New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

Not open for further replies., the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order

I have been talking about the law. And in Georgia the ones breaking the law most severely even before the shots were fired was the McMichaels.

He had not committed a burglary. There was nothing at the construction site small enough to carry with him while wearing shorts and a t shirt concealed. Ok. He might had had half a dozen nails. But that is literally the limit. And odds are heavily against him stealing anything.

There had not been a burglary since Christmas in the neighborhood. So there was no current crime wave or even recent, say within the last two months, that justified going out armed to hunt down the possible suspects.

Finally. They did not know the owners of the property. The owners have said they never talked to the McMichaels. There was no way for the McMichaels to know who this guy was. He might have been the owner, or a relative, or friend and was authorized to be there.
..he INITIATED the problem by going where he shouldn't's just like a stranger going into someone's garage and then running is common sense to think he stole something

Under Georgia Law it isn’t enough to think. You have to see them commit the crime for Citizens Arrest. Otherwise you are liable criminally and civilly.

Still stuck on the citizens arrest b.s.

Let me cut to the chase here.......say the white dudes did make a citizens arrest....or tried to make a citizens arrest of course most know neither event happened.....but for arguments sake say one or the other or both occurred.

Do you think that would give AA the right to assault the son?
see it's ok for the black dude to attempt a citizen arrest. Because if that's what they say they did, then that's what AA did. It didn't work out for him though. Still no evidence of these two white guys doing anything accept stand in the street in a stopped car. Wasn't known that that's now a crime.

Standing in the street with a gun has been a crime for a very long time in Georgia. Doubt me? Come on down and do it. Rush someone with a shotgun and see what happens.
post #1934
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???, the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order

I have been talking about the law. And in Georgia the ones breaking the law most severely even before the shots were fired was the McMichaels.

He had not committed a burglary. There was nothing at the construction site small enough to carry with him while wearing shorts and a t shirt concealed. Ok. He might had had half a dozen nails. But that is literally the limit. And odds are heavily against him stealing anything.

There had not been a burglary since Christmas in the neighborhood. So there was no current crime wave or even recent, say within the last two months, that justified going out armed to hunt down the possible suspects.

Finally. They did not know the owners of the property. The owners have said they never talked to the McMichaels. There was no way for the McMichaels to know who this guy was. He might have been the owner, or a relative, or friend and was authorized to be there.
..he INITIATED the problem by going where he shouldn't's just like a stranger going into someone's garage and then running is common sense to think he stole something

Under Georgia Law it isn’t enough to think. You have to see them commit the crime for Citizens Arrest. Otherwise you are liable criminally and civilly.

Still stuck on the citizens arrest b.s.

Let me cut to the chase here.......say the white dudes did make a citizens arrest....or tried to make a citizens arrest of course most know neither event happened.....but for arguments sake say one or the other or both occurred.

Do you think that would give AA the right to assault the son?
see it's ok for the black dude to attempt a citizen arrest. Because if that's what they say they did, then that's what AA did. It didn't work out for him though. Still no evidence of these two white guys doing anything accept stand in the street in a stopped car. Wasn't known that that's now a crime.

Standing in the street with a gun has been a crime for a very long time in Georgia. Doubt me? Come on down and do it. Rush someone with a shotgun and see what happens.
well you could just post the statute. not sure why I should go there and do it. I bet I can and come back home to illinios without anyone knowing I did other than a photo I could take. There are laws about distracted driving on the books and still people have cell phones in their hands while they drive. they endanger every vehicle on the road with that distracting phone in their hands. yet 75% of people still do it. it's a law not to. you know that right?

Ok, this is the fifth time I myself have posted it. Try to read it before you shout it does not apply.

(2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury; or

So having the gun in hand and confronting Arbury the McMichaels did commit aggravated assault. Period. Now, in a page or two of responses, you will forget this and demand that someone post the statute.

It’s there. Go and read it. It does not say that Citizens Arrest means you are not committing the crime. It does not say you are free to wave your gun about if you are just detaining someone for the cops. It does not say you are free to stand in the middle of the street with your gun. It says that if you have a weapon, or any object or whatever that can or does result in death or serious injury.

