New documentary reveals Bill Clinton kept CIA from killing bin Laden


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
No Shit - we knew this at the time. He was asked for permission to take UBL down multiple times to which he replied, 'No'.

"A new documentary reveals that the U.S. had an opportunity to kill Usama bin Laden in the 1990s after tracking his location with the help of Afghan tribal informants, but were unable to do so because of an order signed by then-President Bill Clinton. That order allowed the CIA to engage in "lethal activity" against the Al Qaeda leader, but the purpose of the strike could not be to kill him."




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Clinton addressed this many times.

Due to the large numbers of civilian casualties involved, he did not think it was worth the risk

Now, let’s talk about how Bush allowed Bin Laden to escape at Tora Bora and never pursued him once he entered Pakistan.

Took Obama to finally kill him
Clinton addressed this many times.

Due to the large numbers of civilian casualties involved, he did not think it was worth the risk

Now, let’s talk about how Bush allowed Bin Laden to escape at Tora Bora and never pursued him once he entered Pakistan.

Took Obama to finally kill him
Like the large number of civilian casualties on 9/11
Slick was a pussy.
Easy to look back and say, if only clinton had assisinated Bin Laden, if only Bush had not invaded Iraq, if only the supreme court had not decided citizen united, if only the Democrats had not run Hillary, etc. If only, if only, if only, doesn't and never has mattered or meant a damn thing and it never will.
Slick was a pussy.
Easy to look back and say, if only clinton had assisinated Bin Laden, if only Bush had not invaded Iraq, if only the supreme court had not decided citizen united, if only the Democrats had not run Hillary, etc. If only, if only, if only, doesn't and never has mattered or meant a damn thing and it never will.
Second guessing is OK for Trump and the Chinese Virus......but can’t do it to any Dimsocialist, right?
Clinton addressed this many times.

Due to the large numbers of civilian casualties involved, he did not think it was worth the risk

Now, let’s talk about how Bush allowed Bin Laden to escape at Tora Bora and never pursued him once he entered Pakistan.

Took Obama to finally kill him
Like the large number of civilian casualties on 9/11

I guess that's the difference between terrorists whose targets are civilians, and a leader of the Free World who seeks to minimize civilian casualties.
Slick was a pussy.
Easy to look back and say, if only clinton had assisinated Bin Laden, if only Bush had not invaded Iraq, if only the supreme court had not decided citizen united, if only the Democrats had not run Hillary, etc. If only, if only, if only, doesn't and never has mattered or meant a damn thing and it never will.
Second guessing is OK for Trump and the Chinese Virus......but can’t do it to any Dimsocialist, right?

Okay if in 20 years we're still bashing and slashing Trumpybear with stories about how he fucked up and caused the "Trump Pandemic", you're claim will pan out.
Clinton addressed this many times.

Due to the large numbers of civilian casualties involved, he did not think it was worth the risk

Now, let’s talk about how Bush allowed Bin Laden to escape at Tora Bora and never pursued him once he entered Pakistan.

Took Obama to finally kill him
Like the large number of civilian casualties on 9/11

I guess that's the difference between terrorists whose targets are civilians, and a leader of the Free World who seeks to minimize civilian casualties.
What civilians were hanging out with Bin Laden?
Slick was a pussy.
Easy to look back and say, if only clinton had assisinated Bin Laden, if only Bush had not invaded Iraq, if only the supreme court had not decided citizen united, if only the Democrats had not run Hillary, etc. If only, if only, if only, doesn't and never has mattered or meant a damn thing and it never will.
Second guessing is OK for Trump and the Chinese Virus......but can’t do it to any Dimsocialist, right?

Okay if in 20 years we're still bashing and slashing Trumpybear with stories about how he fucked up and caused the "Trump Pandemic", you're claim will pan out.
Why would I make up shit 20 years from now just because you are making up shit today, Crayon Muncher?
No Shit - we knew this at the time. He was asked for permission to take UBL down multiple times to which he replied, 'No'.

"A new documentary reveals that the U.S. had an opportunity to kill Usama bin Laden in the 1990s after tracking his location with the help of Afghan tribal informants, but were unable to do so because of an order signed by then-President Bill Clinton. That order allowed the CIA to engage in "lethal activity" against the Al Qaeda leader, but the purpose of the strike could not be to kill him."

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CDS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Clinton addressed this many times.

