New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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The lies MSM tells to get their SHEEP to start racial bs so the psych. warfare begins and the idiots fall for it every time.

Newly released surveillance videos show Ahmaud Arbery trespassed into a home — which the homeowner says was robbed of $2,500 worth of fishing gear earlier this year — before running away down the street after a neighbor called 911.

View attachment 334314

I posted that video in this same thread some place yesterday.

The 'out for a jog' aspect of the story is certainly rendered invalid. Looks like he didn't start running until the person came out of the home across the street. He had actually been walking prior to entering the home.

His home?
The lies MSM tells to get their SHEEP to start racial bs so the psych. warfare begins and the idiots fall for it every time.

Newly released surveillance videos show Ahmaud Arbery trespassed into a home — which the homeowner says was robbed of $2,500 worth of fishing gear earlier this year — before running away down the street after a neighbor called 911.

View attachment 334314

Why would you leave $2,500 worth of fishing gear in a wide open construction site? He called that his home? I question this -- and of course it's from a site that has been rated as extreme right as the line goes:
we rate Information Liberation Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of propaganda/conspiracies and a lack of transparency.

Why do you care?

Another of your astute questions....

He’s not allowed to do what he wants with his possessions is your point. Sooo communist of you
How is it that whenever an unarmed black man is shot and killed by armed white guys, it's always the guys with the guns who felt their lives were in danger?
Because the dumb black guys either attacked the armed white guy (Micheal Brown, Walter Scott, Trayvon Martin) or they (Terrence Crutcher, Philando Castille, Laquan McDonald) allowed their hands to disappear from view.

Only information-deprived, undereducated liberals would ask a question like this.
A bigger indicator of the FACT that racism is still alive and well in this country is all the effort being made to make black victims the villain.
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

How is it that whenever an unarmed black man is shot and killed by armed white guys, it's always the guys with the guns who felt their lives were in danger?
Because the dumb black guys either attacked the armed white guy (Micheal Brown, Walter Scott, Trayvon Martin) or they (Terrence Crutcher, Philando Castille, Laquan McDonald) allowed their hands to disappear from view.

Only information-deprived, undereducated liberals would ask a question like this.
A bigger indicator of the FACT that racism is still alive and well in this country is all the effort being made to make black victims the villain.
Chicago and Detroit you bet. The demofks in those plantations kkking it well.
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

That’s a demofks gear. I believe in equality

I care that black men die weekly in Chicago and the demofks say nothing. I say it frequently that people should stop the killings. You all turn your heads and cough
But it does make the attackers guilty. And it should serve as a lesson for the next delusional dolt who sees himself as the vigilante for the hood.
There ARE NO "attackers".. The only attacker (as shown by the video) is Arbery. And the only lesson is that in communities with sizable black voting populations, you can't rely on the politicans and police to back you up, for your legal rights of self-defense, if/whenever the person attacking you is black.

I wonder how many of these "Blame the white guy" cases there now have been in America. Must be 100, just since the Zimmerman fiasco.

No you see the aggressor is the two idiots who grabbed their guns and went to chase Ahmad down.
Ok. Let’s review. Self Defense does not apply when you chase the guy down. It is not stand your ground when you are the aggressor. Any questions?
Yeah, let's review.
Simply going to somebody to ask some questions, isn't being an aggressor.

Firing a gun when somebody (Arbery) is attacking you with their fists, is stand your ground self-defense.

What incompetency the schools are exhibiting these days. Sad.

OK. Let’s say you are running down the street. A Pick Up drives around you and two black guys get out with shotguns. Are you being attacked? Are they being aggressive?
1. Neither the fact that they grabbed (and carried) guns or chased after Arbery, makes the McMichaels aggressors. If you think somebody has done something wrong, and you want to identify him, and maybe report him to police, you have the absolute right to go to him to see who he is, and question him too. It's all part of a community watch program. Good stuff.

2. No, just because to any race guys get out of a (any kind) vehicle with guns (of any kind), that does not make them a threat, at that point. They may seem to be a bit aggressive, but there isn't anything wrong with being aggressive. It does not make me being attacked, of course not.

3. Aggressiveness in and of itself isn't a crime or even a wrong. If our fathers had not been somewhat aggressive toward our mothers, we wouldn't be here now. 3 cheers for aggressiveness. :biggrin:
Georgia law does not allow for a person to be harassed or detained because you think he might have done something wrong. Since they did not know that he had done something wrong and there is no proof after the fact that he did do something wrong they had no right to interfere in his jog.
FALSE! They were neither harrassing or detaining. The video indicates that as soon as the subjects got close to each other, Arbery attacked McMichaels. If he had not done that, and simply allowed McMichaels to ask him a question, he could have answered, or just walked away, without saying anything,

Instead, he committed a violent crime, attacking McMichaels, and if not for the spineless, pandering, jellyfish politicans, the McMicheals duo would be free, and hailed as heros, for trying to defend their community from burglars, or whatever. And to many in that community, that's probably just what is being said about them.

