all?

Libs are saying it, but they already have a narrative that they are squeezing the facts into. Doesn't mean this is true.

Suppose the victim here had trash talked the shooter's mum? I don't know what happened here, and there could easily be reasons why anyone of us might have shot him

Yea this was just alittle misunderstanding and so what if a young black man ended up dead.

Plenty of Honkies get shot dead too, guys like Seth Rich in Washington DC. And its like no one cares who did it.
Black burglary suspect 1 could had turned around, or ran sideways between yards.

Here are three facts based on your words:

The deceased victim is black

The deceased victim is not a suspect in any sense of the word according to the citizen arrest law because his murderers said they did not witness a crime being committed.

You are a racist.
Apparently you didn’t listen to the 9-1-1 call. Someone did see him breaking the law.

Also the video shows him attacking a man, which is breaking the law, then being shot by that man in self defense, which is not breaking the law.

What is racist about stating facts?
The owner of the house under construction said it wasn't Arbery. The owner had security cam footage of the guy who'd been lurking around and it wasn't him.
got a link???
The owner of the construction site told police on Feb. 11 that the same "unknown black male" had trespassed on his property repeatedly. That alleged suspect was described as a "lighter skinned black male" with a slender build who was between 5'10 and 6' and whose arms may have been covered in tattoos. Ahmaud Arbery was 6' with a darker skin complexion.

This white guy is calling the two Hicks as people who have no business stopping people while carrying around shotguns. This was so unnecessary.

you might well be right. But I am of the old school, and would prefer to hear what these gentlemen have to say for themselves before condemning them. Not everything we have been told is necessarily correct, there is always a different viewpoint.
Someone did see him breaking the law.

That is a lie. That makes your commentary racist. If you don’t want to be a racist cite the facts that we know are true and kniw what is written in the law.

On the day of the murder the white men were violating the ‘citizens arrest’ law and were violating the civil rights of a black male who was jogging and were escalating a confrontation to a violent outcome and were the only participants that were armed. The Jogger was violating no law and was forced to stand his ground and try to defend himself.

We know that and we know your statement here is a lie:

“Someone did see him breaking the law.”
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,, would have to be blind or a leftwinger not to see that. Very clear.

If the grand jury is honest and not under tremendous pressure for powerful politicians they should toss this case into the garbage bin.

The politicians want a trial no doubt....irregardless of the innocence of the white in they do not want to alienate the black voters.
Maybe I missed it but in all the articles I’ve read on this, none mention where Arbery lived.
About 10 years ago I finally decided that I was done drinking and driving.

I still frequented the bars for a few years however but I refused to use a cab. I took the opportunity to walk home for exercise. My favorite bar was probably 4 or 5 miles from my house so I walked or joged through many neighborhoods that I didn't "belong" in.

I have a criminal record and I was in a place I didn't live.


Did I say Arbery deserved to get shot?
But I felt like you implied he was suspect simply for "not belonging"

I've been MANY places I didn't belong.

Nope. I just found it curious that (to my knowledge) it has never been mentioned.

My take on this is that, even if Arbery was the burgler they suspected him to be, everything these guys did was precisely what they should NOT have done. It was stupid and reckless.

It was stupid to confront the guy themselves and even more stupid to do so armed.

Are they racist? Given that they sincerely thought he looked like the black guy in the surveillance video, maybe not. But one thing is for sure: the whole thing was pointless and need not have happened.

“fitting the description” is something a lot of black men find themselves having to deal with.
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