New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

Not open for further replies. the video you see the so called black jogger run up to the truck and then go around the right side of it.....he is not restrained in any way...and there is plenty of room for him to get around the truck which he did and thus he could have continued jogging on down the street...nothing to restrain him or detain him....he did not have handcuffs on either.......yet instead of jogging on down the street he quickly veered to the left and attacked the white dude with the shotgun....they scuffled for control of the weapon....3 shots were fired during this struggle and ultimately the so called black jogger....jogs no more but collapses and dies.

Do you dispute any of that? Did you watch the video?

I have and it proved you are lying:

View attachment 335384
you’ve seen it. This is when the first shot was fired at -18 turning to -19

The Jogger just passed the front of the truck.and was shot and wounded.* for trying to pass and continue jogging.

I say he was likely wounded on the wrist by the first shot because the autopsy report came out yesterday and stated he was shot three times. The other two were were wounds to the chest. there were three shots fired .

Ttat neans Arbury was shot and wounded on the right side of the rosd - He was correct to assume he couid be shot in the back if he kept going wounded and all as SavannahMann has pointed out. —. AA Decided to fight by trying to take away the shotgun and have something to keep the other insane white maniac from continuing the aggravated assault they launched against him.

Run the video slo mo with the sound on.
You will hear and see when the first shot was fired.

Look boyo you have nothing your video will not even work...I provided you with a video that did work and asked you to watch and listen to it and note the exact time when the shot was fired....easy to do because there was a clock on the video counting down the seconds....all you had to do was stop the video when you heard the first shot and noted the time....which was 22 seconds into the video if i remember correctly...but you refused to do tht.

Now you post a video that does not work and a still shot with an arrow which proves nothing...are you really tht delusional?
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it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

See my post #1898. He was already wounded from the first shot according to autopsy report having three shotgun wounds.


I have heard he was hit by 3 shots...but since it took 3 shots to bring him down the first 2 shots must have just been minor wounds certainly not lethal.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
Self defense isn’t Murder terrorist

And it isn’t self defense. In Georgia you can’t claim Self Defense if you were the instigator of the confrontation, or in the commission of a felony. Otherwise every idiot who robbed a store and killed the clerk would claim self defense.

More stupidity....the instigator was the black guy...he instigated by assaulting the guy with the shotgun...I suppose he thought he could snatch it and if he had been successful doing that...what would he have done then?

Let me ask you this....if you have a weapon on you and someone is trying to take it away from you...would you be in fear of your life?

The more posts of yours I read the more obvious it wayyyyyyy out there...I mean wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there. No common sense. No logic----only a crazy movie running in your head entitled all black people are innocent victims.
In the video you can see the so called black jogger running down the street towards the men and their truck....they are far ahead of him and the truck is parked...the door on the left side is open...the son is outside the truick to the left and slightly to the front....the father is in the bed of the truck and never gets out until the incident is over. the video you see the so called black jogger run up to the truck and then go around the right side of it.....he is not restrained in any way...and there is plenty of room for him to get around the truck which he did and thus he could have continued jogging on down the street...nothing to restrain him or detain him....he did not have handcuffs on either.......yet instead of jogging on down the street he quickly veered to the left and attacked the white dude with the shotgun....they scuffled for control of the weapon....3 shots were fired during this struggle and ultimately the so called black jogger....jogs no more but collapses and dies.

Do you dispute any of that? Did you watch the video?

I have and it proved you are lying:

View attachment 335384
you’ve seen it. This is when the first shot was fired at -18 turning to -19

The Jogger just passed the front of the truck.and was shot and wounded.* for trying to pass and continue jogging.

I say he was likely wounded on the wrist by the first shot because the autopsy report came out yesterday and stated he was shot three times. The other two were were wounds to the chest. ttere were three shots fired .

Ttat neans Arbury was shot and wounded on the right side of the rosd - He was correct to assume he couid be shot in the back of he Kept going wounded and all.,

BUT AA Decided to fight and tried to take away the gun and have something to keep the the other insane white maniac from continuing the attempt to stop him.

All this is visible on the video....what is wrong with you that you cannot see that?

I know. Except the when your hero was in front of the truck and thus blocked from camera view - but he was there in the right side of the road when fired the first shot.

run it in slo mo second slowest setting with the sound on. You will see .

the son standing off to the left and front of the truck was not trying to detain anyone

The coward shot and wounded an unarmed man for jogging while The video shows he went to the middle if the right lane at least and fired the first shot. He wounded AA per the autopsy report being shot three times .
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

See my post #1898. He was already wounded from the first shot according to autopsy report having three shotgun wounds.


I have heard he was hit by 3 shots...but since it took 3 shots to bring him down the first 2 shots must have just been minor wounds certainly not lethal.

You seem to believe from what I gather the white guy was lying in wait so to speak and then shoot the black guy as he jogged by....nonsense...but if that were the case at such a close distance with the barrel pointed directly at the black guy the first shot would have killed the close range he could not have missed.

So what happened apparantly was as soon as the black guy dashed over to try and take the gun away it somehow discharged while they were grappling over it....this has been brought out before...if the black guy had a grip on the barrel and pulled it forward that could have cause the first shot by pulling the gun towards him pressure would have been put on the white guys trigger finger causing the gun to discharge...the black guy was slightly wounded but not bad enough to keep him from continuing to attack and as they grappled mostly off camera another gunshot goes off...then when he is back in view punching the white guy the third and final shot is heard...probably the lethal one as by punching the white guy the black took his hands off the weapon allowing the white guy the opportunity to finally be able to point the barrel directly at the black dude thus inflicting the mortal wound.