If you bothered to read any of the information provided instead of just burying your head in the sand and screaming black conspiracy you would see the McMichaels are in a lot of trouble.
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

That’s not what happen, why make shit up?
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

you twisted the entire chain of events,,,

arbrey rushed them not the other way around,,,
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

They asked him to stop many time while on the cops with the police at no time did they stop his ability to keep running .. so stop lying
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

you twisted the entire chain of events,,,

arbrey rushed them not the other way around,,,

Would he have rushed them if they had not stopped and minded their own business?, the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order

I have been talking about the law. And in Georgia the ones breaking the law most severely even before the shots were fired was the McMichaels.

He had not committed a burglary. There was nothing at the construction site small enough to carry with him while wearing shorts and a t shirt concealed. Ok. He might had had half a dozen nails. But that is literally the limit. And odds are heavily against him stealing anything.

There had not been a burglary since Christmas in the neighborhood. So there was no current crime wave or even recent, say within the last two months, that justified going out armed to hunt down the possible suspects.

Finally. They did not know the owners of the property. The owners have said they never talked to the McMichaels. There was no way for the McMichaels to know who this guy was. He might have been the owner, or a relative, or friend and was authorized to be there.
..he INITIATED the problem by going where he shouldn't's just like a stranger going into someone's garage and then running is common sense to think he stole something

Under Georgia Law it isn’t enough to think. You have to see them commit the crime for Citizens Arrest. Otherwise you are liable criminally and civilly.

Still stuck on the citizens arrest b.s.

Let me cut to the chase here.......say the white dudes did make a citizens arrest....or tried to make a citizens arrest of course most know neither event happened.....but for arguments sake say one or the other or both occurred.

Do you think that would give AA the right to assault the son?
see it's ok for the black dude to attempt a citizen arrest. Because if that's what they say they did, then that's what AA did. It didn't work out for him though. Still no evidence of these two white guys doing anything accept stand in the street in a stopped car. Wasn't known that that's now a crime.

Standing in the street with a gun has been a crime for a very long time in Georgia. Doubt me? Come on down and do it. Rush someone with a shotgun and see what happens.
well you could just post the statute. not sure why I should go there and do it. I bet I can and come back home to illinios without anyone knowing I did other than a photo I could take. There are laws about distracted driving on the books and still people have cell phones in their hands while they drive. they endanger every vehicle on the road with that distracting phone in their hands. yet 75% of people still do it. it's a law not to. you know that right?

Ok, this is the fifth time I myself have posted it. Try to read it before you shout it does not apply.

(2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury; or

So having the gun in hand and confronting Arbury the McMichaels did commit aggravated assault. Period. Now, in a page or two of responses, you will forget this and demand that someone post the statute.

It’s there. Go and read it. It does not say that Citizens Arrest means you are not committing the crime. It does not say you are free to wave your gun about if you are just detaining someone for the cops. It does not say you are free to stand in the middle of the street with your gun. It says that if you have a weapon, or any object or whatever that can or does result in death or serious injury.

If you bothered to read any of the information provided instead of just burying your head in the sand and screaming black conspiracy you would see the McMichaels are in a lot of trouble.
no it isn't there. there was never an aggravated assault at all. that black man had no one standing in front of him, he was on a road and roads contain cars and trucks. they never detained him. ever. they never touched the man in fact, unless of course you say the man's face found his fists when he threw punches.

