New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

I've always known TDSER'S are cultist ass sucking on the DNC alter that loves violence until it's turned back own them.

Be clear, little beta. Are you threatening me now, or are you rolling over and showing your belly? Given your rambling, it's difficult to tell.
shit stick I'm not a leftist so I am about as Alpha male as you can get hell you wouldn't know an alpha male because an Alpha male would ignore your skank ass. You can only collect the attention of your leftist she males
and shit stick I made no god damn threat you may have done that.
Over 60:million liberal assholes will vote for Biden.

Just let that marinate.
likely over 70 million! :p

edit: unless you kill off enough old folks, blacks, and hispanics, before then with your death panel choices!

Likely under 50, and this corruption by the Obama administration will be the reason.

You vermin don't care, you'd vote for Charles Manson or Adolf Hitler as long as they were democrats. BUT there is still a center that actually does care - and you vermin just lost them.
me thinks you truly need to look in the mirror, and examine, head to toe and inside and out, of what you see! :eek:


If you think this hasn't BADLY hurt you vile, Stalinist thugs, you are truly delusional.

You committed treason - that's just a fact. Now there is no way to deny it. Andrew Weissman, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page conspired to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States. That is treason - end of story.

It appears that they engaged in treason on behalf of or at the least the knowledge of Barack Benedict Milhous Benito Obama, and that Rapey Quid Pro Joe was involved.

I told you two months ago, your traitor party is DEEPLY fucked. Your allies in Communist China bought you time with the Wuhan virus, but it only delayed the issue.

Your treason is exposed.
and you can add Schiff to the list of co-conspirators
shit stick I'm not a leftist so I am about as Alpha male as you can get hell you wouldn't know an alpha male because an Alpha male would ignore your skank ass.

Oh, you're gay. That explains it. You're kind of outside of the alpha/beta classification.

Sorry, but I don't swing that way.
Projecting ? first you make an accusation that I made a threat then you made another accusation the threat was directed to you
Obama will wish he did not fuck with Flynn
I’m gonna go ahead and predict that Obama doesn’t lose a wink of sleep over has-been Flynn. And for good reason — Flynn ain’t gonna do shit, and Obama is above water.

Looks like he has a lot on his mind, losing weight and aging faster than most people. Signs he's got alot to worry about.


You are too used to looking at fat assed Trump.

Dang, did you just fall off the turnip truck...this shit started back in 2016.
But Flynn went to prison because of Trump's administration.

Because of Trumps administration, damn you did fall off the turnip truck. He went to prison during Trumps administration...on some fucked up charges initiated in Obama's administration.

That's a lie. Flynn hasn't spent one day in jail, thanks to his attorneys and Judge Sullivan who saw through the mockery of law perpetrated by those within the FBI. It started with the failure to produce the alleged 302's...

Really!? That's what you're going with, he didn't spend any time in jail? His sentencing was pending, the prosecution was looking for jail time, he basically lost everything he owned fighting made up allegations and you're going with "he didn't spend any time in jail'. Fricken idiot.
No explanation was given for Van Grack’s abrupt withdrawal from the case, which came in a brief filing with the court. But Van Grack’s removal came just days after Fox News reported that explosive, newly unsealed evidence documenting the FBI’s efforts to target Flynn — including a top official’s handwritten memo debating whether the FBI’s “goal” was “to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired” — called into question whether Van Grack complied with a court order to produce favorable evidence to Flynn.
Since February 2018, Van Grack — who now heads the DOJ’s Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) unit — has been obligated to comply with D.C. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan’s standing order in the Flynn case to produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment.”
The order also requires the government to submit favorable defense evidence to the court, including possible “impeachment evidence” that could undermine witnesses, even if the government believes the evidence “not to be material.”
So VanGrak witholding Brady material that would exonerate an innocent man is funny to Coyote?

Say it isnt so!

the judge and flynn etc, got this material months ago, and the defense had the judge review it, and had ruled on it already.... it's only us, that are now seeing certain redactions, but the Judge got to see everything months ago, when Judge Sullivan ruled on it....? no???

Then you explain why Judge Sullivan has not completed his task in sentencing Flynn. Prosecutorial misconduct, violations of Brady and Giglio regarding exculpatory evidence were all violated and now the 302's show that Flynn did not lie and it was a perjury trap, Is this what Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat have in store for all Americans in the future. Are they tomorrow's American STASI?
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
fuck it you racist piece of shit if the crime warrants hanging I don't give a fuck if you're purple you hang and what happened under obama watchful eyes warrants hanging so no other want to be dictators tries that same shit.
Jesus fuck. What did Obama do to warrant hanging? Really. Tell us.