If you watch the video that works you will see the black guy had planned his angle of attack....he goes around the tuck and then very quickly goes to the left without missing a step thus it was in essence a surprise attack and caught the white guy off guard with the gun not even pointed at the black went off but since it was not pointed directly at the black guy he only sustained a minor wound. The white guy was very fortunate he was able to keep his grip on the gun and eventually get a clean shot.

Again...if you want the truth watch the video I posted....very carefully and when you hear the first shot note the time....then you will see their position as the first shot went everyone else has already noted.
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

See my post #1898. He was already wounded from the first shot according to autopsy report having three shotgun wounds.


I have heard he was hit by 3 shots...but since it took 3 shots to bring him down the first 2 shots must have just been minor wounds certainly not lethal.

the video.shows you are lying that AA was was shot first left of the double yellow line.

The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck and AA had barely changed direction, but a coward.with a shotgun stood in his way.

And shot him .

It’s right here the first shot was fired:


And remember the truck is parked at an angle.
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

See my post #1898. He was already wounded from the first shot according to autopsy report having three shotgun wounds.


I have heard he was hit by 3 shots...but since it took 3 shots to bring him down the first 2 shots must have just been minor wounds certainly not lethal.

the video.shows you are lying that AA was was shot first left of the double yellow line.

The first shot was fired when both men were in front of the truck and AA had barely changed direction, but a coward.with a shotgun stood in his way.

And shot him .

It’s right here the first shot was fired:

View attachment 335403
And remember the truck is parked at an angle.

Dude are you nuts?..i can see one leg slightly to the left of the truck the shooters head slightly left of the truck ..if the blue arrow is pointing at the head of the black guy he is just beyond the left front middle of the truck most likely grabbing the gun and thus deflecting the barrel which caused the first shot to only graze any rate not a lethal shot.

Anyhow to be in that position in front of the truck means he had to veer left as is plainly shown in the video that does work. Thus before the first shot went off he was already upon the shooter trying to get his gun away from him...all of this is so obvious and I am sure the jury views this in slow motion with all the other technical help they may get they will no problem understanding the black rushed the white guy and most likely caused the first shot to go off himself.

If the shooter had been lying in wait to fire just as soon as the black guy cleared the front of the truck the black dude would most likely be laying over on the grass on the right side of the road.

Your credibility on this is zilch.
can see one leg slightly to the left of the truck the shooters head slightly left of the truck .

in this frame look at the angle of the truck and remember the shot was prior to this.


THE front left tire is 3ft from yellow line.. The Shooters hat is seen through the windshield before this view. That puts shooters head 4 ft across the centerline.

Add 3 ft to the tip of the barrel - that could be seven feet across the line on an 8ft road when AA was shot.

with 2 ft reach AA could easily have been on the right side of the rosd when he couid have tried to deflect the shotgun away.

Whatever you need to do to paint AA as the aggressor won’t work becsuse you concede the first shot Was fired and hit him before the men moved to the left.,

And why arent we seeing the Old man’s video. Ttat would show exactly what happened. Unless he destroyed it.
and why wouid he do thst?
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No it is simply not clear enough to determine much of anything distances or whatever ...the black guy cannot even be seen...I assume at this point he is grappling with the shooter there is no way to tell in the photo when the shot was actually fired.

Nothing you present indicates what you claim...that the shooter fired whilst the black guy was jogging by....actually these photos indicate that the black had veered over towards the shooter just as shown as the video shows. It appears to me in this scene they are most likely fighting over the gun ...the black guy trying to wrest it away and they are several ft. from the right side of the road where the shooter would be if he had been shot as he was jogging by. Thus your claim makes no sense in more than one way actually.

Sorry I know you spent a lot of time on this but your theory just does not wash and it also goes against logic and commonsense.....if they just wanted to shoot the guy aka committ cold blooded murder they would not have called the police and most likely if they really wanted to murder the guy they would have done so as they drove by him.....but to park the truck and wait for him....makes no sense if they really wanted to shoot him.

Not to mention they had no motive to murder him....makes no sense....why would they want to kill the guy?...that is ridiculous. As the father said they intended to make a citizens arrest but obviously never did.

They encountered this guy 3 times according to what i have read the first time when they drove up to him and told him they needed to talk to him...he just turned and jogged in a different direction and then they caught up with him again and passed him by and went down the road quite a distance and parked.....they had no way of knowing if he would continue jogging towards them are jog in another direction so they could not have planned to murder because they did not even know for sure he would jog past them as they were parked.
The video I posted actually shows much can actually see the black guy rushing across the front of the truck through the windshield....and as soon as he makes contact with the shooter the gun discharges...whether by the shooter pulling on the gun causing it to discharge or whether the shooter squeezed of a round is not known. Either way is possible.

Not even to mention these are not the kind of people that go out and committ cold blooded murder...the father was assocciated with the police department for decades...just not something he would do or allow his son to is ridiculous more than ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

I think you have watched too many hollywood movies boyo.
No it is simply not clear enough to determine much of anything distances or whatever ...the black guy cannot even be seen...I assume at this point he is grappling with the shooter there is no way to tell in the photo when the shot was actually fired.