No weapon was used offensively. No one pointed a gun at him. your interpretation, doesn't align with the statute. sorry bubba.
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

you twisted the entire chain of events,,,

arbrey rushed them not the other way around,,,

Would he have rushed them if they had not stopped and minded their own business?

maybe they were. neither man made an attempt to go toward the black man while they were in the street. neither. you're blatantly wrong.
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

you twisted the entire chain of events,,,

arbrey rushed them not the other way around,,,

Would he have rushed them if they had not stopped and minded their own business?

so you admit he did rush them and not the other way around,,,

now tell savanah that,,,
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

you twisted the entire chain of events,,,

arbrey rushed them not the other way around,,,

Would he have rushed them if they had not stopped and minded their own business?

so you admit he did rush them and not the other way around,,,

now tell savanah that,,,

They actually rushed each other, meeting in front of the truck where the first shot was fired. What difference does it make with them holding guns on the victim?
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

you twisted the entire chain of events,,,

arbrey rushed them not the other way around,,,

Would he have rushed them if they had not stopped and minded their own business?

maybe they were. neither man made an attempt to go toward the black man while they were in the street. neither. you're blatantly wrong.

Once again, you did not answer the question? Do you need to get someone to read it for you?
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

you twisted the entire chain of events,,,

arbrey rushed them not the other way around,,,

Would he have rushed them if they had not stopped and minded their own business?

so you admit he did rush them and not the other way around,,,

now tell savanah that,,,

They actually rushed each other, meeting in front of the truck where the first shot was fired. What difference does it make with them holding guns on the victim?

lets be clear on this,,,arbrey rushed/ran over 100 feet and the redneck took two maybe 3 steps,,,
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

you twisted the entire chain of events,,,

arbrey rushed them not the other way around,,,

Are you saying that Travis standing in the middle of the road did not move towards the right side of the road?, the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order

I have been talking about the law. And in Georgia the ones breaking the law most severely even before the shots were fired was the McMichaels.

He had not committed a burglary. There was nothing at the construction site small enough to carry with him while wearing shorts and a t shirt concealed. Ok. He might had had half a dozen nails. But that is literally the limit. And odds are heavily against him stealing anything.

There had not been a burglary since Christmas in the neighborhood. So there was no current crime wave or even recent, say within the last two months, that justified going out armed to hunt down the possible suspects.

Finally. They did not know the owners of the property. The owners have said they never talked to the McMichaels. There was no way for the McMichaels to know who this guy was. He might have been the owner, or a relative, or friend and was authorized to be there.
..he INITIATED the problem by going where he shouldn't's just like a stranger going into someone's garage and then running is common sense to think he stole something

Under Georgia Law it isn’t enough to think. You have to see them commit the crime for Citizens Arrest. Otherwise you are liable criminally and civilly.

Still stuck on the citizens arrest b.s.

Let me cut to the chase here.......say the white dudes did make a citizens arrest....or tried to make a citizens arrest of course most know neither event happened.....but for arguments sake say one or the other or both occurred.

Do you think that would give AA the right to assault the son?
see it's ok for the black dude to attempt a citizen arrest. Because if that's what they say they did, then that's what AA did. It didn't work out for him though. Still no evidence of these two white guys doing anything accept stand in the street in a stopped car. Wasn't known that that's now a crime.

Standing in the street with a gun has been a crime for a very long time in Georgia. Doubt me? Come on down and do it. Rush someone with a shotgun and see what happens.
well you could just post the statute. not sure why I should go there and do it. I bet I can and come back home to illinios without anyone knowing I did other than a photo I could take. There are laws about distracted driving on the books and still people have cell phones in their hands while they drive. they endanger every vehicle on the road with that distracting phone in their hands. yet 75% of people still do it. it's a law not to. you know that right?

Ok, this is the fifth time I myself have posted it. Try to read it before you shout it does not apply.

(2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury; or

So having the gun in hand and confronting Arbury the McMichaels did commit aggravated assault. Period. Now, in a page or two of responses, you will forget this and demand that someone post the statute.

It’s there. Go and read it. It does not say that Citizens Arrest means you are not committing the crime. It does not say you are free to wave your gun about if you are just detaining someone for the cops. It does not say you are free to stand in the middle of the street with your gun. It says that if you have a weapon, or any object or whatever that can or does result in death or serious injury.

If you bothered to read any of the information provided instead of just burying your head in the sand and screaming black conspiracy you would see the McMichaels are in a lot of trouble.
no it isn't there. there was never an aggravated assault at all. that black man had no one standing in front of him, he was on a road and roads contain cars and trucks. they never detained him. ever. they never touched the man in fact, unless of course you say the man's face found his fists when he threw punches.

