New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

So how long does this nothingburger have to produce nothing before the Trump cultists here admit they were scammed again?

Trump cultists, can you give us a rough time frame? We want to know when to come back here and laugh even harder.
It has produced several egregious abuses by the FBI and allowed Flynn to walk free.

So, ya, it HAS produced something even if it will never produce what they really want. That is far more than enough to propel this conversation into the near future.

Bush planning 9/11 and Britherism produced far, far less and they have persisted to this day.
the judge still has to review the dismissal and agree to it.....
Certainly true. I have doubts the judge will not accept the retraction though.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction

That is the opinion of many of us, however, realistically that will not happen. Our best efforts should be to indict and convict those who followed Obama's directions. This would tarnish any and all legacy Obama may have had and place him above Nixon on the corruption and traitors list.
The media just doesn't know what to do with itself. Shitstain obama has been exposed as the most corrupt president in history and the most corrupt man since Benedict Arnold. This ends any political aspirations of anyone in that administration. Joe is history.

1. New documents suggest the FBI laid a trap for Flynn. In February, Attorney General William Barr appointed U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen to review the prosecution against Flynn after reports of irregularities. Last week, Jensen delivered a trove of documents to Flynn’s defense team — including handwritten notes showing FBI agents discussed whether they would “get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.” In addition, emails showed the FBI had not properly warned Flynn that lying to the FBI was a crime when they met with him in the White House — a meeting then-Director James Comey planned to catch Flynn off guard.
2. Text messages showed the FBI leadership kept the case open: Jensen’s trove included a memorandum showing that the FBI wanted to close the case against Flynn on Jan. 4, 2017, but that agent Peter Strzok — who hated Trump and had led the troubled investigations into both Hillary Clinton and the Trump campaign — ordered that the case be kept open. When asked why, Strzok referred to the “7th floor,” i.e. the FBI leadership.
3. Flynn’s former law firm handed over documents suggesting secret pressure from the DOJ. Covington and Burling LLP, the legal team that handled his guilty plea in 2017, “discovered” that they had not handed all their documents to his new lawyer, Sidney Powell. Powell then told the court that the new documents showed the DOJ had threatened to indict his son unless Flynn pleaded guilty — a “side deal” that the DOJ kept hidden.
4. President Barack Obama set the Flynn investigation in motion: The House Intelligence Committee released 53 transcripts of interviews it conducted in the early days of the “Russia collusion” investigation. Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates told the committee it was Obama himself who told her about Flynn’s phone calls with the Russian ambassador. That information led the DOJ to investigate him under the obscure Logan Act of 1799, which bars private citizens from diplomacy and is almost never enforced.
5. Flynn could go free for now, but could be prosecuted for perjury if Joe Biden wins the election. Sol Wisenberg, who helped investigate President Bill Clinton, pointed out on Fox News that Flynn could still be prosecuted for perjury, since he told the court he was guilty before deciding to withdraw his plea. Wisenberg said that a Biden administration could pursue those charges — unless President Trump pardoned Flynn.
So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?

What are you talking about? Jail time for what?
Well for one, not prosecuting Hillary, and knowingly going a long with the Russian collusion hoax. Wasting millions of our money.

What laws did he break then? I wasn't aware not prosecuting someone is illegal. I guess everyone in the Trump administration is also guilty of that too.
He was in on the Russian collusion hoax. Wasted millions of tax payer dollars. He was in on sending Flynn to jail knowing he was innocent.

Flynn isn't innocent and Comey had nothing to do with his prosecution. The investigation into Russian collusion was legitimate as the IG determined.
The DOJ cleared Flynn and Obama has some answering to do.
And the crazy escalates.

This is the problem with the internet. Pre-internet, conspiracy kooks sat on a barstool and screamed at the TV. The other patrons would laugh at them, which kept the stupid in check.

Now the low-IQ crowd hangs around with like-minded people on the internet, where they egg each other on to ever-greater heights of stupid. There's nobody telling them that they're idiots, so they just keep getting crazier.

That's where I come in. You're welcome.
Flynn is far from an innocent man. That is why he is facing jail time. The short version is this. In December 2016, as a private citizen, at the behest of private citizen Donald J. Trump, Flynn made a deal with an adversarial Russian government through Sergey Ivanovich Kislyak, the ambassador to the U.S. Then he lied about it, first to the vice-president, then to the FBI. He was fired by Trump on Feb. 13, 2017, making him the shortest serving National Security Advisor in American history.