Nothing you present indicates what you claim...that the shooter fired whilst the black guy was jogging by....actually these photos indicate that the black had veered over towards the shooter just as shown as the video shows. It appears to me in this scene they are most likely fighting over the gun ...the black guy trying to wrest it away and they are several ft. from the right side of the road where the shooter would be if he had been shot as he was jogging by. Thus your claim makes no sense in more than one way actually.

Sorry I know you spent a lot of time on this but your theory just does not wash and it also goes against logic and commonsense.....if they just wanted to shoot the guy aka committ cold blooded murder they would not have called the police and most likely if they really wanted to murder the guy they would have done so as they drove by him.....but to park the truck and wait for him....makes no sense if they really wanted to shoot him.

Not to mention they had no motive to murder him....makes no sense....why would they want to kill the guy?...that is ridiculous. As the father said they intended to make a citizens arrest but obviously never did.

They encountered this guy 3 times according to what i have read the first time when they drove up to him and told him they needed to talk to him...he just turned and jogged in a different direction and then they caught up with him again and passed him by and went down the road quite a distance and parked.....they had no way of knowing if he would continue jogging towards them are jog in another direction so they could not have planned to murder because they did not even know for sure he would jog past them as they were parked.
The video I posted actually shows much can actually see the black guy rushing across the front of the truck through the windshield....and as soon as he makes contact with the shooter the gun discharges...whether by the shooter pulling on the gun causing it to discharge or whether the shooter squeezed of a round is not known. Either way is possible.

Not even to mention these are not the kind of people that go out and committ cold blooded murder...the father was assocciated with the police department for decades...just not something he would do or allow his son to is ridiculous more than ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

I think you have watched too many hollywood movies boyo.

Your white extremist gun nut heroes do not have a self defense case even if your original story were true that the gunnsn on the ground was completely on the left side of the road before AA grabs the shotgun snd shotgun then shotgun goes off.

they committed aggravated assault when they exhibited the intent to use lethal force agsint an unarmed person exibiting no danger to the public at all.

but as is confirmed by the video when the shotgun was aimed at AA at close range on the right side of the road and a shot was fired - that negates all self defense dreams you white extremists have that the gunmen fired a shot only in self defense.

AA was acting in self defense against a Gunman that pointed a shotgun at him Close Range and he was wounded from that shot.

it is self defense to try to take the weapon away from someone who just shot you..

Thats what you see after the first shot goes off AA avting in self defense not the shooter.
Last edited:, the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order

I have been talking about the law. And in Georgia the ones breaking the law most severely even before the shots were fired was the McMichaels.

He had not committed a burglary. There was nothing at the construction site small enough to carry with him while wearing shorts and a t shirt concealed. Ok. He might had had half a dozen nails. But that is literally the limit. And odds are heavily against him stealing anything.

There had not been a burglary since Christmas in the neighborhood. So there was no current crime wave or even recent, say within the last two months, that justified going out armed to hunt down the possible suspects.

Finally. They did not know the owners of the property. The owners have said they never talked to the McMichaels. There was no way for the McMichaels to know who this guy was. He might have been the owner, or a relative, or friend and was authorized to be there.
..he INITIATED the problem by going where he shouldn't's just like a stranger going into someone's garage and then running is common sense to think he stole something

Under Georgia Law it isn’t enough to think. You have to see them commit the crime for Citizens Arrest. Otherwise you are liable criminally and civilly.
thats not all of what the law says,,,

Yes, the law says you must see them commit a felony. None of that happened.
it says more than that as I pointed out earlier when someone posted the text of the law,,,

Nope. You are in error.

Did you read this:
yes I did read it and no the law says more than just eye witness the crime as I pointed out earlier when the text of the law was posted,,,

So how did they witness a felony, if one did not occur?
read the law,,eye witness is not the only criteria,,,
Direct knowledge of a felony is the other possibility, which McMichael also didn't have.
Police report said he saw a video so I don’t know if he had access to this guys security system, or what but he said he saw video.. we will find out
Dumbfuck, direct knowledge of the felony committed that day. Not based on his false recollection of the guy he saw on some other video which wasn't even Arbery.
He’s the cop on the street, he must have been watching.
First of all the black dude is not normal....he has a mental history, a felony conviction and when he was killed he was in violation of his parole.

Not relevant in any way.

A normal innocent person's reaction to being stalked by men with guns is to get away from them, and then defend themselves if they can't get away.

The dead man acted like any normal innocent person would, like you would in the same situation.

What nonsense you you think anyone believes you.

By your standards, if you didn't instantly submit to any gun-wielding person, it would okay to kill you, because you're obviously guilty.

Your standards are clearly stupid and evil.
why would you say that? that isn't what happened. so you should watch the video. it has all the evidence of the incident one needs.

Ok. Taking only the video. A deranged white guy with a fellow deranged individual in the back both of whom are armed and acting reckless are in the street. They are noticed by a fine upstanding citizen who fearing a mass Murder is taking place attempts to save the lives of his fellow citizens and risking his own life charges the armed lunatic unarmed to save lives.

using only the video and nothing else. Prove I am wrong.
so from the video you can tell two people are deranged? wow, you're talented. the courts would love you.