Due to the large numbers of civilian casualties involved, he did not think it was worth the risk

Now, let’s talk about how Bush allowed Bin Laden to escape at Tora Bora and never pursued him once he entered Pakistan.

Took Obama to finally kill him
Like the large number of civilian casualties on 9/11
You think 9-11 could not have been approved without Bin Laden?
This bullshit was hashed over in 2003-2004 on another board I was on back then. No, Clinton did the right thing and saved lives, and this was long BEFORE 9/11 you Broken Right Wing brainless lemmings!

Compare that to Bush ignoring the Aug 11, 2001 PDB that told the dumb bastard that aircraft were going to be used as flying bombs to attack targets in the US. Weeks later he hadn't lifted a finger toward that warning and ignored the content of the PDB. Not only that, but couple that with Bin Laden's Feb 1998 WIF Fatwa, Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders he completely ignored!

Further, Bush & Co. (FBI) arrested Zacarias Moussaoui on Aug 16, 2001, confiscated his belongings, including his brief case which contained the evidence of his segment of the attack, plowing a plane into the WH sometime in Sept, 2001; Bush & Co. couldn't put 2 & 2 together and come up with 4!

If you distorted pieces of anti-American shit want to blame Clinton (D) for not using his 20/20 hindsight, fine! But you should be vilifying Bush 43 (R) for not preventing the fall of the twin towers when he absolutely ignored the attacks when he had several indications and a few pieces of hard intelligence of an imminent attacks against the USA just weeks away and didn't sound any alert what so ever!
Slick was a pussy.
Easy to look back and say, if only clinton had assisinated Bin Laden, if only Bush had not invaded Iraq, if only the supreme court had not decided citizen united, if only the Democrats had not run Hillary, etc. If only, if only, if only, doesn't and never has mattered or meant a damn thing and it never will.
Second guessing is OK for Trump and the Chinese Virus......but can’t do it to any Dimsocialist, right?
Well, the Dimsocialist as you call Bill Clinton is not in office. By the time anyone found out in the public that the world and the United States would truly be better off if Osama was dead, President Clinton was out of office. GW Bush chose to do nothing about Osama when he could, before Osama attacked us in September of the year Bush took office in January. If only HE had done something does not matter. Then he started a war in a country that had noting to do with Osama, while continuting the war he started to get Osama, but failed at it for his entire presidency. Luckily, the Seal Team under President Barrack Obama, corrected this failure and killed the bastard. So that score was handled finally under a Democratic President, but by that time like I said, "if only Bill Clinton" did not matter and "if only GW Bush" did not matter. So rave on, about the "Dimsocialist" and The rightwing doofus all you like. They are both retired after 8 years in office. and I doubt if the ravings will get you much on either one of them because neither of them matter any more. I will continue to second guess the failure and character flaws of Trump until he is thankfully out of office and then he won't matter either, but right now we need to get him the heck out of there because he isn't worth a damn. In other words, if only trump wasn't such a Fk up, lying low moral, leader, who only cares about himself and the privileged few is still of current concern. Thank you.
Clinton addressed this many times.

Due to the large numbers of civilian casualties involved, he did not think it was worth the risk

Now, let’s talk about how Bush allowed Bin Laden to escape at Tora Bora and never pursued him once he entered Pakistan.

Took Obama to finally kill him
Like the large number of civilian casualties on 9/11

I guess that's the difference between terrorists whose targets are civilians, and a leader of the Free World who seeks to minimize civilian casualties.

The US generally targets civilians, like the 3 million Vietnamese we killed were mostly civilians.
When we planned and paid for the military takeovers in Chile and Iran, we murdered tens of thousands of civilians,
We targeted civilians with "Shock and Awe".
Most of our death toll in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc., were civilians.
The reality is that not only is it illegal to assassinate people like bin Laden, it generally is done as a cover up, because do not want the truth to come out in a court of law.
The Taliban offer to arrest bin Laden for us.
There was never a need to assassinate him.
Clinton addressed this many times.

Due to the large numbers of civilian casualties involved, he did not think it was worth the risk

Now, let’s talk about how Bush allowed Bin Laden to escape at Tora Bora and never pursued him once he entered Pakistan.

Took Obama to finally kill him

Your retort failed right out of the shoot when you said, “Clinton said many times there were civilians”.... do you REALLY believe Clinton tells the truth or does he tell you what you want to hear? Clinton is a proven liar..... moreso than Bush, Obama, and Trump.

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