No weapon was used offensively. No one pointed a gun at him. your interpretation, doesn't align with the statute. sorry bubba.

OK. Quote the part of the law that excepts their actions. Post it.
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

you twisted the entire chain of events,,,

arbrey rushed them not the other way around,,,

Are you saying that Travis standing in the middle of the road did not move towards the right side of the road?

arbrey ran over 100 feet and mcmicheals took maybe 3 steps,,,
it hasnt been proven he was a jogger

What authority will tell us if he is a walker, jogger, skipper, runner? I see a video and I see a young man jogging until he gets shot dead by a shooter.

What is the proper white extremist adjective for jogging while black?

‘Musta stole sumthin!!!
I thought he was running away from the rednecks???

and not a single person has come forward and said they saw him jogging,,only running away from an empty house that he walked up to,,,
I see him jogging in this video up until he reaches the truck. Who knows what you see differently?



Watch the video... not a single running step taken before breaking into property.

View attachment 335319

You mean in the 30 feet leading up to the driveway? That's your evidence he wasn't jogging? How does that reveal what he was doing prior to entering the frame of that video?

sure doesnt mean he was jogging,,,
has anyone come forward and say they saw him jogging???

Yes, anybody with a functioning brain who watched the video with him jogging.

do you know the difference between jogging and running from something???


so did anyone see him jogging outside of what we see in the videos???

From what was he running?

if you dont already know you need to educate yourself or shut up,,,


Putz, he wasn't running from anything.

Why are you so beyond unreasonable? Are you insane?

They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.

They did everything wrong when they decided to use lethal force to attempt to detain a burglary suspect who could not have stolen what would be of significance from an open unlocked structure. Use of lethal force against an alleged construction site thief is not only unreasonable it is absurd.

In Georgia referring to Citizens Arrest: “What courts have interpreted it to mean is that you can only use the amount of force that’s reasonable to detain a person under the circumstances,” Bowen said.

It was unreasonable for two alleged good citizens to take a life over a pocket full of stolen nails or nothing stolen at all.,

So it is not unreasonable for murderers to pay for the unreasonable crime they chose to commit.

There is never an ounce of reasonableness coming off the keyboards of white extremists.

Is your analytical aka reasoning skills really that bad or are you just being obstinate?
The black dude killed himself....what did he think would happen when he charged and attacked a guy with a shotgun?

What is there about that you cannot wrap your head around?

You will probably come with something oh...if those two rednecks had stayed home none of this would happen.

Those rednecks cared about their community....wanted to protect it...wanted to make sure the black dude was checked see if he was a threat to the community or not.

The black dude was not restrained in any way...he could have kept right on joggin down that road...instead he veered left committed a violent assault and whilst trying to wrest the weapon away got killed....thus he has no one to blame but himself.

Ok you say he was not restrained and he could have kept on jogging. Fine. Let’s play a game shall we?

Imagine you are walking down the road minding your own business. A Truck goes past you and then stops in front of you. A guy gets out with a shotgun. He rushes at you shouting stop stop. Are you free to continue your journey?

If you say you are. Then go to the bad part of your local city. The area with the most crime. Walk down the street. Ignore the people who try and rob or assault you. Just keep walking when they produce a weapon. You can’t fight back. You are absolutely free to continue your journey. You’re in the right after all and they would not dare assault you would they?

It is a matter of perception. The scenario you perceive is not what everyone has to perceive. If I see anyone do that, I am assuming I am being attacked. Travis ran around the truck to get to Arbury. That is an armed man charging at another man. That is by definition confrontational, and by Georgia Law Aggravated Assault.

The statute covering Citizens Arrest, or even just detaining someone for the police, says that you must have first hand knowledge. Suspecting him is not enough. Reasonable to assume is not enough for a citizen. It is enough for the cops, but neither of these yahoos were cops. Yes, Daddy was a retired cop, but I am a former Soldier, that does not mean I am a Sergeant today in the Army. It means I was one once. If I see a Soldier in the city, I do not expect him to call me Sergeant. I do not expect him to go to Parade Rest in respect for my rank. I am not a Sergeant anymore. Daddy wasn’t a Cop any more.