Using only the video with nothing else as you said we had to there is no way to accurately know what happened. There is nothing to say absent any evidence or information from any other source that it did not happen exactly that way. So now what evidence are we going to accept? Just that which helps your narrative? Or all of it which makes your narrative sound as stupid as my description?
well what do you see from the video? why can't you just address the video? I see two guys, one outside the driver door with a weapon, a guy in the truck bed standing up, the truck is stopped and in the middle of one lane, a black man running toward the truck from quite a distance. I also know another vehicle is following the blackman running. I see the black man run toward the driver side of the truck, seems to react to the man with the weapon and runs around to the passenger side of the truck, his path seems to circle to the front of the truck and attacks the man who moved around the driver door. Puts his hands on the weapon, the weapon fires, he continues wrestling with the man and his weapon while punching him in the head, and the weapon goes off again, continues wrestling and punching and while the struggle continues, the weapon goes off one more time hitting the guy who was jogging, he releases the gun and staggers away and falls to the ground. Now you tell me what you see.

Why were the people there? Why were armed men in the middle of the road and blocking the road and circling to cut off the black man jogging? Using only the video, and nothing else. They could have been a lynch mob couldn’t they? Going to kill a black man for sleeping with a white woman?

In the video you can see what happened in a few short seconds of time. You do not get the information that brings context to the events. You don’t get the information that the McMichaels were breaking the law. You do not get the context that Ahmad had entered and left empty handed a house under construction. You do not get the context that the McMichaels saw Ahmad run by and saw nothing else, no criminal activity, and then rushed to get guns and chase him down. You don’t get any context from just the video.

So how you see the video, with no context from anything else, is that two armed white guys in the middle of the street armed and apparently chasing a black guy are attacked. Without any context, that may seem reasonable. I wonder why? I wonder why those guys are there. I wonder what the hell they thought they were doing. I see it and know by Georgia Laws they are breaking the law waving those guns around in public like that. I watch it and know that by Georgia Law, they are in a lot of trouble. Watching nothing but the video, I see a lot of things going on, and Without the context the attack by the black guy is another thing I would wonder about.

The problem is that I have the context. I’ve been reading it a lot. Not just here, but many many other places. And knowing that I have read about the dangers of weapons in public, extensively read about it, long before this, I know that there is a lot of criminal activity in that video.

Here is your problem. You refuse to admit that Georgia law says what it actually says. You don’t want to believe that the White Guys did anything wrong. No matter who tells you they did, no matter how many sources are posted, you just will not consider the fact that these two idiots broke the damned law doing what you wish more people would. If more people did, I’d have my taxes increased in Georgia to afford the new prisons to hold them.

Now, maybe the Brandishing Laws are too narrow, and too restrictive. But for now, that is the law on the books. If we ignore those laws, claiming they are unfair, do we do so for everyone, or just your heroes the McMichaels?
address the video. you get nothing to assume from the video. what is it you see? I know, and it pisses you off the black man looks guilty of wrestling with the white guy and assaulting him. I get it. it's why it's evidence. you can't imply from a video, the video gives you all you need to know, what happened.

Ok. Now just the video. The very first thing I see is a textbook example of Aggravated Assault by the definition of Georgia law. That is literally the very first thing after a jogger who is being followed and videoed for some reason.

As I said. Many many times. Aggravated Assault is any activity with a weapon that does or can cause injury or death. Running around in the middle of the street with a shotgun after a black guy who is jogging is Aggravated Assault.

I see a struggle. But knowing that the struggle comes after the Felony of Aggravated Assault I know that by Georgia law Self Defense is not an option.

Shall I continue through the shooting?

Now. My opinion is backed up by the charges filed against the folks in the video. But in the video I see an attack carried out by two white guys in a pick up truck against a black guy using Georgia Law as my standard.
nope, you are not describing the video, you are giving a play by play with interpretation. I didn't ask for that. I asked what you see. you still can't answer cause it isn't a good thing for the black man. See, I can see two guys in a truck with a black man hauling ass after them. he looks like the pursuer, and those men are there to defend themselves against him. that's my interpretation. you still don't see the black man running from a distance do you?

Ok help me out. How do I describe the video without interpreting what I am seeing using my education and experience?

Now let’s say the video is of a car going around the corner sideways. I know that shows the car in what is called oversteer or power sliding or drifting. Seeing I know it is illegal on public streets. Apparently all I am allowed to think is car sliding around.

It is our intelligence and experience that allows us to interpret what is going on around us. It is how we can tell at a glance that someone isn’t supposed to have two elbows on the same arm and obviously has broken his arm.

You asked what I saw in the video. What you mean is between 21 seconds and 25 seconds. You do not want us looking before that. You do not want us considering anything after.

It is in a way the same thing we went through with the handicapped parking space shooting in Florida. The video we all watched was supposed to be ignored after the point where the hero was knocked down. We were supposed to ignore the guy backing up before he was shot.

It is interesting how you keep objecting to my description of the events.
The dude has been breaking in that neighborhood for yearsView attachment 335222

Wait. Are you now saying that the video alone is not all the evidence you need?
I’m saying they know he was stealing they have multiple pictures and videos of it.. are you ok with that?

So now we are down to what they knew. Ok. So now the video is not enough and we need more information. Fine. Is stealing a crime in Georgia? And should the Georgia law apply?
Breaking and entering to steal is a felony. They were trying to slow him down till the police came

Well one or two little issues. First the house was open so it was not breaking and entering. It was Trespass under Georgia law. Second. There is no evidence that he was actually stealing. No one has come forward even now months later to report anything missing. It is gratifying however to hear you admit there are laws and they should apply.