Lying to the FBI gets one jail time as many of Trump's close associates have found out, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, George Papadopulous, Richard Pinedo, Ales van der Zwaan, Roger Stone, Rick Gates, and Flynn.

Flynn broke several federal laws, which is why Trump fired him, although now Trump is swearing to Flynn's innocence, a development that doesn't shock anyone. The point is, November 3 can't come soon enough. Trump's lackey, William Bar, is freeing a felon because the President wants it to be so. It is time for Trump, Barr, and the other cronies in the White House to be removed from office.

Can you believe this? Barr decided that the case did not meet the legal standard. That Flynn’s lies were not “materially” relevant to the matter under investigation. “The government is not persuaded that the Jan. 24, 2017, interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn’s statements were material even if untrue.”

In other words, according to Barr, it was okay for Flynn to lie to the FBI and the Vice-president even though they were grounds for dismissal by the President.

That is surreal. It is obvious Trump no longer wants a second term.

Flynn should not make any long range plans. As soon as we have a new A.G. no doubt Flynn will be indicted again.

Flynn is guilty. He even said so.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Every President Elect begins talks with nations. Every single one.
But did others lie about it? How many tied to Trump lied about their Russian contacts?
No idea.
Was Obama’s people asked about their contacting Egypt and Iran?
Did they lie about it?

You love that Trump lies & his people lie & dumbfuck you suck it in like a dry sponge in a cesspool.

Here is the declassified transcripts of 53 testimonies proving you are completely wrong...

So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?

What are you talking about? Jail time for what?
Well for one, not prosecuting Hillary, and knowingly going a long with the Russian collusion hoax. Wasting millions of our money.

What laws did he break then? I wasn't aware not prosecuting someone is illegal. I guess everyone in the Trump administration is also guilty of that too.
He was in on the Russian collusion hoax. Wasted millions of tax payer dollars. He was in on sending Flynn to jail knowing he was innocent.

Flynn isn't innocent and Comey had nothing to do with his prosecution. The investigation into Russian collusion was legitimate as the IG determined.
The DOJ cleared Flynn and Obama has some answering to do.

A political hack may have tried. Obama has nothing to worry about with your current DoJ buffoons. Y'all can't even prosecute McCabe for lying.

Seriously. You've set the bar lower with Trump. Like, a lot lower. This is going to come back and bite you in the ass since now Trump has made it okay to withhold information from Congress, the president is allowed to direct investigations into political opponents, and it's no longer criminal to lie to the FBI.
This is great. Lets bring up Trump's ties to Russia just in time for the election. Trump is actually dumber than shit.

Mean those ties Mewler tried to make for over two years and came up with nothing?

Strange isn't it, both Comey and Mueller used the same techniques to bring down first Flynn, then Manafort and Stone. They went too far by getting CNN to cover the early morning raid on Stone. That seems to be a bridge too far. Perhaps more declassified documents will clear both....
So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?

What are you talking about? Jail time for what?
Well for one, not prosecuting Hillary, and knowingly going a long with the Russian collusion hoax. Wasting millions of our money.

What laws did he break then? I wasn't aware not prosecuting someone is illegal. I guess everyone in the Trump administration is also guilty of that too.
He was in on the Russian collusion hoax. Wasted millions of tax payer dollars. He was in on sending Flynn to jail knowing he was innocent.

Flynn isn't innocent and Comey had nothing to do with his prosecution. The investigation into Russian collusion was legitimate as the IG determined.
The DOJ cleared Flynn and Obama has some answering to do.

A political hack may have tried. Obama has nothing to worry about with your current DoJ buffoons. Y'all can't even prosecute McCabe for lying.

Seriously. You've set the bar lower with Trump. Like, a lot lower. This is going to come back and bite you in the ass since now Trump has made it okay to withhold information from Congress, the president is allowed to direct investigations into political opponents, and it's no longer criminal to lie to the FBI.

Hmm...., Statutes of limitations run forever in traitorous and seditious actions. All it takes is one of the weak link in the conspiracy like Baker or someone else to start talking. I predict that it may soon be freak accidents, suicides and unsolved murders within the former Obama administration will be occurring.
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So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?

What are you talking about? Jail time for what?
Well for one, not prosecuting Hillary, and knowingly going a long with the Russian collusion hoax. Wasting millions of our money.

