New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Obama has been given a pass his entire life. His failed presidency was given a pass. His failed policies, cash for clunkers, solyndra, shovel ready jobs, obamacare, all given a pass. We all know why. He will be given a pass on this also. We all know why.

Of course

He look black.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
Hide under your bed for at least 5 years.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
Hide under your bed for at least 5 years.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
Hide under your bed for at least 5 years.

Boo hoo. I am so sad. Please like me.
No, that would be trump. You know the guy who walks in on naked teenage girls to sneak a peep. You know, the guy who grabs em by the pussy.
Are you trying to say the many photos of Biden nuzzling up against little girls and sticking his face into their hair, neck, sniffing them like a bloodhound, etc. are all phony? What you have are Trump's words only bragging about himself and we all know how much truth there is bragging. It's mostly exaggeration.

It's nothing like the photographic evidence of Gropey Joe. And of course there is that woman accusing him of
sexual assault.
Trump was accused of child rape. You did not care.
It was completely bogus. The Queen of England is accused of being a lizard. Does anyone care?
No, that would be trump. You know the guy who walks in on naked teenage girls to sneak a peep. You know, the guy who grabs em by the pussy.
Are you trying to say the many photos of Biden nuzzling up against little girls and sticking his face into their hair, neck, sniffing them like a bloodhound, etc. are all phony? What you have are Trump's words only bragging about himself and we all know how much truth there is bragging. It's mostly exaggeration.

It's nothing like the photographic evidence of Gropey Joe. And of course there is that woman accusing him of
sexual assault.
Trump was accused of child rape. You did not care.
It was completely bogus. The Queen of England is accused of being a lizard. Does anyone care?

That explains the whole Markle and Harry thingy
You read this stuff and you think, "how could the FBI, DOJ, and the Obama administration do this?" It's so far removed from the policies and principles that our judicial system is based on; there was and is absolutely no justification for this other than for political purposes. It is horrifying, sickening, and should not be tolerated and those responsible should be prosecuted if sufficient evidence exists that would stand up in court. I am hoping that when Durham finally releases his investigation results that those involved, up to and including President Obama himself, are publicly castigated for their part in this fiasco.
So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?

What are you talking about? Jail time for what?
Well for one, not prosecuting Hillary, and knowingly going a long with the Russian collusion hoax. Wasting millions of our money.
So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?

What are you talking about? Jail time for what?
Well for one, not prosecuting Hillary, and knowingly going a long with the Russian collusion hoax. Wasting millions of our money.

What laws did he break then? I wasn't aware not prosecuting someone is illegal. I guess everyone in the Trump administration is also guilty of that too.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?
IOW, if you oppose Dear Leader you must be a criminal. That's exactly the kind of thing they say in fascist countries.
No dipshit, the Obama spied on Trump. He also started this Russian collusion hoax, he needs to go to jail. Oh and Biden knew about It. So if he does win he will become the fastest president to get impeached and probably be jailed.
So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?

What are you talking about? Jail time for what?
Well for one, not prosecuting Hillary, and knowingly going a long with the Russian collusion hoax. Wasting millions of our money.

What laws did he break then? I wasn't aware not prosecuting someone is illegal. I guess everyone in the Trump administration is also guilty of that too.
He was in on the Russian collusion hoax. Wasted millions of tax payer dollars. He was in on sending Flynn to jail knowing he was innocent.
So how long does this nothingburger have to produce nothing before the Trump cultists here admit they were scammed again?

Trump cultists, can you give us a rough time frame? We want to know when to come back here and laugh even harder.
It has produced several egregious abuses by the FBI and allowed Flynn to walk free.

So, ya, it HAS produced something even if it will never produce what they really want. That is far more than enough to propel this conversation into the near future.

Bush planning 9/11 and Britherism produced far, far less and they have persisted to this day.
So how long does this nothingburger have to produce nothing before the Trump cultists here admit they were scammed again?

Trump cultists, can you give us a rough time frame? We want to know when to come back here and laugh even harder.
It has produced several egregious abuses by the FBI and allowed Flynn to walk free.

So, ya, it HAS produced something even if it will never produce what they really want. That is far more than enough to propel this conversation into the near future.

Bush planning 9/11 and Britherism produced far, far less and they have persisted to this day.
the judge still has to review the dismissal and agree to it.....
So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?

What are you talking about? Jail time for what?
Well for one, not prosecuting Hillary, and knowingly going a long with the Russian collusion hoax. Wasting millions of our money.

What laws did he break then? I wasn't aware not prosecuting someone is illegal. I guess everyone in the Trump administration is also guilty of that too.
He was in on the Russian collusion hoax. Wasted millions of tax payer dollars. He was in on sending Flynn to jail knowing he was innocent.

Flynn isn't innocent and Comey had nothing to do with his prosecution. The investigation into Russian collusion was legitimate as the IG determined.
So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.
Comey wasn't facing jail time then. He may now, you think he would go to jail for Obama?

What are you talking about? Jail time for what?
Well for one, not prosecuting Hillary, and knowingly going a long with the Russian collusion hoax. Wasting millions of our money.

What laws did he break then? I wasn't aware not prosecuting someone is illegal. I guess everyone in the Trump administration is also guilty of that too.
He was in on the Russian collusion hoax. Wasted millions of tax payer dollars. He was in on sending Flynn to jail knowing he was innocent.

Flynn isn't innocent and Comey had nothing to do with his prosecution. The investigation into Russian collusion was legitimate as the IG determined.
Our politicalclass sold us out long ago and Hillary and Bill are murderers.
We now know that obama, at a minimum, was knowledgeable about the wiretap on General Flynn and the attempt by the FBI leadership to persecute him. With the further knowledge that 53 witnesses to congress testified that they did not see any Russian connection to the Trump campaign, but then went on to create the Mueller investigation, we know that this illegal activity goes far beyond what Nixon did.

This attack on the opposition party during an election went beyond planting bugs and covering up that activity. This attack on the opposition party included elements of the leadership of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, State Department, the Democrat National Committee, and the hilary campaign with direct knowledge of then President of the United States Barak also included Russian, British, Australian and Italian assets to help set up and spy on the Trump people.......and to create the false information used by obama to get illegal FISA warrants....

This is the worst political scandal in the history of the United States...

"This is Barack Obama's blue dress," Levin said holding up the documents. "Let me explain what I mean. We're supposed to believe that during the Obama administration the FBI went rogue. The Department of Justice went rogue. The CIA went rogue. The DNI went rogue. The NSA went rogue. We have all these leaks in the newspapers, The New York Times and the Washington Post that anybody can read and see and Barack Obama didn't know anything? Poor Barack Obama, poor Joe Biden. The fact of the matter is, they've never been asked. They've never been asked about any roll they've had."

"This is a massive coverup of the greatest scandal in American history.


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