Now to the intent of the McMichaels. You say detain. There is only one legal way they could detain anyone. That is by Citizens Arrest. Are you saying they were intending to place Ahmad under Citizens Arrest until the police arrived?
You are wrong ., under ya law It could be vacant and it’s still a felony
Stop lying, troll. You've been shown it's not a felony unless he either stole something or intended to steal something. Neither of which can you prove.
So you think all the times he was on that property he stole nothing? Lol

"all those times" as in you can't prove he was ever there other than the day he was killed?
That’s not what I said.. I said the owner of the property probably passed out video stills of the person breaking into his property and stealing stuff.. So when the neighbors caught him in broad daylight, they had a reasonable suspicion that something he was taking place firsthand probability..
If that were the case, why would they go after Arbery since he's not the man in those photos?
How do you know he’s not?
Because I have functioning eyes. first I thought the WHITE guys were wrong...but we see AA doing something wrong...and it CLEARLY looks like he wants to steal something
Yet, you have NOTHING to prove he actually did steal something. Correct?
He doesn't even have proof Arbery wanted to steal something.
He stole a hammer. It’s in the video
Great, post a photo of him stealing a hammer ....

That post doesn't show him stealing a hammer. Thanks for admitting you're full of shit.

Shows him
Coming around a car to attack the hero

Dumbfuck, you posted that in response to me challenging you to post a photo of him stealing a hammer.

What you posted in response to that has nothing to do with a hammer.

Have you always been this retarded??

View attachment 335341How many times do I need to show you the hammer

Looks like a stick.

Looks like a hammer he threw


And you can tell that by a fuzzy picture extracted from a frame in a video?

Even though he makes no throwing motion.

Even though that object was already on the ground.

Even though enhanced video reveals it was just a stick on the ground.

Even though there's no mention of a hammer in the vicinity of this murder in the police report.

Even though you're mentally challenged.

They are interviewing all the cops on the scene.. it will come out then..

Dumbfuck, this occurred months ago. Your hallucinations about a hammer are not going to materialize.

They didn’t interview all the cops on the scene, nothing about the break in, the poor guy is scared for his life he prob won’t comment lol


Great, prove you're not making shit up -- whicj cops on the scene have not been interviewed?

From the police report, 99%
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
First of all the black dude is not normal....he has a mental history, a felony conviction and when he was killed he was in violation of his parole.

Not relevant in any way.

A normal innocent person's reaction to being stalked by men with guns is to get away from them, and then defend themselves if they can't get away.

The dead man acted like any normal innocent person would, like you would in the same situation.

What nonsense you you think anyone believes you.

By your standards, if you didn't instantly submit to any gun-wielding person, it would okay to kill you, because you're obviously guilty.

Your standards are clearly stupid and evil.
why would you say that? that isn't what happened. so you should watch the video. it has all the evidence of the incident one needs.

Ok. Taking only the video. A deranged white guy with a fellow deranged individual in the back both of whom are armed and acting reckless are in the street. They are noticed by a fine upstanding citizen who fearing a mass Murder is taking place attempts to save the lives of his fellow citizens and risking his own life charges the armed lunatic unarmed to save lives.

using only the video and nothing else. Prove I am wrong.
so from the video you can tell two people are deranged? wow, you're talented. the courts would love you.

Using only the video with nothing else as you said we had to there is no way to accurately know what happened. There is nothing to say absent any evidence or information from any other source that it did not happen exactly that way. So now what evidence are we going to accept? Just that which helps your narrative? Or all of it which makes your narrative sound as stupid as my description?
well what do you see from the video? why can't you just address the video? I see two guys, one outside the driver door with a weapon, a guy in the truck bed standing up, the truck is stopped and in the middle of one lane, a black man running toward the truck from quite a distance. I also know another vehicle is following the blackman running. I see the black man run toward the driver side of the truck, seems to react to the man with the weapon and runs around to the passenger side of the truck, his path seems to circle to the front of the truck and attacks the man who moved around the driver door. Puts his hands on the weapon, the weapon fires, he continues wrestling with the man and his weapon while punching him in the head, and the weapon goes off again, continues wrestling and punching and while the struggle continues, the weapon goes off one more time hitting the guy who was jogging, he releases the gun and staggers away and falls to the ground. Now you tell me what you see.

Why were the people there? Why were armed men in the middle of the road and blocking the road and circling to cut off the black man jogging? Using only the video, and nothing else. They could have been a lynch mob couldn’t they? Going to kill a black man for sleeping with a white woman?

In the video you can see what happened in a few short seconds of time. You do not get the information that brings context to the events. You don’t get the information that the McMichaels were breaking the law. You do not get the context that Ahmad had entered and left empty handed a house under construction. You do not get the context that the McMichaels saw Ahmad run by and saw nothing else, no criminal activity, and then rushed to get guns and chase him down. You don’t get any context from just the video.

So how you see the video, with no context from anything else, is that two armed white guys in the middle of the street armed and apparently chasing a black guy are attacked. Without any context, that may seem reasonable. I wonder why? I wonder why those guys are there. I wonder what the hell they thought they were doing. I see it and know by Georgia Laws they are breaking the law waving those guns around in public like that. I watch it and know that by Georgia Law, they are in a lot of trouble. Watching nothing but the video, I see a lot of things going on, and Without the context the attack by the black guy is another thing I would wonder about.