Excellent analysis...........all the liberals have is personal opinions based on a fallacious narrative that the black criminal had his rights evidence whatsoever to claim that.

Then we see the headlines in the liberal media...white men go hunting for a negro to ridiculous....but that is the state of the media in America today.....propaganda from start to finish, editing the video to hide the fact that the black guy attacked the white guy with the shotgun and tried to take it away from him.
"the black criminal".....working so very hard to make the victim the villain because of his skin color.
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

Here's a nice short answer to your longggggg waste of space, and JIBBERISH post. GBI ? LOL. You don't even know that this whole thing is POLITICAL - race rioting and black votes.

You think you know about this. YOU DON'T.

I know People like you are hurting Trump politically when you sympathize with whites who kill blacks for no reason.

Exactly....I will not wast time replying to his nonsense. Hope he had fun going to all that trouble to post garbage.

of course you can’t.. Hate can’t overcome the facts and the law. It’s not political it’s called equal justuce under the law and you don’t accept that black men deserve to be treated equal to whites.

where is James The Nazi Fields right

This is TrumpO’s Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Friday, June 28, 2019
Ohio Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Federal Hate Crimes Related to August 2017 Car Attack at Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia

James Alex Fields Jr. Formerly Pleaded Guilty to Killing Heather Heyer; Injuring Dozens of Others

James Alex Fields Jr., 22, the Ohio man who drove his car into a crowd of counter-protestors at the “Unite the Right Rally” on Aug. 12, 2017, killing one woman and injuring dozens, was sentenced today in the Western District of Virginia to life in prison for his crimes. Fields previously pleaded guilty to 29 violations of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 18 U.S.C. § 249, for the attack.
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

You get “racist of the day“ for suggesting that white Goon Sr and white Goon Jr should not be arrested for the aggravated assault and murder of a black man who was jogging on a public road because a little time earlier “he was walking, and not just on the street” ... He was “walking” on private private property, a construction site. A home under construction from which Arbery was there for a few minutes and then continued his jog.

Fif that you think he deserves to be dead.

There may be a problem with racist claims that Arberry went for the shotgun before the first shit was fired. The truck is parked at an angle so Arberry could have been off the pavement when the first shot was fired.

That means Junior shot before Arberry turned to try to take the rifle away.

top photo is white shoulder of Arberry about the time the first shot is fired.

the bottom shows the position of the truck and if Arbery Is a car length past the truck he is right on the edge if the ride when ordered to stop and shit at

View attachment 334227View attachment 334228
It doesn't do you any good to lie. You're just another Democrat SUCK-UP, who's sucking up to the wildminded, black community for VOTES. That's what driving this idiotic arrest, and you're just as guilty as the spineless, politicians frauds who are perpetrating it.

What a stinking, impure way of going through life.
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

That’s a demofks gear. I believe in equality

I care that black men die weekly in Chicago and the demofks say nothing. I say it frequently that people should stop the killings. You all turn your heads and cough
Do you believe that black joggers are justly detained and questioned at the will of white trash
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

Here's a nice short answer to your longggggg waste of space, and JIBBERISH post. GBI ? LOL. You don't even know that this whole thing is POLITICAL - race rioting and black votes.

You think you know about this. YOU DON'T.

I know People like you are hurting Trump politically when you sympathize with whites who kill blacks for no reason.

Exactly....I will not wast time replying to his nonsense. Hope he had fun going to all that trouble to post garbage.

of course you can’t.. Hate can’t overcome the facts and the law. It’s not political it’s called equal justuce under the law and you don’t accept that black men deserve to be treated equal to whites.

where is James The Nazi Fields right

This is TrumpO’s Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Friday, June 28, 2019
Ohio Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Federal Hate Crimes Related to August 2017 Car Attack at Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia

James Alex Fields Jr. Formerly Pleaded Guilty to Killing Heather Heyer; Injuring Dozens of Others

James Alex Fields Jr., 22, the Ohio man who drove his car into a crowd of counter-protestors at the “Unite the Right Rally” on Aug. 12, 2017, killing one woman and injuring dozens, was sentenced today in the Western District of Virginia to life in prison for his crimes. Fields previously pleaded guilty to 29 violations of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 18 U.S.C. § 249, for the attack.
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

You get “racist of the day“ for suggesting that white Goon Sr and white Goon Jr should not be arrested for the aggravated assault and murder of a black man who was jogging on a public road because a little time earlier “he was walking, and not just on the street” ... He was “walking” on private private property, a construction site. A home under construction from which Arbery was there for a few minutes and then continued his jog.