A cop can have a reasonable suspicion. But a cop has authority granted by the State, or the Federal Government depending on who he is working for, to operate on that basis. Civillians may have a reasonable suspicion but they are not allowed to act upon them. If I suspect someone is dealing drugs, I do not have the authority to go and search him and see. Even if I find the drugs, I am still wrong. I have still committed a crime. The best case scenario there is we both go to jail. Me for assaulting him, and him for dealing. We’ll probably get out of prison at about the same time.

Take a minute, and imagine you are Arbury. You are running down the street followed by one car. A Truck carrying two people, one in the back, shouted at you to stop and them passed ahead of you. They have blocked the road. Is the car following you involved? How many people are after you? How much threat is there? You can’t outrun the truck. You can’t outrun two cars. The Driver gets in your way on the drivers side of the truck with a shotgun. You go right to put the truck between you and the gunman.

The gunman comes around the truck at you. What do you do? Trust that everything is going to go all right and these folks are not going to harm you in any way shape or form? What reason could you possibly have to believe that? The most reasonable assumption you are going to have is that they are going to kill you. Can you outrun a bullet? Nobody can. So flight is out. If you run you honestly believe you are going to be shot in the back fleeing. What possible reason could you have not to believe that? It is the most reasonable thing in the world to believe.

You attack. When confronted by danger. You have three choices. You can run, you can fight, you can hide. There is nowhere to hide, running has you surrounded. The only option left is fight. A cornered rat will fight against hopeless odds. It is instinctive to every living creature on God’s Earth.

So you wonder why he attacked? It is the most obvious thing in the world. But since he was Black he was not supposed to. Because he is Black and suspected of crimes he did not commit, he is supposed to surrender to the authority of two white guys.

From here I am going to mix a little fact, and a lot of assumptions.

Why were they so incensed? Did you ever wonder? If you had read the information posted. You would have seen why. On the 8th of December, Travis reported that someone had taken a gun out of his unlocked car.

Imagine that. They assume it must be this guy. I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they decided it was him because they know their neighbors and the local kids and he was a stranger. But imagine the gall they must have perceived as they saw this guy run by every day or two. To them, it must have been as if he was flaunting his untouchable status. They decided he had stolen the gun. I don’t know. Maybe he did. Maybe he did not.

But it offended their sensibilities to see this guy run by every day or two as if he was flaunting his actions. To them, it must have been as if he was dancing just out of range of a leashed dog. They decided he must be the thief, and every time he comes to the neighborhood he was stealing stuff. Just because nobody was reporting it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it. They built this crime wave up in their minds.

So finally they had endured all they could. They were not going to let this guy get away with it. The fucking lazy cops who can’t catch this guy who stole my gun can take him and we’ll give them the bad guy caught in the act. With the stolen property on him. They’ll make him talk, and admit to stealing my gun. This fucker is not going to be stealing from us any more.

Now. back to the facts. I don’t know who stole the gun. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that a gun was stolen. But I don’t know who stole it. It might have been Arbury, it might have been anyone. It could be two kids from the next street over. They might have it right now concealed behind a couple paint cans in the garage where Mom won’t find it. It might have been a neighbor who liked it and wanted it for himself. It might have been a friend who knew that Travis kept the gun in the car and didn’t lock it. The gun could be at the bottom of a river right now, or tucked into someone’s waistband.

But I understand the fury, the frustration the McMichaels felt. I really do. What I do not condone, and can not condone, is their actions. I can not support anyone taking the law into their own hands. Now, before you say that this colored my judgment. I believed before that they had committed Aggravated Assault. I believed it before I had read that information. The why was always in question, but I think I might have it, but I understood that the what was always illegal.

why are you misrepresenting what happened???