The problem is that I have the context. I’ve been reading it a lot. Not just here, but many many other places. And knowing that I have read about the dangers of weapons in public, extensively read about it, long before this, I know that there is a lot of criminal activity in that video.

Here is your problem. You refuse to admit that Georgia law says what it actually says. You don’t want to believe that the White Guys did anything wrong. No matter who tells you they did, no matter how many sources are posted, you just will not consider the fact that these two idiots broke the damned law doing what you wish more people would. If more people did, I’d have my taxes increased in Georgia to afford the new prisons to hold them.

Now, maybe the Brandishing Laws are too narrow, and too restrictive. But for now, that is the law on the books. If we ignore those laws, claiming they are unfair, do we do so for everyone, or just your heroes the McMichaels?
address the video. you get nothing to assume from the video. what is it you see? I know, and it pisses you off the black man looks guilty of wrestling with the white guy and assaulting him. I get it. it's why it's evidence. you can't imply from a video, the video gives you all you need to know, what happened.

Ok. Now just the video. The very first thing I see is a textbook example of Aggravated Assault by the definition of Georgia law. That is literally the very first thing after a jogger who is being followed and videoed for some reason.

As I said. Many many times. Aggravated Assault is any activity with a weapon that does or can cause injury or death. Running around in the middle of the street with a shotgun after a black guy who is jogging is Aggravated Assault.

I see a struggle. But knowing that the struggle comes after the Felony of Aggravated Assault I know that by Georgia law Self Defense is not an option.

Shall I continue through the shooting?

Now. My opinion is backed up by the charges filed against the folks in the video. But in the video I see an attack carried out by two white guys in a pick up truck against a black guy using Georgia Law as my standard.
nope, you are not describing the video, you are giving a play by play with interpretation. I didn't ask for that. I asked what you see. you still can't answer cause it isn't a good thing for the black man. See, I can see two guys in a truck with a black man hauling ass after them. he looks like the pursuer, and those men are there to defend themselves against him. that's my interpretation. you still don't see the black man running from a distance do you?

Ok help me out. How do I describe the video without interpreting what I am seeing using my education and experience?

Now let’s say the video is of a car going around the corner sideways. I know that shows the car in what is called oversteer or power sliding or drifting. Seeing I know it is illegal on public streets. Apparently all I am allowed to think is car sliding around.

It is our intelligence and experience that allows us to interpret what is going on around us. It is how we can tell at a glance that someone isn’t supposed to have two elbows on the same arm and obviously has broken his arm.

You asked what I saw in the video. What you mean is between 21 seconds and 25 seconds. You do not want us looking before that. You do not want us considering anything after.

It is in a way the same thing we went through with the handicapped parking space shooting in Florida. The video we all watched was supposed to be ignored after the point where the hero was knocked down. We were supposed to ignore the guy backing up before he was shot.

It is interesting how you keep objecting to my description of the events.
The dude has been breaking in that neighborhood for yearsView attachment 335222

Wait. Are you now saying that the video alone is not all the evidence you need?
I’m saying they know he was stealing they have multiple pictures and videos of it.. are you ok with that?

So now we are down to what they knew. Ok. So now the video is not enough and we need more information. Fine. Is stealing a crime in Georgia? And should the Georgia law apply?
Breaking and entering to steal is a felony. They were trying to slow him down till the police came

Well one or two little issues. First the house was open so it was not breaking and entering. It was Trespass under Georgia law. Second. There is no evidence that he was actually stealing. No one has come forward even now months later to report anything missing. It is gratifying however to hear you admit there are laws and they should apply.

Now to the intent of the McMichaels. You say detain. There is only one legal way they could detain anyone. That is by Citizens Arrest. Are you saying they were intending to place Ahmad under Citizens Arrest until the police arrived?
You are wrong ., under ya law It could be vacant and it’s still a felony
Stop lying, troll. You've been shown it's not a felony unless he either stole something or intended to steal something. Neither of which can you prove.
So you think all the times he was on that property he stole nothing? Lol

"all those times" as in you can't prove he was ever there other than the day he was killed?
That’s not what I said.. I said the owner of the property probably passed out video stills of the person breaking into his property and stealing stuff.. So when the neighbors caught him in broad daylight, they had a reasonable suspicion that something he was taking place firsthand probability..
If that were the case, why would they go after Arbery since he's not the man in those photos?
How do you know he’s not?
Because I have functioning eyes. first I thought the WHITE guys were wrong...but we see AA doing something wrong...and it CLEARLY looks like he wants to steal something
Yet, you have NOTHING to prove he actually did steal something. Correct?
He doesn't even have proof Arbery wanted to steal something.
He stole a hammer. It’s in the video
Great, post a photo of him stealing a hammer ....

That post doesn't show him stealing a hammer. Thanks for admitting you're full of shit.

Shows him
Coming around a car to attack the hero

Dumbfuck, you posted that in response to me challenging you to post a photo of him stealing a hammer.

What you posted in response to that has nothing to do with a hammer.

Have you always been this retarded??

View attachment 335341How many times do I need to show you the hammer

That's a fuzzy object that can be anything and was already on the ground when Arbery jogged past it.

But more to the point -- you said he was on video stealing a hammer.

"He stole a hammer. It’s in the video"

Post a photo of him stealing a hammer ...