Fif that you think he deserves to be dead.

There may be a problem with racist claims that Arberry went for the shotgun before the first shit was fired. The truck is parked at an angle so Arberry could have been off the pavement when the first shot was fired.

That means Junior shot before Arberry turned to try to take the rifle away.

top photo is white shoulder of Arberry about the time the first shot is fired.

the bottom shows the position of the truck and if Arbery Is a car length past the truck he is right on the edge if the ride when ordered to stop and shit at

View attachment 334227View attachment 334228
It doesn't do you any good to lie. You're just another Democrat SUCK-UP, who's sucking up to the wildminded, black community for VOTES. That's what driving this idiotic arrest, and you're just as guilty as the spineless, politicians frauds who are perpetrating it.

What a stinking, impure way of going through life.
Yes Ike if you say so......................
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

Here's a nice short answer to your longggggg waste of space, and JIBBERISH post. GBI ? LOL. You don't even know that this whole thing is POLITICAL - race rioting and black votes.

You think you know about this. YOU DON'T.

I know People like you are hurting Trump politically when you sympathize with whites who kill blacks for no reason.

Exactly....I will not wast time replying to his nonsense. Hope he had fun going to all that trouble to post garbage.

of course you can’t.. Hate can’t overcome the facts and the law. It’s not political it’s called equal justuce under the law and you don’t accept that black men deserve to be treated equal to whites.

where is James The Nazi Fields right

This is TrumpO’s Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Friday, June 28, 2019
Ohio Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Federal Hate Crimes Related to August 2017 Car Attack at Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia

James Alex Fields Jr. Formerly Pleaded Guilty to Killing Heather Heyer; Injuring Dozens of Others

James Alex Fields Jr., 22, the Ohio man who drove his car into a crowd of counter-protestors at the “Unite the Right Rally” on Aug. 12, 2017, killing one woman and injuring dozens, was sentenced today in the Western District of Virginia to life in prison for his crimes. Fields previously pleaded guilty to 29 violations of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 18 U.S.C. § 249, for the attack.
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

You get “racist of the day“ for suggesting that white Goon Sr and white Goon Jr should not be arrested for the aggravated assault and murder of a black man who was jogging on a public road because a little time earlier “he was walking, and not just on the street” ... He was “walking” on private private property, a construction site. A home under construction from which Arbery was there for a few minutes and then continued his jog.

Fif that you think he deserves to be dead.

There may be a problem with racist claims that Arberry went for the shotgun before the first shit was fired. The truck is parked at an angle so Arberry could have been off the pavement when the first shot was fired.

That means Junior shot before Arberry turned to try to take the rifle away.

top photo is white shoulder of Arberry about the time the first shot is fired.

the bottom shows the position of the truck and if Arbery Is a car length past the truck he is right on the edge if the ride when ordered to stop and shit at

View attachment 334227View attachment 334228
It doesn't do you any good to lie. You're just another Democrat SUCK-UP, who's sucking up to the wildminded, black community for VOTES. That's what driving this idiotic arrest, and you're just as guilty as the spineless, politicians frauds who are perpetrating it.

What a stinking, impure way of going through life.
Amen, they don’t care that hundreds of black men die yearly on their plantation
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

Here's a nice short answer to your longggggg waste of space, and JIBBERISH post. GBI ? LOL. You don't even know that this whole thing is POLITICAL - race rioting and black votes.

You think you know about this. YOU DON'T.

I know People like you are hurting Trump politically when you sympathize with whites who kill blacks for no reason.

Exactly....I will not wast time replying to his nonsense. Hope he had fun going to all that trouble to post garbage.

of course you can’t.. Hate can’t overcome the facts and the law. It’s not political it’s called equal justuce under the law and you don’t accept that black men deserve to be treated equal to whites.

where is James The Nazi Fields right

This is TrumpO’s Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Friday, June 28, 2019
Ohio Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Federal Hate Crimes Related to August 2017 Car Attack at Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia

James Alex Fields Jr. Formerly Pleaded Guilty to Killing Heather Heyer; Injuring Dozens of Others

James Alex Fields Jr., 22, the Ohio man who drove his car into a crowd of counter-protestors at the “Unite the Right Rally” on Aug. 12, 2017, killing one woman and injuring dozens, was sentenced today in the Western District of Virginia to life in prison for his crimes. Fields previously pleaded guilty to 29 violations of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 18 U.S.C. § 249, for the attack.
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

You get “racist of the day“ for suggesting that white Goon Sr and white Goon Jr should not be arrested for the aggravated assault and murder of a black man who was jogging on a public road because a little time earlier “he was walking, and not just on the street” ... He was “walking” on private private property, a construction site. A home under construction from which Arbery was there for a few minutes and then continued his jog.