What laws did he break then? I wasn't aware not prosecuting someone is illegal. I guess everyone in the Trump administration is also guilty of that too.
He was in on the Russian collusion hoax. Wasted millions of tax payer dollars. He was in on sending Flynn to jail knowing he was innocent.

Flynn isn't innocent and Comey had nothing to do with his prosecution. The investigation into Russian collusion was legitimate as the IG determined.
The DOJ cleared Flynn and Obama has some answering to do.

A political hack may have tried. Obama has nothing to worry about with your current DoJ buffoons. Y'all can't even prosecute McCabe for lying.

Seriously. You've set the bar lower with Trump. Like, a lot lower. This is going to come back and bite you in the ass since now Trump has made it okay to withhold information from Congress, the president is allowed to direct investigations into political opponents, and it's no longer criminal to lie to the FBI.
Actually the democrats are fixing to be exposed for trying my affect the outcome of an election. It will make the Ukraine look like kids play.
So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?

What are you talking about? Jail time for what?
Well for one, not prosecuting Hillary, and knowingly going a long with the Russian collusion hoax. Wasting millions of our money.

What laws did he break then? I wasn't aware not prosecuting someone is illegal. I guess everyone in the Trump administration is also guilty of that too.
He was in on the Russian collusion hoax. Wasted millions of tax payer dollars. He was in on sending Flynn to jail knowing he was innocent.

Flynn isn't innocent and Comey had nothing to do with his prosecution. The investigation into Russian collusion was legitimate as the IG determined.
The DOJ cleared Flynn and Obama has some answering to do.

A political hack may have tried. Obama has nothing to worry about with your current DoJ buffoons. Y'all can't even prosecute McCabe for lying.

Seriously. You've set the bar lower with Trump. Like, a lot lower. This is going to come back and bite you in the ass since now Trump has made it okay to withhold information from Congress, the president is allowed to direct investigations into political opponents, and it's no longer criminal to lie to the FBI.

Hmm...., Statutes of limitations run forever in traitorous and seditious actions.
Then that will be Obama's downfall.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
fuck it you racist piece of shit if the crime warrants hanging I don't give a fuck if you're purple you hang and what happened under obama watchful eyes warrants hanging so no other want to be dictators tries that same shit.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
fuck it you racist piece of shit if the crime warrants hanging I don't give a fuck if you're purple you hang and what happened under obama watchful eyes warrants hanging so no other want to be dictators tries that same shit.

"This is Barack Obama's blue dress," Levin said holding up the documents. "Let me explain what I mean. We're supposed to believe that during the Obama administration the FBI went rogue. The Department of Justice went rogue. The CIA went rogue. The DNI went rogue. The NSA went rogue. We have all these leaks in the newspapers, The New York Times and the Washington Post that anybody can read and see and Barack Obama didn't know anything? Poor Barack Obama, poor Joe Biden. The fact of the matter is, they've never been asked. They've never been asked about any roll they've had."

"This is a massive coverup of the greatest scandal in American history.

In a Sept. 2, 2016, text exchange, Page writes that she was preparing the talking points because "potus wants to know everything we’re doing." Potus is an acronym for president of the United States.
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
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Jeez. This isn't even remotely entertaining. Is this the best that the right wing has to offer? No?....
Time for some conservative Viagra.
It's better than your delusional hallucinations.

Well then give me something other than right wing "comebacks", lame gifs and memes, snowflake.
Prove to me that a sitting President was involved in the takedown of a military man gone opportunist...oyi..can't stop laughing! :auiqs.jpg:
Can't you just admit, this man sold his morals and principles out for a guy who wouldn't know the meaning of loyalty if it ran up and stole his Quarter Pounder With Cheese?

Read the testimony of Sally Yates.... Are you claiming she perjured herself in the declassified testimony? :)

Obama will wish he did not fuck with Flynn
I’m gonna go ahead and predict that Obama doesn’t lose a wink of sleep over has-been Flynn. And for good reason — Flynn ain’t gonna do shit, and Obama is above water.

Looks like he has a lot on his mind, losing weight and aging faster than most people. Signs he's got alot to worry about.

Where are all the brave reporters?

Obviously, the fact that even our nutty conservative MSM won't touch your kookery with a 10-foot-pole absolutely proves the deep state conspiracy against you.

As there's literally no evidence that could disprove your conspiracy theory in your eyes, that moves your theory into the category of a religious belief. You're only interesting now as a study in the psychology of cults.

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