Well who goes jogging with a hammer?

You said, in the video, he stole a hammer. Either post a photo of him stealing a hammer or you're caught lying yet again.

You can’t answer the question because it will
Answer yours lol

You can't post a link to him stealing a hammer because he didn't steal a hammer, though you lied and falsely claimed he stole a hammer in the video.

I have still pic of hime throwing a hammer


You said there's video of him stealing a hammer. Yet you can't seem to find a pic of him stealing it.

I’m using logic, and I’m being reasonable.

No, you're lying. There's a difference.

If you weren't lying, you'd be able to prove your clsim and show the video of him stealing a hammer.

Also bear in mind -- the home owner of that property has stated that nothing was stolen.

The home owner is under constant murder threats from blackies. He wants it to end, he’s being told he better not have evidence.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
Self defense isn’t Murder terrorist

And it isn’t self defense. In Georgia you can’t claim Self Defense if you were the instigator of the confrontation, or in the commission of a felony. Otherwise every idiot who robbed a store and killed the clerk would claim self defense.
How is standing there a instigation?
Entering a dwelling with the intent on stealing is a felony in Georgia
Great, post evidence he was intent on stealing something.
I’m being reasonable, was he in there to figure out where the couch was going?
Shitstain, I challenged you to post proof he was intent on stealing something. Your answer should not be in the form of questioning me. I don't have your answer.

So let's try this again...

post evidence he was intent on stealing something...
Because he was in a home he should’ve been in, that had a ton of work equipment in, there has been still pictures past the neighborhood by the owner, I’m sure the owner wishes this would go away and black people would stop threatening to kill him but he’s going to have to step up and tell the truth tell them why he was passing out video stills of a black man stealing things from his construction site
Entering a dwelling with the intent on stealing is a felony in Georgia
Great, post evidence he was intent on stealing something.
I’m being reasonable, was he in there to figure out where the couch was going?

Perhaps he was fascinated by the process in which a house is made. All the disparate parts we take for granted being installed. Electrical cables, water, sewage, lighting and air conditioning and a host of other specialties. The precision spacing on the studs and exact positioning of so many vital parts.

Since nothing was missing according to the Homeowner, you may suspect him of Burglary, but so far we don’t seem to have much evidence to support that suspicion.
Of course we do he was in a dwelling looking for things to steal, maybe it was just a hammer, but his intention was to steal, the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order

I have been talking about the law. And in Georgia the ones breaking the law most severely even before the shots were fired was the McMichaels.

He had not committed a burglary. There was nothing at the construction site small enough to carry with him while wearing shorts and a t shirt concealed. Ok. He might had had half a dozen nails. But that is literally the limit. And odds are heavily against him stealing anything.

There had not been a burglary since Christmas in the neighborhood. So there was no current crime wave or even recent, say within the last two months, that justified going out armed to hunt down the possible suspects.

Finally. They did not know the owners of the property. The owners have said they never talked to the McMichaels. There was no way for the McMichaels to know who this guy was. He might have been the owner, or a relative, or friend and was authorized to be there.
..he INITIATED the problem by going where he shouldn't's just like a stranger going into someone's garage and then running is common sense to think he stole something

Under Georgia Law it isn’t enough to think. You have to see them commit the crime for Citizens Arrest. Otherwise you are liable criminally and civilly.
thats not all of what the law says,,,

Yes, the law says you must see them commit a felony. None of that happened.
it says more than that as I pointed out earlier when someone posted the text of the law,,,

Nope. You are in error.

Did you read this:
yes I did read it and no the law says more than just eye witness the crime as I pointed out earlier when the text of the law was posted,,,

So how did they witness a felony, if one did not occur?
read the law,,eye witness is not the only criteria,,,
Direct knowledge of a felony is the other possibility, which McMichael also didn't have.
Police report said he saw a video so I don’t know if he had access to this guys security system, or what but he said he saw video.. we will find out
Dumbfuck, direct knowledge of the felony committed that day. Not based on his false recollection of the guy he saw on some other video which wasn't even Arbery.
Because his ex police officer I guarantee you the property owner gave him permission to view the security camera anytime he wanted and he saw him in there with the intent to steal. He says he saw it on a video camera on the police report

You think the property owner gave him access to his security camera??

Do you have any idea just how fucked in the head you are? Here's what the homeowner actually said about the McMichaels, through his attorney...

Graddy said her client never used the word “burglary" nor did he share any of the information with the McMichaels, with whom he was not acquainted. She added that nothing was ever stolen from the construction site.
“Even if theft or damage had occurred, the Englishes would never have wanted a vigilante response,” Graddy said. “The Englishes did not know the McMichaels. The Englishes never enlisted the McMichaels to do what they did and do not want to be part of any effort to justify the McMichaels’ actions.”

See that...? More evidence you're full of shit.

So why was he passing still pics and video to neighbors? How do you think the pics got leaked? Lol hacking? Haha
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
Self defense isn’t Murder terrorist
McMichael wasn't protected by Georgia's self defense law.
He will be, that’s the only conclusion you can draw from the video if I can’t protect myself as somebody runs 100 mph towards me attacks me engage me in violence then we have an issue in this country and I will not stand for terrorism
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

It is serious, and the men are being treated fairly. I will absolutely object if they are denied any of their civil rights. Just as I have in the past when anyone is deprived of their rights.