Fif that you think he deserves to be dead.

There may be a problem with racist claims that Arberry went for the shotgun before the first shit was fired. The truck is parked at an angle so Arberry could have been off the pavement when the first shot was fired.

That means Junior shot before Arberry turned to try to take the rifle away.

top photo is white shoulder of Arberry about the time the first shot is fired.

the bottom shows the position of the truck and if Arbery Is a car length past the truck he is right on the edge if the ride when ordered to stop and shit at

View attachment 334227View attachment 334228
It doesn't do you any good to lie. You're just another Democrat SUCK-UP, who's sucking up to the wildminded, black community for VOTES. That's what driving this idiotic arrest, and you're just as guilty as the spineless, politicians frauds who are perpetrating it.

What a stinking, impure way of going through life.
Amen, they don’t care that hundreds of black men die yearly on their plantation
Which plantation is that?
A bigger indicator of the FACT that racism is still alive and well in this country is all the effort being made to make black victims the villain.
Oh that will put in good with the black community now, Yeah, you'll be OK for at least another 6 months from that one. Don't forget to carry your boom box blasting rap music, and keeping your pants sagging low, too.

And make sure you got your best shirt washed, for the SUCK-UP party next Saturday. Oh let's see, which one will bodecea wear ?

Image result for dashiki shirts

Image result for dashiki shirts
Image result for dashiki shirts
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

That’s a demofks gear. I believe in equality

I care that black men die weekly in Chicago and the demofks say nothing. I say it frequently that people should stop the killings. You all turn your heads and cough
Do you believe that black joggers are justly detained and questioned at the will of white trash
More racial slurs coming from the New Black Panther Party queen.

Image result for new black panther party queen
The lies MSM tells to get their SHEEP to start racial bs so the psych. warfare begins and the idiots fall for it every time.

Newly released surveillance videos show Ahmaud Arbery trespassed into a home — which the homeowner says was robbed of $2,500 worth of fishing gear earlier this year — before running away down the street after a neighbor called 911.

View attachment 334314

Why would you leave $2,500 worth of fishing gear in a wide open construction site? He called that his home? I question this -- and of course it's from a site that has been rated as extreme right as the line goes:
we rate Information Liberation Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of propaganda/conspiracies and a lack of transparency.

Why do you care?

Another of your astute questions....

He’s not allowed to do what he wants with his possessions is your point. Sooo communist of you

No, the article isn't allowed to infer Arbery stole his fishing tackle. Not gonna gulp down a statement from a site so far right that doesn't list its sources and is known for propaganda and extreme bias.
Being armed is not necessarily the problem. Chasing a man down while armed presents a whole host of problems, especially if you have no idea whether or not the man you are chasing actually committed the crimes you think he did.

Also, I don’t know if the McMichaels usually went around armed as you do but it’s clear from their initial testimony that they specifically grabbed their weapons before setting out to accost Aubery.

Having said that, the way they went about this does not look good for them. They only had a suspicion that he was the burgler so they had no legal justification whatsoever for attempting to accost him at all.

It’s been pointed out many times that they called the cops. That’s all well and good except, they should have left it at that.
So what if they grabbed their guns before going out ? Their guns are for self-defense. This is something liberals can't seem to get focused to.

I’m a conservative and registered Republican.

The suspicion the McMicheals had of Arbery as a burglar is plenty of legal justification for them to follow and accost him. And if you look up the word "accost" in the dictionary, you'll find it's not such a bad thing.

They may or may not have had justification to be armed and perhaps follow the guy to observe him. However, they did more than this; they actively attempted to stop and restrain him and restrict his movement. I don’t believe they had legal justification for this based on a mere suspicion. Maybe the law says otherwise, I don’t know. And even if their intent was only to talk to him, the way they went about it, it would have appeared to Aubery that they were attempting to restrict his free movement.

I'd say the way the McMichaels went about this, was just fine, and commendable, as they were concerned about crime in their community, and were getting off their duffs to do something about it

After they get cleared by a jury, they should be given a public service medal.

Perhaps. But I have to ask an important question: If Aubery had stopped and talked to them and answered their questions and said “I’m not your guy. Fuck off.”, what were they prepared to do at that point? They would have had no legal justification to take it any further at that point anyway.
They had already called police. Their intent was to hold him till the police got there
They had no right to do so.
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