You stupids fucks are blaming Obama for the actions of trhe FBI & Mueller when this was all undser Trump's watchful eye.
1. according to Stqork and Pages text obama wanted to be informed of their progress
2. obama assassinated American citizens denying them due process to a fair and speed trial.
3. obama ran a banana Republic form of government.
4. obama spied on the political opposition
5. either obama pre the text was in on the illegal actions or totally incompetent but being incompetent isn't worthy of death
I love how you assfucks defend a terrorist. A US citizens goers to the Middle East & trains bombers to kill citizens & innocents. You wanted Obama to send a sheriff to arrest him? Really? Taking out that terrorist is no different than the police killing a shooter in a clock tower. Police kill US citizens all the time.

Obama's administration was far more open than Trump's or Bush's.

Obama's FBI investigated a man who was caught in a Russian wire tap.
I've always known TDSER'S are cultist ass sucking on the DNC alter that loves violence until it's turned back own them.

Be clear, little beta. Are you threatening me now, or are you rolling over and showing your belly? Given your rambling, it's difficult to tell.

Threatening you? Aren't you special. If you view that as a threat you're just one more estrogen filled Proglodyte.
Obama will wish he did not fuck with Flynn
I’m gonna go ahead and predict that Obama doesn’t lose a wink of sleep over has-been Flynn. And for good reason — Flynn ain’t gonna do shit, and Obama is above water.

Looks like he has a lot on his mind, losing weight and aging faster than most people. Signs he's got alot to worry about.


You are too used to looking at fat assed Trump.

Dang, did you just fall off the turnip truck...this shit started back in 2016.
But Flynn went to prison because of Trump's administration.

Because of Trumps administration, damn you did fall off the turnip truck. He went to prison during Trumps administration...on some fucked up charges initiated in Obama's administration.

That's a lie. Flynn hasn't spent one day in jail, thanks to his attorneys and Judge Sullivan who saw through the mockery of law perpetrated by those within the FBI. It started with the failure to produce the alleged 302's...

Really!? That's what you're going with, he didn't spend any time in jail? His sentencing was pending, the prosecution was looking for jail time, he basically lost everything he owned fighting made up allegations and you're going with "he didn't spend any time in jail'. Fricken idiot.

Comrade traitor; despite your lie his sentencing WASN'T PENDING, it was SUSPENDED. Now that's pretty odd, isn't it? Now why would a judge, a CLINTON appointee, do such a thing? It's like he was uncomfortable with the confession Torquemada and his goons beat out of Flynn. I mean yes, they DID stop raping his wife after he confessed, but even so....

Flynn never went to jail because Weissmann engaged in prosecutorial misconduct, obstructed justice, engaged in racketeering with the corrupt FBI, all to support treason, the attempted coup against the duly elected president of the United States.

You're a traitor, a democrat hack, you're good with treason - BUT middle America isn't - and now it turns our your presumptive nominee WAS IN ON THIS SHIT.
criminal investigation of who ordered this needs to be launched by the DOJ....
What crime is being investigated?


Conspiracy to do what?
To frame a sitting president in a crime...ummmm sounds illegal to me....
Totally delusional. No one tried to frame anyone.
We have the documents that prove the FBI tried to frame Flynn...aren't you paying attention?...what news agency are you watching?...
Flynn wasn’t framed. I’m paying attention. Are you?
Yes he was....The prosecution deliberately failed to adhere to disclosure rules and laws, including all the exculpitory evidence they had on hand......That is the very definition of a frame-up.
criminal investigation of who ordered this needs to be launched by the DOJ....
What crime is being investigated?


Conspiracy to do what?
To frame a sitting president in a crime...ummmm sounds illegal to me....
Totally delusional. No one tried to frame anyone.
We have the documents that prove the FBI tried to frame Flynn...aren't you paying attention?...what news agency are you watching?...
Flynn wasn’t framed. I’m paying attention. Are you?
Yes he was....The prosecution deliberately failed to adhere to disclosure rules and laws, including all the exculpitory evidence they had on hand......That is the very definition of a frame-up.

Nope. “Framing” someone means making it look like the defendant did something he didn’t actually do. There was no framing here. Flynn lied. We all know he did.

The prosecution has not failed to follow the disclosure rules. No exculpatory evidence has been revealed.
This is interesting. I’m glad I got that Sam’s Club pallet of popcorn.

Newly released documents from the Department of Justice show President Obama informed former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates of a phone call between former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. He did so in the Oval Office.

“Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S Elections. President Obama was joined by his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and others from the National Security Council,” the document states.
We would certainly hope so. It happens to be their job. And by the way, Flynn took Flynn down, no one else. flynn had no business cutting deals with russia behind the back of a sitting president. Thanks for the link. It exposes the treasonous act by Flynn, while he was cutting deals with an adversary. Lock his ass up and throw away the key.
criminal investigation of who ordered this needs to be launched by the DOJ....
What crime is being investigated?


