New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
fuck it you racist piece of shit if the crime warrants hanging I don't give a fuck if you're purple you hang and what happened under obama watchful eyes warrants hanging so no other want to be dictators tries that same shit.

People that deny Democrats lynched, Black people, Republicans, Catholics, and Italians are racist liars.....

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Where are all the brave reporters?

Obviously, the fact that even our nutty conservative MSM won't touch your kookery with a 10-foot-pole absolutely proves the deep state conspiracy against you.

As there's literally no evidence that could disprove your conspiracy theory in your eyes, that moves your theory into the category of a religious belief. You're only interesting now as a study in the psychology of cults.
You must not be watching FOX news....Obama is being savaged....

Not all Trump cultists are so openly violent and psychotic, but many are. And those who aren't all smooch the rumps of the ones who are violent and psychotic. The Trump cult mandates support of violence and terrorism when done by fellow cultists.
I've always known TDSER'S are cultist ass sucking on the DNC alter that loves violence until it's turned back own them.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
fuck it you racist piece of shit if the crime warrants hanging I don't give a fuck if you're purple you hang and what happened under obama watchful eyes warrants hanging so no other want to be dictators tries that same shit.

People that deny Democrats lynched, Black people, Republicans, Catholics, Italians and Jews are racist liars.....
i didn't deny that democrats hung black people.
When I said "your ilk" I was referring to White people.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
fuck it you racist piece of shit if the crime warrants hanging I don't give a fuck if you're purple you hang and what happened under obama watchful eyes warrants hanging so no other want to be dictators tries that same shit.

People that deny Democrats lynched, Black people, Republicans, Catholics, Italians and Jews are racist liars.....
i didn't deny that democrats hung black people.
When I said "your ilk" I was referring to White people.
I don't know of any white people who have lynched anyone. My Grandfather saved my aunt's father from a democrat lynching party because he was too uppity.
how was Flynn not a security risk, not compromised?

He lied to the American people, thru Pence and Priebus, and the lies he told them, that he did not talk to the Russian operative and Ambassador, Kislyak about the Obama issued Russian Sanctions... which was spread all over the news by Pence etc....

When Putin and the Russians KNEW Flynn was lying to the American, thru Pence and Priebus, was he not compromised?
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No explanation was given for Van Grack’s abrupt withdrawal from the case, which came in a brief filing with the court. But Van Grack’s removal came just days after Fox News reported that explosive, newly unsealed evidence documenting the FBI’s efforts to target Flynn — including a top official’s handwritten memo debating whether the FBI’s “goal” was “to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired” — called into question whether Van Grack complied with a court order to produce favorable evidence to Flynn.
Since February 2018, Van Grack — who now heads the DOJ’s Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) unit — has been obligated to comply with D.C. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan’s standing order in the Flynn case to produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment.”
The order also requires the government to submit favorable defense evidence to the court, including possible “impeachment evidence” that could undermine witnesses, even if the government believes the evidence “not to be material.”
So VanGrak witholding Brady material that would exonerate an innocent man is funny to Coyote?

Say it isnt so!

This is interesting. I’m glad I got that Sam’s Club pallet of popcorn.

Newly released documents from the Department of Justice show President Obama informed former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates of a phone call between former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. He did so in the Oval Office.

“Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S Elections. President Obama was joined by his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and others from the National Security Council,” the document states.
Liberal Democratic Socialist like to point to people involved in Trump campaign that were indicted and jailed for business dealings that had nothing to do with the campaign. Wait until we see the number of Obama administration people who are going to prison over Crossfire Hurricane Razor. It's coming.
criminal investigation of who ordered this needs to be launched by the DOJ....
What crime is being investigated?


Conspiracy to do what?
To frame a sitting president in a crime...ummmm sounds illegal to me....
Totally delusional. No one tried to frame anyone.
We have the documents that prove the FBI tried to frame Flynn...aren't you paying attention?...what news agency are you watching?...
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
fuck it you racist piece of shit if the crime warrants hanging I don't give a fuck if you're purple you hang and what happened under obama watchful eyes warrants hanging so no other want to be dictators tries that same shit.
Jesus fuck. What did Obama do to warrant hanging? Really. Tell us.

You stupids fucks are blaming Obama for the actions of trhe FBI & Mueller when this was all undser Trump's watchful eye.
Obama will wish he did not fuck with Flynn
I’m gonna go ahead and predict that Obama doesn’t lose a wink of sleep over has-been Flynn. And for good reason — Flynn ain’t gonna do shit, and Obama is above water.

Looks like he has a lot on his mind, losing weight and aging faster than most people. Signs he's got alot to worry about.


You are too used to looking at fat assed Trump.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
fuck it you racist piece of shit if the crime warrants hanging I don't give a fuck if you're purple you hang and what happened under obama watchful eyes warrants hanging so no other want to be dictators tries that same shit.
Jesus fuck. What did Obama do to warrant hanging? Really. Tell us.

You stupids fucks are blaming Obama for the actions of trhe FBI & Mueller when this was all undser Trump's watchful eye.
Obama will wish he did not fuck with Flynn
I’m gonna go ahead and predict that Obama doesn’t lose a wink of sleep over has-been Flynn. And for good reason — Flynn ain’t gonna do shit, and Obama is above water.

Looks like he has a lot on his mind, losing weight and aging faster than most people. Signs he's got alot to worry about.


You are too used to looking at fat assed Trump.

Dang, did you just fall off the turnip truck...this shit started back in 2016.
I've always known TDSER'S are cultist ass sucking on the DNC alter that loves violence until it's turned back own them.

Be clear, little beta. Are you threatening me now, or are you rolling over and showing your belly? Given your rambling, it's difficult to tell.

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