What did I misrepresent. I clarified what was fact, and what was opinion. But the events, yeah. Those are accurate. The McMichaels committed crimes mate.

you twisted the entire chain of events,,,

arbrey rushed them not the other way around,,,

Would he have rushed them if they had not stopped and minded their own business?

maybe they were. neither man made an attempt to go toward the black man while they were in the street. neither. you're blatantly wrong.

Once again, you did not answer the question? Do you need to get someone to read it for you?

it's immaterial. Has no factual merit. he had a choice as they did. they had every right to stop and get out of their truck. they never approached the man running and the video shows alternate outlets to avoid the men in the truck if he were indeed troubled by them. In fact, he could have stopped 100 yards back. no one near him. he could have ran back the direction he came from and would never have even encountered that truck. Again, his choice. His choice caused his death. Video clearly shows it. now address that actual evidence rather than some fictional story., the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order

I have been talking about the law. And in Georgia the ones breaking the law most severely even before the shots were fired was the McMichaels.

He had not committed a burglary. There was nothing at the construction site small enough to carry with him while wearing shorts and a t shirt concealed. Ok. He might had had half a dozen nails. But that is literally the limit. And odds are heavily against him stealing anything.

There had not been a burglary since Christmas in the neighborhood. So there was no current crime wave or even recent, say within the last two months, that justified going out armed to hunt down the possible suspects.

Finally. They did not know the owners of the property. The owners have said they never talked to the McMichaels. There was no way for the McMichaels to know who this guy was. He might have been the owner, or a relative, or friend and was authorized to be there.
..he INITIATED the problem by going where he shouldn't's just like a stranger going into someone's garage and then running is common sense to think he stole something

Under Georgia Law it isn’t enough to think. You have to see them commit the crime for Citizens Arrest. Otherwise you are liable criminally and civilly.

Still stuck on the citizens arrest b.s.

Let me cut to the chase here.......say the white dudes did make a citizens arrest....or tried to make a citizens arrest of course most know neither event happened.....but for arguments sake say one or the other or both occurred.

Do you think that would give AA the right to assault the son?
see it's ok for the black dude to attempt a citizen arrest. Because if that's what they say they did, then that's what AA did. It didn't work out for him though. Still no evidence of these two white guys doing anything accept stand in the street in a stopped car. Wasn't known that that's now a crime.

Standing in the street with a gun has been a crime for a very long time in Georgia. Doubt me? Come on down and do it. Rush someone with a shotgun and see what happens.
well you could just post the statute. not sure why I should go there and do it. I bet I can and come back home to illinios without anyone knowing I did other than a photo I could take. There are laws about distracted driving on the books and still people have cell phones in their hands while they drive. they endanger every vehicle on the road with that distracting phone in their hands. yet 75% of people still do it. it's a law not to. you know that right?

Ok, this is the fifth time I myself have posted it. Try to read it before you shout it does not apply.

(2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury; or

So having the gun in hand and confronting Arbury the McMichaels did commit aggravated assault. Period. Now, in a page or two of responses, you will forget this and demand that someone post the statute.

It’s there. Go and read it. It does not say that Citizens Arrest means you are not committing the crime. It does not say you are free to wave your gun about if you are just detaining someone for the cops. It does not say you are free to stand in the middle of the street with your gun. It says that if you have a weapon, or any object or whatever that can or does result in death or serious injury.

If you bothered to read any of the information provided instead of just burying your head in the sand and screaming black conspiracy you would see the McMichaels are in a lot of trouble.
no it isn't there. there was never an aggravated assault at all. that black man had no one standing in front of him, he was on a road and roads contain cars and trucks. they never detained him. ever. they never touched the man in fact, unless of course you say the man's face found his fists when he threw punches.

No weapon was used offensively. No one pointed a gun at him. your interpretation, doesn't align with the statute. sorry bubba.

OK. Quote the part of the law that excepts their actions. Post it.
you can't quote the excerpts that says they did anything wrong. Why? I don't have to give you a statute that allows them to be citizens, the amendments in the constitution gives that right. to do whatever they want to do. so post the excerpt that says they couldn't stand in the street with a gun.
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