New disease hitting our schoolkids right after obama lets in 50,000 illegal kids


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.
Fuckin disease ridden brown people!!!! GTFO!!!!

Aw damn...

I can't keep this up...
No evidence this came from immigrant children.
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.


You didn't notice that its President Obama who wants to send the refugee children back? You didn't notice that?

From your link
Enteroviruses, which bring on symptoms like a very intense cold, aren't unusual. They're actually common. When you have a bad summer cold, often what you have is an enterovirus, he said. The season often hits its peak in September.
You didn't notice that its President Obama who wants to send the refugee children back? You didn't notice that?


WTF are you talking about.? No way obozo wants to send them back. He knows these are unskilled illiterate losers who will go on welfare when adult and vote for the welfare party the rest of their lives. This is just the kind of parasitic scum democrats want to flood into america. THINK
No evidence this came from immigrant children.

Why take the chance. Why do you america-hating liberals want to risk the health of my kids.? These are ILLEGALS??? Why do we let them stay.?? Why do we even debate the question.?


The prevention of introducing new disease is why we are SUPPOSED to screen immigrants in the first place.

but of course if it is little brown children then its cool to bring in diseased little rodents in the mind of libtards.
No evidence this came from immigrant children.

Why take the chance. Why do you america-hating liberals want to risk the health of my kids.?

I'm rather skeptical anyone has let you breed with them.

Lol, so kids are getting sick in school enmasse, we have unscreened illegal immigrants bastards in our schools with no shots, no medical history no ANYTHING, and all that enters you mind is that shootspeeders is not breeding?

Lol, I bet he has more kids than you do, you white people hating ignoramus.
And it only affects white Christians!! What a nefarious plot !!! :ack-1:

So our OBozo President is letting in tens of thousand of diseased little bastards and that equates in your fetid mind to a nefarious plot to disease little white Christians?

You are regularly the biggest fucking moron on these boards.

You do know that, right?
No evidence this came from immigrant children.

Why take the chance. Why do you america-hating liberals want to risk the health of my kids.?

I'm rather skeptical anyone has let you breed with them.

Lol, so kids are getting sick in school enmasse, we have unscreened illegal immigrants bastards in our schools with no shots, no medical history no ANYTHING, and all that enters you mind is that shootspeeders is not breeding?

You act like this has never happened before.

Lol, I bet he has more kids than you do, you white people hating ignoramus.

I am white.
It's just a respiratory illness, I guess according to shitshooters it's never happened before...There is no vaccines that can stop all the forms of viruses and the greatest threat to humans....(no it's not illegals). Bacteria...which has killed more humans than all the wars in human history have...
No evidence this came from immigrant children.

Why take the chance. Why do you america-hating liberals want to risk the health of my kids.?

I'm rather skeptical anyone has let you breed with them.

Lol, so kids are getting sick in school enmasse, we have unscreened illegal immigrants bastards in our schools with no shots, no medical history no ANYTHING, and all that enters you mind is that shootspeeders is not breeding?

You act like this has never happened before.

Yes, because when has it happened before that the POTUS has let in tens of thousands of medically unscreened people and then we had and outbreak of undiagnosed disease coincide?

Are you that stupid?

Lol, I bet he has more kids than you do, you white people hating ignoramus.

I am white.

Yes, a self-hating white libtard who is more concerned about staying in step with his libtard buddies than using his common sense.

Oh, reminds me, do you support compete equal standing in a court of law for ALL races? Don't recall you ever answering that question, Sherlock.
It's just a respiratory illness, I guess according to shitshooters it's never happened before...There is no vaccines that can stop all the forms of viruses and the greatest threat to humans....(no it's not illegals). Bacteria...which has killed more humans than all the wars in human history have...

Lol, so our past medical screenings of immigrants for disease was all just a bunch of hooey?

And the shots we make our kids get and keep up to date, that is irrelevant as well?


THEN WHY IS IT IMMATERIAL THAT some 40,000+ kids with no shots, and no medical screening and with many anecdotal assessments by nurses at the ICE shelters of kids with dozens of diseases, why is all that suddenly just immaterial and you KNOW that they have NOTHING AT ALL to do with a single solitary case across the whole country?

You are so full of stupid presumption it defies credulity.
It's just a respiratory illness, I guess according to shitshooters it's never happened before...There is no vaccines that can stop all the forms of viruses and the greatest threat to humans....(no it's not illegals). Bacteria...which has killed more humans than all the wars in human history have...

Lol, so our past medical screenings of immigrants for disease was all just a bunch of hooey?

And the shots we make our kids get and keep up to date, that is irrelevant as well?


THEN WHY IS IT IMMATERIAL THAT some 40,000+ kids with no shots, and no medical screening and with many anecdotal assessments by nurses at the ICE shelters of kids with dozens of diseases, why is all that suddenly just immaterial and you KNOW that they have NOTHING AT ALL to do with a single solitary case across the whole country?

You are so full of stupid presumption it defies credulity.

If wanted to spout shit off that had nothing to do with my post, you could have made a quote less statement...
Lol, so our past medical screenings of immigrants for disease was all just a bunch of hooey?

Great point. I bet Native Americans wish they'd been able to screen for dirty and diseased immigrants.

Lol, like they weren't diseased themselves or had any notion that the whites coming in carried the disease?

Do you really think that it would have mattered if it was instead disease carrying Asians to start the small pox plague?

And why do you libtards keep going back to the Amerindian bullshit? Do you not realize that they didn't kill a bunch of people that occupied the grounds that they lived on too?

I would essplain to you the greater significance of migration of human beings, but you would probably just skip it anyway, so not bothering, you racist twat.

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