In many ways, you are just as bad as a far left loony Liberal. They hate the Second Amendment, and want to pretend the words do not mean what they clearly say, and what the founders obviously intended. They try to claim that the Second Amendment only applies to the Army or National Guard. As if you would ever need a Constitutional Amendment that the Military Should have weapons to fight a war. No matter what you say, they will not shift from that stance. No matter how much contextual evidence you provide showing that the Founders really meant everyone, those loony leftists just will not admit it.

You are exactly the same. Link after link. Post after post. You refuse to admit your heroes did anything wrong. Legal Experts, Lawyers, Cops, and a host of others who have studied the matter tell you that your position is untenable based upon facts and evidence. Yet you persist. Obstinate to the extreme.

It is absolutely serious. The fate of the White Race does not rest upon it. The ability of gun owners to possess and utilize their weapons in case of life or death emergencies will not be affected. But it is absolutely serious.

I’ll even go one further on you regarding fairness. Just as I have objected to police misconduct in the past, if it arises in this case, clear misconduct, like Cops planting evidence, withholding evidence from the defense, or lying under oath, I will object. Because again, my loyalty is to the Constitution, the nation, and the truth.

Truth must be based upon facts. Imagine Facts as the dots with numbers on them for those draw a picture things we did as children, and kids today do on their computers or iPads. The truth is the lines that connect those facts. The truth is those two men committed crimes.

I have said before that yes, Ahmad did Trespass. But as I pointed out many times, there are limits in the law as to who can press charges, and that means who can place an individual under arrest, for that crime. The law, which must be based upon the Constitution, is clear. The Law which derives it’s authority from the Constitution must be fair. It must apply to all equally.

Yes, it is most serious. And now, we are moving forward. In a year or so, there will be a trial. And I will watch it to see if the Police committed any Misconduct as they did with Bundy, and many others. If they did, I will expect and argue that the McMichaels should go free. Not because they are innocent of the charges, but because of the misconduct. The same way I argue always.

But if you had read those links, you would have a better idea of what probably happened. I say probably, because here the dots the truth is connecting are very faint. But it seems likely. Again, it does not bode well for the Defense of those two men.

We are a nation of laws. We define right and wrong that way. We punish those who do wrong, in a proportional manner, based upon the evidence in each case. In this case, the evidence released so far is very damaging to the McMichaels. Not because they are White. Not because the Victim was Black. But because the evidence says what you desperately refuse to admit it says.

The law says what it says. It isn’t new. This isn’t the first case where a new law is being tested. This is the same law that has been applied many thousands of times. And the McMichaels broke that law. In my and pretty much every legal field experts opinion. Now, I expect the Prosecution to follow the rules, and obey the law, and insure that the McMichaels are tried fairly. I said before, and I will repeat this. I sincerely hope that they get a different lawyer. Because the one they have, is not good for them.

If they were in Savannah, and this was 25 years ago, I would have suggested Sonny Seiler. Sonny could probably get them off. At least a Hung Jury. But it is going to take a smart legal mind to defend them. Not from the unfair charges, but from the fair charges that they earned.

You need to stop screaming it is a set up or all bullshit. It isn’t. If you really want to help them, you should start collecting money for their legal defense. They are going to need a really good legal team. Otherwise they are going to go to Georgia’s Prison system, which is an abomination by any stretch of the imagination. In my opinion, it is a disgrace, but I am one person and my single voice is lost on that issue.

Seriously. Stomping your foot and swearing that the sun rises in the West is not going to help them. Cough up some cash for their defense. They are going to need a million dollars if they go to trial. There is one way a Retired Cop could afford that, but I doubt that even the most corrupt cop in Glynn County could skim that much cash and still have any of it left.

You spew a lot of verbiage which has no relevance to this go on and on about that they had no legal right to coduct a citizens arrest...I posted the Georgia Law which contradicts what you claim.

And really is not relevant...because they did not make an arrest nor did they attempt to make an have no evidence whatsoever they arrested the blackjogger or attempted to arrest the black jogger.

The father was a former policemen and he knew how to make an arrest if he had desired to do such event occurred...though you dishonestly keep implying it did.

In the video you can see the so called black jogger running down the street towards the men and their truck....they are far ahead of him and the truck is parked...the door on the left side is open...the son is outside the truick to the left and slightly to the front....the father is in the bed of the truck and never gets out until the incident is over.

In the video posted numereous times and which you have no excuse not to have watched make no comments on it...why is that? the video you see the so called black jogger run up to the truck and then go around the right side of it.....he is not restrained in any way...and there is plenty of room for him to get around the truck which he did and thus he could have continued jogging on down the street...nothing to restrain him or detain him....he did not have handcuffs on either.......yet instead of jogging on down the street he quickly veered to the left and attacked the white dude with the shotgun....they scuffled for control of the weapon....3 shots were fired during this struggle and ultimately the so called black jogger....jogs no more but collapses and dies.

Do you dispute any of that? Did you watch the video?
"I posted the Georgia Law which contradicts what you claim."

Then you lie because no Georgia law granted them the authority to engage a citizen’s arrest. That would have required them to have either witnessed a felony or had direct knowledge of a felony. They certainly didn't witness it since all they say they saw was a "black male" "hauling ass" down their street. And they certainly no direct knowledge if it since no one saw what took place inside that house until video of Arbery standing inside it was just released on video the other day.
He said in the police report he saw video. Do you know what he means by this?
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