Conspiracy to do what?
To frame a sitting president in a crime...ummmm sounds illegal to me....
Totally delusional. No one tried to frame anyone.
We have the documents that prove the FBI tried to frame Flynn...aren't you paying attention?...what news agency are you watching?...
Flynn wasn’t framed. I’m paying attention. Are you?
Yes he was....The prosecution deliberately failed to adhere to disclosure rules and laws, including all the exculpitory evidence they had on hand......That is the very definition of a frame-up.
No they did not. Rules were totally adhered to. And here's the best part, you can't prove otherwise.
criminal investigation of who ordered this needs to be launched by the DOJ....
What crime is being investigated?


Conspiracy to do what?
To frame a sitting president in a crime...ummmm sounds illegal to me....
Totally delusional. No one tried to frame anyone.
We have the documents that prove the FBI tried to frame Flynn...aren't you paying attention?...what news agency are you watching?...
Flynn wasn’t framed. I’m paying attention. Are you?
Yes he was....The prosecution deliberately failed to adhere to disclosure rules and laws, including all the exculpitory evidence they had on hand......That is the very definition of a frame-up.

Nope. “Framing” someone means making it look like the defendant did something he didn’t actually do. There was no framing here. Flynn lied. We all know he did.

The prosecution has not failed to follow the disclosure rules. No exculpatory evidence has been revealed.
The Right has no case. And I mean no case at all. Totally legit what law enforcement did. The Right on this board cannot produce any counter arguments of substance, so there you go.
This is interesting. I’m glad I got that Sam’s Club pallet of popcorn.

Newly released documents from the Department of Justice show President Obama informed former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates of a phone call between former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. He did so in the Oval Office.

“Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S Elections. President Obama was joined by his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and others from the National Security Council,” the document states.
We would certainly hope so. It happens to be their job. And by the way, Flynn took Flynn down, no one else. flynn had no business cutting deals with russia behind the back of a sitting president. Thanks for the link. It exposes the treasonous act by Flynn, while he was cutting deals with an adversary. Lock his ass up and throw away the key.
So President Elect Obama sending his people to Egypt, Germany and Iran means Hopeychange should be in prison?
Biden has lost the female vote. He won’t get one woman to vote for him.
‘Woman’ being the keyword.
Wrong! He already is polling way ahead of Trump. Biden doesn't get caught on video telling folks to grab women. You lose.
This is interesting. I’m glad I got that Sam’s Club pallet of popcorn.

Newly released documents from the Department of Justice show President Obama informed former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates of a phone call between former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. He did so in the Oval Office.

“Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S Elections. President Obama was joined by his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and others from the National Security Council,” the document states.
We would certainly hope so. It happens to be their job. And by the way, Flynn took Flynn down, no one else. flynn had no business cutting deals with russia behind the back of a sitting president. Thanks for the link. It exposes the treasonous act by Flynn, while he was cutting deals with an adversary. Lock his ass up and throw away the key.
So President Elect Obama sending his people to Egypt, Germany and Iran means Hopeychange should be in prison?
Did he do it while not being in any official capacity? No! Your argument is beyond ridiculous. Try and stay in the game. With that argument of yours, you aren't even on the field.
criminal investigation of who ordered this needs to be launched by the DOJ....
What crime is being investigated?


Conspiracy to do what?
To frame a sitting president in a crime...ummmm sounds illegal to me....
Totally delusional. No one tried to frame anyone.
We have the documents that prove the FBI tried to frame Flynn...aren't you paying attention?...what news agency are you watching?...
Flynn wasn’t framed. I’m paying attention. Are you?
Yes he was....The prosecution deliberately failed to adhere to disclosure rules and laws, including all the exculpitory evidence they had on hand......That is the very definition of a frame-up.

Nope. “Framing” someone means making it look like the defendant did something he didn’t actually do. There was no framing here. Flynn lied. We all know he did.

The prosecution has not failed to follow the disclosure rules. No exculpatory evidence has been revealed.

Fucking commie moron.

Strzok, Comey and Weissman lied REPEATEDLY to Ltg. Flynn. They BRAG about lying to entrap Flynn (per orders from Obama). Flynn "lied" about a materially insignificant issue (time/date) that even traitor Comey acknowledged was a lapse of memory.

YOU FUCKING TRAITORS rigged the 2016 election, and when that failed, you moved on to this attempted coup.

The whole lot of you must be executed. (Except Mueller - he was not mentally competent during any of this.)
We would certainly hope so. It happens to be their job. And by the way, Flynn took Flynn down, no one else. flynn had no business cutting deals with russia behind the back of a sitting president. Thanks for the link. It exposes the treasonous act by Flynn, while he was cutting deals with an adversary. Lock his ass up and throw away the key.

ChiCom Troll. What "treasonous act" by Flynn do you refer to? Flynn had EVERY right and responsibility to speak to the Russian ambassador, he was the incoming national security advisor, you fucking retard.

Look, you're just a ChiCom troll, not worthy of bothering with - but step your game up retard.

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